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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What are the things in swtor that you have literally never done before?


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Looking through others' post for inspiration, I haven't done


Ranked PvP (not interested, reg PvP is sufficiently full of cutthroat jerks)

Dark/Light bosses (too hard to organise a group)



some Ops world bosses (yet, we'll get there with my guild eventually)

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Ranked PvP and "RP".


Chances are I will be trying Ranked PvP sooner rather than later (due to up coming changes), but I do not think I will ever do "RP". The reason I put quotes around "RP" is because what RP players consider to be RP is only a small part of RP. The fact of the matter is that as soon as you login to the game you are playing a role...AKA Role-playing...AKA RP. Even if a player never speaks in their character voice, or makes up a backstory other than the one BW has laid out, or sits in a cantina telling stories to other "RPers"...the list goes on, that player is still Role-Playing...that is unless in real life they are a...


smuggler who takes over a vast criminal enterprise

or a bounty hunter participating in a "great hunt"

or an secret agent for their government

or a black ops soldier

or a sword wielding magic using defender of their chosen side/faction/government


Just because one is not completely immersed in the character they are playing does not mean they are not Role-playing.

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- PvP of any type.

- Uprisings.

- RP. I have nothing against it. I just don't understand what it's about, how to do it.

- DvL bosses (never tried to, no interest in them)

- Find a guild I mesh with. I end up either quitting a guild, or inheriting a dead guild. :/

- I've never done an OP with a group. Just with a friend, before level sync. We two-manned KP and EV. Good times!

Edited by Nmyownworld
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dark vs light bosses

shroud quests on a republic char

dreadful and hateful entity

tank revan

16m tos

dark side agent

iokath dailies

republic fleet datacron

infect people with rakghoul crap

play dps in a nim operation

farm hammer station or fractured

kill a companion

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Never defeated the Nightmare Pilgrim. Never did the two Revan Story OPs, either. (Ravagers only once, and that PUG never was able to beat Master & Blaster ... I never tried that afterwards). And, most funny, but still true : I never did "Explosive Conflict" in SM ! I never got the vehicle of Martinique Desler, either. Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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RP is the only thing in the game I have not tried. Of course I have no interest in it but other than that. I've tried everything this game has to offer.


I did RP but not ERP. I played a ditzy redhead (I'm rh IRL) and "accidentally" fell of cliffs, walked in front of boss mobs, etc. Role-playing a ditz was fun but the novelty wore off after a while. Plus I'm not really up to the demands of RP guilds for getting promoted so I /gquit after a while.

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ERP (and never will).


The Iokath OP.


Three of the Uprisings, because I still haven't found 3 others willing to play them with me.


If there are NiM versions for the OPs after TfB, then those neither.


MM versions of KotFE and KotET chapters.


Buying overpriced items on the GTN (or CM).


Visit an Umbaran Stronghold.

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Ranked PvP (only did Unranked once)


Anything on MM or NiM

Iokath Mouse droid/walker/turret missions


Yup I'm a filthy Story-mode, Solo-player, RPing Casual (at least in some people's minds I'd guess).


EDITED to add that I have not ERPed....in SWTOR...*slanty-eyed look*:cool:

Edited by feylyndiira
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