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Please remove Huttball - Request of 80% of the players


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huttball for the record sucks as a trooper but as a jedi it's sweet.


Of Course the entirety of the Sith Playerbase is OFC Jedi's so I don't see why this kid is crying.

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I'm a huge fan of the concept of huttball and only a mild fan of the execution. I think the paths and obstacles are a bit overly convoluted making it so people who don't know the field like the back of their hand are totally useless. This a mild criticism though. I think I would enjoy it significantly more without the massive ability delay in warzones, it makes it impossible for me to pass it before getting permastunned.


I echo your sentiments. I like the concept, but the execution is a little meh. I think it could be designed better, but that's a personal preference, I guess. Also, a big part of my general dislike of TOR PvP is the ability delay, and aside from that, the lag as well. My computer can run instanced PvP in WoW, WAR, Rift (and every other MMO I've played over the years) just fine, but I can't even enter a PvP match right now, it lags so bad. BioWare needs to work on optimizing all aspects of their game, but especially these PvP arenas.



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I echo your sentiments. I like the concept, but the execution is a little meh. I think it could be designed better, but that's a personal preference, I guess. Also, a big part of my general dislike of TOR PvP is the ability delay, and aside from that, the lag as well. My computer can run instanced PvP in WoW, WAR, Rift (and every other MMO I've played over the years) just fine, but I can't even enter a PvP match right now, it lags so bad. BioWare needs to work on optimizing all aspects of their game, but especially these PvP arenas.




Well said good Sir

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Agree with op. It's probably not bad for some classes, but as a low to mid level sith juggernaut, I might as well just go afk for the whole match. It's also the format that shows the weaknesses of the 'bolster' system the most. Abilities like stuns, disables, stealth, and movement skills are critical to be at all useful in huttball, but some characters get nothing like that until very high level.


The idea is fine imo. The problem is that if you don't have a stealth, stun or disable, or better yet a combination of stuns and ranged attacks, you're just dead meat.


Let those who like huttball choose to play it, and let the rest of us opt out.

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I love huttball. on a good team, it's the most fun I've had in any MMO PVP since my first Realm Raid in DAOC nearly a decade ago.




y u try 2 take my huttballz?


Edit, you can have Voidstar. That one sucks. Especially when the match bugs and the attackers get out 20 seconds early and have the doors bombed before the defender's even get out the shield.


(Why does this always seem to happen when republic starts as attackers I wonder?)

Edited by Finis
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I love huttball. on a good team, it's the most fun I've had in any MMO PVP since my first Realm Raid in DAOC nearly a decade ago.




y u try 2 take my huttballz?


Im not trying to take it i guess my point Being is they need to implement a system, that allows you to choose to do it.


Even one where it says what BG has popped and you can choose to not join "Hutball" and "Wait for another Warzone"

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I love Huttball. I think it's going to take some time for people to realize it's not like CTF where you just cluster on the ball.


The nice thing about Huttball is how easy it is to score. It's not a game you score once and it's GG. And it has a quality to it that might make it a lot of fun to spectate on.

Edited by Vlaid
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I love Huttball. I think it's going to take some time for people to realize it's not like CTF where you just cluster on the ball.


The nice thing about Huttball is how easy it is to score. It's not a game you score once and it's GG. And it has a quality to it that might make it a lot of fun to spectate on.


I would totally dig on monthly or bi-monthly Huttball championships, especially if there was a spectator option that let you fly in as a drone and watch (Al la City of Heroes spectator mode)



Unique titles (not gear) would be awesome rewards. Perhaps (Perhaps) unique unmodded orange gear (team jersey's? I want me a Rotworm social jersey!)

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I agree with the OP, playing Hutball 90% of time is becomming tiresome. When I que for a BG 90% of the time it's Huttball, we should have the ability to choose. I really detest the ground targeting pass mechanic too, this warzone is the least pug friendly of the three. If given the chance I would never que for it.
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This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it.


I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years.


Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is.


Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose


Roll the opposite faction on your server, you'll almost never see Huttball again...


And by the way, punctuation saves lives...


Let's eat, grandma

Let's eat grandma


Use it...

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i like the three warzones. all have interest and doing them with a coordinate team is great. We can see people that play hutball really well.


The big problem atm (at least for me) is the mix of levels at warzones. Yesterday i was in one with a range between 12 to 50... that is a big problem. Balance is imposible the bigest levels have advante(more skills). I wish this will be fixed soon. I listened about separation by levels.. but if we don't have enought people doing warzones this will don't work.



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OP i'm another person who likes Huttball so you know many already.


Believe me on Republic side people have no issue with it because:


- they know how to play it

- they are much less in numbers so they usually get a different warzone every time they queue


But even if not the two above points i would still like Huttball. You just have to learn to play it.


Mind telling what methods you used to determine that exactly 80% of players do not like Huttball or maybe you just wan't to remain beeing a troll?

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huttball for the record sucks as a trooper but as a jedi it's sweet.


Of Course the entirety of the Sith Playerbase is OFC Jedi's so I don't see why this kid is crying.


Lol no it doesnt


Vanguard trooper and commando troopers make the best ball carriers in the game


Heavy armor + heals/tanking cooldowns or overall tankyness?


6-7 medals with an objective score of 2000 or higher Every huttball game...


Watch some vids get some advice on how to play hutball as a trooper and you will be dominating everytime

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I think the primary issue is just how frequently Imperial players are forced into the battleground.


Certain mechanics (knockbacks into pits, for example) and the small size of the map really detract from the enjoyment - particularly when you're playing it constantly without any variation.

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Huttball is completely un-ejoyable, because as republic we seem to have been flooded with all the wow kids who have the "warsound gultch" mentality. All they care about is killing random people, not passing or just holding the ball and either running the wrong way or fighting more random people while carrying the ball.
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