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gearing up for endgame is disgusting


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I saw many guildies leave once they had full 224's in the 1st few weeks of 4.0. They had nothing else to strive for with no new Operations, so YES gearing to easily can drive people away.


I have to disagree with this also, making gear hard to get is in fact driving people away not if it was easy.


If you go to PvP, you are killed in seconds and have no chance to really enjoy the match if you do not have high tier gear. Why the premades are such trolls in WZs, they stomp everyone and make the WZ frustrating instead of fun, then they mock and laugh at everyone with emotes.


Then you have the Ops/hard modes you want to play the content with your guild mates or friends, but can't because you have a family/job so when you jump on for a couple hours to enjoy an Op run with your friends you are told "sorry, not geared for it..go solo some heroics".

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Then you have the Ops/hard modes you want to play the content with your guild mates or friends, but can't because you have a family/job so when you jump on for a couple hours to enjoy an Op run with your friends you are told "sorry, not geared for it..go solo some heroics".


If that is the case then you are in a guild that does not deserve your membership. Most guilds will help you gear and pull you through content that might be over your head. If they are telling you that you are not geared enough (and you can easily do Hard Mode Ops in 236 gear) then you should find someone else to play with. This is common in Group Finder content of all types but rare with guilds.

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I have to disagree with this also, making gear hard to get is in fact driving people away not if it was easy.


If you go to PvP, you are killed in seconds and have no chance to really enjoy the match if you do not have high tier gear. Why the premades are such trolls in WZs, they stomp everyone and make the WZ frustrating instead of fun, then they mock and laugh at everyone with emotes.


Then you have the Ops/hard modes you want to play the content with your guild mates or friends, but can't because you have a family/job so when you jump on for a couple hours to enjoy an Op run with your friends you are told "sorry, not geared for it..go solo some heroics".


I've lost count of how many guildies I've run through EV/KP HM and just handed them every piece from the run gearing them out in 242's (and tyth sm for the relic as well). If your guild is saying your not geared, and aren't willing to run you through those to get geared, then your in the wrong guild. I'd suggest looking for a different guild, but that's just my opinion.

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GC wouldn't be bad if a couple changes were made.


1. Up the rate of tier 4 drops. I get it...it's tier 4 and the drops are supposed to be low, but whatever the drop rate is now is abysmal. The OP's experience of opening 150 tier 4 crates with nothing to show for it is not an unusual one. It's the norm and is responsible for much of the fan dislike of Galactic Command. The drop rates need to be increased.


2. The system needs to track what pieces of 248 or 246 set bonus gear you already have and *only* drop pieces you still need when you hit the tier 4 jackpot. A large part of the problem now is not only that you go so many crates without a drop but when that drop finally comes after opening 150 crates of junk, you more often than not get a duplicate of a piece you already own. That needs to stop. Or alternatively, there should be some means of converting a duplicate piece into a piece you actually need.


3. Tier 4 should have a chance to drop 242 set bonus pieces instead of 244 blues so that at least the player has a chance to 1) upgrade a piece of 236 to 242 since it isn't unusual to hit tier 4 without getting into full 242s, or 2) take a 242, convert it a 248 unassembled, and convert the unassembled gear piece into something wearable.


All three of those would make the GC grind more bearable. Or alternatively Bioware can...


4. Do nothing and watch subscription numbers continue to decline.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Then you have the Ops/hard modes you want to play the content with your guild mates or friends, but can't because you have a family/job so when you jump on for a couple hours to enjoy an Op run with your friends you are told "sorry, not geared for it..go solo some heroics".


This BS excuse never seems to get old but it certainly hasn't been original in a long, long, loooooooooooong, time. We *all* have lives outside of this game and must choose what we do within the game with the time we have to play it.


You're no different and you're not special.


... and nice friends you have there that tell you to take a hike cuz you "only" have 246 gear and not 248.



If that is the case then you are in a guild that does not deserve your membership. Most guilds will help you gear and pull you through content that might be over your head. If they are telling you that you are not geared enough (and you can easily do Hard Mode Ops in 236 gear) then you should find someone else to play with. This is common in Group Finder content of all types but rare with guilds.


Yep. There are many other things to do in SWTOR but if you want to do everything then you'll do what needs to be done to participate.



