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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unassembled Component Changes in 5.4


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Increase incentive for Ranked Warzones to increase participation and to ensure it is being properly rewarded compared to unranked.


Oops. I can see why you'd want ranked players to play ranked and not tear up the less-skilled in regs, but all this will do is push the less-skilled to jump into ranked and make the l33t d00ds lives miserable. You need to find a better incentive.

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Keith, honestly, you need to get back in touch with the players base. You are starting to go down the same path as Ben.

Each announcement seems to make the game worse, not better, how about actually finding out from your players what they want and not your executives who have zero idea what we want.


But they are in touch with the players base. The have the influencers program ! :rak_01:

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Hey folks,


As we have mentioned a few times over the past couple of weeks, we are planning some Unassembled Component changes in GU 5.4. This thread is to outline the exact changes you can expect. We had a few goals we wanted to focus on:

  • Increase the overall Components a character can get each week via Missions.
  • Increase incentive for Ranked Warzones to increase participation and to ensure it is being properly rewarded compared to unranked.
  • Shift some of the rewards from the Daily Missions into Weekly Missions so it is less punishing if you miss a day.


With that in mind, here are the specifics!


Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.

  • Daily Mission: Now rewards 10 Components, down from 12.
  • Weekly Mission: Now rewards 54 Components, up from 40.


Ranked - Large changes were made here to really amp up the value of Ranked Missions.

  • Solo Daily: Now rewards 15 Components, down from 16.
  • Solo Weekly: Now rewards 100 Components, up from 30.
  • Group Daily: Now rewards 30 Components, up from 20.
  • Group Weekly: Now rewards 200 Components, up from 60.


It is worth noting that the Command XP values of almost all of these Missions have also been buffed. The same is true of the Ranked Season Tokens that you earn from the Ranked Missions. Those are the Mission changes you can expect for Ranked and Unranked coming in 5.4. Thanks everyone.





Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.

  • Daily Mission: Now rewards 14 Components, up from 12.
  • Weekly Mission: Now rewards 80 Components, up from 40.


Change unranked UC's values to the above. Rest is fine :cool:

Edited by Dormei
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You gotta be kidding me, that are way too many components from Rated PvP. The only thing this will lead to is bad players queueing up for Rated and throwing matches, whether intentionally or just because they're noobs.

In my case, I will probably play Solo Rated with my alt (my main has already full 248 gear), and since I can't play that class in PvP, I'll be a dead weight for the team and probably lose every single match. Usually I'd feel bad for doing that, but fortunately since I'm a PvE player, I couldn't care less about what PvP players think, heck I don't even mind going AFK anymore, the gear grind has been just too brutal.


You should just accept that not everyone likes Rated PvP, or PvP for that matter, and give out components for every playstyle, especially VM operations and MM flashpoints/uprisings.


Seriously, Ben has been gone for so long that the gearing system could have been revamped ten times over by now.

The fact that it hasn't, shows me that the dev team is not interested in fixing it.


I find it funny that people are only cottoning on to the gearing system not improving now when they actually added a bloody tier should have been peoples first hint.


So glad I ignore gearing these days in this game - net result is that puts me off playing a lot of content but at least I get access to my credits for my sub right? :p

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So if the weekly goes up by 14 and the daily goes down by two (for regs) you literally didn't change anything math wise... Odd

They didn't change anything... for people who PVP seven days a week. If the average player only PVPs, say, three or four times a week (and completes the Weekly in those days) then they'll see their overall gains go from 76/88 to 84/94.


I'm not saying I think the change was ideal, but I think the idea was to tweak what most players were gaining on average, rather than focusing on the specific subset of players who play Unranked seven days a week but don't play Ranked (since if they play Ranked they are looking at a pretty huge uptick in their gains through those changes).

Edited by DarthDymond
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your changes are no good.


some true PvPers who like objective and strategy don't care a cent of your "ranked" arena no brain and full of cheaters/wintrade. (and i will not speak about your inefficiency to balance class..)


your raise will just help more this.

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I came here to ask why you BW imbeciles cannot do math, but it appears someone has already outlined it for you. You say you want to buff but you screw us over. Great job idiots. BTW, I dare you to ban my account for calling you out for the morons you are.


