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+1 RNG is crap and they will not replace it anytime soon. Just look what they did to NIM operations throwing in UC's instead of placing 248 tokens on those bosses like they should. Now PVP'ers have something else to complain about with the UC changes being made. (LOL - I call it Karma for all the nerfing they asked for, but that's just me).


I've got a sub long enough to check out 5.4 and then done right after that.


Likely UNSUB again myself as I'm pretty sure the UC count for NIM Operations will be a slap in the face and some of the other things they have not mentioned for 5.4 are going to suck as well. (They drop that bomb usually the week before - so next week we should have some craptastic news)


Legacy wide buff of 25% is a joke, the 2% stacking to 10% Buff for 2.5 million creds per character is a joke. If they seriously want to get people back in game they should crank Double XP up full time 100% of the time.

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Nonsense. People quit because they found the story not worth repeating on every alt and the lack of new group content boring You progress ops, not gear.


You are half right. Kotfe and kotet are worth repeating on force classes, they are pointless on non-force users. I've had fun running the jedi and sith through it several times, all my non force users stop once they finish Makeb.

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I don't like RNG any more than the next guy.. But be careful where you go.. RNG seems to be the new shiny to MMO developers as almost all games are going from a little (like here) to OMGWTF did you do (like a friend told me they're doing in that other game that shall not be named)..


Hate to see people go, specially since I just got time in my life to actually game again.. But just be careful because there is a LOT worse RNG out there right now.


This is true and the best defense is not to play any of them. RNG is garbage and the sooner people dump RNG based games on their faces the sooner companies will realize they have to put actual effort into designing their games.

Edited by Soljin
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I guess the amount of people requiring BiS is rather low, so I can't really understand the fuzz about GC. It sucks, yes, but just stop caring about the drops.


The lack of content and balance is what really puzzles me, you can only run the same stuff so often


And then the blatant grab into our pockets that is the change of legacy weapons and tuning unlocks furhter alienated me quite a bit. Still too addicted and invested to leave, but seriously frustrated.

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It's unfair to expect BW to let everyone gear all their characters in bis gear in under a month. They did that in 4.0 and after 3 months everyone quit because they had nothing left to progress their characters.


What's unfair is for BW to push players to create more and more alts (lack of new content and the dvl event) and then turning around and making it 10 times harder to gear them up with sucky RNG.


They created this mess, I can damn well expect them to fix that.

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I guess the amount of people requiring BiS is rather low, so I can't really understand the fuzz about GC. It sucks, yes, but just stop caring about the drops.


The lack of content and balance is what really puzzles me, you can only run the same stuff so often


And then the blatant grab into our pockets that is the change of legacy weapons and tuning unlocks furhter alienated me quite a bit. Still too addicted and invested to leave, but seriously frustrated.


The thing is that even though I like to gear up my 20 characters I do not expect to gear them all up in BiS gear. Perfectly happy to have them in 236/242 gear.


The problem is in your phrase "just stop caring about the drops". I largely did this but I understand that it's a big motivator for people to do things and to get crap level after level is discouraging. The lack of new content in this game pushed people to care more about rewards because the content itself is pretty old and stale for a lot of people. So once people are focused on the rewards more and you mess up the reward system like they did with GC, it was just an instant train wreck and they should've seen that coming.


On top of that I think that making in game rewards basically like cartel packs was just a bad idea all over as it set the completely wrong idea. They just got it in their heads that people love cartel packs, when in fact it's just an overpriced gambling addiction that they're exploiting if you ask me.


But the lack of content is indeed an issue. I definitely agree with that. They are doing something with that at the moment but it's at a slow pace and I hope it doesn't stop again. KotFE and KotET were just the poorest expansions to the game. The focus of story could've worked but failed because of their decision to take the original companions out and write a poorly constructed story that ended up being nothing more than a Zash II with a lot of family drama at it. Between the two I prefer the original story with Zash as it is.

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To me, I don't see the first thing wrong with Galactic Command. Not the first. Not today. One reason is I don't see it as I have to get my gear from there becasue today, I don't. If I get gear from it its like winning a roll on something I want. I thank RNGesus and hope we have a better relationship in the future but have the expectation he just coughed when he shouldn't have.


