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If ANY changes are made to the game.....


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.....I will be unsubscribing from SWTOR. Im tired of having new content that negates all of the progression I have made so far, and forces me to do additional content to re-establish max achievements again. I am firm about this.


Obviously a satire post.....i find it comical that people feel the need to give their 1 in thousands ultimatum regarding the direction of the game as though it will hold enough weight to sway the devs to scrap everything they have planned and built to this point. Many of the expectations of the customer are ridiculous, and frankly not very practical for an MMO.

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What kind of posts are you mainly referring to? I mean something must have triggered you into making this thread.🤔

The hairstyle, merges, cxp? All of them?🤓


Any of a hundred posts I expect.


I said months ago if mergers happen I would leave and am doing so, already un-subbed. However it was never meant as an ultimatum in my case. As never expect BW to care enough about 1 player quitting nor should they.


Will I ever return, well maybe for the odd month but not as a permanent player. To me you should only sub if you are still enjoying the game. I do still enjoy the story but I won't enjoy so many players on the new servers. As such time to leave. BW have already made the decision and should stick to that, I really hate it when they say one thing then a week later change there minds due to just a few cry babies here on the forums. Mergers maybe the best thing overall, just not for me.


Threads like this though really are not helpful or useful.

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Any of a hundred posts I expect.


I said months ago if mergers happen I would leave and am doing so, already un-subbed. However it was never meant as an ultimatum in my case. As never expect BW to care enough about 1 player quitting nor should they.


Will I ever return, well maybe for the odd month but not as a permanent player. To me you should only sub if you are still enjoying the game. I do still enjoy the story but I won't enjoy so many players on the new servers. As such time to leave. BW have already made the decision and should stick to that, I really hate it when they say one thing then a week later change there minds due to just a few cry babies here on the forums. Mergers maybe the best thing overall, just not for me.


Threads like this though really are not helpful or useful.


I'm taking a "wait and see" attitude. No clue how crowded the new servers will be 'til the merges occur. I'll make my judgement call then.

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My attitude has always been that new players have no idea what existing players are ever whining about because the new players don't feel the loss.


Therefore, when drastic changes to class balance, etc., -- whatever -- happen, I just pretend to be a new player, reset my expectations, and keep going. Same as life, you can choose to let it get you down or pick yourself up and decide you want to continue with it.

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For once, I've got a huge smile on my face when I think about the future of this game. We have a new WZ coming, a new FP, a new GSF map and more of the Operation...in the next 3-4 MONTHS...not a year...I know that development has been slow this year, but the payoff for the end of this year is more than I ever expected.


The ONLY thing I'm very apprehensive about are the continued nerfs...I fail to see any good from the extremes we've had. I wish they would reexamine this...

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For once, I've got a huge smile on my face when I think about the future of this game. We have a new WZ coming, a new FP, a new GSF map and more of the Operation...in the next 3-4 MONTHS...not a year...I know that development has been slow this year, but the payoff for the end of this year is more than I ever expected.


I fully agree.:)

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For my part, I'll have to say that I finally found something fairly worrisome in-game of the JC server - nobody was guild recruiting on either imp fleet or Hutta over the weekend when my wife was playing. (This is somewhat more of an immediate concern to me than it normally would be, as my current imp guild just vanished. I wasn't helping matters by having been on hiatus for the past couple of months, playing other games).


So I'm mildly looking forward to the mergers.

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For once, I've got a huge smile on my face when I think about the future of this game. We have a new WZ coming, a new FP, a new GSF map and more of the Operation...in the next 3-4 MONTHS...not a year...I know that development has been slow this year, but the payoff for the end of this year is more than I ever expected.


The ONLY thing I'm very apprehensive about are the continued nerfs...I fail to see any good from the extremes we've had. I wish they would reexamine this...


Same here. This is the first time in two years I look forward for what is happening. I was in "wait and see" when 4.0 came, and boy was I disappointed. Now I'm genuinely satisfied, no need to wait and see. Some very much needed things are coming.

