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Commanding Legacy and mirror classes


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Certain tiers give specific gear. The higher tiers you get will give you better gear. Tier 4 is the highest but also the most difficult one to obtain the gear you need for your character. I have gotten some gold relics but nothing that my scoundrel healer uses so I wind up disintegrating it since even if I could send it to my operative healer it wouldn't even do her any good.


Command rank 300 is just a milestone marking the true start of the gear grind that is in the game today. You can expect to grind several hundred crates minumum at level 300 before you have a full set of bis gear. It is a long and arduous grind even with 2x cxp.

Edited by Exly
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Command rank 300 is just a milestone marking the true start of the gear grind that is in the game today. You can expect to grind several hundred crates minumum at level 300 before you have a full set of bis gear. It is a long and arduous grind even with 2x cxp.

Wrong. CR300 is a means to acquire gear, but is not the primary, or most efficient, way to acquire BIS gear. Its not a grind unless you decide ti make it one by limiting your gearing options.

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I am very well convinced it was a lie because technical limitations is blatantly wrong. Many software engineers have pointed this out in this very post. The system can at least distinguish between different base classes that are mirrored. I can log into my sage and get the achievement for Commanding Consular, whereas I will not be awarded the mirrored Inquisitor achievement, which is Commanding Inquisitor.


Another thing that doesn't add up is their patch integration process. You're telling me that up until yesterday evening, nobody except the person coding the perk knew that it wasn't implemented as specified two weeks ago. So, in the past week, no coder ever called/went to Keith's/Eric's desk and told them: "Hey, a little heads up. We can't put it in as you described, but we have to use mirrored classes." And then Eric couldn't put this into the initial patch notes or simply make a post titled: "Heads up about the new command perk" during Monday afternoon?


Normally, you sign off a patch before it goes live, and you don't do that four to five weeks in advance. At any point last week, someone had to check the patch's final release document and compare it to what was promised/intended, and that person should have noticed the change. Who checks what stuff goes into a patch over at Bioware? You want to tell me that only the coder knows what goes into a patch? That he could change how this thing works during the last two weeks and nobody notices the work he did wasn't what was "ordered" up until the patch goes live?


I'm not sure where that software engineer learned his trade, but within the high-demand environment of the German company's coding division I worked and trained at for five years, as well as in my vocational school, we had to give weekly reports on our progress and discuss possible alterations of the intended structure and function to the Lead Software Designer who oversaw the project we were working on.


Can we definitely prove it was a lie? No, not without Bioware admitting as much, but the evidence reeks to high heavens.


As someone else has pointed out, I think Kilran's quote fits here:


Either this was intended and this is an excuse post that "isn't meant as an excuse," or they really had no idea and have to re-evaluate their development process. This isn't the first time something like this has happened.


I do think that this was incompetence combined with a dash of malice.

Eric's comment about this was not caught in internal testing, sounds more like 'they did not do ANY testing',


Kevin did not provide enough detail to developers on how HE visioned the CXP bonus to be implemented, or he intentionally told them to implent it by base class Command level same as the class bonus worked in the old character progression to class buff (Warrior chapter 2, also gives Jedi Knight buff).

In the first case the developer coded it how he assumed it.

Second case implies that Kevin lied in the road map.


I can't really blame Eric, he usually does not know anything he is just a corporate drone towing the EA vision.

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Command rank 300 is just a milestone marking the true start of the gear grind that is in the game today. You can expect to grind several hundred crates minumum at level 300 before you have a full set of bis gear. It is a long and arduous grind even with 2x cxp.


That is the truth of it. Up until cmd rank 300 you have other solid and mostly achievable gearing options. But once you hit 300 you either do PvP or NiM OPs to ensure you can reach 248 gear. And PvP is potentially a tough road as if you have say been unlucky and have 234,240, or 246 fear none of it will upgrade using PvP so you are stuck going from 230 to 248 a long road using only PvP.

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No offense Eric but this is ******** and I demand that you change this immediately. You lied to us. So that is why you did not upload the patch notes, because you knew you would get negative backlash on this lackluster change!


LOL @ demanding.


10/10 good job!

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Hey folks,


I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






Would anyone in Bioware care to explain if they are thinking about pausing this at all or still planned as miscommunicated?

