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DLC Mystery - Wich planet could it be?


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Hoth? Because Chiss?


Maybe Illum? They like the cold, no?


Darth Malgus reveal too?


YES! This! Would love to go back to Ilum for them to reveal Malgus is the leader of the new order. Would be nice storytelling... but knowing BioWare we'll probably return to Makeb and the leader of the order will be a fat Hutt. Maybe the leader of the order is a Rakghoul queen on Taris. Who knows these days with BioWare... :p

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Hoth? Because Chiss?


Maybe Illum? They like the cold, no?


Darth Malgus reveal too?


I was totally forget Malgus :eek: but thats sounds logical to me, but what could be theron's motive? why leave the Eternal alliance for a Sith that probally want to finish what he started, and want to seek revenge. but maby there are more people involved.

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I absolutely despise Corellia and so do quite a few people, so it'll be Corellia.


I have to take a strong sedative before going there to not have to launch my laptop across the room.


Pretty much this.. I know a couple of people who dislike Hoth.. For me that was one of my favorite planets. Corellia though.. So I agree, it will be Corellia.

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I was totally forget Malgus :eek: but thats sounds logical to me, but what could be theron's motive? why leave the Eternal alliance for a Sith that probally want to finish what he started, and want to seek revenge. but maby there are more people involved.


possible Spoiler


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I am putting my bets on Nathema, It's just the perfect place for The Order's hideout, and it definitely has a


vibe to it (assuming he has something to do with them).

Edited by Nalvir
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Maybe he's talking about a return to a location of the worlds of the original 'KotoR' Worlds?


Then there could be some other great locations;

- Arkania

- Dantooine

- Kashyyyk

- Lehon

- Telos IV

- Katarr (KotOR II)

- Malachor V (KotOR II)


Otherwise I hope it would be Manaan ...

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That would be pretty awesome if Malgus rose from the ashes on Ilum.



I watched the Crisis on Umbara ending, and its ofcourse going to something with a Order, and a order need 2 or more members, otherwise it would make no sense, so maby Malgus, jadus are members? Am thinking pretty hard about a Survivals of the Enternal throne kinda revenge story, they formed a group against you since they are no match for you(because you beated the Emparor, includid his son and daughter)


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I watched the Crisis on Umbara ending, and its ofcourse going to something with a Order, and a order need 2 or more members, otherwise it would make no sense, so maby Malgus, jadus are members? Am thinking pretty hard about a Survivals of the Enternal throne kinda revenge story, they formed a group against you since they are no match for you(because you beated the Emparor, includid his son and daughter)


I don't see either of them being members or each others sidekick. They're leaders!

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But there's nothing to do on Manaan! Unless we can go deep sea diving or something. But I doubt it.🎅


Hey, we could participate in another RIVETING court case like in KOTOR 1 xD That was awesome lol


Edit: Also I think my female Agent would make one hell of a prosecutor :p

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Inb4: It's Taral V and we have to deal with Darth Malak again.


I thought Hoth. I want it to be Rishi because pirates and Andronikos. I bet it's Ilum or Makeb (boo). Several people in this and other places have suggested Nathema - no please. It will most likely be somewhere that hasn't involved alliance alert recruitment, Star Fortresses or anywhere we've been since they went with the kotfe etc format. That narrows it down to Ilum, Rishi or Makeb.


Incorrect, Ilum is the setting for



Well the Chiss planet Copero from the screen(s) they released looks like it's using Makeb art assets, so I'm going to say Makeb.


Makeb to me seems like a totally unexpected planet given it's one off nature, how long ago it was released at this point, it hasn't had any new any new content based around it, ie Stronghold, Flashpoint, etc, etc.


In other words I think most people would assume that they'd never do anything with Makeb at this point for various reasons.


Btw here's what Copero looks like for those that haven't seen it.




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Maybe he's talking about a return to a location of the worlds of the original 'KotoR' Worlds?


Then there could be some other great locations;

- Arkania

- Dantooine

- Kashyyyk

- Lehon

- Telos IV

- Katarr (KotOR II)

- Malachor V (KotOR II)


Otherwise I hope it would be Manaan ...

But I can't *return* to any of those, seeing as how I never played any KOTOR game.

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Inb4: It's Taral V and we have to deal with Darth Malak again.




Incorrect, Ilum is the setting for







You're right, thanks for pointing that out.


I wonder what the longest untouched or under used planet/location is in SWTOR at this point because that would be my guess as to whatever it is.

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You're right, thanks for pointing that out.


I wonder what the longest untouched or under used planet/location is in SWTOR at this point because that would be my guess as to whatever it is.

Uphrades, I guess. Very, very little used.


But among the places we can go easily (and of course we cannot return to the surface of Uphrades because not even the JK goes to the surface), either we are revisiting Dynamet General or the Okara Droid Factory.


Of course it might be Darvannis. Or Vandin. (Neither is used for much outside of its respective chapter.)

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Taris seems to be universally hated.


If there were was a new area of Taris that had been rebuilt or an area that wasn't really hit hard I could see people not hating that as you could not only provide a level of fan service to KOTOR players but SWTOR players as well with an area/part of Taris that's actually nice.

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