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What are the things in swtor that you have literally never done before?


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Although I've run Ops there are couple that I've never run at all, including the new ones. I also haven't done NiM for any of Op, though I have no interest in trying the latter. The rewards just aren't worth the frustration, IMO.


Complete all the space PVE missions for either faction.


Defeat all the world bosses. I've done some, but not all.


Get the conqueror title for every available planet. I have some, but not all.


Completely decorate a Stronghold.


Buy crates from the Cartel Market. I have bought a few with credits from the GTN.


Play KOTFE and KOTET with more than one character.


Max out Rep for the Gree event.


Successfully one vs. three in PVP. I've killed two players when two vs. oned a few times, and got close once with a three vs one (the third was down to 5% health before I died), but haven't been able to pull that one off yet. I did knock three people off a bridge in Voidstar once, but that doesn't really count. It was the fall that killed them. :D


Access the datacore in Voidstar. I've capped doors or the bridge but someone always beats me to the final objective.


Most of the Uprisings.


Kill anyone in GSF. I've only played a couple matches so far, and mostly it just consists of me dying. My first match had two people from the other team spawn camping with gunships and repeatedly blasting my weak unupgraded starter ship to smithereens as soon as I entered. Good times! (and people wonder why queue pops are slow)

I'm going to stick with it but to say that it sucks for beginners is an understatement.


Master mode chapters


Play every gameplay spec.


Kill any DvL boss.


16 man Ops. They've all been 8 man.


Run every heroic.

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You haven't missed out on anything.


I missed the train! Sucks when that happens.:rak_03: *Poorattempttobefunny.




I also never got more than one toon to cmd rank 300. The second highest is 260 I think.

Edited by Eshvara
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I'll add datacrons to my original list.


Nearly had a stroke doing the alderaan lift one. No way am I doing any of the later ones. I hate platforming, I hate platforming, I hate platforming.


Kuat Drive Yards because bug. Popped up 5 times, bugged out 5 times.


Not trolling in DK chat.

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I haven't "literally never" played GSF but I have about 10 matches played ever so I've never really taken it seriously.


I've managed to miss Life Day every year since 2013.


Never done NiM ops or most of the HM ops, either because I or my computer sucks.


I've also never properly decorated a stronghold.


There are some others of course, but they've already been posted here (as have some of mine).

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I missed the train! Sucks when that happens.:rak_03: *Poorattempttobefunny.




I also never got more than one toon to cmd rank 300. The second highest is 260 I think.

Meh, who needs a train when you have a spaceship and quick travel :)


Honestly, I have it and unlocked it. Then I looked at the hook placement and tried to decorate and saw it wasn't going to work out...it's deactivated now.


Not even going to have it active for the server merge. I'd rather have 2 of others than 1 of this one. There's a few things that need to be fixed before that SH is going to be worth decorating.


I do have 2 on 300 command now...A sorc and a sage. I ignore it as much as I can though and hope to get enough UCs from the crates I save to get at least a couple of characters decked out properly.


Next concern is going to be how what the fine print will be for the new augments. Pretty sure they'll do something that will tick me off.


Back on topic...I've never leveled a Vanguard above level 50 and I have no Vanguard or Powertech among my now 24 characters today. I've never leveled a male character above level 15. Two weeks ago I could've said I never leveled a character to Light V, but after 6 years I finally managed my first and probably only one :)

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Same. Also I haven't actually finished class stories on any of my alts.


Ive done all the class stories on girl toons, just started on the guys but probably wont do all of them. Prefer playing girls since I am one but theres a few romances Id like to see. (Kira, Risha, Mako, Vette.. no interest in Kaylio and cant imagine ever not doing Aric on a trooper ! Sorry Elara! )

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KOTFE & KOTET - my girlfriend and I joined about a year and a half ago, have way too many alts, and are still working our way through some class stories, although our mains have reached SOR now. We might run out of steam because of duo story play seemingly being killed off by all the solo instances. Makeb was pretty fun to do together though.
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KOTFE & KOTET - my girlfriend and I joined about a year and a half ago, have way too many alts, and are still working our way through some class stories, although our mains have reached SOR now. We might run out of steam because of duo story play seemingly being killed off by all the solo instances. Makeb was pretty fun to do together though.

Which solo instances do you mean? Usually you can still do them together and the FPs in SoR can also be done as a group (2 players and 2 companions for example).

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Which solo instances do you mean? Usually you can still do them together and the FPs in SoR can also be done as a group (2 players and 2 companions for example).


Most of the story on Rishi (the last planet we did) seems to take place in "personal phases" which work like class story phases in the base game, i.e. you can go in and watch what the other person does but can't participate, and I heard that KOT(FE|ET) is at least 90% that way too.

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Most of the story on Rishi (the last planet we did) seems to take place in "personal phases" which work like class story phases in the base game, i.e. you can go in and watch what the other person does but can't participate, and I heard that KOT(FE|ET) is at least 90% that way too.

