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Everything posted by IHeartSith

  1. I am joining my Fellow MMO gamers in Cancelling there Subscription as this game has being an epic failure and will forever be known as the Failed MMO. (If you wonder what i mean by Fellow "MMO Gamers" The subscription rate is dropping by 3% a day)
  2. Yer this game lost me, I love PvP and they just butchered this at high level -10 to BioWare
  3. So im a Level 50 Merc and I've being PvPing the last 3 hours, and its come to my attention how incredibly OP Sorcs/Assasins are compared to the rest, every game a Sorc/Assasin tops the Dmg/Kill chart, even tho one game i got 3 "Unbelievable" you bassicly cant do **** against them as a Merc, and when you do they absorb all your **** then stun and heal, I mean how can a Level cap of a game be so incredibly unbalanced?
  4. Im not trying to take it i guess my point Being is they need to implement a system, that allows you to choose to do it. Even one where it says what BG has popped and you can choose to not join "Hutball" and "Wait for another Warzone"
  5. Please explain how its your favorite, have you never played an Actual PvP Game before? Mechanics are Terribad, the obstacles are not bad but add a sense of delay to the game, and just the point of the game is fail. Atleast add in a function that lets you choose which BG to choose. Ive been PvPing last 5 hours and Ive gotten huttball about 90% of the time. No exaggeration
  6. This Warzone is terrible, Worst mechanics I have ever seen in my 15 years of MMO PvPing, I have not met 1 player yet that actually enjoys playing this game, It just has fail all over it. I know its your attempt to make a Unique version of CTF but this is why there is no other version it has been tried and tested over years. Im in a PvP Guild and Hutball alone deters alot of players from Queing just because of how bad it is. Also add some sort of rating Warzone about 90% of the ones I am forced to play huttball, cant even choose
  7. Thats what i dont get Why make a game with so many pre-orders if they are just going to restrict it, Id rather them have stopped at say 500,000 pre orders and being like yup thats it the rest wait till launch, Its honestly screwing people around more then what its worth. Not to mention the Fact Bioware In no Documentation (I.E Terms and agreements etc...) stated that this was going to happened until litrally minutes before the game was meant to be open. Already seeming like another blizzard fail.
  8. Wouldnt have even pre-ordered this game If i knew all this was going to happen.... congratulations on failing already Bioware. Bioware: Yeh sure pre order today get 5 days early access! What actually happened: OH we are ******* so we jus gonna change it on release and make it in "waves" Is bioware that ******** they did not properly look at the stress during beta time? If you where going to restrict it to these ridiculous "waves" why even have that amount of pre order available in the first place.... You have made a very bad first impression Bioware
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