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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I have not yet made it through KOTET and the following chapters with any other character than Nyx either, but I can soon proudly say that I finished every class story. :p


I have been concentrating on attempting Master Mode Flashpoints with another friend and our two Arcanns :D. We love it so much when they bravely die for us. :pDecorating my Nar Shaddaa stronghold has been my other activity lately. It is starting to look nice. :cool:


Oh well done! I really struggle with the class stories, to easy to get distracted; so many variations and nothing that successfully holds my attention. In the expansions my faves Lana Theron and Arcann keep me on track ^^'


How do you select master mode for flashpoints? -Can not figure it out. I expect it's blindingly obvious ¬_¬-. Two Arcanns? <3 sounds like fun...-Omg- o0 That...escalated, and in a direction I did not anticipate XD


Yes, I really need to take another swing at my SH... Edit:...Yuck, I mean...colourful?

Edited by DuskIsNotAmused
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Master modes with two Arcanns sound like fun! :p Except if your companion is supposed to be the tank of the group and the boss fight requires the tank to dodge some attacks. x.x I still have nightmares of that time years ago when we lost our tank towards the end of Lost Island HM (yeah, back when they were still hard modes :p ) and I tried to micromanage Kaliyo to sidestep the attacks of the last boss... It didn't go well!


I should get back to decorating sometime soon! I got stuck because I want to use the wall decos on my redecorated Nar Shaddaa, but I don't usually craft + those universal prefabs are expensive too (though not as expensive as the resilent warden set). :p So I decided to wait until I manage to get crafting skills high enough to craft them. Currently I'm still waiting. :rak_03:

Edited by Seireeni
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I must confess that I doubt that we can go through that many MM FP with only two (not that good) players and two Arcanns. We started with the easiest but It is already hard to handle some of the special attacks from bosses. We already had to switch to ranged companions a few times. We usually use a healing Arcann and a damage one for all trash mobs, then usually switch to two healing ones and the other player tanks (with a Sith Marauder, lol). So far so good but I don't think that we can do that many MM this way. :p


But our two Arcanns are perfect for Veteran mode. Even in healing mode they tank better than other players we have been playing with. :D And I am quite fond of this little jump of his and his comments in battle. ;)


Flaskpoints can be taken in Veteran or Master mode by talking to the NPC in front of them in many situations, or directly at the terminal in the case of the laster FP. If you have the quest for story mode, you have to cancel it and take the quest at the NPC.


Decorating has been a new objective of mine recently. I have bought a few crates and done a lot of flashpoints where decorations can be looted. As per the prefabs, I found some that were not that expensive (150k to 250k each). I try to sell a few things regularly, including some of what I received in the crates that I do not like that much. That can make a lot of money (just sold a vehicle for 25M :p ). I want to include my SH in my story at some point and I wanted to be able to visualise what it may look like. Everyone needs to find some objectives when there is not that much new content available. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are there seriously this many people who badly want to bed space hitler?


Ooh, we have an EdgeLord here, or is this a real EdgeKing? Careful now, you could hurt yourself if you stumble.


I suppose getting bedded is not something you know much about.

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Ooh, we have an EdgeLord here, or is this a real EdgeKing? Careful now, you could hurt yourself if you stumble.


I suppose getting bedded is not something you know much about.


Suggest you visit the toxic fellows in solo ranked. They will get your insult game on point.:)

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Are there seriously this many people who badly want to bed space hitler?

Oh nice! What a good thing to make my brain start this morning.


So! Let's do it the scholar way. *puts her glasses on*


First, can we compare Arcann with Hitler?

Well, I believe that we can due to his purge of the Scions because they have been killed for who/ they were and not in a context of war where they were foes. However, it is hard to say if it can really be considered comparable in terms of numbers, I guess not. Nor in terms of how it all went (no camps in Arcann's case). So I'd say that comparing Arcann with Hitler remains slightly overrated when we consider what specificity Hitler had. Better leave him aside, then.

If we really want to give him an historical name (one that is older so that it is less offending) for comparison, let's take... Ah yes, the Iron Space King (reference to Philip IV of France) would suit Emperor Arcann nicely.


Then it is all a question of point of view, I guess?

I would not bed a tyrant willingly. But my Sith? Well, she is not really shocked about dead people and bombed planets in a context of war. The Empire and the Republic have done the same for age. It is called conquest. She had killed a substantial bunch of people too. So she would find some of what Arcann did utterly useless and stupid but shocking? Not so much.

And the whole thing is... she is bedding him, not me. This is a RPG.


And the last thing is...

All these people who are romancing Arcann are not even romancing Emperor Arcann but only Arcann the redeemed man who wants to atone for his crimes now that he is not controlled by the dark side anymore. And that is where all the Star Warsy context comes into the play. You know, redemption, people that can change, bad people that can be saved and get a new chance at life...


