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Players "Wall of Crazy" ideas


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True too, and probably a reason that people wouldn't scream about. :) In open areas in particular it can get confusing and distracting with everyone's companions running around.

Yeah, it also looks a bit silly to see all the Mako's and all the Jeasa's running around. For those who don't care, by all means don't toggle it.:rak_03:

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Award Unassembled Components based on medals.


(in Unranked) Cap the winning side at 8.


No cap for the losing side. (potentially 14)


This would discourage faction imbalance, by rewarding experienced pvpers who fight with the losing faction.

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Yeah, it also looks a bit silly to see all the Mako's and all the Jeasa's running around. For those who don't care, by all means don't toggle it.:rak_03:


Totally. It also makes it hard to keep track of your own companion sometimes when there are ten of their clones nearby. Plus, some of the companions are so aggro that they will jump into other people's fights in open areas...I've had that issue with two or three of mine, even set on heal, and that leads to even more confusion with players trying to track their own companion.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Award Unassembled Components based on medals.


(in Unranked) Cap the winning side at 8.


No cap for the losing side. (potentially 14)


This would discourage faction imbalance, by rewarding experienced pvpers who fight with the losing faction.


Or players intentionally trying to throw matches in order to get more UC's.

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Hey guys,


My suggestion for improving the game would be adding a bit more customization to alien races.

Expanding eye colors to them. So Human and cyborg races would not be the only ones who have those.

For instance:

New head bands for Twi'lek, Maybe some Lekki rings would look awesome.

Zabrak could use some hair models.

Miraluka with more masks to choose from.

Tattoos for everyone. (maybe some body tattoos with Jedi / Sith / Mandalorian writings.)

And similar details..

Face models, cosmetics and colors. To make each player to look unique.

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This, if for no other reason than because I get so sick of seeing all the players who go out of their way to objectify their female companions. I am already dreading seeing all the Lanas in slave outfits.


I'm going to be putting my Lana in her original outfit because it's so much better than the KotFE potato sack.

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This, if for no other reason than because I get so sick of seeing all the players who go out of their way to objectify their female companions. I am already dreading seeing all the Lanas in slave outfits.


SWTOR does not have dabo girls or independent anatomy physics like Dead or Alive xtream in HD with $93 outfit unlocks! SWTOR actually removed most of the walking waitress NP's in the casino.

Edited by IntegrationArch
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SWTOR does not have dabo girls or independent anatomy physics like Dead or Alive xtream in HD with $93 outfit unlocks! SWTOR actually removed most of the walking waitress NP's in the casino.


Guys, can we get back on track with ideas instead of distractions, (pun intended ;))

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(sorry for so many links)

like this:



yes everybody here is your home work assignment on dx11 dx12 vulcan



I read in 2013 on this forum many players were asking for a new engine like Frostbite (like SW Battlefront uses). Battlefront II will support dx11/dx12 hybrid with 4K dolby vision that runs on a large assortment of windows 32/64 and you have the capability it turns it on but if you have an old pc with back level OS you still can play the game



This HeroEngine mainline supports DX11 now and should support DX12 in the future still checking on the timeframe.


old posts here recommending Frostbite from 2013/2015






By the way if SWTOR does this they can 4x expand thier subscriptions on MAC/ PS3. XBONE/ AOS consoles.

In another post I explained that consoles will soon support mouse and keyboards so minimal player coding needed.

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If we're bringing back the "Wall of Crazy" then the Huttball League has to be back on it. If I remember right it was on the actual wall of crazy at BW at some point. Been praying for it every night since beta.
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I don't know if this classifies as "crazy" but:

What I would really like is the option to let a character retire, and for a legacy member to continue the overall story from that point. Let me run through KOTFE/KOTET on one character, then pick up the story from another perspective, without having to repeat content.

I suppose the viability of this depends on the form of the story going forward, but I really feel like my Consular deserves to sit down. I enjoyed KOTFE and KOTET, but then I started Iokath, realized it involved yet another super-weapon, and just stopped. If I knew there was an end in sight I could finish it, but more of the same, for the same overworked Jedi? Nope.

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"Wall of TOTALLY crazy" : Let veteran's starships in GSF rot over time so that they might be those with the most skill, but will have to compansate "rotten" starships with that.


On the other hand, give Newbies fully maxed out Starships in GSF, then, so that their ships might compensate their lack of skill.


Similar thing for PvP : Don't go after the "Matthew Effect".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Kid Lee had a great idea in this video-



I recently went back and watched the old 1.2 guild summit video. Something like this player bounty system was on it. It would be cool.


There are a lot of great ideas in the 1.2 videos, man I wish I could play the game they talked about back then. Cross server, open world pvp, bounty system, chat bubbles.....


Check them out, it is a fun dream world -

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If you have actual in game ideas, please keep posting, but please stop posting about updating the game engine or the game. That is for a another type of thread. Maybe start one and build some support there. 😊

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I have a suggestion about strongholds. Please give us more options for centrepiece hook arrangements. Any place where it's possible to have four large standard arrangements in a 2x2 grid should give the option to place a centrepiece arrangement instead. But please also make it so that centrepiece arrangements can have smaller hooks inside them, the way the large standard arrangement has 3x3 small hooks within it. Thank you! :)
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Not sure if it already has been mentioned, but it would be cool if tunings could change their color depending on what crystal you use, for example the base color. I like the volatile tuning, but it's blue colour doesn't suit my yellow/black crystal. It rather looks odd all together.
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I'm not sure if some of these have been said, but I'd like to toss some ideas that I'd love to see on here as well:


-I'd love to see more customization for our characters. Like tattoos, hairstyles and colors, jewelry/earrings, scars, and have them be for any class.

