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Players "Wall of Crazy" ideas


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Maybe not crazy, but how about more post marriage, you flirt, you kiss, you get married, you never speak to each other ever again, what about a dozen possible female npcs you can marry, not a single one wants kids, put in adoption system.


Revisit/follow up story system, What happened to Vette's sister, maybe her Moff got displaced during the outlander saga and he gets in touch with Vette to join your alliance though a flashpoint, like have us have to rescue him and Vette's sister.


  • Vette's old gang contacts her to get you to help take back rare artifices as bounty broker unique missions, choose DS and keep the artefact for your self for more money, or give back for more rep.
  • Inquisitors cult, maybe repeatable missions.


Event seasons, 4 on 1 off, example, season lasts 6 months, you start with 0 rep, bounty, ghoul, gree, and a new DvL, each event runs one week, with events running back to back, one event, say DvL has a built in story, at the end you get a FP, depending on if you go DS or LS you get a different comp, at the end of the season a new rep take over, from start of season 1 you have until start of season 3 to claim rewards, then they gone forever, each 6 months new rewards are added, weapons, armours, mounts decos so on.


A solo OP, without god bots, so you die like in a real op, it could be role based, a way to train new players, and let people who have never done an op before see if it is something they would want to do.


Actual invasions, a large scale daily area, where you slowly remove skytroopers, say one mission you have to clear a factory, if you go DS you can enslave the locals, but they produce extra enemies to fight, if you go LS free them and they aid you in fights,so we finely get consequences that matter.


Cool but I feel like all the innovation and creative RP stories are sort of frozen from the class chap 1 to 4 stories Now it's almost 30 chapters of non cannon outlander missions. PER TOON.

Edited by IntegrationArch
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Not really, they could tie the old stuff in with the new as I said, doesn't have to be class based.


Vette is a main part of the story now, her sister and the Moff joining could fit, set up so Vette contacts you and explains things.


Vette's old gang could be a heist mission like when you got Vette, stealing something from hold out skytrooper rebels.


The inquisitors cult could be under attack by Hutts and ask for our help and offer up some tech or something.


No worse then the fact the outlander story was written solely from a light side jedi, but meant to cover all classes, like an agent learning from Marr and Satele.


What odds does it make, this would involve spending resources on story not the cartel market, so not going to happen.

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Imperial intelligence and Republic SIS reported that the "Third Sun" one of the smugglers ship had a

forbidden and extremely powerful technology, coming straight from Iokath. This incomprehensible technology

additionally caused serious damage on the ship, which now is drift in space, and the damaged reactor in 60

minutes will cause a massive explosion. Both sides send their ships as soon as possible in order to board and

take over the valuable cargo before the ship will be destroyed.


1. New pvp mode for guilds "Battle for contraband from Iokath".

2. Every Saturday from 10:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sunday (the day of the battle) leaders of their guilds can

register guild to participate in the battle, provided the guild has a boarding ship at the appropriate level.

3. Places in battle for the guild may be limited. Imperial guilds compete with the Republicans.

4. After 4:00 pm The system will draw a guilds that will be fight against each other and block the possibility of

accepting new members until the end of the battle.

5. At 7:00 pm the battle begins! Next to the minimap is the icon, which allows up to 16 guild members enter

the battle arena. (Individually or in groups). http://i67.tinypic.com/oqx26q.jpg

6. The battle lasts 60 minutes and wins the guild that scores more points. Points are awarded for: killing enemy

player, carrying cargo, bringing cargo to the ship, stealing cargo from enemy ship, destroying enemy defender

droid etc.

7. Guild boarding ships are improved by performing tasks from conquest, daily pvp and pve, and completing

battles etc.

8. Improvements include both shields, turrets, battle and medic droids etc.

9. Guild scores after each battle points that can be exchanged (at the new vendor on the fleet) for decorations

or titles etc.


