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Discussion Topic: Game Update 5.4 and the Next Roadmap


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242? really? i actually do just fine in team of augmented 230, no wipes.... now i should be forced to grind even more just to do dailies for MM flashpoints...

rather make it not put you in the toughest flashpoints if you dont have gear for it, as not every single one actually requires that good gear


You're not being forced to anything. Only group finder will take your average armor rating in account. You can still form a group and join the hardier content

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So the burst is better but it isn't the burst spec. :rak_02:


If you "interrupt" fury's burst then it's just a bunch of spread out hard hits, that isn't real burst either. Set up is irrelevant because you don't just charge in and kill someone immediately, you wait till you're ready then kill them with the most efficiency. You pvp a lot right? You should know that. Even if the burst gets interrupted in carnage, it still does quite a lot in that first second, almost as much as most burst specs already, and if you do manage to not get interrupted then it easily surpasses all burst specs.


You also have to consider pve as well, where the burst is always uninterrupted, has one of the highest sustained damage in the game and has the best aoe too.


The question is it is only burst vs burst or do you to look into the entire discipline options? Did you factor in that fury has better range options, CC immunity and overall less susceptibility to being kited? This is the exact problem why BW 5.3 class balance changes were epic fail. You cannot measure or change effectiveness only though damage. This is why PT, and sorc dps where obsolete before 5.3 and remained so after 5.3.


Even in PvE you run into several conditions where you will need to move, gap close or so on, where fury will have edge. Fury should not be dealing more damage than carnage, they should be around equal. As for AOE (PvE obviously) fury should have slightly stronger options. BW could also remove the auto Aturo proc from cyclone slash if it is too strong in PvE.


On another note, annihilation is the mara spec with the most need for changes, but of course it is ignored. I guess this is what happens when you make class balance changes based on dps output on a dummy. You produce dummy changes.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Hey everyone,


"...we may do something similar for all Master Mode Flashpoints. Specifically, a player will need to have an average gear rating of 242 to use Group Finder. We won’t prevent pre-made groups from going in directly, but this will prevent under-geared players from slowing down your group..."



A 242 requirement will be more detrimental to the average player experience than beneficial. Queue times are already too long for Master Mode Flashpoints (even as a tank) and the rating requirement is not necessary thanks to bolster. All of the current Master Mode Flashpoints can be completed with augmented green 210 level 65 vendor gear. Putting up another wall for alts will just reduce the pool of able players who would otherwise be in the queue. PLEASE forget the idea of requiring a 242 rating wall for existing Master Mode Flashpoints.

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First off, I'd like to say that the 242 rating is a seriously bad idea. Most people still aren't even close to that rating in gear with the godawful system. All you will do is absolutely murder the queue finder by doing this. Please make it more like 230 or something of that sort.


Second of all, not very happy that there's no fixes in sight for sorcs...

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[*]Umbara Stronghold – This is the most unique stronghold yet, as you will be able to decorate your own moving train. You’ll need to complete the flashpoint a few times to gain access to the stronghold. Look for more details about the Stronghold in an upcoming post.




Also, Lana, Koth, and Senya’s hairstyles are available for purchase to customize your character.

I just hope Lana's Hairstyle is the SOR version.... IT BETTER BE!!!

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Very surprised another stronghold is being released so soon, this is great :)


Well that depends.


If it as good quality as Yavin then yes it is great.


If it as shockingly bad as Manaan it will kill the SH / Decorator demographic entirely.


All The Best

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[*]Umbara Stronghold – This is the most unique stronghold yet, as you will be able to decorate your own moving train. You’ll need to complete the flashpoint a few times to gain access to the stronghold. Look for more details about the Stronghold in an upcoming post.



I hope you or Eric would be so kind to confirm that players will be able to unlock the stronghold using story mode only and that it won't need master modes done to unlock.

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I hope you or Eric would be so kind to confirm that players will be able to unlock the stronghold using story mode only and that it won't need master modes done to unlock.