I've lost count of how many guildies I've run through EV/KP HM and just handed them every piece from the run gearing them out in 242's (and tyth sm for the relic as well). If your guild is saying your not geared, and aren't willing to run you through those to get geared, then your in the wrong guild. I'd suggest looking for a different guild, but that's just my opinion.



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Then you have the Ops/hard modes you want to play the content with your guild mates or friends, but can't because you have a family/job so when you jump on for a couple hours to enjoy an Op run with your friends you are told "sorry, not geared for it..go solo some heroics".


Hardmode-Content doesn't really need any gear. Especially, when 7 players are geared properly, it shouldn't be the problem, to get the eighth player through. When this is a problem, it's a l2p-issue, not a gear-issue.


However, I wouldn't suggest to do heroics for Gearing. I personally haven't done any Heroic-mission since launch of 5.0. I leveled my first toon to 300 with the Fractured-Uprising back in January. That was the first and only time I really grinded for equipment. However, we did difficult HM's back in Decembre with nothing more then crap gear, that was even before Tokens dropped. When you are not even able to do EV or KP with 230-stuff, it's a l2p-issue, not a gear issue.


Also, in serious groups, everyone works for the group progress. We had several players, that just logged in for raiding days. Others were daily doing pvp, gsf and random ops. The first member of my group reached level 300 in early january. The last player did so at the end of july. We were both properly geared after some weeks of raiding. Of course, he got more pieces of gear then me from operation-drops, he got more pieces crafted then me. But why should I have 3 toons full geared, before he even gets his first full set? Being part of a raiding group is, in my opinion, sacrificing oneself for the group, placing back your own interests. When you are not able to organize your group in such a manner, then it's not a gear issue.


sAll in all, in most cases, it's not a gear issue. I have always said: You cannot replace skill with gear, but the latter is very helpful in certain situations. "I am not able to pull more dps, because my equipment is bad." is just a lame excuse in most cases. Increase your own skill-level. You cannot do it by grinding heroics. You can become better by doing pvp, random ops, flashpoints and stuff. Don't be satisfied with what is enough to beat a certain encounter.

It's very similar to driving a car in the real world: When you keep having car accidents, you probably think about making a drivers license instead of complaining about your car.

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I think the point of the matter is: Who was the Loot whore that thought this was going to be a good idea ?


The loot system with your subordinates in the alliance base make sense, this random loot in the Command levels is just pure garbage, if anything just a very artificial way to prolong progression.


One thing I wonder which I cannot verify by the time I post this, can't you earn your 300 gear in the Carrick station ? There are some gear vendors there for each class, one proboly is the one that will give you you the gear you need.

Edited by MuriaBR
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The real problem about this thread is that it is -basically- a variant of every other kid in grocery store throws itself on the floor crying "i want my candy NOW" thread....


So you don't get 248 out of crates....




Poor puppy....


Way to go to adultness....

Edited by Holanos
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The real problem about this thread is that it is -basically- a variant of every other kid in grocery store throws itself on the floor crying "i want my candy NOW" thread....


So you don't get 248 out of crates....




Poor puppy....


Way to go to adultness....

The funny thing is that in a grocery store you can buy the candy for a fixed price that you have to work a fixed amount of hours for depending on your wages.


SWTOR's variant of the grocery store is that each person buys 100 boxes and some people have 20 pieces of candy and others still have no candy.


So really, you need a better analogy.

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The real problem about this thread is that it is -basically- a variant of every other kid in grocery store throws itself on the floor crying "i want my candy NOW" thread....


So you don't get 248 out of crates....




Poor puppy....


Way to go to adultness....


So you saying that earning your gear through challange, hard work and guarantee that you will recive it in the end is less prefferable then getting a box open like you were playing a roulette machine only to get repeated **** that in most cases you already have or can't even use ?


Yeah totaly childish and lacking in maturity....

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So you saying that earning your gear through challange, hard work and guarantee that you will recive it in the end is less prefferable then getting a box open like you were playing a roulette machine only to get repeated **** that in most cases you already have or can't even use ?


Yeah totaly childish and lacking in maturity....


Yes all those mimimi over not getting virtuel stuff in a game is totally nonsense.

Not even woth to think twice about it.