Sorry for my english:P

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For those demanding a new class; it's been said repeatedly that making a new class would be -extremely- difficult due to the fact that each class in the game has their own unique instances, stories, and ships(Of course, excluding Jedi/Sith ships, since both class archtypes get identical ships). It would take a lot of resources and time to go back through the game to add new instances to carve into the already detailed map, and then to create all those other features.


Some may say that other games have created classes after launch, like WoW... Well, WoW's story is very open and vague, allowing classes to be introduced without issue. Now, a possible work around is to introduce a hero class, like WoW, and have the class start at say... 50, and leave it so they can only go through KotFE and KotET, and then onto the next expansions.


WoW faced exactly the same question with their world in WoTLK and their decision was to implement an "heroic class", a class that started their story on a very high level.

Technically speaking they could have done this on Knights of the Fallen Empire introducing a Zakuul Knight making some small changes like not calling him "outlander" but "knight" or something and it could technically still keep the same lore since everything happened 5 years after original stories and the "whole galaxy" had changed since the original stories.

They could also introduce the new class in a controled enviroment at begining and perhaps release them into the wilds after lvl50 into Ilum/Makeb/Revan storylanes eventually reaching the Outlander status.


There are thousands of ways they can make a story for a new class, they dont need to make new phasings in old worlds, they can even introduce a phasing in a new world were this new class has a story and other clases have new story too, since the lvl doesnt matters anymore and you get scaled to the planet lvl and get the experience in regards to your current exp.


To those who are asking for open world, environmental changes... Like weather and day/night shifts-- do remember that(unless I'm mistaken), SWG and SWTOR run on two completely different engines, so it could be a very hard thing, if not impossible thing, to implement. Of course, there's also the issue of syncing players to that cycle. Then again, that's not a big issue. The big issue is having vast environmental changes for each planet. For instance, I presume it'd be pretty damn hard to code in Korriban being night time, whilst Tython being mid-day. It'd create a LOT of lag for people.


That doesnt even makes sense, the engine is not the relevant issue in weather/daytime status, also it doesnt necessary have to make lag or something, old as hell games like Lineage 2 had a day/night cycle (which even changed enemies in some zones based on if it was day or it was night) and it did not make any lag or something.


Though i think this change is too aesthetic to be developed while also some planets technically have huge problems (like Taris which being swamped gives an evening lookish style and Hoth which would kill you if you standed at night time there).


My own 'Wall of Crazy' desire that could potentially be put into the game without a great deal of hassle would be to restore Flashpoint unique decorations and armor. I cannot tell you the countless times I ran Esseles, Black Talon, and Boarding Party on my alts to get decent looking sets of armor.


I agree on having early sets back, some were awful looking but other pieces were cool, i liked old inquisitor pvp set was very nice looking and its sad not being able to have it now (at least i dont know where to get it xd).


I'd also like to see some more cosmetic and fluff features for our RP community, like toggle tiers of Dark Side corruption. However, one of my outlandish desires for the game is to have XYZ decoration for Strongholds, and a mini-expansion solely for strongholds. It'd be so cool to have a patch be dedicated to releasing dozens of various sized strongholds, ranging from planetary homes to space homes.(Don't say it's not possible... ESO managed to release XYZ decorating with 36 different homesteads of various sizes when they launched their Homestead's patch, which released player housing.)


One of the things i've hated absolutely after returning to this game is how they made the Light vs Darkness something MANDATORY to pick. I have never felt light or dark in this game (even though i identify myself as sith since i feel their code is true and the jedi is just a bunch of nonsense, but thats another topic... xD), i never roleplayed in a rp server yet i liked my character having its Light vs Dark based on MY decisions, not on an arbitrary number that raises depending if i like blue or red.

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Biggest want I have is Story Mode for all flashpoints. Not because I only solo but because no one seems to want to play some of them. I'd also like to see operations get whatever kind of mode needed to have more people que for them pretty regularly. Even the Story modes don't pop often enough.