This is about adding another faux payoff to allow them to keep extending the grind.


Of course it will need MM, and I'll bet it will need more than one completion on Master Mode as well.


All The Best

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[*]Umbara Stronghold – This is the most unique stronghold yet, as you will be able to decorate your own moving train. You’ll need to complete the flashpoint a few times to gain access to the stronghold. Look for more details about the Stronghold in an upcoming post.


For Access to the stronghold, I should go to sucking Flashpoints? - Really? I can't believe, that you really gate a stronghold after Flashpoints, what a stupid and crazy idea.

I hope there a a Solomode for that.

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242? really? i actually do just fine in team of augmented 230, no wipes.... now i should be forced to grind even more just to do dailies for MM flashpoints...

rather make it not put you in the toughest flashpoints if you dont have gear for it, as not every single one actually requires that good gear


It is pretty clueless.


If you have all 242 then you can do HM OPs.


These guys really not only do not play SW, it is pretty obvious they have no real MMO experience.



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You're not being forced to anything. Only group finder will take your average armor rating in account. You can still form a group and join the hardier content


From a progression standpoint, at least conceptually, (gogo CXP RNG) the requirement >= the reward.


EDIT: But yes, in the end all this goes is undermine group finder, a game feature, back to LFG chat.

Edited by Foambreaker
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Well that depends.


If it as good quality as Yavin then yes it is great.


If it as shockingly bad as Manaan it will kill the SH / Decorator demographic entirely.


All The Best


Well if it's to be "as good as Yavin" I do wish to add that Yaving would've benefitted from better hook placement and fewer hookless areas. I would prefer they take better care at this, because Manaan also suffers from these unfortunate circumstances so no improvement trend has been established as of yet.

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I would disagree with this. There are two very different populations playing SWTOR: the MMO contingent who want to raid with groups, and the players who are here for story and RP.


In my opinion, it's not black and white, but somewhere between this. Look at me: I am an endgame raider. My whole playstyle is aligned to Ops. However, I also played the chapters (okay, just once), I also purchased some Cartel Market Packages in the past and I am also into Strongholds. I am playing actively GSF and PvP and I took part in Galactic Conquest and achieved the Conqueror of the Galaxy some months ago.

In your description, I would be part of an unimportant minority. From my point of view, I am participating in many parts of the game. In some activieties, I'm putting more effort, in others less. I am surrounded from people, who have similar views of the game. However, in my raiding group, there are just two members, who are only here to play ops.


What I try to point out: There are different types of gameplay. Some just do Ops, others are just doing solo-pve. And others are participating in parts of the game, that belong to both, solo-pve and group-content. MMO doesn't just mean the diversion of content, but the variety of players and playstyles.

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Very happy to hear the introduction of gear requirements in group finder, that is a great way to ensure higher quality groups, it would be great in the future if more options like these were available, such as achievements of the flash point and others.
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to comment on the 242 gear rating I think it is a great idea to try it on umbara flashpoint cause you can actually create challenging content with more experience players but I do not think it is a good idea for older flashpoints, those flashpoints are easy and it old content no gear rating more than 230,


overall I think this is an improvement to GF

Edited by commanderwar
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This. BW really needs to put some kind of meter in game that shows what your dps/hps/threat looks like, along with what the "minimum" required numbers are so you can see if you are the problem or if others are. It doesn't need to be public, but just something for people to see for themselves if they are doing the right thing or not.

Starparse for the win

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Hey everyone,

  • Crisis on Umbara – Our story will continue in a new Flashpoint coming on the planet of Umbara. This Flashpoint will launch with all 3 difficulties, Story, Veteran and Master. For Umbara’s Master Mode we are trying something new, and depending on how well it goes, we may do something similar for all Master Mode Flashpoints. Specifically, a player will need to have an average gear rating of 242 to use Group Finder. We won’t prevent pre-made groups from going in directly, but this will prevent under-geared players from slowing down your group. We’re adding a new average rating identifier on your character window which will be based on the items you have ‘equipped’.

