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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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You know what? Let's follow our own advice.


Every single nerf is met with this kind of whining. Every one. Where people try to use the similar methods that they used before and find that it doesn't work at all and then they whine about it. At least until they find their way to new methods and adapt.


Let's wait a week and see how this plays out, okay? Hell, I'll even give the benefit of the doubt say that Slicing may have been busted by this change. I don't know yet. You don't know yet. BioWare doesn't know yet. What I do know is that nerfs always do this, no matter how just or injust.

Edited by VioletZero
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You know what? Let's follow our own advice.


Every single nerf is met with this kind of whining. Every one. Where people try to use the similar methods that they used before and find that it doesn't work at all and then they whine about it. At least until they find their way to new methods and adapt.


Let's wait a week and see how this plays out, okay? Hell, I'll even give the benefit of the doubt say that Slicing may have been busted by this change. I don't know yet. You don't know yet. BioWare doesn't know yet. What I do know is that nerfs always do this, no matter how just or injust.


no one said the nerf was needed, but you miss the point of how horrible a nerf it was. 50-80% is not a nerf its an atomic bomb.

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Thanks for providing more room for this discussion. Much appreciated. Slicing should be "unNerfed". It will make the game more fun (casual players and others will buy more from the auctions, and it will stop gold farmers). The current nerf goes way too far and makes it a useless profession.


I totally agree.

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So what is the point of crew missions? Waste money for no benefit if you're a slicer, and crafting material and faster levels for crafters? Hmm that makes a lot of sense.


i make more money from killing a single silver mobs then slicing now, total waste, im about to drop it, better not say that to loud of that is next.

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Don't forget...


The current prices of high-cost speeders, high-cost skills/skill upgrades, high-cost repair bills at higher levels is based on the reports of income gathered in beta testing.


And in beta, the community KNEW that slicing was a way to make significant credits.


So, the beta community used slicing to gather credits...


And then Bioware used the information (with slicing's large profits included) to decide/balance the high prices of the things listed above.


What no one seems to be addressing is that while they have gone beyond nerf and hit slicing with a hammer that would make Gallagher jealous, they have not reduced the prices that were inherently tied to profits from slicing.


Just saying...

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...just stop im done with you. you argue circles, engage in logical fallacy, and over all just being contrary.


Well, were missions the only way to make money off of slicing?


I'm only going off of your logic.


I said that maybe they made it so that missions aren't profitable intentionally.


You went off of that and said that if that was their intention, then you think the intention was to make it not profitable at all.


So you did imply that missions were the only way to make money off of slicing.


And that's not true. You still have nodes. Which are free of cost barring the time necessary to hunt them down.

Edited by VioletZero
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I love how people don't even consider the possibility that BioWare might have looked at the results for how Slicing was used, decided that they didn't like it and changed it.


Nope, it's all about bowing down to the whiners.


Whatever you can make up that makes your cause sound more reasonable I guess.


You have control issues. Take it up with your psychotherapist.

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Well, is it?


It depends on the context of the question.


According to the context of what you are currently arguing, if a player has the ability to roam around, hitting locked boxes on a planet and gain +1 credit... technically, that is a profit.


The question is not IF a player can profit from doing this. The question is if the player can profit enough for the effort to be considered profitable enough to engage in the act.


Not only that, but since this is a contextual argument, the majority of players would have to agree that it is profitable enough.


If your opinion is different from this majority opinion... then contextually, your opinion is wrong.

Edited by Blackwatch
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Well, were missions the only way to make money off of slicing?


even tho i said im done....



You seem to think, wrongly in fact, that the nerf applied only to the mission, when in fact it did not, as it also applied to nodes as well, point being i make more from TH now then slicing. i dont think that is what they think "working as intended" is, or maybe it is and they seem to created another Credit sink via mission to level Slicing where you dump in the low amount od creds you get from the nodes.



Now im done.

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This is great post, explaining in more professional way what Im, in my amateur knowledge of economics, expecting to happen.





I believe that this thread was continued as amongst the general rable there is some really good feedback.


I've read this thread from start to finish, ever single comment and while 95% of them are the usual forum posts of complaints with no pathway to resolution there is still some worthwhile information.


