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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Revoke EA/BioFails Rights to Star Wars


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Every time at night when i put my head on the pillow that's when I start work and my shift ends when my eyes open lol :)

Well your shift has been far more productive than theirs have been...you didn't nerf everything during your shift :)

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Pretty sure Disney won't be renewing. The game is an utter disaster right now. Low population and patches that fail to be implemented properly which causes the game to be down all day. A new Star Wars MMO needs to come soon.


Patch issues happen in other MMOs too. SWTOR is really not so exceptionally buggy in that respect. People like to say that but other games have such issues just the same.


Now, the population being lower is a bit of a thing though. I really think the 5.0 release hurt the game more than it helped. It's a tough year for SWTOR. As far as Disney is concerned, they'll go where to money goes. What I do wonder about, since Lucasarts do have meetings with them about all the story content, is why they ok'd the whole Valkorion soap opera. That tells me their standards have been lowered quite a bit and/or they're never gonna make it canon so they don't care so much. It's a BW thing but the deal with Disney is with EA. And EA is making other SW games that are coming out in the next couple of years.


So I really don't see Disney pull the license over SWTOR, since they ok'd the story lines. The real question is what EA will do with regards to SWTOR. I think personally they want the game to last 10 years just so they can say they've had a SW MMO for 10 years. Unless the population really drops even more that it won't be viable anymore for them to run it, I'm pretty sure they'll let this game stumble on for another 4 years.


A new SW MMO you say? Well, wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Not sure if EA are happy to try that again after what BW pulled.

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Patch issues happen in other MMOs too. SWTOR is really not so exceptionally buggy in that respect. People like to say that but other games have such issues just the same.


Oh I very much disagree with that.


swtor seems to be held together by some strings and glue at this point. We get a patch that screws up so many random things it blows the mind. It seems every couple week swere getting servers that falter or even now gamers that want to try the game get CAPTCHA issues. Every single patch has bugs and in most cases bugs that hinder the content you just got. You cna go back through the blue posts and it's a fairly consistent "we are looking into it." beacuse of said problems.


I don't experience that in wow, FF14, lotro, DCUO or even wildstar. This game is exceptionally buggy and many times unstable and has issues beyond what I see in other MMOs.


I could easily see Disney not upping the contract with EA. They have not brought to the table anything particularly special while it's been under their influence. Battlefront 2 might change my mind on that but so far BF1 and swtor are the gems we are looking for

Edited by Quraswren
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Oh I very much disagree with that.

That's fine, but other games I've played have all had a bunch of bugs, game crashes, server restarts, patches of patches and stuff that was never fixed since launch.


So that's my experience and why I feel like SWTOR is not so exceptional when it comes to bugs.

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Oh I very much disagree with that.


swtor seems to be held together by some strings and glue at this point. We get a patch that screws up so many random things it blows the mind. It seems every couple week swere getting servers that falter or even now gamers that want to try the game get CAPTCHA issues. Every single patch has bugs and in most cases bugs that hinder the content you just got. You cna go back through the blue posts and it's a fairly consistent "we are looking into it." beacuse of said problems.


I don't experience that in wow, FF14, lotro, DCUO or even wildstar. This game is exceptionally buggy and many times unstable and has issues beyond what I see in other MMOs.


I could easily see Disney not upping the contract with EA. They have not brought to the table anything particularly special while it's been under their influence. Battlefront 2 might change my mind on that but so far BF1 and swtor are the gems we are looking for


Compared to ESO, SWTOR"s patches are flawless. I despise WoW so I don't know how it is, or the other two you mentioned, but LOTRO always seemed to have excellent QA for their stuff.

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That's fine, but other games I've played have all had a bunch of bugs, game crashes, server restarts, patches of patches and stuff that was never fixed since launch.


So that's my experience and why I feel like SWTOR is not so exceptional when it comes to bugs.


bw delayed a patch for two days to get rid of game breaking bug. Game still has game breaking bug.

A week later, they patch to fix said bug, break the game so bad it's unplayable for everyone.

Finally get the game working but can't fix what they just told you they were fixing.


I don't get that anywhere else. Hate you haven't had better experiences elsewhere because swtor isn't the game to base great coding on.


Compared to ESO, SWTOR"s patches are flawless. I despise WoW so I don't know how it is, or the other two you mentioned, but LOTRO always seemed to have excellent QA for their stuff.


Haven't played ESO but given that statement now I don't plan too. If it's worse than swtor then it's worth skipping.

Edited by Quraswren
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bw delayed a patch for two days to get rid of game breaking bug. Game still has game breaking bug.

A week later, they patch to fix said bug, break the game so bad it's unplayable for everyone.

Finally get the game working but can't fix what they just told you they were fixing.


I don't get that anywhere else. Hate you haven't had better experiences elsewhere because swtor isn't the game to base great coding on.


The coding is crap, no argument there but I've seen things like this before.


Since people want proof here's an example of GW2


Sounds very similar to me.

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Patch issues happen in other MMOs too. SWTOR is really not so exceptionally buggy in that respect. People like to say that but other games have such issues just the same.


Now, the population being lower is a bit of a thing though. I really think the 5.0 release hurt the game more than it helped. It's a tough year for SWTOR. As far as Disney is concerned, they'll go where to money goes. What I do wonder about, since Lucasarts do have meetings with them about all the story content, is why they ok'd the whole Valkorion soap opera. That tells me their standards have been lowered quite a bit and/or they're never gonna make it canon so they don't care so much. It's a BW thing but the deal with Disney is with EA. And EA is making other SW games that are coming out in the next couple of years.


