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Swtor bots


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I'm not used to post here, but since customer support tickets don't work i decided to do it. Each bot i find and report i add it to the friendliest to check what is done with them. Every single time i log into the game they are on still botting. Not even one of them has been banned. Most log in and log out within seconds just so they don't appear they have been logged for days straight. So i want an answer, you don't care about bots? Is it now allowed to use bots now? Because if i get no answer and see no bots banned you're sending a message that botting is fine and i'll probably quit the game because it will be a game of how many bots each person can have for credits and conquest.


I'm waiting for a reply

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So it's a clear message everyone can bot and nothing will happen. I should tell everyone on my guilds is open season for botting


If they ban a bot, the owner just creates another, actually he already created it, so he just needs to activate it, also he can have many different accounts, so even if you ban 1000 accounts he can have another 2000 waiting, and any botter can create a new account faster than any dev can ban them.


They only ban bots when they are certain they can do it on a large scale.


Unless you want to see slightly different bots every day and the devs doing nothing but ban bots all day.

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If they ban a bot, the owner just creates another, actually he already created it, so he just needs to activate it, also he can have many different accounts, so even if you ban 1000 accounts he can have another 2000 waiting, and any botter can create a new account faster than any dev can ban them.


They only ban bots when they are certain they can do it on a large scale.


Unless you want to see slightly different bots every day and the devs doing nothing but ban bots all day.


I've not seen a bot that i reported being banned, ever. By doing it the way you say they do they are giving advantages to the botters if they can just got into the game on a second account once every idk, 6 months. If they do it regulary the botter would have to pay another subscription for that and if it keeps happening the 15 a month will stack up till it's not worth it.


And they don't have to do it all the time, player base can help, with the normal reports. If they ever pay attention to them. Or they could even encourage players to help with bots, something like reporting as a botter requires 10cc (to minimize or avoid fake reports) and once it's banned and flaged as a bot you get the 10cc back and maybe a crate which random drop is bounded to you so you don't sell what you get, or even a command crate according to your level

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I've still have yet to see all these bots people talk about.🎅

Now I know I'm mainly on the fleet looking pretty and waiting for PvP to pop, but still.:rak_03: When I do go out and about in real life(in game) I've just never really came across any.:rak_03:



Where are all these wizards hiding.:rak_02:

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I've still have yet to see all these bots people talk about.🎅

Now I know I'm mainly on the fleet looking pretty and waiting for PvP to pop, but still.:rak_03: When I do go out and about in real life(in game) I've just never really came across any.:rak_03:



Where are all these wizards hiding.:rak_02:


Yavin, always a few there. The "Gravestone instance" is full of automotons also.


They lurk in the PvP instances where they think nobody can find them as nobody does overworld PvP anymore.

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Where are all these wizards hiding.:rak_02:


There are also some in the dark streets of Zakuul.


And the open heroic area on imperial Corellia zone.


And the area quest zone on Hoth (right end of the map).


Sometimes I go to Hoth just to see if this bot who I have met first in 2012 or 2013 is still there. It still is. It makes me feel comfortable that some things in life don't change. :p

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There are also some in the dark streets of Zakuul.


And the open heroic area on imperial Corellia zone.


And the area quest zone on Hoth (right end of the map).


Sometimes I go to Hoth just to see if this bot who I have met first in 2012 or 2013 is still there. It still is. It makes me feel comfortable that some things in life don't change. :p


Wow that bot sounds like he's a real swtor veteran.:rak_03:

Kinda scary.🎅

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I've still have yet to see all these bots people talk about.🎅

Now I know I'm mainly on the fleet looking pretty and waiting for PvP to pop, but still.:rak_03: When I do go out and about in real life(in game) I've just never really came across any.:rak_03:


Where are all these wizards hiding.:rak_02:


You're on TRE, right. Go to Yavin pvp instance. They are there, have been for a good long time.

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So it's a clear message everyone can bot and nothing will happen. I should tell everyone on my guilds is open season for botting


Probably so yea.


Let me give you an example on JC server.


For years now there have been 4 bots running around the end area of Yavin 4. 2 republic assassins (one PVE, one PVP) and the same for Empire side.


As I said, for years now these bots have been running slicing node runs and getting millions to billions of credits now for as long as it's been going on.


We have reported them countless times and even so far as to go to the PVP instance to kill them and get the PVP kills for our companions. This is also not some mistake in thinking they are bots and they are not. They run the exact same pattern and path to slicing nodes. They all do the same things when attacked and get this.


We got tired of just killing them and them coming back so we started to see how long we could keep them in combat without the escaping becuase they also try to force cloak to get away if you keep them in combat to long or kill the companion).


We were able to keep them in combat for hours. Nothing is ever said from them and they just keep on keeping on.


They have never been band or removed as they still have the same name as they had years ago.


That tells me it's pretty much open season to do whatever you want when it comes to botting. Could you get banned? Sure, but I highly doubt it given the evidence.