The general consensus from the more intelligible posts seem to repeat the same points:


1. Economically Slicing was viable in it's previous state however it should have been adjusted in some way to counter the early level advantage

2. BW has made a change to Slicing that doesn't really follow rational or logical thought processes that the general community can agree on; whether the information BW is privy too actually supports this change we'll never know

3. Two weeks into a game is too soon to make such a drastic decision.



I think it is important to continue this discussion but it is also important to continue to provide constructive feedback instead of destructive criticism.


If BW had allowed the time for server populations to mature it may have been different however all evidence points to the fact that this was a PR move to retain subscriptions after 30 day free pass which is really a shame.


I can understand the decision from a marketing standpoint but from a gamer and economist standpoint the nerf makes absolutely zero sense.


I would like to hear some BW feedback on the reasoning behind the change.


Too many people (myself included at one point) are getting trolled by people who have provided no evidence they understand the situation. I just wanted to put this here so the actual discussion can continue. If a person's posts bother you because of their circular nature, just flag it as spam. Unless, of course, it actually has meaningful content.


Edit: I also would like to point out that it has been made aware to me that Bioware Community Representatives are not allowed to engage in discussions such as these. So I would like to apologize to any representatives reading this that we don't blame you. But we would really like to see a response, possibly from a Community Manager :)

Cheers all ;)



A game like this is all about fun, unless one has mental problems.

Agreed. And fun for people of all backgrounds. I myself am more...hardcore PvE...than most people. Hence why the repair bills at level 50 justified slicing gains (not the pre-nerf gains, but gains in general) through missions.


However, casual players are not going to be willing to run around Tattoine (or, if they've made it to 50, Illu) just to farm some money for their skills / mounts. Slicing allowed them to actually enjoy the game without having to dump obsessive amounts of time into it.


Edited by Pansophist
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Only if you let yourself die...




Seriously though, a game shouldn't be all fun. There needs to be contrast so that the fun moments seem that much more fun.



A game like this is all about fun, unless one has mental problems.

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It depends on the context of the question.


According to the context of what you are currently arguing, if a player has the ability to roam around, hitting locked boxes on a planet and gain +1 credit... technically, that is a profit.


The question is not IF a player can profit from doing this. The question is if the player can profit enough for the effort to be considered profitable enough to engage in the act.


Not only that, but since this is a contextual argument, the majority of players would have to agree that it is profitable enough.


If your view is different from this majority opinion... contextually, your view is wrong.


And that is definitely a question worth exploring.


But we don't have the necessary data to figure that out yet. I am reasonably certain BioWare didn't like Slicing missions being consistently profitable for the same reasons I didn't like it: it was ripe for exploits and large amounts of inflation. It was unbalancing the economy and putting the amount of credits far ahead of the intended amount for well balanced NPC prices.


So far, all the data and complaints I am seeing revolve around the profitability of missions. But are we even certain that Missions are even intended to be an area of profit? Especially for slicing?


Whether or not nodes are profitable enough to undertake is another question all together and to be honest: I don't know. Let's figure that out. Sure, it won't be as much as it was before. But I say that we should figure that one out for ourselves.

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I think the nerf is fine. Added more data to the spreadsheet, for lvl 5 lockboxes. Ran 5 missions today, one botched mission, still made 1450 just from missions. Also made about 1800 from lockboxes, and one of the missions gave me a purple investigation (300) item, that the AH says it is worth 3645.


So looks ok to me. It really was way overboard before. Just making money out of thin air. No profession should make money just like that, and should depend on supply demand (materials/crafted items) or something.


Anyway, I think it's fine. Still useful for mission items, and cybertech schematics, while making a little money on the side, or a lot if you go hunting for safes. So it does take a little work to make money, which is fine.

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I think the nerf is fine. Added more data to the spreadsheet, for lvl 5 lockboxes. Ran 5 missions today, one botched mission, still made 1450 just from missions. Also made about 1800 from lockboxes, and one of the missions gave me a purple investigation (300) item, that the AH says it is worth 3645.


So I assume you're running the 41 - 48 missions with 'rich yield', and not the two 49 - 50 ones which would give you skill 340 missions. Correct?

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