This is a one of the feedback suggestions I had so it will be interesting to see if minimum gear level works and whether its rolled out to other group finder content.


  • Umbara Stronghold – This is the most unique stronghold yet, as you will be able to decorate your own moving train. You’ll need to complete the flashpoint a few times to gain access to the stronghold. Look for more details about the Stronghold in an upcoming post.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??!!!!1 :eek: I just spent all my credits buying male dancing Twi'leks for my private Manaan nightclub & secret nar shadaar pleasure room! Must. Make. More. Credits.


Class balance – The following Disciplines are receiving changes (details will follow in the next few weeks):

  • Lethality / Ruffian
  • Concealment / Scrapper
  • Medicine / Sawbones
  • Fury / Concentration
  • Carnage / Combat

Me on my lightning sorcerer really struggle to damage well compared with other classes in PvE content even with all 248 gear and adjustments to stats/utilities. I've had to avoid Ops because of it. In PvP unless there is at least someone to guard me in 4v4 I am finished especially against any class with stealth and fast interrupts - I usually just instantly quit 4v4 lately random creates an all damage team as my spec preference is little use in them. I'm guessing the Dev team are at a loss at how to fix lightning without making it over-powered?


  • We are making changes to daily and weekly mission rewards for PvP with the intent of substantially improving Unassembled Component gain for players who complete both Ranked and Unranked missions.

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ yay!


I'll add my 2 pence to the question about class companions: when are more going to be returning? Also for the roadmap, is there any possibility of some content that includes companions that we favour (namely the ones many players romanced or prefer to use) over those the Dev Team made central to the story?

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This is about adding another faux payoff to allow them to keep extending the grind.


Of course it will need MM, and I'll bet it will need more than one completion on Master Mode as well.


All The Best


Oh I doubt they do that since this flashpoint is requiring you to have 242 to do the Master Mode.

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Hey everyone,


We are quite a few weeks away from publishing the next 90 day update for our SWTOR Roadmap. We solidified our content plan and release schedule, so I’ll include all those details in the update. But, as you know, we’re really trying to provide you with more insight than ever before, and I’d like to know what other information you’d want to see in the Roadmap. Obviously, I can’t promise to include everything, but will do my best to address a wide variety of your requests.


Many of you read the SWTOR roadmap (http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20170531), and realize I had left you with an elusive “and more to come…” in the Game Update 5.4 section. I thought this would be a good time to let you know what will be released on August 22nd with the next game update. Here’s a few highlights of what you can expect:


  • Crisis on Umbara – Our story will continue in a new Flashpoint coming on the planet of Umbara. This Flashpoint will launch with all 3 difficulties, Story, Veteran and Master. For Umbara’s Master Mode we are trying something new, and depending on how well it goes, we may do something similar for all Master Mode Flashpoints. Specifically, a player will need to have an average gear rating of 242 to use Group Finder. We won’t prevent pre-made groups from going in directly, but this will prevent under-geared players from slowing down your group. We’re adding a new average rating identifier on your character window which will be based on the items you have ‘equipped’.
  • Umbara Stronghold – This is the most unique stronghold yet, as you will be able to decorate your own moving train. You’ll need to complete the flashpoint a few times to gain access to the stronghold. Look for more details about the Stronghold in an upcoming post.
  • Companion Customization – Senya Tirall can now have her weapons and armor customized. Also, Lana, Koth, and Senya’s hairstyles are available for purchase to customize your character.
  • Quality of Life – Companions can now be summoned while moving.
  • A new feature on the in-game Preference screen has been added for higher graphic settings to improve the realism of contrast and shadows.
  • Class balance – The following Disciplines are receiving changes (details will follow in the next few weeks):
    • Lethality / Ruffian
    • Concealment / Scrapper
    • Medicine / Sawbones
    • Fury / Concentration
    • Carnage / Combat

    [*]Season 8 will be coming to an end! We will post the full breakdown of rewards with screenshots in the coming weeks but in the meantime… the top rewards include a full weapon set and a new Ember Makrin Mount.