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For my part, I'll have to say that I finally found something fairly worrisome in-game of the JC server - nobody was guild recruiting on either imp fleet or Hutta over the weekend when my wife was playing. (This is somewhat more of an immediate concern to me than it normally would be, as my current imp guild just vanished. I wasn't helping matters by having been on hiatus for the past couple of months, playing other games).


So I'm mildly looking forward to the mergers.


Two guilds at least are recruiting on JC (only two names I recall off the top of my head;MeatShield and The Courageous). In fact there was just a bit of a fuss in Alderaan about the "spamming" by one. I've seen adverts for others but their names didn't stick. This was over the weekend during server "non-prime" hours, fwiw.

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Any of a hundred posts I expect.


I said months ago if mergers happen I would leave and am doing so, already un-subbed. However it was never meant as an ultimatum in my case. As never expect BW to care enough about 1 player quitting nor should they.


Will I ever return, well maybe for the odd month but not as a permanent player. To me you should only sub if you are still enjoying the game. I do still enjoy the story but I won't enjoy so many players on the new servers. As such time to leave. BW have already made the decision and should stick to that, I really hate it when they say one thing then a week later change there minds due to just a few cry babies here on the forums. Mergers maybe the best thing overall, just not for me.


Threads like this though really are not helpful or useful.


This is me too my playstyle does not coincidence with the latest road map and I don't think the game will for a fair bit, so it's finally time to say good bye to this game but unlike yourself I don't see my returning.

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This is me too my playstyle does not coincidence with the latest road map and I don't think the game will for a fair bit, so it's finally time to say good bye to this game but unlike yourself I don't see my returning.


Sorry to see you go, you've been here for as long as I can remember. :(


This update isn't doing much for me either. I'm nervous about the merge since I usually end up borked or semi-borked with mergers but hey, always the first time it goes well! I'm lucky, I guess, in that I still have a lot of things yet to do before I run out of content so this update not bringing much to me isn't that a big deal. It IS bringing in stuff that others have been wanting for awhile so that's good. I just am happy to see forward motion.

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Considering that for example we had 3-4 instances on the fleet for a while and it's been 1-2 now on TRE for some time (Imp side), I suppose I expect the merge to bring TRE back to the levels of a year or two ago.


And no, I'm not basing that on fleet alone but also populations on places like the starter planets and DK as well as ops instances that I look at from time to time. Still not exact science but my impression.


I think that whatever improvements they are going to make to the GF and GC, they'll be instrumental in the success of the merge and hopefully some growth.


I'm not expecting a massive population causing waiting queues or anything like that but hopefully healthier servers with a better experience will turn around the decline we've seen this past year.

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.....I will be unsubscribing from SWTOR. Im tired of having new content that negates all of the progression I have made so far, and forces me to do additional content to re-establish max achievements again. I am firm about this.


Obviously a satire post.....i find it comical that people feel the need to give their 1 in thousands ultimatum regarding the direction of the game as though it will hold enough weight to sway the devs to scrap everything they have planned and built to this point. Many of the expectations of the customer are ridiculous, and frankly not very practical for an MMO.


Since in many games new content does not make existing progression obsolete so I though you were serious.

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I said months ago if mergers happen I would leave and am doing so, already un-subbed. However it was never meant as an ultimatum in my case. As never expect BW to care enough about 1 player quitting nor should they.


Will I ever return, well maybe for the odd month but not as a permanent player. To me you should only sub if you are still enjoying the game. I do still enjoy the story but I won't enjoy so many players on the new servers.


Mergers maybe the best thing overall, just not for me.

This is me too my playstyle does not coincidence with the latest road map and I don't think the game will for a fair bit, so it's finally time to say good bye to this game but unlike yourself I don't see my returning.

