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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I cannot believe they did this! You leave him to f****** die! Let’s hope Satele saves him! I am so pissed right now! You don’t kill him, you leave him to die cause someone else stabs him! I am so effing pissed am done, am so done!



It's odd but I actually like that a little better than a straight up kill-option for the player. No, it's still not what I'd have wanted at all BUT this way they create a loop-hole, and somewhat of a compromise. Those who want him dead are left to think he is, yet we get no confirmation that he's actually dead and the scene alludes the possibility of Satele saving him making it possible he WILL be part of future content no matter what players chose. Again, still not ideal but it is an improvement over what could have been and it isn't a full kill-option. You get to leave him behind to succumb to his injuries, players don't get to deal a killing blow themselves. It leaves options open. And if BW didn't want the opportunity to use Theron in the future, surely they would have let the player deal the killing blow after Vinn to guarantee his death?



My head. :confused:

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It's odd but I actually like that a little better than a straight up kill-option for the player. No, it's still not what I'd have wanted at all BUT this way they create a loop-hole, and somewhat of a compromise. Those who want him dead are left to think he is, yet we get no confirmation that he's actually dead and the scene alludes the possibility of Satele saving him making it possible he WILL be part of future content no matter what players chose. Again, still not ideal but it is an improvement over what could have been and it isn't a full kill-option. You get to leave him behind to succumb to his injuries, players don't get to deal a killing blow themselves. It leaves options open. And if BW didn't want the opportunity to use Theron in the future, surely they would have let the player deal the killing blow after Vinn to guarantee his death?



My head. :confused:


I still don't know what to think of this flashpoint :/




While I wanted to kill him, I didn't, his lightsaber wound only strengthens my own arguments for Vaylin's survival and should he return from the other option, that will work in my favour too.


Oh and **** the robotic dog ... thing.


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I am so glad

i heard him beg before he died. and sateles face is priceless


And this is why people don't want you to have the options. It shows you don't care about other players feelings, go elsewhere as suggested this is a love thread.


It's odd but I actually like that a little better than a straight up kill-option for the player. No, it's still not what I'd have wanted at all BUT this way they create a loop-hole, and somewhat of a compromise. Those who want him dead are left to think he is, yet we get no confirmation that he's actually dead and the scene alludes the possibility of Satele saving him making it possible he WILL be part of future content no matter what players chose. Again, still not ideal but it is an improvement over what could have been and it isn't a full kill-option. You get to leave him behind to succumb to his injuries, players don't get to deal a killing blow themselves. It leaves options open. And if BW didn't want the opportunity to use Theron in the future, surely they would have let the player deal the killing blow after Vinn to guarantee his death?



My head. :confused:


Who knows I am just so angry right now.

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I still don't know what to think of this flashpoint :/




While I wanted to kill him, I didn't, his lightsaber wound only strengthens my own arguments for Vaylin's survival and should he return from the other option, that will work in my favour too.


Oh and **** the robotic dog ... thing.


Vaylin didn't survive. Valkorion took her spirit, it was very obvious she is dead.



I just hope Theron lives and Satele saved him.


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Of course. Like you said, this is why the kill option should not be there, because people not only use it, but brag about it, to other players that are clearly against it.


Well spoiler:


If you are watching Vulkks livestream Arcann actually appears in cutscene. So a bit hopeful there! Link:


Edited by DarthEnrique
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Well I just finished doing it:


I liked all of it except that you can leave him to die. But doing it light side with a romance is really nice. I do take it to be a good sign that you just leave him to die instead of directly killing him since they could use him again in the future... but it still means not everyone has him anymore. And considering how Koth gets no marriage and is nowhere to be seen despite the Gravestone, his favorite ship, getting blown up that doesn't bode well. His crew is there but nowhere is Koth to be found or heard from. Instead we get Hylo because she can't be dead.


So they can say choices matter or whatever but they've made it really clear that characters that can be exiled/dead don't play important roles anymore. Not unless the particular writer really likes them, I guess. The Arcann cameo was kind of nice I suppose. But even if they make brief appearances they're not part of the main story anymore.


All I know is if when I go to make deals with the Republic whenever the next story update happens, if it's Lana doing the advising with no Theron I'm absolutely done. I mean I don't mind both Lana and Theron taking more of a backseat role if they want to introduce new companions or something but I don't want Lana taking over everything and Theron not being involved at all, especially with someone siding with the Republic.


So I guess I'll have to wait and see. As much as I liked the rest of it that really does put a major damper on everything. Although who knows when we'll even get more story. They make it sound like 6.0 is still quite a long way off.



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Well I just finished doing it:


I liked all of it except that you can leave him to die. But doing it light side with a romance is really nice. I do take it to be a good sign that you just leave him to die instead of directly killing him since they could use him again in the future... but it still means not everyone has him anymore. And considering how Koth gets no marriage and is nowhere to be seen despite the Gravestone, his favorite ship, getting blown up that doesn't bode well. His crew is there but nowhere is Koth to be found or heard from. Instead we get Hylo because she can't be dead.


So they can say choices matter or whatever but they've made it really clear that characters that can be exiled/dead don't play important roles anymore. Not unless the particular writer really likes them, I guess. The Arcann cameo was kind of nice I suppose. But even if they make brief appearances they're not part of the main story anymore.


All I know is if when I go to make deals with the Republic whenever the next story update happens, if it's Lana doing the advising with no Theron I'm absolutely done. I mean I don't mind both Lana and Theron taking more of a backseat role if they want to introduce new companions or something but I don't want Lana taking over everything and Theron not being involved at all, especially with someone siding with the Republic.


So I guess I'll have to wait and see. As much as I liked the rest of it that really does put a major damper on everything. Although who knows when we'll even get more story. They make it sound like 6.0 is still quite a long way off.




Arcann appears just saw a light sider do it and no romance is necessary if you spared Arcann he appears. So let's keep hope. Plus let's pray Satele saves him.


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Go to another thread please. This is a love thread not a hate thread.


Just ignore him. If you respond he keep commenting. When you ignore someone they eventually figure out no one is listening and move on. (My brother did that to me a lot but when he found out I was ignoring him he stopped.)

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Just ignore him. If you respond he keep commenting. When you ignore someone they eventually figure out no one is listening and move on. (My brother did that to me a lot but when he found out I was ignoring him he stopped.)


Yeah I know. But then there are some who don't take a hint.

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Yeah I know. But then there are some who don't take a hint.


Just one bright spot I finally got to tell Lana to shut up and trust my judgment p.


Yea I know but just think of them like 2 year olds toddlers.

Edited by casirabit
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Lmao. I know. I saw that and my jaw basically unhinged. But he's earned points with that I gotta admit.


At this point I wish I could have taken Arcann with me instead, at least he would focus on the task at hand. I wish we could actually be angry with her, like on Rishi after Theron gets taken, instead of just telling her to cool it, like it isn't a big deal.

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Theron served his purpose. That is a very good way to go.

Sweetheart, I'm so glad for you!



Yes, you got to kill him! Well, no, you got to watch him die! Well, not quite but at least you've been left under the impression he's dead, that'll feed your dark soul! And yes, Satele did look sad, didn't she? If only she was powerful enough to save him. Oh wells.




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At this point I wish I could have taken Arcann with me instead, at least he would focus on the task at hand. I wish we could actually be angry with her, like on Rishi after Theron gets taken, instead of just telling her to cool it, like it isn't a big deal.

Theron throws that in her face if you are listening to on-the-move dialogue or reading it in your chat window. ;)

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