LOL I wish the mods would actually say "challenge accepted" before deleting this.

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Hey folks,


As we have mentioned a few times over the past couple of weeks, we are planning some Unassembled Component changes in GU 5.4. This thread is to outline the exact changes you can expect. We had a few goals we wanted to focus on:

  • Increase the overall Components a character can get each week via Missions.
  • Increase incentive for Ranked Warzones to increase participation and to ensure it is being properly rewarded compared to unranked.
  • Shift some of the rewards from the Daily Missions into Weekly Missions so it is less punishing if you miss a day.


With that in mind, here are the specifics!


Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.

  • Daily Mission: Now rewards 10 Components, down from 12.
  • Weekly Mission: Now rewards 54 Components, up from 40.


Ranked - Large changes were made here to really amp up the value of Ranked Missions.

  • Solo Daily: Now rewards 15 Components, down from 16.
  • Solo Weekly: Now rewards 100 Components, up from 30.
  • Group Daily: Now rewards 30 Components, up from 20.
  • Group Weekly: Now rewards 200 Components, up from 60.


It is worth noting that the Command XP values of almost all of these Missions have also been buffed. The same is true of the Ranked Season Tokens that you earn from the Ranked Missions. Those are the Mission changes you can expect for Ranked and Unranked coming in 5.4. Thanks everyone.




So you are giving the green light for people to troll ranked ? this isn't what the ranked community needs and take this from someone who has done limited ranked through out my 5 + year stint as a sub. Even certain players on the influencer program troll ranked when they know they don't have the skills but continued to make players lose rating just so they can score some extra goodies. Is the game even worth a sub anymore ? If you keep going on how you are with smoke and mirror changes I give you 12 months Eric and I feel sorry for you and Keith both of you are nice guys.

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Hey folks,


As we have mentioned a few times over the past couple of weeks, we are planning some Unassembled Component changes in GU 5.4. This thread is to outline the exact changes you can expect. We had a few goals we wanted to focus on:

  • Increase the overall Components a character can get each week via Missions.
  • Increase incentive for Ranked Warzones to increase participation and to ensure it is being properly rewarded compared to unranked.
  • Shift some of the rewards from the Daily Missions into Weekly Missions so it is less punishing if you miss a day.


With that in mind, here are the specifics!


Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.

  • Daily Mission: Now rewards 10 Components, down from 12.
  • Weekly Mission: Now rewards 54 Components, up from 40.


Ranked - Large changes were made here to really amp up the value of Ranked Missions.

  • Solo Daily: Now rewards 15 Components, down from 16.
  • Solo Weekly: Now rewards 100 Components, up from 30.
  • Group Daily: Now rewards 30 Components, up from 20.
  • Group Weekly: Now rewards 200 Components, up from 60.


It is worth noting that the Command XP values of almost all of these Missions have also been buffed. The same is true of the Ranked Season Tokens that you earn from the Ranked Missions. Those are the Mission changes you can expect for Ranked and Unranked coming in 5.4. Thanks everyone.




New nerf to daily? Are you joking? PLayers already told you that NERFING IS BAD. Do you want more subscriber to leave? You will get it. NO TO NERFS or remoove this crap command system at all.

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Ooh. Not a fan of this change. I typically don't get all 20 losses in a given week, so I'll net fewer UCs overall.

Here's my math:

Daily - 4 losses

Weekly - 20 losses (5x daily)

Old system nets 100 UCs (5*12) + 40

New system nets 104 UCs (5*10) + 54


However, if I only complete 4 dailies I'm being punished

old system nets 48 (4*12)

new system nets 40 (4*10)


The only way this is a significantly better system is if you can complete your 20 losses in one or two days' time.

1 day old system = 52 UCs

1 day new system = 64 UCs

2 days old system = 64 UCs

2 days new system = 74 UCs


What was the reasoning to increase the number of losses for a weekly? Can it be set back to 15?





-edit this also seems contradictory to me-


  • Increase the overall Components a character can get each week via Missions.


Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.


