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Dear Bioware, give back my characters' wives


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Okay, my Trooper got his wife back (finally, and he's my 2nd least favorite of my 8. Dorne started out as a rebound for Jaxo RIP)

But my other 7 are looking EVERYWHERE for them.


My Wrath still needs his Evil Wife, my Smuggler needs his Spiky Wife, My JK needs his Padiwife, my BH needs his Cyborg Wife, and I don't really care what my JC needs.... blind bastard.


My Inq doesn't really care where his LI is at the moment. He'd be "interested" to know why she hasn't been helping him.

~Thanks, Brin


PS. I get how this sounds 100% sexist. But 80% of my characters are light side... when I say they NEED their wives... It's because they spend their Friday nights staring at a picture of them, crying. My Wrath is just REALLY ***** (but he has this whole "honor" thing. He's not gonna cheat unless he knows she's dead) My Inq views everyone as trash.

If this is STILL sexist... I'm sorry, can we not talk about it? Thanks.

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My Wrath still needs his Evil Wife, my Smuggler needs his Spiky Wife, My JK needs his Padiwife, my BH needs his Cyborg Wife, and I don't really care what my JC needs.... blind bastard.


My Inq doesn't really care where his LI is at the moment. He'd be "interested" to know why she hasn't been helping him.

~Thanks, Brin


Love the descriptions!


To follow on from the other side....my SI needs her piratey husband, my Agent needs her buggy husband, my Smuggler needs her jealous husband (or wait, she didn't marry him, so he ignored her....so she ran to Theron...so I guess she needs her

traitorous BF

), my JK needs her sleazy husband, and my JC...well, don't care...her husband was boring and so was she. Played her for the achievement and Legendary status and never played her again (same with Trooper).

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Love the descriptions!


To follow on from the other side....my SI needs her piratey husband, my Agent needs her buggy husband, my Smuggler needs her jealous husband (or wait, she didn't marry him, so he ignored her....so she ran to Theron...so I guess she needs her

traitorous BF

), my JK needs her sleazy husband, and my JC...well, don't care...her husband was boring and so was she. Played her for the achievement and Legendary status and never played her again (same with Trooper).


By the force... I somehow forgot about my agent (I knew my counting seemed off.) I mean, he wasn't apart from his anarchy wife for really any amount of time. So that's 2 of my 8 that's been reunited.

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PS. I get how this sounds 100% sexist. But 80% of my characters are light side... when I say they NEED their wives... It's because they spend their Friday nights staring at a picture of them, crying.

Nah, just add "and give back the husbands" - then it's fine! :D I have plenty of sad ladies staring at pictures too. :(


my JK needs her sleazy husband, and my JC...well, don't care...her husband was boring and so was she.

Personally, the companion I most want back is Holocron Husband! Consular is boring to some, but she's my favourite character and she misses Felix terribly. Different strokes for different folks. :)

Edited by Estelindis
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My characters want their hubbies back !!

Agent for Vector. JK for Doc. Inquis for Andron. Smuggler for Corso.. my girls are lonely.




(Edit) and now my other agent, JK, Cons and Trooper need their Theron back !



Edited by Suzsi
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Is there some reason you can't get them back from the terminal?? I've had Elara back since KOTFE first dropped...why don't you just go get them back yourself? You don't need to wait for Bioware to bring them back...they'll come back when they can...just go get em.
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Is there some reason you can't get them back from the terminal?? I've had Elara back since KOTFE first dropped...why don't you just go get them back yourself? You don't need to wait for Bioware to bring them back...they'll come back when they can...just go get em.


this, just go to the terminal and get her back if its really that important.. no we need 100 companions that do the same thing.. :rolleyes:

Edited by SaerethDL
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Is there some reason you can't get them back from the terminal?? I've had Elara back since KOTFE first dropped...why don't you just go get them back yourself? You don't need to wait for Bioware to bring them back...they'll come back when they can...just go get em.