Oh, forgot to add, I'd like to see an operative type added to the Republic. I played my smuggler as an SIS agent but that still doesn't feel like an agent from the game perspective. And if any of my characters have to say my lord on Empire side one more time...

Edited by Thruine
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Make Emotes Great Again! I think many are taking this thread far too serious and are using it for a serious suggestion board. To me "Wall of Crazy" means something that's not really needed but many would find interesting to a point and use anyway. For this I suggest emotes. We have soooo many of them but many we rarely use. Maybe add an emote chain generator. Where we could chain together 4-6 unlocked emotes for one seamless unique emote. Be it all dance or a nice Huttball celebration completed with no bones and a spike. This IS crazy and unfortunately will probably actually be implemented before any of the serious ideas.:p Edited by Malphicious
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Mission Architecture

Create a tool that allows players to develop missions or story arcs. Allow players to play through them for no reward and vote on them. Have a BW employee / intern evaluate the mission or story arc to ensure they match BW criteria for XP, canon, etc. If the mission passes BW muster, add it in game with full rewards as other missions. Have contests every month and reward winners (maybe a 30 day subscription pass). Have the monthly contest focus on areas where it makes sense:




Focus on a planetary mission (Tatooine one month, Alderran another month,etc.)

Focus on a particular faction like Black Sun

Focus on a particular class story arc with certain parameters (Smuggler story arc comprised of 5 to 6 total missions)




This will add more heroic missions and content for players and will ensure that they map to BW goals and will leverage existing planets. BW keeps creating new planets and ignoring the other planets. Player content will give players more reason to revisit older planets and will aslo address the huge gap of not continuing the class story lines. BW can give high level directions to where they want the storylines to go and pick the best of the best.


Rewards / Loot

Get rid of the pick up your loot. Have the loot automatically go into your inventory unless the inventory is full. Have loot be assigned to the player randomly and allow player to trade it. Get rid of BoE and BoP.


Fix Bugs

Get rid of the new reticle for AoE that does not show up well on outdoor maps. Either make it better or go back to the old one that was fine.

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Actually fixing female cathar fur colors? :o


On another note; I know this has probably been said before, but I love the idea of having our legacy characters as companions. They could have short "idle" lines (like companions' various lines - "There's the easy way, the hard way, and your way..." or "What's our play, Captain?") that are fairly neutral for all classes, such as the voice responses they give when you decide their gender in character creation. Or just pick-and-choose from the various responses they repeat throughout their stories, such as the Jedi consular's, "Sounds dangerous. I'll take care of it" or the smuggler's "Dying wasn't on my agenda for today!"


Or if that could possibly go more in-depth, we could choose our legacy companions' "personality." For example, "light" consular might say things like "The Jedi way is to serve" and other typical light-side-consular dialogue, and a "dark" consular could say things taken from their more sarcastic/dark-side options in dialogue: "A child could do this." That way, it would really seem like we were actually adventuring around with the other characters in our legacy, as befitting their specific personalities.

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My top 2 crazy wish items:


1. That we can rearrange our Companions and Contacts list. Keep the unsummonable ones at the bottom, fine. Put the Alliance contacts above them. But let us arrange who we want where we want in the list. The game should know who can and can't be summoned during KOTxx chapters, so why not?


2. Bring back Malavai Quinn. Not Quinn. Malavai Quinn. I am disappoint.

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On another note; I know this has probably been said before, but I love the idea of having our legacy characters as companions. They could have short "idle" lines (like companions' various lines - "There's the easy way, the hard way, and your way..." or "What's our play, Captain?") that are fairly neutral for all classes, such as the voice responses they give when you decide their gender in character creation. Or just pick-and-choose from the various responses they repeat throughout their stories, such as the Jedi consular's, "Sounds dangerous. I'll take care of it" or the smuggler's "Dying wasn't on my agenda for today!"