Oh, and for the fangirl part: he is incredibly good looking in the trailers :D (and nah, a few scars are no show stopper :p ).


So if you think that anyone here among the players are bedding Space Hitler, I'd say that there are many things that you are getting wrong and that you take everything far too seriously.


Boobye. Have a good day! :cool:

Edited by Iheaca
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Then it is all a question of point of view, I guess?

I would not bed a tyrant willingly. But my Sith? Well, she is not really shocked about dead people and bombed planets in a context of war. The Empire and the Republic have done the same for age. It is called conquest. She had killed a substantial bunch of people too. So she would find some of what Arcann did utterly useless and stupid but shocking? Not so much.

And the whole thing is... she is bedding him, not me. This is a RPG.


And the last thing is...

All these people who are romancing Arcann are not even romancing Emperor Arcann but only Arcann the redeemed man who wants to atone for his crimes now that he is not controlled by the dark side anymore. And that is where all the Star Warsy context comes into the play. You know, redemption, people that can change, bad people that can be saved and get a new chance at life...


Oh, and for the fangirl part: he is incredibly good looking in the trailers :D (and nah, a few scars are no show stopper :p ).

So much this.


I am not romancing Arcann, and i would probably not if he was real, my SW on the other hand.

She has her share of dead people (even my LS JK has killed quite a lot of people, even if she never liked to take lives, this is war and that's quite inevitable in this context).

Would my SW find some of his actions stupid and somewhat unecessary, obviously as she's a rather pragmatic but still DS Sith, but shocking, not more than Iheaca's SI

My SW even served Arcann's father who is by far worse than the son (as he would've consumed all life in the Galaxy if it were not for the JK stoping him), son who is not even the same person anymore.


And, while Theron would be more to my liking, i'll admitt that i too find Arcann quite attractive.


If there is 1 romance i really find disturbing, that'd rather be with DS Jaesa, this one is pretty messed up as your character may have killed every person she ever cared about, turning her into a complete psycho before beding her :rolleyes:

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If there is 1 romance i really find disturbing, that'd rather be with DS Jaesa, this one is pretty messed up as your character may have killed every person she ever cared about, turning her into a complete psycho before beding her :rolleyes:

No no no no no. :p Nothing can beat romancing Khem Val on the scale of disturbing things. :D

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No no no no no. :p Nothing can beat romancing Khem Val on the scale of disturbing things. :D

Ah, yeah forgot about this one :D


I actually don't really know if i find that romance funny or totally disturbing, i really thought it was a joke before seeing it. Well if i can't find a nice man for my Nox, maybe i'll give it a try, that'd still be better than Ashara. :rolleyes:

Edited by Goreshaga
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If the droid romance is true ... it's going to get worse!


Is this round 7 of the space Hitler argument?

7 only? Did you count?


Well, droid can be funny, I liked most of them in the movies. Then well... perhaps only a platonic one like for Khem, hu? The "this is Star Wars" argument, has its limits. :p

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Are there seriously this many people who badly want to bed space hitler?


While I'm always happy to see this thread resurrected, I do wish you'd put a little more effort into your trolling! Us Arcann fangirls are seriously starved for content, you know? The least you could do is pick some new material, so we have something more substantial to discuss. Why not Space Mussolini, for once? Space Franco?


Since the Hitler thing has been done to death (and Iheaca already said everything sensible there is to say about it), I'll focus on the more interesting part of your post: Bedding Arcann :o


It doesn't really make sense to me to talk about whether I would or wouldn't romance Arcann in real life. There's so many aspects of the character that can't be transferred to the real world. In Star Wars, Arcann is a profoundly tragic character, and I'm largely attracted to him because of that. There's just no real world parallel to what he's been through; it's impossible to imagine without Valkorion or the Force. The closest I can get would be the son of a real world dictator who committed war crimes, largely as a result of his messed up upbringing and environment, but later came to regret it deeply and tried to atone by turning himself in and actively working to overthrow his family's regime. Would I bed someone like that? Obviously not, but I would feel some sympathy for him. Would I secretly find him attractive, if he looked, sounded and acted like Arcann? Probably.


However, if I existed within the Star Wars universe, I would totally romance the heck out of Arcann :cool: And I would take him over Theron or any of the other more conventionally attractive men in the game any day. I RP all my characters and none of them are particularly like me, but the only romance that I'm really emotionally invested in, not just because it's part of my character's story, but because it makes me feel things, is Arcann's. And I'm not even a little bit ashamed of that :p

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No no no no no. :p Nothing can beat romancing Khem Val on the scale of disturbing things. :D


I watched a video of the Khem romance and it was very sweet. If his alien physique bothers you, romance doesn't have to include "doing the deed". Remember, this is a universe where a Hutt and a Pa'lowick can date.