And everyone who whines about it need to close the gap to adultness.


EVERYONE knows that it is an roulette and complaining about not getting the stuff you want is not reasonable at all....


It's like sueing a lotto company for not letting you win....

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It's like sueing a lotto company for not letting you win....


Well guess what, it's not a lotto company, it's a game company, nobody is actualy suing anything but I suppose you could say that considering the stupid logic you trying to come up with...


Evryone has the right to criticize anything no matter what you think about it, if you don't understand that you are the one being the little whining child here.


And the point of this thread is criticize this RNG loot box system that should have no point in being there in the leveling system in the first palce, something that you seem to be missing more then a stormtrooper.

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I noticed something it's not bioware its ea, Battlefront 2 has the same gear loot box system set in place. As long as ea runs the show nothing will ever change.


I think there is truth to this.

I just feel bad for the parents of kids who will use their parents' credit card to buy a lot of RNG loot boxes, and then the parents after the fact will find out their kid spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on RNG and pixels. :eek::eek::eek:


And by the way, stuff like that is already happening in other games.

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Disgusting was how people pretend this game has PvP, in an MMORPG sense, warzone isn't Player vs Player. It's just arena and you can do that on any server regardless of server type. (pve, pvp, rp)


United Forces finally acknowledges this game never had PvP to begin with.

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Disgusting was how people pretend this game has PvP, in an MMORPG sense, warzone isn't Player vs Player. It's just arena and you can do that on any server regardless of server type. (pve, pvp, rp)


United Forces finally acknowledges this game never had PvP to begin with.


Well yeah, the engine can barely support 16 players using their ability at the same time. You won't have any real pvp until this has been fixed... which is unlikely to happen :/

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Yes all those mimimi over not getting virtuel stuff in a game is totally nonsense.

Not even woth to think twice about it.


And everyone who whines about it need to close the gap to adultness.


EVERYONE knows that it is an roulette and complaining about not getting the stuff you want is not reasonable at all....


It's like sueing a lotto company for not letting you win....


Don't feed the troll. His dictating shtick is getting old.

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I'm CXP LVL 300 (Bought full 246 from GTN) and opened now over 150 crates of t4 crates and i really expected that im close to have full 248 gear but i basicly got seriously nothing out of it.


150 crates? That is cute. If you want full 248 from crates you need to open 1,000,000 crates. 248 doesn't really drop from crates, I mean, legend has it that 1 piece dropped once for someone. But I don't believe it.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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And you think this is what?


Unacceptable that you don't get the grand prize?


I tell you what....everyone has a chance to get the prize...but not anybody will get it......


That is what some people here seem to misunderstand.....a 0.05% chance is a 0.05% chance...in EVERY SINGLE crate.

A chance does NOT stack.....


It does not matter how many you open......if lady luck is not with you even 1 million could not be enough....

Edited by Holanos
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And you think this is what?


Unacceptable that you don't get the grand prize?


I tell you what....everyone has a chance to get the prize...but not anybody will get it......


That is what some people here seem to misunderstand.....a 0.05% chance is a 0.05% chance...in EVERY SINGLE crate.

A chance does NOT stack.....


It does not matter how many you open......if lady luck is not with you even 1 million could not be enough....


Which is the entire problem with RNG based crates and why so many people left the game all at once after 5.0 dropped, and haven't come back.

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The funny thing is that in a grocery store you can buy the candy for a fixed price that you have to work a fixed amount of hours for depending on your wages.


SWTOR's variant of the grocery store is that each person buys 100 boxes and some people have 20 pieces of candy and others still have no candy.


So really, you need a better analogy.


"i got a rock"

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I noticed something it's not bioware its ea, Battlefront 2 has the same gear loot box system set in place. As long as ea runs the show nothing will ever change.


Sorry to disappoint you, but BW doesn't really exist. IT's just the name of an EA department. It isn't just EA running the show, it's EAs ball, bat, park, etc.

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Sorry to disappoint you, but BW doesn't really exist. IT's just the name of an EA department. It isn't just EA running the show, it's EAs ball, bat, park, etc.


This. All the people that are referenced (directly or indirectly) when they speak of Bioware - aren't there.

The studio you knew is no more, consumed by EA they are now.

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