Even if you look at it from doing the daily 7 times a week

(7*12) + 40 = 124 (Old)

(7*10) + 54 = 124 (New)


So if you only do 5 days (enough to get the weekly) then you have a net gain of the components, but if you proceed to do 2 more days of dailies before the weekly resets, then you have no net gain under the new system.


Including the ranked into the mix, yes there is an overall gain to components, but a reason why I do not compete in ranked is I personally feel I am not up to the highest standard required for competing in ranked matches. This from my point of view from someone who PvPs from time to time and don't use it as a primary source of gearing, if I see this as a little on the meager side then I would say this has some validity.


As people has said forcing people to do ranked will make the ranked queues pop more. But at the same time, as often as you get steam-rolled in PvP matches in unranked, it would be worse off in ranked. So, you don't need to go overboard, you want to improve the number of components then do so, do not reduce the components of one and then increase the number of on the other, it is robbing Peter to pay Paul.


On a side note those looking at the numbers to gear up solely from PvP do forget you will get a piece of gear from time to time in your crates, thus reducing the total time one needs to complete in games to fully gear. An addendum, would this announcement would have also worked a little better if there was an explanation of what is going to happen with PvP gear in general, the bolster for PvP and if there is chances of looking at PvP specific gear returns, or another means to provide gearing in PvP as a means to make it matter more.

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Why are you trying to force people into playing ranked?


It's hair loss control. Too many players with a full head of hair. Participating in ranked should increase hair loss by 15% .


Those with already balding heads will experience a 15% increase in blood pressure! Now get in there and go berserk!

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5.4 = play ranked and ranked only with main character and only main character, do not play flashpoints, uprisings, unranked or anything else that exists in game with any other character. But if you finished weekly fast you could grab all alts in 110 gear and go ranked! They will pop now! Edited by BoySaber
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Finally! These changes will greatly help me to gear all my chars via non-ranked PvP... Many thanks! :rolleyes:

What a buff! :rolleyes:






I thought that the new producer could change gearing for the better... But it seems that this is impossible. :(

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Hey folks,


As we have mentioned a few times over the past couple of weeks, we are planning some Unassembled Component changes in GU 5.4. This thread is to outline the exact changes you can expect. We had a few goals we wanted to focus on:

  • Increase the overall Components a character can get each week via Missions.
  • Increase incentive for Ranked Warzones to increase participation and to ensure it is being properly rewarded compared to unranked.
  • Shift some of the rewards from the Daily Missions into Weekly Missions so it is less punishing if you miss a day.


With that in mind, here are the specifics!


Unranked - Overall, Component rewards earned per week unchanged.

  • Daily Mission: Now rewards 10 Components, down from 12.
  • Weekly Mission: Now rewards 54 Components, up from 40.


Ranked - Large changes were made here to really amp up the value of Ranked Missions.

  • Solo Daily: Now rewards 15 Components, down from 16.
  • Solo Weekly: Now rewards 100 Components, up from 30.
  • Group Daily: Now rewards 30 Components, up from 20.
  • Group Weekly: Now rewards 200 Components, up from 60.


It is worth noting that the Command XP values of almost all of these Missions have also been buffed. The same is true of the Ranked Season Tokens that you earn from the Ranked Missions. Those are the Mission changes you can expect for Ranked and Unranked coming in 5.4. Thanks everyone.




What is the crap? i was expecting legacy unassmbled componets and or more per win or lose, how does mess with the weekly and daily make any of this better?>

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but not everyone enjoys ranked and queues for it hardly ever pop. Why are you trying to force people into playing ranked?


They are trying to force people to play it BECAUSE queues hardly ever pop.


Its cheap, lazy game design. Have something everyone needs, gate it behind the crappest part of your game so people have to play, claim that as people are playing that part of the game it can't really be crap.


Of course, if they just made the content interesting and - most importantly - WORTHWHILE people wouldn't need to be forced to play it, they'd chose to.


All The Best

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Keith, honestly, you need to get back in touch with the players base. You are starting to go down the same path as Ben.

Each announcement seems to make the game worse, not better, how about actually finding out from your players what they want and not your executives who have zero idea what we want.


^ This.


2 more months of this and it will be "Come back Ben Irving all is forgiven".


That's how bad it is getting.


All The Best

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