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DLC Mystery - Wich planet could it be?


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Hello, when i was reading the coming storyline/chapter on the roadmap i finded something interesting,


''In our most recent Crisis on Umbara update (Game Update 5.4), players faced a deadly decision for your Alliance as you were forced to track down a traitor in your midst! There’s been lots of speculation about why this has happened, why anyone would betray the Alliance, and how we could allow such a horrible situation to occur. We know how impactful this has been on you, so perhaps knowing the story transitions to the Chiss on the planet Copero will give you a bit of insight as to what may happen on November 28 in A Traitor Among the Chiss (Game Update 5.6)! Although I won’t reveal where things are going after that, I can confirm that the thrilling conclusion to this chapter of the story is coming early next year… on a planet you probably wouldn’t expect to return to''


''On a planet you probably wouldn’t expect to return to ''


well that would mean, planets wich all classes can visit. so that could be





-Nar Shaddaa







-Yavin 4







i might forget a planet so feel free to correct me ;)


So on wich planet do we going to get the conclusion on the ''traitor Story'' and why?

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Nathema, because they missed bring Lord Scourge back first time we went there and now we know his coming back will head back.


Though really it would have made for a decent Halloween event planet, just a shame tor doesn't do events any more unless they are 3 year old ones.

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If I expect it, than it isn't it?


If we each expect a different planet, then their tagline will be wrong because a "you" did expect it. :eek:


Which planet would I not want to return to? Hoth, hurts my eyes. Nothing to do with story/content, just I don't like spending long times there.


Which would I least expect? Taris, because it is split factions of day/night and slightly different map objects, they would have to either split the story for the factions or make a third Taris for this new story.


So Taris is the one I least expect to return to.


The second would be Balmora, for similar reasons.


This would be followed by the faction specific starting planets, for similar reasons.


So if they are right, the planets I wouldn't expect to return to, it would be, Taris, Balmora, Drumund Kaas, Coruscant, Ord Mantell, Hutta, Koriban, Tython.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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If I expect it, than it isn't it?


If we each expect a different planet, then their tagline will be wrong because a "you" did expect it. :eek:


Which planet would I not want to return to? Hoth, hurts my eyes. Nothing to do with story/content, just I don't like spending long times there.


Which would I least expect? Taris, because it is split factions of day/night and slightly different map objects, they would have to either split the story for the factions or make a third Taris for this new story.


So Taris is the one I least expect to return to.


The second would be Balmora, for similar reasons.


This would be followed by the faction specific starting planets, for similar reasons.


So if they are right, the planets I wouldn't expect to return to, it would be, Taris, Balmora, Drumund Kaas, Coruscant, Ord Mantell, Hutta, Koriban, Tython.


good idea to cancel some out, so we can nerrow down our shearch.

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I absolutely despise Corellia and so do quite a few people, so it'll be Corellia.


I have to take a strong sedative before going there to not have to launch my laptop across the room.


oh me too, me too --- hate Corellia --- would love it to be Hoth ... or Nar Shaddaa

but yes, since I too hate Corellia, that is the one ........

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I absolutely despise Corellia and so do quite a few people, so it'll be Corellia.


I have to take a strong sedative before going there to not have to launch my laptop across the room.


Me too. If it's Corellia, that'll irk me even more than having to deal with Kaliyo so much in the Alliance. I really, really, really hope it is not Corellia.

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good idea to cancel some out, so we can nerrow down our shearch.


I actually wasn't canceling these out, I was simply saying they were my least expected, and the tag line was one of the planets you least expect to return to. :p


So if it isn't one of these, the marketing department at EA/Bioware has problems. ;)

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Well the Chiss planet Copero from the screen(s) they released looks like it's using Makeb art assets, so I'm going to say Makeb.


Makeb to me seems like a totally unexpected planet given it's one off nature, how long ago it was released at this point, it hasn't had any new any new content based around it, ie Stronghold, Flashpoint, etc, etc.


In other words I think most people would assume that they'd never do anything with Makeb at this point for various reasons.


Btw here's what Copero looks like for those that haven't seen it.



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Hoth? Because Chiss?


Maybe Illum? They like the cold, no?


Darth Malgus reveal too?


Those are the two best planets. Hope the Malgus reveal is an animated trailer showing him falling from his thrown room into space and down to the planet below kind of like the opening to the Two Towers when Gandalf fought the Balrog.

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I thought Hoth. I want it to be Rishi because pirates and Andronikos. I bet it's Ilum or Makeb (boo). Several people in this and other places have suggested Nathema - no please. It will most likely be somewhere that hasn't involved alliance alert recruitment, Star Fortresses or anywhere we've been since they went with the kotfe etc format. That narrows it down to Ilum, Rishi or Makeb.
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Hoth? Because Chiss?


Maybe Illum? They like the cold, no?


Darth Malgus reveal too?


Ilum. Thats what I think but really, if I have to kill that worthless flash point villain again there wont be much excitement there.


He was a worthless throwaway villain from a FP and if bioware somehow brings him back and he's somehow miraculously anywhere near our characters ability in the story, it will be just one more story I space bar through.

Edited by Quraswren
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