    [*]We are making changes to daily and weekly mission rewards for PvP with the intent of substantially improving Unassembled Component gain for players who complete both Ranked and Unranked missions.


Back to the Roadmap update for a moment as I’d like to provide some guidelines about the feedback. Be concise and specific. Think how it will affect other players, fairness, progression, impact, to help us truly understand and weigh your thoughts against the entire plan/direction.


Keep in mind, our goal for this year was to put us on a track of providing new and challenging multi-player content, while addressing all the gameplay systems in SWTOR. It does mean spreading content out over the year, but I still believe having access to content sooner is more desirable than having to wait a year to get it all at once.


Chat with you all soon.




Finally an update on bolster changes for pvp. I knew y'all hadn't forgotten about it.


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It is pretty clueless.


If you have all 242 then you can do HM OPs.


These guys really not only do not play SW, it is pretty obvious they have no real MMO experience.




Maybe it's because Bioware plan on nerfing all the classes back and then the gear will matter more... I don't agree with it... just putting it out there because who knows what Bioware are thinking these days.

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Maybe it's because Bioware plan on nerfing all the classes back and then the gear will matter more... I don't agree with it... just putting it out there because who knows what Bioware are thinking these days.


The nerfs are actually happening to force people to reroll, level and grind to stretch content again. The balance excuse is total BS.


Once again my raid group can't complete content we were doing prior to 5.3. I am so angry with BW I am hardly posting and spending most of my time in ESO.

Edited by DanNV
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  • Crisis on Umbara – Our story will continue in a new Flashpoint coming on the planet of Umbara. This Flashpoint will launch with all 3 difficulties, Story, Veteran and Master. For Umbara’s Master Mode we are trying something new, and depending on how well it goes, we may do something similar for all Master Mode Flashpoints. Specifically, a player will need to have an average gear rating of 242 to use Group Finder. We won’t prevent pre-made groups from going in directly, but this will prevent under-geared players from slowing down your group. We’re adding a new average rating identifier on your character window which will be based on the items you have ‘equipped’.
  • We are making changes to daily and weekly mission rewards for PvP with the intent of substantially improving Unassembled Component gain for players who complete both Ranked and Unranked missions.


Be concise and specific. Think how it will affect other players, fairness, progression, impact, to help us truly understand and weigh your thoughts against the entire plan/direction.




Momentarily pausing on the group finder change specifically, can I assume that BioWare have taken a look at the pool of players actually in 242 gear and above prior to implementing this? I've been playing casually for roughly a month now and still don't even have a full 230 set for my two operatives. The gearing in 5.0, while many changes have been made and are welcome is especially slow for PvP orientated players such as myself. Actually playing PvP while trying to gear up is painful, it isn't fun.


On a different note, I'll assume the "average gear rating" is similar to The Division in the way it works out gear rating, does that exclude or include augments (which will lower ratings), obviously that would have an effect on the previous point about player pools for master mode Umbara.


Which leads onto the second part about improving the UC rewards. While that is also welcome, I've really got to admit the whole vendor thing introduced and the addition of UC as well as the additonal tokens that now drop in every RNG crate, to me as a veteran player is slightly confusing. Wouldn't it make more sense to do away with UC completely and convert them all to the other token (while increasing the cap for those), and increasing the availability of those through the RNG crates and mission rewards? Equally said, the vendor costs are still far too high to be of much use to a casual player who likes to PvP, is that going to be addressed going forward?


Thanks for the update!

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The nerfs are actually happening to force people to reroll, level and grind to stretch content again. The balance excuse is total BS.


Once again my raid group can't complete content we were doing prior to 5.3. I am so angry with BW I am hardly posting and spending most of my time in ESO.


I unsubbed last week and it's 3 weeks to go till it runs out

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