So I really don't see Disney pull the license over SWTOR, since they ok'd the story lines. The real question is what EA will do with regards to SWTOR. I think personally they want the game to last 10 years just so they can say they've had a SW MMO for 10 years. Unless the population really drops even more that it won't be viable anymore for them to run it, I'm pretty sure they'll let this game stumble on for another 4 years.


A new SW MMO you say? Well, wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Not sure if EA are happy to try that again after what BW pulled.


You are incorrect. I never experience this type of issues in other MMOs and even past MMOs. SWTOR on every patch and maintenance has experienced problems every time so far this year. It gets worse every time. Just look at the CAPTCHA glitch that was recently discovered. No one could create a SWTOR account to play the game. How long has this been going on for? It's incompetence that BioWare displays time and time again is why no one plays the game anymore. People rather play a game with high percentage of uptime, less bugs/glitches, less exploitable bugs and just better gameplay in general.

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The coding is crap, no argument there but I've seen things like this before.


Since people want proof here's an example of GW2


Sounds very similar to me.


Its good that you found that for the debate but sadly swtor still trumps thats as bw tends to screw up dang near every patch and not just one or even a few. Their repetitive screw ups is quite damaging.


There is a clear difference in the mediocrity thats going on here vs other MMOs.


I would not be shocked at all to find Disney not allow EA/bw to continue this fiasco in the future.

Edited by Quraswren
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EA don't much care about this game anymore, it's probably just keeping it around as it still makes a bit of profit but don't want to spend too much on it.


CS seem to consider this game low priority too considering response times to tickets.


From what I understand this game has been mismanaged from the start as it is due to Keith's predecessor and it's taken it's toll.

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Unfortunately there's no other Star Wars RPG out at the moment, I mean there's only so many times you can play through KOTOR 1 and 2. I'm sure we've all played those to death along with Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy and as brilliant as those games are they're showing their age now.


All played out.


Wish we knew more about Visceral's project but I've got a funny feeling that's gonna get canned since we've heard 0 about it.

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So yes in the legal sense EA has exclusive rights to Star Wars. Other developers can develop a star wars game but the rights still remain with EA.


"DICE and Visceral will produce new games, joining the BioWare team which continues to develop for the Star Wars franchise.


I consider the word exclusive to actually mean exclusive.

"It's exclusive, but we have loop holes when we want them". So it's not exclusive.

It's only an exclusive contract in name, when in reality it should say they can have "most of the rights" until we decide differently.

Before playing semantics with the word exclusive, learn what the word means before critising other people's comments because they don't fit with what you write or your friends write.


exclusive -



excluding all else; rejecting other considerations, possibilities, events, etc


belonging to a particular individual or group and to no other; not shared


ie - exclusive rights

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Compared to ESO, SWTOR"s patches are flawless. I despise WoW so I don't know how it is, or the other two you mentioned, but LOTRO always seemed to have excellent QA for their stuff.


Just experienced my first patch with GW2 and it was smooth as silk. No bugs or quality issues and the download was fast compared to swtor.

Compared to GW2, swtor is a Ebola riddled corpse,

Edited by Totemdancer
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Just experienced my first patch with GW2 and it was smooth as silk. No bugs or quality issues and the download was fast compared to swtor.

Compared to GW2, swtor is a Ebola riddled corpse,


GW2 doesn't have traditional patches, they have a live updater that puts new builds of the game up on the server, so the game rarely ever experiences downtime.

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GW2 doesn't have traditional patches, they have a live updater that puts new builds of the game up on the server, so the game rarely ever experiences downtime.


And they've also had patches that were delayed and caused bugs upon release as well. Admittedly, SWTOR is having a bad spell at the moment, and I do remember we've had one before where we had some patches that broke stuff, but then it was fine for a while. Ups and downs.


In the end people have their personal experiences and not everybody is affected by the same bugs, but all these games just have had issues with patching throughout their histories. I remember two friends of mine who played WoW in the early days. From what I understand the whole first year of WoW pretty much was one big disaster.

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You are incorrect. I never experience this type of issues in other MMOs and even past MMOs. SWTOR on every patch and maintenance has experienced problems every time so far this year. It gets worse every time. Just look at the CAPTCHA glitch that was recently discovered. No one could create a SWTOR account to play the game. How long has this been going on for? It's incompetence that BioWare displays time and time again is why no one plays the game anymore. People rather play a game with high percentage of uptime, less bugs/glitches, less exploitable bugs and just better gameplay in general.

I am not incorrect. Of course personal experiences can vary but I've looked at various games to see and every MMO I've looked at I find reports about delayed patches and patches breaking stuff, whether it's WoW, ESO, Aion, GW2, TSW and more.


SWTOR had a spell like this before with some patch issues and then it was fine for a long time and now it's not. People are looking for trends but they don't look back far enough.


And the Captcha issue that got resolved yesterday, was about account creation here on the website right?


And if no one plays anymore then why are you and I still subbed here?


This game over its history has had a good uptime but there have been a couple of periods where it was not as good. This is one of them. But I've been in games where patches broke stuff and games were not playable for a day. Patches that were delayed for weeks and downtimes for maintenance that lasted well beyond the usual 2-4 hours here at SWTOR.


I know the coding is poor, I know BW is sloppy with their coding. But these programs with millions and millions of lines of code do all have issues.


But really, people exaggerate a lot here as well. Funny thing is, I've looked at forums of a bunch of the games I mentioned and I found exactly the same type of comments there about patches breaking the game, not being able to log in, error messages causing them to have to reinstall the game and it still not working. It's all there.


Just realise that not all problems affect all players, but that doesn't mean the issues are there. I know SWTOR has issues but I have not experienced most of the bugs people have talked about. The difference is, I have no problem accepting that those problems may exist even though I didn't experience them myself.


That's the difference between you and me.

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