Or if that could possibly go more in-depth, we could choose our legacy companions' "personality." For example, "light" consular might say things like "The Jedi way is to serve" and other typical light-side-consular dialogue, and a "dark" consular could say things taken from their more sarcastic/dark-side options in dialogue: "A child could do this." That way, it would really seem like we were actually adventuring around with the other characters in our legacy, as befitting their specific personalities.


Oh, I really like this idea. I'd be willing to buy more slots to create the perfect companions for my "main" characters. And they wouldn't even have to give them a story since I'll be doing that myself. And really give me some use for those that I like enough to not delete but don't put much time in. Of course we'd have to decide how customization would factor in concerning their look. Would we just throw something we like on them or would they just look how we left them. And would they need actual gear or work like regular companions?


Not that I don't like the actual companions but why not add additional use for our alts. Not sure how they'd work it if ever but I like to see my actual Jedi work together on the same story instead of actually doing it twice. If possible.

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Well, there are mine. Big one first:


War Table (like Inquisition in DAI or APEX missions in MEA).

With each expansion the importance and power of our heroes are increasing so the game need to correspond that growth aside from standard ops, cutscenes, companions and - more importantly - crew skills (because CS is used in context of crafting). Basically - expanding the idea of crew skill missions.



Based on class, story progress and level, we can select a planet and initiate a time-based mission (kill a rival sith lord, gather intel, build a new communication tower) with certain bonuses as a reward.


• We can hire and train more agents, apprentices or padawans to perform certain set of missions.

• Some missions could be legacy wide and will require our toons' teams to complete.

• Faction-based and cross-faction missions as well.

• Possibly a conquest map like For Honor.

• Expanding agent network via bonus-series of the planet.


This can help us to actually see the influence we poses outside the story. For example, I am a powerful Darth Oculus, but all the Darth part and all these admirals, devastating weapons and entire Spheres of Dark Council are only existing in the dialogs and story.


And in order to feel connected to this system, it needs to be real in the world and somewhere only we can have access to and feel personal about it - SH decos and personell / our ship - anywhere but not only on our UI.



And now a minor ones:

• Decos are still premium items in terms of their prices, random property and given amount instead of actual props and that makes the whole decoration thing like an imitation or simulation. Game has a lot of props using throughout the stories, give us more standard and essential props to manipulate without locking it behind RNG and paywall. Or at least try to control deco market.

• Restrict to sell basic vendor decos on GTN, there is ton of this pointless stuff in there. Add more basic decos like you did with Yavin 4 when SOR arrived.

• CM pricing does not allow us to buy something really meaningful for less than 300 CC. Low-cost packs, items and bundles for 50-150 CC would be nice.


• Make arcade-ish space missions great again. New 60-70 level missions, fleet commendation rewards expansion.

• Powerbase expansion. Crew skill terminals, trainers, galactic command terminal, ... in SH, capital planets and fleet. Duplicate (not replace) UI options with something existing in the world to make it less static and more interactive.

• Day and night cycle on planets.

• Pod racing and speeder customization.

• x64 client, which is like Half Life 3 now.

• Ground vehicle battles, possibly in open world. Even WOW has some of this. Or mounts with set of attacking abilities.

• Additional map filters.

• Multiple spawn points or instances on fleet.

• Taxi and QT only work on certain points, so renting a speeder for 1-2 hours of the game to get where you need to go faster on our own would be nice, but now pointless since everyone has a mount on level 10.

• Safe passage through location. Hiring a group of mercenaries or commandeering a squad of troops, so no mob will attack you for some time. Or add temporal credit paid buff. Would be nice with this level sync mechanic, which is still annoying on high levels. Expanding the idea - buying a pass or making a reputation with location controlled faction in order to get them at least yellow if not green. Bribing guards of Empire or Republic in order to get pass through their checkpoint. Agent/smuggler only. Force persuade for jedi/sith.

• Map services. Buy a digital map of the planet. Binoculars to find a specific place and discover it on the map.