I wasn't sure what I'd do if servers were merged. I get the benefits for group content players, though. It's just not going to be conducive to the play style I've grown to prefer. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." IPs collide. But, an appropriate quote for the situation, I think. When my current sub from time cards expires, I won't be renewing it. Not a rage quit; just understanding the situation. Not saying I'll never come back. I might sub for a month at some point in the future. I've had a mostly fun run playing SWTOR. I'm glad I did it.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Same here. This is the first time in two years I look forward for what is happening. I was in "wait and see" when 4.0 came, and boy was I disappointed. Now I'm genuinely satisfied, no need to wait and see. Some very much needed things are coming.


Samesies. A lot of much needed fixes long overdue and much needed content hitting multiple areas of play.

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For once, I've got a huge smile on my face when I think about the future of this game. We have a new WZ coming, a new FP, a new GSF map and more of the Operation...in the next 3-4 MONTHS...not a year...I know that development has been slow this year, but the payoff for the end of this year is more than I ever expected.



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For once, I've got a huge smile on my face when I think about the future of this game. We have a new WZ coming, a new FP, a new GSF map and more of the Operation...in the next 3-4 MONTHS...not a year...I know that development has been slow this year, but the payoff for the end of this year is more than I ever expected..


Given how frequently and spectacularly Bioware have missed just about every target they have set in the last two years why would you be smiling about an increase in "over promised content" that is almost certainly going to lead to an increase is "under delivered content"?


The new road map is just a better wordred version of Ben's "it'll be exciting in the future" and it never was; and it hasn't been so far under Keith either.


So why the optimism TUX? You are usually more of a realist that this.


All The Best

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Given how frequently and spectacularly Bioware have missed just about every target they have set in the last two years why would you be smiling about an increase in "over promised content" that is almost certainly going to lead to an increase is "under delivered content"?


The new road map is just a better wordred version of Ben's "it'll be exciting in the future" and it never was; and it hasn't been so far under Keith either.


So why the optimism TUX? You are usually more of a realist that this.


All The Best


My guess. Hope. Hope that things get better.


However, hope is also the first steps on the road to disappointment.

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Samesies. A lot of much needed fixes long overdue and much needed content hitting multiple areas of play.


I dont know how the changes will work out, I do know there will be problems with the implementation. You dont make these kind of hardware and software changes without a few hickups. That being said, I am interested in whats in store and am willing to give bw a lot more slack given the challenges they have set up for themselves. Time to sit back and hope for the best, hope the changes go smoothly and lets see what comes of it. This looks like more of an expansion than 5.0 and I like what I see so far.

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.....I will be unsubscribing from SWTOR. Im tired of having new content that negates all of the progression I have made so far, and forces me to do additional content to re-establish max achievements again. I am firm about this.


Obviously a satire post.....i find it comical that people feel the need to give their 1 in thousands ultimatum regarding the direction of the game as though it will hold enough weight to sway the devs to scrap everything they have planned and built to this point. Many of the expectations of the customer are ridiculous, and frankly not very practical for an MMO.


so the purpose of this thread is just to combat other forum posters?

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Given how frequently and spectacularly Bioware have missed just about every target they have set in the last two years why would you be smiling about an increase in "over promised content" that is almost certainly going to lead to an increase is "under delivered content"?


The new road map is just a better wordred version of Ben's "it'll be exciting in the future" and it never was; and it hasn't been so far under Keith either.


So why the optimism TUX? You are usually more of a realist that this.


All The Best

Very fair question.


The reason I'm optimistic is that neither PvP nor GSF have been on the development radar in over 2-years. They're on it now. Even if we have a delay (or two, being a realist) they're finally being addressed.


Say what you want about Keith, but he seems to be fulfilling his promise to bring back MMO content. We've already had half an Op, which is a half Op more than Ben could give us.


It's slow. It's still too little, too late...but at long last, I actually feel like this game is moving in the right direction...which was sure as **** not single story crap.

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