But one reason I like it is because I've gotten some schematics and mounts and rep tokens. I hope more gets added. To me the complaint about GC is like complaining about not getting your rep token drops from it. You can get that elsewhere if you even need the level of gear you're angry about not getting. Same for everything the things drop. Its just an extra source of a possible usable item(s). I don't think it has anything solely anymore.


I like some of the appearance gear too. It all makes it fun to open one and when it comes to grinding, I'll grind if I want to. Now, I don't think there needs to be so much RNG is other parts of the game. But the crates are fine as is for the most part. If you aren't running operations, you don't even need the gear. If you want it anyways, then PvP more or someothing. I PvP for gear more than anything. Its a steady method of working towards something and I'd say where I've gotten most of my gear above Tier 1.


Its time to quit blaming GC for being the sole gearing method we have since they are not and haven't been for a month or longer. It makes you sound like a non-raider demanding raiding gear. And if you wonder why not, its because you don't need it nor deserve it. So stop crying and get out there and run with some other people for a change instead of grinding some random RNG loot box.

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It's unfair to expect BW to let everyone gear all their characters in bis gear in under a month.


I can't even do that in that time frame with one character who does PvP. Let alone all characters, I have no idea what you are talking about because it clearly isn't every players experience.


It makes you sound like a non-raider demanding raiding gear.


It isn't just gear for raiders now. Doh! :rolleyes:

Edited by Transcendent
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What's unfair is for BW to push players to create more and more alts (lack of new content and the dvl event) and then turning around and making it 10 times harder to gear them up with sucky RNG.


They created this mess, I can damn well expect them to fix that.


hah! right. i wouldn't expect them to care let alone put one moments worth of thinking on the subject, thats the saddest part of this whole thing.

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I have a GAJILLION alts on a SUPA BILLION accounts and they're ALL level 70 and max GC. RNG gearing is EXCITING, AMAZING and quite the ADVENTURE! Very best SWTOR! Thousands years of GREATNESS to come! Sky is open for shining light of MAGIC crates gifted by MOST EXCELLENT RNGesus!


And the winner for the best trolling goes to ................................................




Ben Irving!!!

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I came back to this game after a long break about 4 months ago.At the start I really enjoyed it,all new to me and shiny.Got my main geared up and a few alts to 70 .Started to get bored then stopped playing altogether.

Sub cancelled.The reason the absolute awful command grind.Doing it once to full BiS was enough to put me off it for good and sucked the whole enjoyment out of the game.Opening hundreds upon hundred of crates of junk, a complete and utter waste of time.I was doing other stuff too,HM ops,pvp too and I just got to the point why am I doing this?I'm not even enjoying it.

Everybody in my guild nobody likes the whole GC sham and by the looks of the forums isn't much liked here either.

Who came up with this whole Command crap?Whoever it was your doing a great job in chasing people away,you know why?Because it's an rng suckfest for people who like alts.Opening near 1k crates and still not be fully BiS is a disgrace,and forced me away as it did to a good few of my pals.

Change it to comms then maybe,just maybe I will come back,but to have endgame as rng is just so retarded.Let us buy what we need with comms instead of lets disintegrate guys and laugh at them.

No doubt there will be the usual there's nothing wrong with it,well i'll tell you what you can keep it.

My money is going elsewhere.

Anybody interested in a real Star Wars game should check out Star Wars Galaxies Legends.Everythings in it,healthy population,economy the lot.And it feels so good to be back there.


I played Legends for awhile but it is not that great. People are still rude and they have their favorites and the rest are pretty much ignored and that is not good for a population of that size and due to the fact that they have had problems in the past I wouldn't say it is great.

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So anyone who disagrees with you is not a gamer? Tells me everything I ever need to know about you.


Oh you filled with so much drama.


I simple said gamers understand. You don't have to agree with it but there is no way you don't understand/comprehend it.

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I really think GC should be legacy wide, not character wide.