• Satellite surveillance. Adding enemies on the minimap, own map markers - just back for it to intelligence service.

• Pet hunt. If you want an animal companion or a pet - try to find an catch one first. Tranquilizers, collars and Force is used for it, like one of the dailies on Rishi.

• It is kinda out of the place that we have tons of communicators and holocoms, but still using separate terminals to send an email. So the idea is to remove field droids and terminals put the functionality in pure UI. There is no pigeon mail anyway.

• Extend your inventory via speeder or ship upgrades (additional cargo spaces and stuff). Buying additional crates and storages for SH.

Edited by Pateytos
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This is the wall of crazy, so go ahead and continue the 8 class stories should be on here.


make main protagonist wake up and realize everything since the original story ending was a nightmare and zakuul iokath and odessen are cats of his mother in law.

hunt down the dev that made the datacron puzzles, and let him tell you what to do.

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No more becoming bald when your character wears an armor with a raised hood (unless your character is actually bald, of course).


It would be a pain, but there are a finite number of hair-styles in the game and a finite number of hood styles (two or three 'types' basically) - so they could make it so that each existing hair style (and then each new one they add subsequently) is given a matching 'bangs only' setting that triggers when you equip a piece of armor with a raised hood - rather than "you're completely bald now, look at that glorious forehead... look at it!" triggering instead, the way it does now.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I'd like companions falling in love with each other if you don't romance them, like Garrus and Tali from ME! Surely companions want love and have needs too. I don't need to see a cutscene about it, but it would be fun to notice something.:rak_03: It makes companions seem a bit more alive!
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I'd like all of the new companion armor, weapons, and customizations from Lana, Theron, Shae Vizla and from old companions like Xalek who know has a pre and post KOTFE armor set etc to be unlocked in our collections so I don't need to keep their stuff in my cargo bay taking up needed space.


I also want the option to make my companions whose weapons were changed in KOTFE to be able to use their original class weapons in addition to the new ones.

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My "crazy" idea is that they add a new button to the stronghold button editor panel: "Fill with crap for CQ bonus".


My thinking is you can pick a decoration from the list, any of the 999 ones would be good like "Zakuulan Force Focus", then it just fills every hook with them. Icing on the cake would be that it auto-converts centerpiece/large/medium hooks to match the selected decoration size and changes the layout to match.

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I still want a button for the quickbar - one for each emote.


I had thought about that as well. I want it, too.


I remember now.

An emote button would be cool!


A direct "EXIT SERVER" would make my day! Instead of just Log out or Quit game.


My "crazy" idea is that they add a new button to the stronghold button editor panel: "Fill with crap for CQ bonus".


My thinking is you can pick a decoration from the list, any of the 999 ones would be good like "Zakuulan Force Focus", then it just fills every hook with them. Icing on the cake would be that it auto-converts centerpiece/large/medium hooks to match the selected decoration size and changes the layout to match.


Haha not bad.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I'd like to see class buffs reworked. Give groups an incentive to bring variety. Maybe come up with 4 new buffs for the 4 classes that don't have buffs. Off the top of my head say Alac, Acc, Power, and Crit Bonus. Something like that. I do like the idea of legacy buffs but it doesn't promote variety. I'd like to see the legacy buffs stay. But your classes buff be greater than the buff given by legacy. That would give an incentive to bring the individual classes for that extra boost. And if you cant find that particular class for your run then you still get the buff but not as much.


Or keep the legacy Buffs but give a bonus to your specialization. That would also promote variety if say concealment op gave a slightly different buff then lethality.


As we simplify and cookie cutter specs we lose variety. Maybe subtle tweaks like this could curb the flavor of the month.

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Editing your own vanilla companions within the boundaries of their species.

I have no idea how this would work or if it's possible, but as it's the crazy idea thread.:rak_03: I wouldn't mind giving Kaliyo body number 2 instead of 1 and giving her different facial features but letting her stay a Rattataki as it actually matters.

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