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I think their (last) post was pretty clear and explicit that it was a miscommunication and the bonus is working as intended. I don’t think it’s reasonable at this point to be expecting a post. They’ve already said it.


What I think is reasonable to hope for is for them to change it from what was deployed to a per character bonus. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. Remember, last week all we could hope for was 25% period. I do feel we’re all looking at the gift horse in the mouth, which isn’t classy.

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Then we are not going to agree. I fully believe it was withheld on purpose. Was the reason the patch notes were delayed in the first place.


I don't think it was on purpose, I do think it was a gross oversight that should not have happened.


As for the comment about 'This is why patch notes delayed' - No it was/is not. There was an exploit regarding the nightlife event that let people log in and do a daily for tokens that are currently unavailable for CXP for a very easy glitched quest from the nightlife event. One that was intended to be gone as of the end of the event. Any time they fix an exploit that might not be widespread/is not serious high impact or has not already been broadcast widely by the community they do not have those in the notes or delay all of the patch notes until AFTER it has been patched.


They've done this pretty much since the start because putting 'Hey, we're fixing this exploit' generally caused MORE people to use the exploits.


I will only ask one question:


How many percent of the Swtor-players worldwide will be able to get this hyped 100% buff anytime soon? 0,01%?


With doing flashpoints I ground one up to 200 from 110 in a day. I do have the GC perk up to 100% though. If I had a group to steadily go with for FP pops I'd likely have been capable of going farther but I kept screwing around without a steady group and was on the forums. It's easily doable.


I know of one other person on the server that announced in general that they took their 200-300 off hammer station and cad FPS just specific q all day. They were working on getting past the 25% to get the perk as they only had one at 300 prior to that. It is mind numbing but doable, especially if you run on a day where FPS are the bonus (it wasn't on the day I was doing it).


*snips again!*

There is no apparent reason to have it be restricted to pre-300 characters either. The system can clearly support giving bonuses to post-300 characters, as is apparent with the stacking +10% buff on GCXP within the legacy system. If I was really malicious, I would guess that the person who coded the perk built in an if clause that checks whether the character's command rank is at 300, and if it is, it doesn't grant the bonus GCXP.



I am certain they have a reason, the initial perk was +25% for under 300, not for every class we had. I expected that to remain the same. While the system can support giving the bonus to pre 300s, there's no reason for it to as

1. Unless you're a casual you won't be using this for primary gearing (if you are a casual, you don't -need- the 248s anyway) and

2. They are giving us something additional to the initial 25% bonus, for free, without us paying any CC or Credits into the game to get the additional bonus for our alts going to 300.

Because, if it's it is actually its own perk, then the Rank 300 Class that originally achieved and bought the 1st 25% perk should count toward the new perk.


If not, then this 'new perk' is NOT a new perk at all, but a modification of the original perk.

Original class counts toward the new perk in that it is why you have the base 25%. You need FOUR characters to 300 to get it (sorry, classes), they stated this was a modification to the old perk at the start and you get -new- benefits from the -old- perk.

I don't have played characters on other servers... But this time everyone is moving... So yeah... I almost feel the need to screenshot absolutely everything the night before.

Did that to my character names already, will do again right before the merger (along with contents of my legacy bank).


To be honest, I kinda figured this would work in this way, I already had 4 different classes to level 300. I know a lot of people play only similar type classes, but, I kinda thought that the boost working only for 4 different classes is implied as this is how the legacy flair works.

I didn't assume this, but I wanted one of each archetype so I could make sure I was able to set myself up to gear alts off those 300s when the time came since all of my main gear is legacy bound (obv excluding the left side). To me however, the way they did it makes sense - even though they did not specifically state it in the roadmap.



^What Casi said. Once you hit 300 that's when the true RNG grind comes in because that's how you attain Tier 4 gear. Which for me has been nothing but dang relic & earpiece heavy, yet not even the ones I need!


Now here's the thing I think a lot of people are forgetting about GC;


Galactic Command is no longer meant to be your main gearing source. It is meant to supplement the main gearing source with raiding and pvp. This has been the case since they added the UA back into the game because we hated the GC system. GC is an 'in addition to' system. If you need 248s for your gear, you most likely have a raiding team to get the HM/NIM content. If you are only doing SM content, you really don't 'need' the 248s.


The only place a Casual Core player is going to need above 230/236 is crisis on umbra. Even then, it's 242s and not the full 248s needed.


