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Everything posted by SkiaTheShade

  1. Any updates on when Jugg DPS specs might see some love for PVP? It's a struggle, to be sure... :/
  2. I would keep the Scream DoT because it helps proc Destroyer. You need both DoTs from Scream and Impale IMO. Get rid of Pooled Hatred as it's very difficult to get to full stacks, and it's only 20% increase with full stacks. I've done the Rage tree and having the increased crit chance on Vicious Throw is nice, but not worth it. I agree with you it is much better to go into the Immortal tree and get the Armor/Accuracy Debuff. Augment your already amazing survivability even more. Here is what I run: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101G0oZfhrRMuddGGoZb.3
  3. Oh, yes of course! I take Accuracy for PvP as well. I run 95%/105% melee/force accuracy for PvP. PvE you would absolutely need 100%/110%
  4. No, you should not take any Alacrity as a jugg. For both DPS specs you stack Power and Surge.
  5. Some of these people are giving really ridiculous and one sided answers. The general thought is that if you aren't a Mara then you just suck dick at DPS. This is just NOT true. If we followed that logic then no one should play anything but a Mara/Sniper for DPS. If you enjoy it, play it. It's really just that simple. Vengeance is a very fun spec to play both in PvE and PvP. If you like playing it then you should play it. If you look at Madness Assassin, Engineer Sniper, Pyrotech Merc, etc. and compare those to Jugg DPS then they look like they are gods. It's unfortunate the balance is so off, but that's the way it is. PLAY WHAT YOU ENJOY. If are you a good player then you will get a spot in a group. Pick you class, learn it, master it.
  6. Both are good and fun, play what you prefer
  7. Dude, come on! They are WILDLY different classes and playstyles. You have to look at each classes style while balancing. Marauders are supposed to be straight up killers, not the most survivable and simultaneously highest DPS in the game. Undying Rage is not supposed to allow you to fully heal up, it's supposed to be a last stand mechanic. Marauder's have better survivability then every class except maybe Assassin's, as you said. Assassin's it makes sense though. They are a stealth class with front loaded burst damage. Marauders have huge AoE burst, or huge consistent single target damage, and amazing cooldowns. It sucks when your class gets nerfed, but someone who truly understands the game and can see balance from other angles will understand when a nerf is needed. Even if it's their own class.
  8. It sounds to me like your in PvE gear. That's your problem right there. Get a full set of Conqueror and you'll see a ridiculous increase in both damage and survivability. Expertise is REQUIRED for PvP. Absolutely required. Yes, the gear level is lower but PvE gear does not have Expertise on it, the trade off is worth it. Unfortunately, you'll have to have 2 sets, one of PvP and one for PvE. Bolster does not work on high end PvE gear. Maxing Expertise at 2018 will give you +60% Damage to players, +37.5% Damage reduction against players, and +35%(I believe) Healing boost to players. It's huge. Some guy above said get Overkill Augments. No, do not do this. Get Might Augments. You want to stack Strength, especially for Vengeance.
  9. I agree with what GregAlia said for the most part. You don't often run into the other faction while leveling. However, it does happen. It's not enough to spec around it though. Vengeance is going one of the best 1v1 specs in the game IMO. Huge single target damage, you can't be CCed for the first 4 seconds after leap. Lots and lots of damage reduction. If you get crits it bursts REALLY hard too. Fun spec! I leveled as Rage and I was able to 1v1 almost everyone I met in the open world. So, take that for what you will too haha
  10. I'm personally really partial to the Scalene armors, all of them lol. I like the Red and Blue set the best though. I've strayed away from that recently and I'm currently rocking the Battlemaster War Leader chest, Sovereign Mind Headgear, and the rest is the Eradicator set. I'm using Purple/Black dye as well, everything unified except for the boots. Purple lightsaber .
  11. It's a good gear guide, but I wouldn't follow the spec personally. He skips points in Brutality and Saber Strength which I really like having points in so my damage is a hair less spiky lol (ish). Also I feel like I'm swimming in Rage so taking talents that improve Sundering Assault don't seem worth it. Also, not taking the Accuracy buff seems like a waste cause of most people -5% Accuracy debuff they give you. If a Smash misses your ****ed. Here is what I use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZfhMZrrMkrGkMffz.3
  12. Glad you got it decided! The Jugg is definitely a fun class. You feel like you contribute a lot as DPS, especially in PvP with taunts and a friendly leap. Do light side, the Warrior light side story is supposed to be really good. Good luck!
  13. Haha this is an awesome idea for a thread. Mine would have to be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIkpPyvqFlM - The Toughest Kids by Adept. I'm currently using it to make a montage in fact: http://youtube.com/skillupgaming. My friend also used it for his own Marauder montage.
  14. Haha funny reply. This made me laugh. Anyway, don't worry about it man. MMO community is a large group of indecisive people for the most part. I'm one of them. I never feel like I'm playing the right class, or what alt to roll, etc. You're going to be much happier if you just roll with what you WANT and LIKE to play. Don't think about what you should play. if you choose a class/playstyle/role based on if you are going to let others down you won't have nearly as much fun playing this game as you otherwise could be. I would strongly urge you to pick the class that you are drawn to, the one that you truly have the most fun playing. For me, at the moment, that is my DPS Rage Juggernaut in PvP. It may not be as optimal as a Rage Marauder, but I have more fun playing the class. If you get into a good group of people to play with and you master your class no one will question you. As for 1v1, yes a DPS Juggernaut is very, very good at fighting in a 1v1 scenario. Vengeance is amazing for 1v1 fights if you can learn to play it correctly. Rage is not quite as good, but still very strong, in my opinion. A Marauder is a terror to fight 1v1 because of Undying Rage and Force Camouflage. Both a Juggernaut and a Marauder can be easily dealt with 1v1 if the opponent knows how to play correctly, but that can be said with every class. The best 1v1 class, in my opinion, would be a Deception Assassin, but to me that's just not as fun. That's my 2 cents!