-Even tattoos on the body rather than just the face (zabrak having no body tattoos always seems wrong to me) .

-Wouldn't mind a new class if there's room in the budget, even something zakuul related like a knight or something would be interesting.

-Return of some class specific npcs, (like how tai cordan shows up in kotfe, it's nice to see familiar faces through the story) as either story npcs or even companions

-cross faction anything (guilds, groups, events.) Or having the Iokath choice have an impact outside of Iokath.

-solo modes for the remaining fps and ops (at the very least for oricon)

-Option to hide hoods. and possibly capes as well

-one on one interactions with companions (like we had in the class stories) and expanded romance interactions

-the agent choice to join the SIS being addressed am I still an active agent?? does Theron know?

-new race options; Nautolan for example

-more flirts. (my smuggler lost so many after hitting kotfe. she became so serious about everything it was sad)

-cybernetics being extended to limbs as well (I'd love to have a character with an arm like arcann's alright)


I hope this is what this thread was meant for. Most of my enjoyment from the game comes from character customization and the story, so seeing that being expanded upon would make me keep a sub going for sure. :cool:

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There are just too many comments on this thread for me to read, so if something's already been debunked, I apologize.


For those demanding a new class; it's been said repeatedly that making a new class would be -extremely- difficult due to the fact that each class in the game has their own unique instances, stories, and ships(Of course, excluding Jedi/Sith ships, since both class archtypes get identical ships). It would take a lot of resources and time to go back through the game to add new instances to carve into the already detailed map, and then to create all those other features.


Some may say that other games have created classes after launch, like WoW... Well, WoW's story is very open and vague, allowing classes to be introduced without issue. Now, a possible work around is to introduce a hero class, like WoW, and have the class start at say... 50, and leave it so they can only go through KotFE and KotET, and then onto the next expansions.




To those who are asking for open world, environmental changes... Like weather and day/night shifts-- do remember that(unless I'm mistaken), SWG and SWTOR run on two completely different engines, so it could be a very hard thing, if not impossible thing, to implement. Of course, there's also the issue of syncing players to that cycle. Then again, that's not a big issue. The big issue is having vast environmental changes for each planet. For instance, I presume it'd be pretty damn hard to code in Korriban being night time, whilst Tython being mid-day. It'd create a LOT of lag for people.




My own 'Wall of Crazy' desire that could potentially be put into the game without a great deal of hassle would be to restore Flashpoint unique decorations and armor. I cannot tell you the countless times I ran Esseles, Black Talon, and Boarding Party on my alts to get decent looking sets of armor.


I'd also like to see some more cosmetic and fluff features for our RP community, like toggle tiers of Dark Side corruption. However, one of my outlandish desires for the game is to have XYZ decoration for Strongholds, and a mini-expansion solely for strongholds. It'd be so cool to have a patch be dedicated to releasing dozens of various sized strongholds, ranging from planetary homes to space homes.(Don't say it's not possible... ESO managed to release XYZ decorating with 36 different homesteads of various sizes when they launched their Homestead's patch, which released player housing.)

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Too much to read, but if UCs are made legacy, let us get UCs from command crates along with command tokens. Pve and pvp both benefit. No one will have to do something they don't want to to earn enough UCs to get what they actually need. Sorry if this has already been mentioned.
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This forum needs a spreadsheet like google docs or O365 to list and rank each idea to keep them organized. Then everyone could rank priority.


Who knows what this forum supports?






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define td BBCode


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Maybe not crazy, but how about more post marriage, you flirt, you kiss, you get married, you never speak to each other ever again, what about a dozen possible female npcs you can marry, not a single one wants kids, put in adoption system.


Revisit/follow up story system, What happened to Vette's sister, maybe her Moff got displaced during the outlander saga and he gets in touch with Vette to join your alliance though a flashpoint, like have us have to rescue him and Vette's sister.


  • Vette's old gang contacts her to get you to help take back rare artifices as bounty broker unique missions, choose DS and keep the artefact for your self for more money, or give back for more rep.
  • Inquisitors cult, maybe repeatable missions.


Event seasons, 4 on 1 off, example, season lasts 6 months, you start with 0 rep, bounty, ghoul, gree, and a new DvL, each event runs one week, with events running back to back, one event, say DvL has a built in story, at the end you get a FP, depending on if you go DS or LS you get a different comp, at the end of the season a new rep take over, from start of season 1 you have until start of season 3 to claim rewards, then they gone forever, each 6 months new rewards are added, weapons, armours, mounts decos so on.


A solo OP, without god bots, so you die like in a real op, it could be role based, a way to train new players, and let people who have never done an op before see if it is something they would want to do.


Actual invasions, a large scale daily area, where you slowly remove skytroopers, say one mission you have to clear a factory, if you go DS you can enslave the locals, but they produce extra enemies to fight, if you go LS free them and they aid you in fights,so we finely get consequences that matter.

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