Its not about getting them out of the story. Its about them getting their IN STORY time. Sure anyone can click a terminal but technically in the story, those characters are still missing. In the story my girls are on their own without the men they married. Only story can fix it

Edited by Suzsi
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Its not about getting them out of the story. Its about them getting their IN STORY time. Sure anyone can click a terminal but technically in the story, those characters are still missing. In the story my girls are on their own without the men they married. Only story can fix it


THIS.... The ones I've taken through KotFE got their companions back as soon as I made it to the terminal, but we want them back "in story". My smuggler misses his "pirate princess", my SW misses his deranged disciple, and my JC won't even start KotFE until he knows Nadia is back. (I'm not gonna loose my Nadia!) :mad:;)

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Its not about getting them out of the story. Its about them getting their IN STORY time. Sure anyone can click a terminal but technically in the story, those characters are still missing. In the story my girls are on their own without the men they married. Only story can fix it

I guess I just don't understand the importance of this...it's not like they talk about the past once they return...they're just as silent from the terminal as they are from the story. Why not just pretend you went on some epic quest to Odessan to claim them back? The story is a minor fragment of gameplay...it takes literally 5-minutes of time...why not make up your own story?

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I guess I just don't understand the importance of this...it's not like they talk about the past once they return...they're just as silent from the terminal as they are from the story. Why not just pretend you went on some epic quest to Odessan to claim them back? The story is a minor fragment of gameplay...it takes literally 5-minutes of time...why not make up your own story?


You run OP's right Tux? If I Understand correctly, some of your reason for enjoying them is the challenge involved as you get better gear from doing them repeatedly, and the rewards that drop. This allows you to do the OP's At a higher difficulty for even better rewards. Now imagine if you were able to just buy all your top tier set piece gear and the OP's rewards from a vendor once you'd completed 3 OP's. It'd allow you to jump right into a NiM right? And you'd get all the rewards without the cost of repairs. But it'd also diminish the enjoyment you get from the progression, and the comradary and feeling of accomplishment from your guild.


It's kinda like that. Good, bad, or meh....I want the story. I'm here for my characters journey. As such clicking a terminal after completing the first 9 chapters of KotFE to me would be like the OP's vendor to you. Yes it kinda gives me what I want, but not "how" I want to get em. Now mind you I want better returns than Dorne/Quinn received. THAT to me evokes the same feelings you probably got with the "here's a new OP.... But it's only one boss for now".

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You run OP's right Tux? If I Understand correctly, some of your reason for enjoying them is the challenge involved as you get better gear from doing them repeatedly, and the rewards that drop. This allows you to do the OP's At a higher difficulty for even better rewards. Now imagine if you were able to just buy all your top tier set piece gear and the OP's rewards from a vendor once you'd completed 3 OP's. It'd allow you to jump right into a NiM right? And you'd get all the rewards without the cost of repairs. But it'd also diminish the enjoyment you get from the progression, and the comradary and feeling of accomplishment from your guild.


It's kinda like that. Good, bad, or meh....I want the story. I'm here for my characters journey. As such clicking a terminal after completing the first 9 chapters of KotFE to me would be like the OP's vendor to you. Yes it kinda gives me what I want, but not "how" I want to get em. Now mind you I want better returns than Dorne/Quinn received. THAT to me evokes the same feelings you probably got with the "here's a new OP.... But it's only one boss for now".

I truly appreciate the time you took to write up the reply...thank you!!!


I guess I can see where you're coming from, it completes the story you're playing for...this is probably where my inability to grasp it as a "big deal" comes from...I've always viewed MMOs as a story about MY character, not the scripted story the Devs write...that's the same for everyone...my individual story is what makes me different, the other stories are just fun to explore, not "live in"...if that makes sense?!


I understand players enjoying the story...I totally get that...I just don't have a whole lot of connection to the stories once they end, and all stories end, which is why I hate single player games and easily became addicted to MMOs. Prior to my first MMO, I suffered from gaming A.D.D...I'd get to about 95% completion of every damn game I played, then I'd shelve it and never go back because I hated that the story ended just as my character became "good"...I guess that's likely why I feel so disconnected from the story of this game...it's fun to play through, and I don't want it ignored, it adds a lot of solo fun, but it doesn't impact me one bit once it's over, my character has his own journey to embark on...

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I truly appreciate the time you took to write up the reply...thank you!!!


I guess I can see where you're coming from, it completes the story you're playing for...this is probably where my inability to grasp it as a "big deal" comes from...I've always viewed MMOs as a story about MY character, not the scripted story the Devs write...that's the same for everyone...my individual story is what makes me different, the other stories are just fun to explore, not "live in"...if that makes sense?!