I'd love to see that but I'd even take something like this.


I could settle for any toon in your legacy gets half of everything earned from the current toon you're playing.


Want to play your commando for the evening and you get 20K CXP. All other toons in your legacy get 10K.


The next night you want to playing your sorc and you get 10K CXP. All the other toons in your legacy get 5K.


All in all the commando would have gotten 25K

The sorc would have gotten 20K

All other alts would have gotten 15K.


A bit of a compromise. That way you could switch between toons and alts are not getting the full amount but they are not getting totally shut out either and left in the dust.

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1 - Bioware made an event based on leveling alts to complete the event (DvL).

2 - Bioware made you grind alts to receive the XP boost 6-piece set so you could level more alts faster.

3 - Bioware completely destroys the meaning of playing alts with the introduction of GC.

4 - If I don't play my alts this game has no sense to me


Well, they're trying to fix the mess but I feel so cheated when they removed my 40k warzone comms and all my pve comms that I had on all my alts.

I used to play 5 characters EVERY DAY, flashpoint daily and warzone daily. Now I play one character, do my pvp daily and log off :(

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1 - Bioware made an event based on leveling alts to complete the event (DvL).

2 - Bioware made you grind alts to receive the XP boost 6-piece set so you could level more alts faster.

3 - Bioware completely destroys the meaning of playing alts with the introduction of GC.

4 - If I don't play my alts this game has no sense to me


It must be just terrible feeling trapped into following a predefined bread crumb grind in an MMO. Personally, I find your claim 3 and 4 to be playing some sort of role as victim to an MMO expac.


Yes.. if you insist on following the GC bread-crumbed grind... it's boring, tedious, and not alt friendly (for gearing). I'll even go as far as to state that following the studios plan with GC is absurd for players to do if they don't like grinding for the sake of grinding for currency for gear. Thing is.. since 5.0 went live.. smart players who were not interested in just following the obvious path offered actually organized and found different ways to gear alts effectively without GC. Said players quickly moved past the gearing challenge for alts and continue to play alts as much as they ever did. ;)


Yes.. yes... you can dig in and insist that only BiS GC crate drop gear will do for all your alts. You are free to make such a clearly bad decision. Complaining about it however comes across as rather hollow and poorly thought out in my view.


Heck.. even for main characters.. the need to grind GC for gearing is actually quite limited. Unless you insist on having absolute BiS in every slot for doing end game play... this too is a false premise play by players.


But really.... most of the perceived anguish over 5.x pretty well reinforces that players simply want gear to fall from trees so that they can be fully geared in a few hours and proceed to grind out whatever new content came with the expac.. so that they could then revert to their normal complaining about nothing to do in game.


PLEASE NOTE fellow forum members.... I am in no way endorsing the way they rolled out GC, nor it's current state after several patches. AS I have stated numerous times previously...it was poorly rolled out and in fact completely misfired on a number of promises they made about how it would work and how efficiently it would work. But 5.0 also came with a range of ways to almost completely ignore GC if it rankled ones feathers. Smart players quickly figured this out and moved forward if they observed (as many did, including myself) that GC was a "suckers grind" if you felt you had no other choice.

Edited by Andryah
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So what if I don't actually *need* BiS gear? I pay the same $15 a month as everyone else and put in many hours soloing, raiding, running FPs, etc., etc.


You're saying it's not OK to simply have this as a goal, especially since I have done all the solo, story and hm content the game has, multiple times? What other goal is there if I dont PVP or do end game NiM content???


Just because I don't PVP, means I can't have full BiS gear on at least 1 toon?


I have 8 characters well beyond GC level 300, and only 2 of them are even 1/3 248 geared, and since 5.2, the rate of 248 drops has dwindled to maybe once every 150-200 crates. This wouldn't be so bad if those "rare" drops weren't already triplicates of things I already have (usually relics or implants which I cant even pull mods out or give to alts).

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It must be just terrible feeling trapped into following a predefined bread crumb grind in an MMO. Personally, I find your claim 3 and 4 to be playing some sort of role as victim to an MMO expac.


