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If you were your character for a day....


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In the universe of swtor as you know it,

What would be the three most important things you just had to do?


1: I would have to make use of my spaceship and visit all the planets!

2: Test out all my skills and swing my lightsaber around, be a real edgelord.:rak_03:

3: Arcann. :rak_06:


What about you?


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Oh dear.


So my current main is a grizzledly handsome Chiss operative. I'd start with confusion, what with suddenly being male. And blue. And having stubble. And fake British.


...Then I'd pretty much go through his entire wardrobe because the boy has some AWESOME clothes.


After that, stealth generator. And then maybe a warzone. I always wanted to know what it'd feel like to respawn.

Edited by AKHadeed
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1) Panic. Especially if I somehow landed in the body of my knight, consular, or trooper. They're male. I'm female. I would freak out and spend the whole day huddled in the corner, mildly traumatized. Especially if Kira or Lana wandered up and wanted a kiss. They would probably be confused as to why I would run away screaming at the top of my lungs.

2) Go crazy with the Force. Just for the heck of it! GUYS LOOKIT MEEEEEE I CAN TURN OFF THE LIGHTS BY FLICKING MY FINGERS!! Force-pull, Force-push, leap to the top of high buildings, have FUN. And have a lightsaber fight somewhere in there, too.

3) Be a passenger on a starship. I've always wanted to fly. :)

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1. Spend a lot of quality time with Lana.

2. Get in a ship and travel through hyperspace! One day would probably only give enough time to see one planet, so my vote would be for Manaan, running around in the Yavin ruins, or some place with Rakata ruins.

3. Swing around that lightsaber and use my Force powers. Not against anyone, just to have fun.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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1) Take advantage of every bit of wealth my Smuggler has amassed over the course of 5 expansions and use it to lead a comfy life of luxury in Nar Shaddaa stronghold. May also collect starships, rare artworks, verious creatures and scientific artifacts etc etc etc

2) Indulge into gluttony and drinking. Only the finest food and beverages the Galaxy has to offer will find their way into my dining hall

3) Take occasional trips around the galaxy with my lovely gal Risha

4) Throw monthy wild parties in my Stronhold


Trooper though... If we're being realistic

1) Spend a few days touching my curvy type 4 female body everywhere

2) Die horribly in the very first skirmish because I've no combat experience whatsoever

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1) Panic. Especially if I somehow landed in the body of my knight, consular, or trooper. They're male. I'm female. I would freak out and spend the whole day huddled in the corner, mildly traumatized. Especially if Kira or Lana wandered up and wanted a kiss. They would probably be confused as to why I would run away screaming at the top of my lungs.... :)


I'm ROFLMAO at all the ladies with this sentiment! If I wound up in my sexy female togruta SI, :eek: I'd immediately touch...... :p and when Lana came by.....uhhh..... well..... never mind. :D


*drops mic and puts myself in timeout for improper thoughts ;)

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Me as my smuggler would "flirt" ;) with all the alien women.


My mando would rob the casino :D


My SW would force choke people I don't like


My SI would shoot lightning at those same people


And my JK being the goodie two shoes he is, would probably help old ladies cross the street. :D


+1 for you that is the most funniest post I've seen especially the last one!

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1) Panic. Especially if I somehow landed in the body of my knight, consular, or trooper. They're male. I'm female. I would freak out and spend the whole day huddled in the corner, mildly traumatized. Especially if Kira or Lana wandered up and wanted a kiss. They would probably be confused as to why I would run away screaming at the top of my lungs.

2) Go crazy with the Force. Just for the heck of it! GUYS LOOKIT MEEEEEE I CAN TURN OFF THE LIGHTS BY FLICKING MY FINGERS!! Force-pull, Force-push, leap to the top of high buildings, have FUN. And have a lightsaber fight somewhere in there, too.

3) Be a passenger on a starship. I've always wanted to fly. :)


Well, definitely number 2.


But for number one, if I suddenly woke up as my main male, I'd do ... myself. kek. And then Theron hahahaha. WE ARE ALL PERVS don't act like you wouldn't do your LI immediately.


I hate flying, so it'd be pretty damn traumatizing to have to pilot a spaceship. I'd probably stay on the same planet for as long as possible ...


I'd go shopping. I love to shop and my boy has millions. I'd buy clothes, armor, gunz, property, servants, art, alcohol, speeders .... That is almost more exciting to think about than using the force. :eek:

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SW honestly would have to consist of shocking vette and mass asphyxiation.


As my SI I would bang Zash GILF or not she just turned me on even more with her reveal then Khem had to ruin it.


BH would just be playing the same life games with victims.


Smuggler would just be smuggling spice, death sticks while drinking Juma juice and flying.


JC would be book reading.

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SW honestly would have to consist of shocking vette and mass asphyxiation.


As my SI I would bang Zash GILF or not she just turned me on even more with her reveal then Khem had to ruin it.


BH would just be playing the same life games with victims.


Smuggler would just be smuggling spice, death sticks while drinking Juma juice and flying.


JC would be book reading.


Such a dark fantasy.:rak_03:

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Force choke all the things. I have many, many primary targets in mind.


Troll via the holoterminal and do some more force choking.


Finally acquire my own battlecruiser.


Oh and of course erect statues to the triumvirate of galactic excellence, Darth Marr, Darth Malgus and Malavai Quinn.

Edited by orangenee
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1.I would force choke people for fun and people I don't like.

2.I would swing my lightsaber for fun and look to engage in battles

3.I would commandeer my fleet and start invading planets to set order and quell rebellions.

4.I would spend quality time with Lana and find my old companions and force choke them why didnt they went to find me all those years.

5.I would start to teach other apprentices the ways of the darkside.

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1.I would force choke people for fun and people I don't like.

2.I would swing my lightsaber for fun and look to engage in battles

3.I would commandeer my fleet and start invading planets to set order and quell rebellions.

4.I would spend quality time with Lana and find my old companions and force choke them why didnt they went to find me all those years.

5.I would start to teach other apprentices the ways of the darkside.


A kindred spirit!!


Force choke bros!!

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Give Kevin a bath and shampoo and let him dry naturally, while I curl up in the sun on a lounger outside the cantina in Tattooine, while drinking something exotic. My 40-odd companions can fetch drinks and fan me when it gets too hot.... and I'll watch the corpse of Quinn slowly desiccate under the twin suns. - Even though I only met him on Iokath.


Sounds like a fun day off not shooting people and flying spaceships.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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