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The most important part of SWTOR


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So, when you log into the game, what's the most important aspect of this game for you?

The one you wish to see improved, the one you'll quit if they mess it up?


is it the thirll of pvp warzone?

or is it a sense of accomplishment in ops?

finishing difficult FP?

acquiring new GC level?


and why?


for me: it's class stories. They've messed them up with 4.0 and I've quit. Now with Keith as the producer I hope they're gonna get it back on the right track

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The most important part of SWTOR is every part. You can't neglect pvp in favor of raids, or raids in favor of flashpoints, or in favor of story.


You have to develop a little of everything, to keep people interested.


I like my soaps, and I like being able to FITE people when it's all for the fun of it.


1v1 me @ Snow HK!

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I do some story, at least on the ones I can actually continue with.....


If not that, then I'll go do some rep grinding what with the bug is actually profitable.


Then I'll go do some regs followed by some light trolling on the fleet. I unlocked my first creature mount too so I like to ride that around while waiting for GF pops.

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What matters is that it's Star Wars. With 4.0 and 5.0 they got a ton wrong on this aspect as well. These events should be happening on planets from established cannon, not on Bioware invented or barely mentioned planets. The base game had many of the biggest planets but there are now so many more options thanks to the new movies, use them.
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The reason I came to play this game were the class stories and companion side stories. Unfortunately now with the speed of leveling the class stories feel cheapened for me and are no more the fun they once were. Companion side stories have all but disappeared and the form the companion interaction takes now doesn't do it for me.


I once loved raiding at all levels. I still do but galactic command hurt my desire to progress and it destroyed the community I inhabited. I could still raid at any level if I chose to, but the motivation to do so is a bit harder to rediscover.


I still love flashpoints. Hunting for my final flashpoint achievements is probably what has kept me around.


GSF is amazing.


Not much for ground pvp anymore, and hate uprisings. And the new story isn't entirely my cup of tea but it was worth the one play through.

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This is the reason I've always loved Bioware's games and the main reason I started playing swtor in the first place. The relationships between the player character and their companions adds a huge layer of emotional depth and investment to the game for me and makes spending hundreds upon hundreds of hours playing feel really worthwhile! But I feel like in recent years the devs have been putting our companions (new and old) on the back burner. Any interactions we have now are shallow at best with very little personal touch.



I was honestly mortified playing my female Sith Warrior in Kotfe and finding out that there was hardly any difference in the dialogue between her and Vette and a protagonist from a different class story.


The only noticeable exception to this so far has been Lana and while I adore her to the depths of my little lesbian heart, I feel that all the companions should have just as many interesting and meaningful interactions!


*cough* Also if the devs could make some of the returning companions bisexual that would be great thanks! *coughcough*

Edited by BlastBoomArt
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In my case, the main reason to log in are basically stories and companions.


Companion interactions and living your own personal story is absolutely what makes this game different from everything i've played. Light or Dark side choices, performing all types of tasks and missions, killing or sparing people, etc. and then companion interactions with their personal stories, romances and everything.


As a close second, it comes drssing my characters and strongholds. About dressing, i just enjoy making like 5-6 different outfits for each of my characters. I usually come up with the idea of such outfits myself, and i swap them according to the phase of the story im in, or to the specific planet im playing at.


Strongholds are fun, but i only have 1 fully decorated at a time. I enjoy modifiying them often, and just like outfits, swaping strongholds often prevents the whole thing from becoming boring and stale.


A couple years ago i was really into warzones, but it became very frustrating and tilting and i ended up leaving pvp and never coming to it again. As of now my main motivations to play are class stories, companions, and in second place outfits and strongholds.

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Story and Companions. When its a new story chapter or I find something I haven't seen before its an Adventure. I used to do the Flashpoints a lot also but the decoration drops seem to have lessened so that drive/anticipation has faded. Something new that I can actually *Associate with "Star Wars". Grinding is something I detest and only do as a Last Resort before logging out. Gave up on GC, RNG just as bad.
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I'd have to also say story and companions as I've enjoyed playing through all eight class stories and interacting with all the companions, Andronikos being my all-time favorite, possibly with Theron Shan being a close second. I've tried to do WZs but with my laptop not being as up to par as I'd like (working on getting a better one), I find myself getting killed quite quickly as the lag is absolutely horrid. I do enjoy the SM FPs but wish I could get into OPS more often for WBs and OPS like DP and DF. Of course, with my luck, these OPS are usually going on or are about to go on when I'm about to log off for the night.
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The reason I came to play this game were the class stories and companion side stories. Unfortunately now with the speed of leveling the class stories feel cheapened for me and are no more the fun they once were. Companion side stories have all but disappeared and the form the companion interaction takes now doesn't do it for me.



same here, I wish they'd give us an option to slow down the leveling. Maybe not to the vanilla pace, but 2x vanilla pace would be ok.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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