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Class Changes: Innovative Ordnance Mercenary / Assault Specialist Commando


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I struggle to understand why AS/IO needs a nerf at all.

- It had no considerable "Burst" in the first place

- Resource Managmement is atrocious (compared to other classes or even Gunnery)

- Crits are needed to get resource back (see above)


if anything, this class needs a bit of love, like this:

- 5% higher base damage of all non-burning effects

- double the resource gain from crits

- less reliance on the Reserve Powercell

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Hey folks,


Below you will find the currently planned Class changes for Innovative Ordnance and Assault Specialist coming in Game Update 5.3.




wow you went from address 1 dcd to none... dps isnt the issue there dcd are issue., again do you's actual play this game on live servers?

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Hey folks,


Below you will find the currently planned Class changes for Innovative Ordnance and Assault Specialist coming in Game Update 5.3.




This discipline needed a nerf to defenses not to dps lol. It seems that this spec will be useless now...especially considering that this spec has hard rotation, and even before nerf many could not pull decent dps. After such changes no one will play this spec.

Edited by omaan
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I struggle to understand why AS/IO needs a nerf at all.

- It had no considerable "Burst" in the first place

- Resource Managmement is atrocious (compared to other classes or even Gunnery)

- Crits are needed to get resource back (see above)


if anything, this class needs a bit of love, like this:

- 5% higher base damage of all non-burning effects

- double the resource gain from crits

- less reliance on the Reserve Powercell

Resource management is horrendous for Assault/IO. I would be fine with any of these changes if resource management was also addressed (improved).


Target swapping is ridiculously difficult and AoEs drain every resource just to spread 2 dots (that now do even less).


PLEASE help balance out this nerf with improved resource management...

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When will you be adjusting raid bosses to match the new low dps versions of RDPS? If you dont you will have a lot more failed raid teams not to mention the ones that cant find healers. Do you actually have a plan for the game or do you bounce from project to project as the mood hits you?
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Respec Mara until next patch lol!


Don't bother, they both are going to be complete garbage in 5.3.


I'll probably focus on getting to know Medic, instead of learning Assault over of Gunnery.


I imagine Gunnery would still be good outside of NiM operations. Maybe even NiM viable with 246+ gear.

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This is unfortunate, was planning to learn to play IO/Assault spec better and more often. Arguably the most difficult rotation (that is not being changed), and now with a less fruitful result to boot. Also would like to know how they define burst damage in this spec for them to say it required a nerf, since the "burst" consists of most of the regular rotation already, with top burst requiring Supercharged Cell/Gas to be used as well.
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True, but it just really rubs me the wrong way to ever have to resort to autoattacks. Imo you should only have to do that if you screwed up the rotation.


A rotation that requires basic attacks is a GOOD THING. It gives you the flexibility to have targeted burst portion when you need it if a priority add needs extra damage. You have the option to sacrifice long term dps to meet a short term gain. This has use in several fights. Making the rotation heat stable with 0 basic attacks means you have less versatility

Edited by Izisvi
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These changes reduce IO/AS by roughly 4.8% DPS.

Arsenal/Gunnery was reduced by about 8.7%.

This increases the spread between the two. It used to be about 3% more DPS for IO/AS and now it is closer to 8%. So if you still want to stick with your merc/trooper, IO/AS may be worth it.

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I find it funny when I read people complaining about resource Management for IO.

Srsly, if you can't manage your resources go back to Arsenal. IO is supposed to be difficult, it's supposed to be rewarding too. The gap between Arsenal and IO is supposed to be a good one too. Look at the difficulty level of Arsenal (kids play) and then look at IO...

And yes, I play IO since forever and I can count in one hand the times I had to switch to Arsenal to be able to do a content. And that would be zero times.


Anyway, about the nerf, I was already expecting nerf on the dots, about 10% seems right, but the 15% dmg reduction for all its burst skills was rough. Yes it is unfair and too much.

However, to be honest, it's still doing a lot better than most Class Nerfs so far. Only way to be sure is playing of course, but I believe it can still do more than 10k on dummy for instance.