Yes.. if you insist on following the GC bread-crumbed grind... it's boring, tedious, and not alt friendly (for gearing). I'll even go as far as to state that following the studios plan with GC is absurd for players to do if they don't like grinding for the sake of grinding for currency for gear. Thing is.. since 5.0 went live.. smart players


That's the part where I stopped reading your post. How condescending do you want to be to other players just because they don't play like you may choose to play?


Look, we've all got it, you went a different route to the one promoted by BioWare Austin. Not everyone wants to do that and wants a decent gearing system in the game full stop. Not a work-around option, one provided by the developers of the game.


You know, the ones who are communicating much more but have been pretty absent this week, especially in light of the drop the info a week ago Friday and then completely ignore the thread about UC changes. I'm seeing no lessons learned.

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That's the part where I stopped reading your post. How condescending do you want to be to other players just because they don't play like you may choose to play?


Irony at it's best. :) Well played.


And no.. I expect nobody to play the way I do, just because... unlike some in this discussion. :rolleyes:


My point is.. people blast in the forum about GC being the only path for gear in 5.0, and rail on it as an ALT killer, and it simply is not true.


I don't expect to persuade the person I responded to, nor the OP, on this by any means... but I do have as much right as anyone to point out the clear lack of thoughtful assessment as to how best to meet a players gearing needs in 5.x. There continue to be players that post negatively in the forum about GC and pretend that they are victims of GC. When in fact they are not, as they do have plenty of options in gearing at 70 in 5.x... particularly for ALTS...


I will concede that a good grind is needed on GC of you want your main in all BiS gear at 70... but the reality is not that many players actually need said gear. Oh.. they want it for sure.. and there is a grind path for it. But a lot of the negative comments come across as wanting BiS gear with very little time or effort.


All that said.. I DO fault the studio for the super easy gear mill of 4.0 having predisposed some players to complain and play victim (particularly players that either cannot or will not adapt to changes in MMOs). It's pretty hard to claw that easy mill back after you have given it to players for a year... no matter how wrong minded the approach was to begin with in the general context of MMO design and play.

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So what if I don't actually *need* BiS gear? I pay the same $15 a month as everyone else and put in many hours soloing, raiding, running FPs, etc., etc.


You're saying it's not OK to simply have this as a goal, especially since I have done all the solo, story and hm content the game has, multiple times? What other goal is there if I dont PVP or do end game NiM content???


Just because I don't PVP, means I can't have full BiS gear on at least 1 toon?


I have 8 characters well beyond GC level 300, and only 2 of them are even 1/3 248 geared, and since 5.2, the rate of 248 drops has dwindled to maybe once every 150-200 crates. This wouldn't be so bad if those "rare" drops weren't already triplicates of things I already have (usually relics or implants which I cant even pull mods out or give to alts).


It's a game. You play it for fun presumably. It's not about need, but about want. If you want to get gear together on your alts then the game should allow it at a reasonable pace between expansions. RNG means that the pace can not be determined.


Overall the randomness of it was a bad idea and still is. And make no mistake. Currently NiM ops are not a good source for 248 gear either. Only the last boss in each op drops it and any boss before drops lesser gear. So if you raid, your best bet is also pvp...and hey, I don't like SWTOR pvp either. So fml.


I agree that 4.0 went overboard with priority ops but for the rest it was fine. GC should've been an addition next to ops and pvp. It should reward you for heroics, quests, gsf, fp's, uprisings and such. Everything that's not warzones and not operations. Then everybody can get rewarded for playing and if raiders or pvpers want an extra change at endgame gear then hey, they can do some fp's or whatever as well. Who knows, it might help the gf queues a bit as well when people like raiders actually have a reason to do fp's or uprisings. Now we get tokens and cxp in operations. Why the hell would I even bother with fp's or uprisings?


It just never should've been thrown onto one big gearing pile. Some things are just too different too combine and it's exactly why we have tokens in ops again and uc's in pvp. It just didn't combine well into one system. It's still not what it should be but at least it's playable. I really hope that 6.0 will bring a better set up again.

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