  15. Lol! The only thing to say to this is "Yes." I leveled as Rage and just plowed through everything with Vette or Quinn
  16. Keep in mind you can also play Juggernaut as DPS if you prefer the playstyle. The simple answer is that the Jugg has the option to DPS or tank and the Marauder can only DPS. That's not a super helpful answer... So what I would suggest is that you level both up to about level 25 because it doesn't take to long and it gives you a good taste of the class. They are the most similar out of all the ACs but there are definitely playstyle differences. Less so in entire mechanics, but in more subtle mechanics it seems. For example, Juggernaut's get a big more control with Force Push which will reset your Force Charge. You also get Taunts for damage reduction on your team, which is amazingly helpful. Marauders are all about getting the last bit of damage out. They have a speed boost, 15% damage boost, 3 second invisibility, and 4 seconds of invincibility (you can still CC them). Marauder is more sought after for DPS then a Juggernaut, but Juggernaut is still viable DPS. Juggernaut Tank on the other hand is definitely top tier right now. Playstyle difference, what are you looking for?
  17. Oh! I can answer this one. In depth too ;P Get your Accuracy to 95% Melee/105% Force. You don't want your big hits missing or being shielded, etc. After that stack Power and Surge solely. You don't need any crit. It's better to have your smashes hit harder then have a small chance to have other abilities crit more often. It really doesn't increase it enough to make it worth it. Alacrity doesn't do anything for you, get that **** out of there ASAP! As for the set to get, get most of the Partisan set. However, you can mix a couple pieces with some Marauder gear and you won't have to swap out any mods. To do this you must use Adaptive gear, otherwise you won't receive the correct amount of armor for the gear. Don't wear any medium gear. For the set get all vindicator pieces (just for the set, we'll talk about implants and ear pieces in a minute), except for the belt and bracers. Get the Challenger's belt and bracers and throw the mods into some adaptive gear. Those 2 challenger pieces come with Power by default, so you don't have to swap out the mods at all. When you put the mods into adaptive gear you will get the correct armor rating from the piece still . You should get the Weaponmaster's MK-1 Device for your ear piece, and 2 Vindicator's MK-1 Package for your implants. At this point you will only need to swap out the mods of your Generator (get rid of that Alacrity!), headgear, and boots. Get rid of the Alacrity and Crit rating. I swapped out the Alacrity for Accuracy, added Accuracy on my boots instead of the Crit, and then replaced the Crit on the headgear with Power. As for Augments you should go for the Strength augments. We as Juggernauts have the Dreadnaught talent which gives us 6% extra Strength. After that you should be pretty much min-maxed!! Good luck!
  18. This is the PvP question, it doesn't have anything to do with PvE
  19. These are quite good and to the point n I like how all the fluff was removed. Are we getting answers today? Or are we just simply posing the question today and waiting for answers?
  20. Yes this! Something needs to be done so that a DPS Juggernaut does not get so easily eclipsed by other classes in PvP. At the moment there isn't much a DPS Jugg can do that a Mara can't do better. I saw a comment earlier about how PvP was not being discussed enough, and I agree. This thread seems mostly focused on PvE. I would like to see some more PvP discussion. I think centering the question around group utility, or Enraged Defense is great! The question about Enraged Defense so far looks decent. It seems some grammatical fixes however. I would type out more but I'm on my cell phone :/.
  21. Yeah! Vengeance is super fun. I personally prefer the mobility and the playstyle of Rage, but that's just a preference. Play what you think is fun
  22. As a guy that purely PvP's, I want to ask questions related to both sides. Everyone who plays should have a fair game regardless of their focus. Neither PvE or PvP should be an after thought. Especially if the community and BioWare wants even a semblance of competition within the PvP side of the game
  23. I play Rage and Immortal and this is the Rage build I use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZfhMZrrMkrGkMffz.3 Here's why: The 6% Strength is obviously required, and with this you can Augment for Strength instead of Power. I get the 3% accuracy so I don't have to mod for as much Accuracy and I can put the rest into more damage. I do go for 105% Force accuracy and 95% Melee accuracy. I take Stagger because it helps me get off a Smash if I use Force Crush for the Shockwave stacks if Enrage is off cooldown, or I have more then half my Rage bar full already. It can also help to get off a Ravage if your Smash is on cooldown. I don't take any of the Sundering Assault abilities because I always seem to have full Rage anyway, it's never really been a problem for me. I used to take the one that would build 2 additional Rage when I was newer to the game and didn't know how to manage my Rage. It's not a problem anymore. As for the 10% increased damage to Ravage, I don't use Ravage enough to justify it when the rest help me out in multiples areas and not just one. As for gear, I'd just start getting a Partisan DPS set. it's so easy to get comms, especially if you only PvP. I'm not worried about getting Conqueror for the next patch, it'll go super fast.
  24. Yeah :/ and it sucks! I need credits... lol But yes, as the poster said above, get Str augs instead of Power.
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