If it keeps going like this, with nerfs like Virulence took, well, I don't doubt that maybe in the end IO will be one of the Top dps builds in the game...if there's anyone left in the game to play, of course.

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I struggle to understand why AS/IO needs a nerf at all.

- It had no considerable "Burst" in the first place

- Resource Managmement is atrocious (compared to other classes or even Gunnery)

- Crits are needed to get resource back (see above)


if anything, this class needs a bit of love, like this:

- 5% higher base damage of all non-burning effects

- double the resource gain from crits

- less reliance on the Reserve Powercell

I'd do something like this:

DoTs restore 1 energy cell when they normally tick and 2 when they critically tick.

Counting the Serrated Bolt, Incendiary Round, Pre-Emptive Strike, and guaranteed Plasma Cell ticks, that'd be a little over 30 cells restored over a full rotation (assuming 40% crit chance), which would make it slightly resource-positive, which would allow for easy DoTspreading.

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Resource management is not hard in rotation at all. Even if you don't do the heat ramping rotation, in both possible rotations (marisi/fascinate or veldix/radleywalters) there are 2 filler spots, just don't power shot (or TD for the m/f roation) in those fillers if you don't have the heat. It's that simple. Lowering nearly every ability by 5 heat is ridiculous. I'll agree the dot spread sucks. But if you're smart about it all, it's very doable. Really, all they would need to do to greatly improve sustained aoe is move the dotspread to one ability instead of having it tied to two separate ones.


Edit: I'm not siding with BW on the nerf. I still think it sucks that it's getting nerfed but it is what it is. At the same time, I agree utilities need a change but that's clearly not getting touched in 5.3 (my opinion is that trauma reg has to go). But I think the IO rotation (whichever of the 2 you may use) is more than sound and because of its staticness fairly simple to do. I mean, it can practically be macro'd. My biggest beef is that with its heat costs not dissipating at the rate Arsenal does, that having dotspread in a non-priority based rotation tied to 2 separate abilities sucks and moving it to one would be a nice change of pace.


The only reasonable comment I've seem so far here.

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No comment on how these nerfs will affect the class because I don't play it, but I have one overriding impression as I read through the various nerfs/buffs they are proposing, and hopefully someone who runs HM OPs can comment on this. Does anyone else get the impression that the overriding goal behind these DPS and heal nerfs is to prolong the life of their new OPs content?


I played a lot of EQ1, including some of their end game content. EQ1 was notorious for incredibly difficult end-game content, where the top tier guilds would spend literally months gearing up and learning mechanics before they would beat the new end-game content. Lots of crying and moaning in the process, of course, but it kept people playing for a long, long time. Is that the unstated goal behind this pass at class balancing?

Edited by Kurj
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A rotation that requires basic attacks is a GOOD THING. It gives you the flexibility to have targeted burst portion when you need it if a priority add needs extra damage. You have the option to sacrifice long term dps to meet a short term gain. This has use in several fights. Making the rotation heat stable with 0 basic attacks means you have less versatility

I can understand your point, but I'm still pissed that I can't DoTspread as part of the main rotation (like DF/Viru and Balance/Madness can). If the spec was improved such that

  • Plasma Grenade/Fusion Missile spread both DoTs
  • I'd consistently have enough spare energy to replace at least 1 of the autoattacks with Plasma Grenade/Fusion Missile

then I wouldn't mind as much.

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Between reflect and Survivability and now that IO is the highest of the remaining ranged dps specs mercs will be more than viable for nightmare operations. While I understand that reflect is not a huge part of your dps but now you get to learn what powwrtechs have been spending years learning: how to pyro shield properly.


As for Arsenal's viability, it was clearly overperforming. Now it will be in line with the other ranged burst specs. While arsenal's dps may be lower than the other specs it's survivability, versatility and mobility make it perfectly viable for endgame raids. Previously people were running Arsenal on fights where they should run IO just because Arsenal was easier and the dps differential was so small. With the dps differential changing, you won't be able to get away with using Arsenal for every fight. And in the end it'll make you a better player for it.


As for all the people who say that defenses not dps is what needs changing, they have stated that utilities and possibly the remaining specs be addressed in 5.4. So just hold on.

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