Since the Hitler thing has been done to death


What I find interesting/irritating is that so many people come down hard on anyone wanting to romance Arcann, but hardly anyone bats an eye at the people wanting to romance Vaylin. For me Vaylin is so much worse than Arcann! She kills for fun, as opposed to Arcann who kills for militarily strategic reasons. She has no remorse, as opposed to Arcann who deeply regrets his past. She doesn't want to change, as opposed to Arcann who wants to change and does.


I firmly believe that if Arcann was a woman and Vaylin was a man, everyone who is all down on "space Hitler" would be all gung ho for romancing she-Arcann and would be spitting on he-Vaylin's grave casting aspersions on anyone wanting to bring he-Vaylin back for a romance.

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I watched a video of the Khem romance and it was very sweet. If his alien physique bothers you, romance doesn't have to include "doing the deed". Remember, this is a universe where a Hutt and a Pa'lowick can date.

No, it is less about the physical part than other things in its core. I feel like the SI/Khem relationship is all about domination, which is not something I find appealing. And the second thing is in that romance part. First, he is scared of freedom and therefore wants to be bound. Not healthy at all. Then doing the ritual and if his goddess is not happy with it, he will devour the SI? Yeah, no, really, thanks...

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No, it is less about the physical part than other things in its core. I feel like the SI/Khem relationship is all about domination, which is not something I find appealing. And the second thing is in that romance part. First, he is scared of freedom and therefore wants to be bound. Not healthy at all. Then doing the ritual and if his goddess is not happy with it, he will devour the SI? Yeah, no, really, thanks...


It's been awhile since I played through Khem's companion story, but my take away was that it was more about earning respect than domination. It felt like he and my SI grew to respect and care for each other over time.


My take away from his romance video is also different. It came across to me as Khem being lonely, not afraid. The bonding he is talking about sounded more like marriage than bondage to me. And I have no doubt Khem can please Mistress Death, so I wouldn't worry about that whole devouring thing. ;)

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While I'm always happy to see this thread resurrected, I do wish you'd put a little more effort into your trolling! Us Arcann fangirls are seriously starved for content, you know? The least you could do is pick some new material, so we have something more substantial to discuss. Why not Space Mussolini, for once? Space Franco?


Since the Hitler thing has been done to death (and Iheaca already said everything sensible there is to say about it), I'll focus on the more interesting part of your post: Bedding Arcann :o


It doesn't really make sense to me to talk about whether I would or wouldn't romance Arcann in real life. There's so many aspects of the character that can't be transferred to the real world. In Star Wars, Arcann is a profoundly tragic character, and I'm largely attracted to him because of that. There's just no real world parallel to what he's been through; it's impossible to imagine without Valkorion or the Force. The closest I can get would be the son of a real world dictator who committed war crimes, largely as a result of his messed up upbringing and environment, but later came to regret it deeply and tried to atone by turning himself in and actively working to overthrow his family's regime. Would I bed someone like that? Obviously not, but I would feel some sympathy for him. Would I secretly find him attractive, if he looked, sounded and acted like Arcann? Probably.


However, if I existed within the Star Wars universe, I would totally romance the heck out of Arcann :cool: And I would take him over Theron or any of the other more conventionally attractive men in the game any day. I RP all my characters and none of them are particularly like me, but the only romance that I'm really emotionally invested in, not just because it's part of my character's story, but because it makes me feel things, is Arcann's. And I'm not even a little bit ashamed of that :p


No trolling going on here. Only genuine curiosity of course.

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It's been awhile since I played through Khem's companion story, but my take away was that it was more about earning respect than domination. It felt like he and my SI grew to respect and care for each other over time.


My take away from his romance video is also different. It came across to me as Khem being lonely, not afraid. The bonding he is talking about sounded more like marriage than bondage to me. And I have no doubt Khem can please Mistress Death, so I wouldn't worry about that whole devouring thing. ;)

Yeah... I do not know. Freedom overwhelming him, fearing to lose control (and consume the SI, then). OK, it may be "cute" to see him try to romance the SI instead of feeding on them, but isn't that still a bit creepy?


Anyway, my SI being the one who fell for Arcann, I believe that no one will be able to compete with Space Hitler anytime soon. :p

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What I find interesting/irritating is that so many people come down hard on anyone wanting to romance Arcann, but hardly anyone bats an eye at the people wanting to romance Vaylin. For me Vaylin is so much worse than Arcann! She kills for fun, as opposed to Arcann who kills for militarily strategic reasons. She has no remorse, as opposed to Arcann who deeply regrets his past. She doesn't want to change, as opposed to Arcann who wants to change and does.