I understand players enjoying the story...I totally get that...I just don't have a whole lot of connection to the stories once they end, and all stories end, which is why I hate single player games and easily became addicted to MMOs. Prior to my first MMO, I suffered from gaming A.D.D...I'd get to about 95% completion of every damn game I played, then I'd shelve it and never go back because I hated that the story ended just as my character became "good"...I guess that's likely why I feel so disconnected from the story of this game...it's fun to play through, and I don't want it ignored, it adds a lot of solo fun, but it doesn't impact me one bit once it's over, my character has his own journey to embark on...


You're welcome. :D I get what you're saying. I'm actually the complete opposite I guess. I typically only play single player games with a story. I'm that guy who buys the single player game, and ANY DLC that extends the story. Then I play it all to completion, start over and play through it all again and again and again. I've typically avoided all MMO's because of the "lack of story focus". My wife was shocked that I Didn't buy The latest battlefront, until she realized it didn't have a "single player story" (After which she understood because she plays games for the story as well). I'm super hyped for BF2, but I'll probably never even touch the multiplayer aspect. If this game would have been a SW game without the story, I'd never even have looked at it. (I managed to play SWG for about 3hrs before becoming bored as hell :confused:) But I've been here since the start.... always subbed even though for what I do I could have gone F2P/ preferred a long time ago. I've invested thousands of hours into games like Dragon Age (all of em), Mass Effect (yea...even that mediocre mess that is Andromeda :( I'm on my 5th character play through now lol), Legend of Zelda, Legacy of Kain, and of course Kotor 1 & 2 (G.O.A.T.) :D There are many others, but I think you see where I'm going.


About the only multiplayer/online games I care about are Madden, NBA 2k, and the WWE games (and I still mainly play those to take my created characters through the story modes lol) :D

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Its not about getting them out of the story. Its about them getting their IN STORY time. Sure anyone can click a terminal but technically in the story, those characters are still missing. In the story my girls are on their own without the men they married. Only story can fix it

While I would like to get certain companions back through the "story", I'd have to agree with those who suggest you make up your own story. After all, the amount of story or conversation that actually involves your romantic relationships is very minimal.

You can either accept that your partner is lost or dead or simply not located yet, or get them through the terminal and make up your own story. (Or like me, you can just get them through the terminal, period. :) )

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Ofcourse Anybody can go to that Terminal but this is a "Story Based Game". Going to the terminal doesn't mean anything. The terminal itself was created because of the players that wanted their companions back early in the Zakuul story. That's like *Buying a Trophy/Award. These side stories just arn't what I started paying for. This is a game based on Companions, our Individual Class's and ofcourse "Star Wars". Not a dark obscure side story that could have just as easily fit in any other genre.
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is there some reason you can't get them back from the terminal?? I've had elara back since kotfe first dropped...why don't you just go get them back yourself? You don't need to wait for bioware to bring them back...they'll come back when they can...just go get em.


it's not the same!

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Who needs old vanilla wives when you have ultimate waifu Lana!

Please tell me you're being sarcastic. Pretty please. :)


I like most of the new companions well enough, but it's not just about them... it's about the old companions too. Theron is one of my favourite companions - I like him a lot more than many class companions - yet most of my characters haven't touched his romance because they love their existing husbands. To me, the relationships formed during the class stories feel really hard to replace.

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Please tell me you're being sarcastic. Pretty please. :)


I like most of the new companions well enough, but it's not just about them... it's about the old companions too. Theron is one of my favourite companions - I like him a lot more than many class companions - yet most of my characters haven't touched his romance because they love their existing husbands. To me, the relationships formed during the class stories feel really hard to replace.


I assume she is kidding.


When you play a Bioware game... you want to feel like you've fused with the character.

Everyone has their own Commander Shepard. Everyone has their own Hero of Ferelden and sadly, most people have their own Pathfinder that won't have a complete story (but that's not an discussion for SWTOR forums. Let's please stay on topic when responding to this comment.)

You can't make a character forget about the connections it made.

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Please tell me you're being sarcastic. Pretty please. :)


I like most of the new companions well enough, but it's not just about them... it's about the old companions too. Theron is one of my favourite companions - I like him a lot more than many class companions - yet most of my characters haven't touched his romance because they love their existing husbands. To me, the relationships formed during the class stories feel really hard to replace.


Though I'm not attached to old LI's I wasn't really serious.:rak_03: I hope they bring back everyone's wives and husbands.

I saw your posts on Reddit in "That" thread! And I loved all of them! :D


Assuming you what I'm talking about, if not my signature should be a hint.:rak_03:

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