True, it's not unlike the instanced parts of the original class stories. Of course there was more to do than that. I do feel it's a great miss to have instanced stories only and not explorable planets where you can roam around if you will. That's something I'd really like to see coming back.


I understand they wanted replayability for story as players asked for it but I suppose this wasn't the best way of implementing it. I do hope that if you do get to KotFE/ET that you are aware of some of the consequences of doing those stories, like losing all your original companions initially and only getting some of them back so far.


Personally I feel that the story is a Jedi Knight story and doesn't fit very well on most other classes, particulary tech classes and there are a number of plot faults that I noticed that I cannot unsee if you know what I mean but others loved the story, so it's hard to tell. All I can say for sure that KotFE/ET is definitely different from what you've done so far. You'll have to decide for yourself whether that's good or bad.

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I do hope that if you do get to KotFE/ET that you are aware of some of the consequences of doing those stories, like losing all your original companions initially and only getting some of them back so far.


Personally I feel that the story is a Jedi Knight story and doesn't fit very well on most other classes, particulary tech classes and there are a number of plot faults that I noticed that I cannot unsee if you know what I mean but others loved the story, so it's hard to tell. All I can say for sure that KotFE/ET is definitely different from what you've done so far. You'll have to decide for yourself whether that's good or bad.


Yes, we are aware of the companions thing and that it's really a story written for force rather than tech classes, with the JK and SW working best from what I remember reading. Can't hang around on the forums here without spoilering a few things. ;)


In all likelihood we will play it, but I guess it will be more like both playing a single-player game and chatting about it rather than playing together, at least that's the feeling we are getting from the increasingly instance heavy SOR so far.

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Personally I feel that the story is a Jedi Knight story and doesn't fit very well on most other classes, particulary tech classes and there are a number of plot faults that I noticed that I cannot unsee if you know what I mean but others loved the story, so it's hard to tell. All I can say for sure that KotFE/ET is definitely different from what you've done so far. You'll have to decide for yourself whether that's good or bad.

I'm no Star Wars purist by a long chance so luckily I might not notice some immersion breakers that happen. That said I think the story fits just fine for the trooper. It comes up in the conversations often enough. Often you have force wielding companion with you, not to mention that ace inside of you. I feel like at this point I am so much more than the Major that started the journey.

Granted I haven't finished KotET yet so things might change. I also think that whole building the alliance fits trooper perfectly.

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ranked PvP

the DvL "win state bosses" (well...tried once.

Whole team Died within a minute... never tried again)


Most of the holocrons

Most planets dailys

Kept the shock collar on Vette

Played a DS Jedi character.


And the biggest thing...

I've never let my sub lapse in over 5 yrs :D

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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I'm no Star Wars purist by a long chance so luckily I might not notice some immersion breakers that happen. That said I think the story fits just fine for the trooper. It comes up in the conversations often enough. Often you have force wielding companion with you, not to mention that ace inside of you. I feel like at this point I am so much more than the Major that started the journey.

Granted I haven't finished KotET yet so things might change. I also think that whole building the alliance fits trooper perfectly.

Well I remember that during the agent story at some point you have to fight a Dark Council member and win. The rest of the story was pretty cool, so I just managed to forgive them for that. I mean clearly in a direct combat confrontation an agent just isn't capable of beating a dark council member. That just makes no sense.


KotFE/ET basically puts you in the middle of a force family soap where you have to defeat multiple massively strong force users and it just doesn't make any sense for me as a tech user. If that doesn't say da***? to you, that's cool, but to me it's unsellable.

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Well I remember that during the agent story at some point you have to fight a Dark Council member and win. The rest of the story was pretty cool, so I just managed to forgive them for that. I mean clearly in a direct combat confrontation an agent just isn't capable of beating a dark council member. That just makes no sense.


KotFE/ET basically puts you in the middle of a force family soap where you have to defeat multiple massively strong force users and it just doesn't make any sense for me as a tech user. If that doesn't say da***? to you, that's cool, but to me it's unsellable.


Just playing devil's advocate. You do realize in the agent story, there is a way to get through that confrontation without fighting. And in KOTFE aka "Keeping up with the Valkorians" ... you do have the most powerful member of that family in your head giving you abilities far beyond that of an average (insert tech class here) :D

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Things I've never done before:


  • KOTET.

KOTFE was bad enough -- I eventually forced myself to speed run and faceroll through KOTFE in Sept/Oct last year (in 224's) in order to get the achieves. Maybe I'll do the same thing in KOTET this month. Maybe not.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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An OP. I almost did the Dread Masters one once but my friend unsubbed because o a new game lol so I never did.

I solo anyways so probably not best for me.


Ranked PvP. My Sniper is finally 70 and I specced into Engineereing again, but my solo queue requests lead to 40+ minute waits so I gave up (Ebon Hawk).


Light/Dark on every character. I've done Agent, SMuggler, Consular. Working on the others.

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