I firmly believe that if Arcann was a woman and Vaylin was a man, everyone who is all down on "space Hitler" would be all gung ho for romancing she-Arcann and would be spitting on he-Vaylin's grave casting aspersions on anyone wanting to bring he-Vaylin back for a romance.


Oh, this again. Let's look at that. If I take Arcann's monstrous actions to be for "military reasons", that's actually WORSE. He kills millions or billions for a brief tactical advantage. He has half his knights and claims that it will "motivate" them. She was insane because of what was done to her, if he did the same and worse while in his right mind, he's a monster that should die. Not smiling doesn't impress me.


But I actually don't view him that way. I'm perfectly happy that he got his redemption arc. I don't think it was done well, but I did want it to happen, because to me he was another victim, just as Vaylin was. He just presented differently. He still did horrible things. He was in no way more rational. Before the ritual, Senya even said that without it, he would lash out at them, even after he had saved her life in a moment of clarity. He was broken, and he got help, and was then able to fully express his remorse for what he'd done, but it was after he got help, with the exception of some individual moments, similar to how Vaylin showed another side when she met fake Thexan.


And, while I'm not interested in it for myself, I am also happy all of you got your romance option.


As for if their genders were flipped? The only reason that the hate for Vaylin has died down is because they got what they wanted already in her utterly grotesque story. There has been every bit as much or more for her all along, the "bat---- crazy" comments, the "why didn't she go with Mom?" comments, the "b---- deserved it" nonsense. Probably, some would flip sides, but it isn't the pattern you seem to think, at least not from my observations.


Personally, I"d just love it if this contest about which one of these abuse and brainwashing victims was worse or deserved to die for it would die in a fire. They both should have been helped if we so chose, not one over the other, and I am deathly tired of hearing both about "space Hitler" and "psycho chick". They were both victims of an eldritch horror who was the only real villain here, both did wrong, but one of them we got to choose to help, the other we were forced to hurt more before killing her. That's it.

Edited by gamephil
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Oh, this again.
Easy, easy, my friend. As you know, I find both Arcann and Vaylin compelling characters, both extremely damaged and tragic. But it IS a fact that people who like the Romance with the Dark Prince are disparaged and mocked more often than those who wish to romance Vaylin. That is unfair and wrong.


The main difference between Arcann and Vaylin is that Arcann still had a small part of his emotional core intact, causing him to save his mother's life from Vaylin's attack. Vaylin's emotional core, and mind, were shattered beyond repair.

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Oh, this again. Let's look at that. If I take Arcann's monstrous actions to be for "military reasons", that's actually WORSE. He kills millions or billions for a brief tactical advantage. He has half his knights and claims that it will "motivate" them. She was insane because of what was done to her, if he did the same and worse while in his right mind, he's a monster that should die. Not smiling doesn't impress me.


I strongly disagree with you here. There is a lot in game in various places to indicate that Vaylin was born broken. Even as a small child, well before there was any type of abuse, she was dangerously violent. She learned she liked to hurt people BEFORE there was any torture involved. Now, I'm not claiming that Arcann's military decisions were anything but extreme, but he didn't do them for fun. He did what he thought he had to do to win a war. Vaylin killed for fun. Vaylin was not insane in a legal sense of the word. Like all other sociopaths who discover they like to torture and kill, she knew right from wrong, she just didn't care.


As for if their genders were flipped? The only reason that the hate for Vaylin has died down is because they got what they wanted already in her utterly grotesque story. There has been every bit as much or more for her all along, the "bat---- crazy" comments, the "why didn't she go with Mom?" comments, the "b---- deserved it" nonsense. Probably, some would flip sides, but it isn't the pattern you seem to think, at least not from my observations.


I read these forums and Reddit on a daily basis and I have never seen the kind of hatred leveled at Vaylin as leveled at male NPCs like Arcann, Koth and Quinn. At least half of the people talking about her being bat---crazy think that is great and sexy. And I have never seen people carry that hatred over onto her fan-base and accuse them of mental illness because they like her, which I have seen done numerous times to fans of both Arcann and Quinn. For example, one Redditor has accused people who like Quinn as suffering from Stockholm syndrome then later saying he finds Vaylin to be his ideal candidate for romance.


Your theory that Vaylin hate died down because she gets killed falls down because Quinn hate is alive and well despite people being able to kill him. Here are two recent Reddit posts on them. One on Vaylin and one on Quinn. Do you not see how wildly different they are treated?


Seeing Arcann, Koth, Quinn and their fans treated one way while seeing Vaylin, Jaesa, Thana and their fans treated another way, looks pretty gendered to me.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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