GC really is just that extra frill around the edges of the cake now. It's not even the icing on the cake anymore. You have raids that drop your gear now if you 'need' the gear and aren't just a casual core player.


Do I feel they misled us, even if unintentionally? Yes. I certainly do.


Do I feel they lied to us? No, they already apologized for missing this, I think it's pretty clear it was not their intent to lie to us.

Edited by Manathayria
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As for the comment about 'This is why patch notes delayed' - No it was/is not. There was an exploit regarding the nightlife event that let people log in and do a daily for tokens that are currently unavailable for CXP for a very easy glitched quest from the nightlife event. One that was intended to be gone as of the end of the event. Any time they fix an exploit that might not be widespread/is not serious high impact or has not already been broadcast widely by the community they do not have those in the notes or delay all of the patch notes until AFTER it has been patched.


I have not seen the gold post explaining this as the reason. And that quest giver was live before the patch. I didn't go up and use him, but I saw the golden triangle above his head well after the nightlife event ended (the quest to scan for cheaters?). Is this the exploit you're referring to?

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YET no response from Keith or Eric. I'm sure they are thinking twice how to handle this issue or hope it goes away.


They normally just stay silent when things like this happen.


I suspect that they think that we are the unreasonable ones, and that if we only understood, then we would not be upset with them for misleading us, and that since the probably have no intention of addressing the issue by doing what they originally said they would, they probably think that saying nothing is the best approach.

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I have not seen the gold post explaining this as the reason. And that quest giver was live before the patch. I didn't go up and use him, but I saw the golden triangle above his head well after the nightlife event ended (the quest to scan for cheaters?). Is this the exploit you're referring to?

No, they did not announce that this was part of the reason, but in the past (I've been around lurking on the forums and such since launch) they have dragged their feet on notes including fixes for exploits.


That quest was not intended to be there after the event, no. It did work. When you scanned for the cheaters, it allowed you to scan where the tables were. The quest objectives were still there, although invisible. Using that quest was an exploit, even if a minor one.


Every patch they've done that has had minor exploits that were not previously advertised they've kept pretty quiet about the changes till after the patch was live, or they announced it so close to the patch that those who would mass exploit it wouldn't have enough time to really impact anything major. The few cases where this did not apply it was pretty major and it was with the warning of 'doing this will get you banned etc'. Like when some items vendored back to the seller for higher than purchased.


I expect the daily CXP values getting returned to normal was treated like an 'exploit' note as well. We knew it was not intended, they told us it would be pared back and that they would consider keeping it - they did not, but we also do not know what they are looking at for scaling them up again if anything.


Why would they advertise something that is not intended like that quest knowing we could easily park all our 'currently not leveling' CXP alts to get the token which is worth about 75k if direct bought for an event? Also, expect those kingpin tokens to go up next nightlife as all tokens were more expensive this time than last, which makes it something that certainly was on the block for removal. It would be/was easy to train log in alts to get that 'free' cxp.


As for the CXP perk changes - that was careless as all hell and I hope they keep in mind to either remind people things like the roadmap are -very- rough sketches for the future and will be fleshed out more as patch notes are released, or as they are able to give us more details. That really was their mistake here. They could easily have alerted everyone to the concept that 'There are more details, don't expect this to be everything, it may be similar to the legend flair' etc.


I'm irritated and disappointed that they did not make it more clear how the perk was going to be handled. Even though yes, I do have it. I'd be a bit less upset than some people on the forums here even if I didn't. As a side note, my second account missed the mark for the perk unlike my main - and for me it's much harder for me to level since it's not and has never been my primary focus.

Edited by Manathayria
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Hey folks,


I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






Are you seirous? I hope this crap only lasts till he end of the year.

I just don't get what part is hard to understand about this. We don't want a buff to level up the other classes. We want you to get completely rid of the stupid command leveling up system.

Mainly cause there is no point in you saying you want us to play group content when we are gearing up by doing dailies alone.

I haven't done an op in 5 months and yet i'm almost fully geared just running dailies.

Sorry but there is no way i'm renewing my subscription if this continues this way.

I have no intention to do the same boring dailies with my alts. you need to get off them drugs and realize that this is not fun. this is not what we, the fan base wants.

Nintendo has failed over and over because instead of listening to what people wants, they try to tell people what they want and fail miserably. You ave been failing in the same way for the last 2 years. the only difference is that this is command experience grind is the last nail on the coffin. or at least the last I am willing to take.