Edited by Quraswren
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There are also some in the dark streets of Zakuul.


And the open heroic area on imperial Corellia zone.


And the area quest zone on Hoth (right end of the map).


Sometimes I go to Hoth just to see if this bot who I have met first in 2012 or 2013 is still there. It still is. It makes me feel comfortable that some things in life don't change. :p


That's what i'm saying, bots since 2012 and 2013, that's just awesome. I'm beginning to think if it's just total disregard for their game, or they have a business deal with credit sellers. Then they act worried about how ****ed up the economy is


For years now there have been 4 bots running around the end area. 2 republic assassins (one PVE, one PVP) and the same for Empire side.



Yes, they are always assassins/shadows and they are so easy to identify. I'm adding them to the friendlist, every single one i find. If i use bots i'll probably get banned, because i'm ruining their business of selling credits. But those that have been gathering billion credits? Nah, never.


Yavin, always a few there. The "Gravestone instance" is full of automotons also.



I've even seen bots on pve instance on yavin. They already know they don't get banned so they do whatever they want.

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This is just my general impression but I think companies came to the conclusion a while back that stopping bots in the long-term is just a Sisyphean no-win battle. Instead, they have shifted or focused their resources to limit the impact they have on gameplay.


In the games I know best, this one and WoW, they have designed it so that the best gear comes from a currency besides credits / gold and typically require you to engage in activities that bots don't tend to excel at (I know afk bots in PvP are an exception).


They have also made it so that crafting gear is decent, but not BiS. They have also made crafting a relatively painless process compared to before. And, if crafting gear is amazing, often times the components are locked behind difficult content.


Finally, they make acquiring credits / gold relatively easy overall.


Put differently, while bots are a source of inflation in this game (but by no means the only one), I don't find they impact my gameplay all that much. And, as one poster pointed out before, it's a bit like whack-a-mole -- as soon as you bop one on the head, another one rears its ugly head.


The silver lining for me is that: as long as idiots are willing to buy gold -- it suggests that the game is healthy enough to chug along.


Cheers, Dasty

Edited by Jdast
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I don't pay a ton of attention to the other players running around me in the pve areas. What are some fast easy ways to identify a bot?


Well, the one I followed in TRE was Assassin, and stealthed from node to node in a speed I doubt any player does. It got attacked by massassi and it did fight back, with zero competense but it doesn't have to do any better because Ashara healed. My intention was to kill it, but it stealthed so fast I seriously couldn't follow it with my own Assassin. So, mostly they are Shadows and Assassins, they are in pvp-instance, and somewhere were they can do slicing. In TRE, the far corner of Yavin temple area is a sure place to see at least one. If you manage to see it. They just act in a way that any player wouldn't.

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There's on Iokath, at zone that's immediately left from Republic Base, and around cyan teleporter, on both sides l see a stealth collecing Slicing nodes. Name is Winner or like that. Has been seen it for month or so. He's probably Droid as well. Edited by DDaMAGEr
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Well, the one I followed in TRE was Assassin, and stealthed from node to node in a speed I doubt any player does. It got attacked by massassi and it did fight back, with zero competense but it doesn't have to do any better because Ashara healed. My intention was to kill it, but it stealthed so fast I seriously couldn't follow it with my own Assassin. So, mostly they are Shadows and Assassins, they are in pvp-instance, and somewhere were they can do slicing. In TRE, the far corner of Yavin temple area is a sure place to see at least one. If you manage to see it. They just act in a way that any player wouldn't.


Oh they're in PVE too in that case. I've seen the stealthy little monsters on Yavin and in the swamp on Zakuul. I've managed to get pretty fast with my gathering, lol. But, yeah, I've seen them.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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  • 2 weeks later...
So i want an answer, you don't care about bots?


Why do people care so much that someone is a bot? I play this game for my own pleasure so I don't care if sb is using bots.

I couldn't care less if somebody wants to level up with a bot or farm mats. It takes nothing away from me.


The only thing in SW economy that annoys me is rarity of some armor drops, but that's not bot's work. It's BW/EA.

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Why do people care so much that someone is a bot? I play this game for my own pleasure so I don't care if sb is using bots.

I couldn't care less if somebody wants to level up with a bot or farm mats. It takes nothing away from me.


The only thing in SW economy that annoys me is rarity of some armor drops, but that's not bot's work. It's BW/EA.


There used to be a bot that hung around the Prison Labor heroic all day every day for months. It would be dishonest of me to say I could never get that heroic done because he was there, but he certainly did inconvenience the heck out of everyone trying to do it legit.


He's gone now, I don't know if he got banned or his batteries wore out or what, but it's nice to see untagged mobs there again.


While this topic is active, can anyone explain why there is always 2 or 3 snipers standing around outside the Firestar heroic? Why snipers? Why Firestar? Why Aric Jorgan? :confused:

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