Edited by Hyoga_
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They normally just stay silent when things like this happen.


I suspect that they think that we are the unreasonable ones, and that if we only understood, then we would not be upset with them for misleading us, and that since the probably have no intention of addressing the issue by doing what they originally said they would, they probably think that saying nothing is the best approach.


Oh you can bet that exactly what they think.


They have no good excuse and the one put out is so ridiculous I'm shocked they thought gamers would believe it.


Did anyone really expect bioware to handle this fiasco in any way that seemed right or logical?

Edited by Quraswren
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Oh you can bet that exactly what they think.


They have to good excuse and the one put out is so ridiculous I'm shocked they thought gamers would believe it.


Did anyone really expect bioware to handle this fiasco in any way that seemed right or logical?


bw does this kind of thing repeatedly yet cant understand why sub numbers drop over and over.

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Are you seirous? I hope this crap only lasts till he end of the year.

I just don't get what part is hard to understand about this. We don't want a buff to level up the other classes. We want you to get completely rid of the stupid command leveling up system.

Mainly cause there is no point in you saying you want us to play group content when we are gearing up by doing dailies alone.

I haven't done an op in 5 months and yet i'm almost fully geared just running dailies.

Sorry but there is no way i'm renewing my subscription if this continues this way.

I have no intention to do the same boring dailies with my alts. you need to get off them drugs and realize that this is not fun. this is not what we, the fan base wants.

Nintendo has failed over and over because instead of listening to what people wants, they try to tell people what they want and fail miserably. You ave been failing in the same way for the last 2 years. the only difference is that this is command experience grind is the last nail on the coffin. or at least the last I am willing to take.

Your opinion is not the majority.

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bw does this kind of thing repeatedly yet cant understand why sub numbers drop over and over.




my sub end today and i wont renew it.i wait til early 2018 road map and see if they have some good content in it.not this fast and cheap contents they make now just to keep the players quiet ( or hope to do so ) .i play the game 4,5 years now and still love the game but i dont accept anymore how they fool the players .so no more money from my side to them

Edited by tonitirola
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bw does this kind of thing repeatedly yet cant understand why sub numbers drop over and over.

Stop pretending you know what they are thinking or what their end-goal is for the game. Unless you are in that room seeing and hearing the conversation, you dont know. For all we know, the game is following the plan they have even with sub losses, and that still wouodnt spell doom for the game.

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Hey folks,


I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






Since Command Experience has to be earned on EVERY character individually, I don't believe it's "fair" to limit the bonus to sets of mirrors. Each Advanced Class should offer a one time bonus and if that were going too far, at the very least, each base class.


It's a ton of time to get ANYONE to Command Rank 300. People have already explained their frustrations with the way this is working. Even if it were changed to be a 25% bonus per Base Class that hits Command Rank 300, that would only give a 200% bonus total... Which would only be for your 9th+ character to be working on Command Rank. Which, that seems more than fair if you're willing to invest that amount of time into the end game content of SWTOR.


Please speak with the dev team and reconsider this system.

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Hey folks,


I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






that moment when i realize that:

sage - 300;

sorcerer - 300;

assassin - 282

.... and everything else either under 50


RiP me i guess LOL.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

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This is painful . I only had 1 toon, a commando, at 300 when the announcement was originally made. I have done nothing but grind cxp since the announcement, and buying boosts to help me get 2 other toons to 300. My choice in toons a merc and another commando, why??? Because they were the closest to 300 already.


Now I find out that all that time and all those boosts were wasted!!!! With just a few days to go, I need to grind 2 different toons less close to 300 than these were ?!?!?!?!?




Edited by AmadanNaBrona
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Hey folks,


I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.






To any Devs...any FIXES on this?


I guess IGNORE...IGNORE ...IGNORE pays off and players have moved on. The nerve of not having a response for a MISTAKE done is not cool.

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that moment when i realize that:

sage - 300;

sorcerer - 300;

assassin - 282

.... and everything else either under 50


RiP me i guess LOL.:eek::eek::eek::eek:


Hah, for me it was just Scoundrel and Operative at 300, Sage at about 170, Sorc about the same, Trooper (Commando) around 20, and Knight (Guardian) currently at Level 67 :rak_03:

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