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Everything posted by RookB

  1. I can confirm I get the same cut-off values as you. Thanks for confirming for me too. I thought something was just a bit off. It doesn't really affect the gear pieces as you try to get close though, which by the way, thanks for running those numbers too.
  2. The optimal PVE stats for IO/AS right now is to have your crit and alacrity about even. However, this is the peak of a shallow curve. You can actually have more than a 1000 point spread between them and still achieve less than 0.5% difference in DPS. This is based off of simulations against the target dummy. PVP may have a different optimal stat allocation.
  3. These changes reduce IO/AS by roughly 4.8% DPS. Arsenal/Gunnery was reduced by about 8.7%. This increases the spread between the two. It used to be about 3% more DPS for IO/AS and now it is closer to 8%. So if you still want to stick with your merc/trooper, IO/AS may be worth it.
  4. I second this. I calculated 8.6% reduction. Also requires about 50% more use of Rapid Shots.
  5. It looks like you are not following a strict rotation, or you are using rapid shots too often to make up for being slightly out of a specific rotation. IO has 2 main points in the rotation: 'Innovative Particle Accelerator' is an internal cooldown that you want to refresh every time. Your parse doesn't have it up often enough. 'Speed To Burn' causes Power shot to be instant every 15S which can throw off a rotation if not put in a specific place. You'll need to set up a very specific rotation using 9 abilities over 15 GCDs that satisfies the above items. Hotwired's sticky post at the top of the forum does a good job of setting the basic rotation and then building on it. The Dulfy one is ok, but not great for learning the rotation.
  6. Thanks for the feedback. It's good to get more data and another set of eyes on this. I reviewed Goblin Lacky's sheet and found the summary where you got the numbers. Fortunately, we're actually getting the same values. The differences are: Mastery: He is including the stim in the base stats, the simulator adds it in separately. We both arrive at 5372 Mastery, fully buffed. Power: Similarly, there is an 81 point difference for the stim. He is also including 2x41 for the crystals on that sheet. Based on the stats listing though, the crystals used for max DPS are tertiary stats. Thanks for the armor value too. I have updated my simulator accordingly.
  7. I have updated the DPS simulator for SWTOR 4.0 if you are interested in checking it out. Click the link in my signature below. With this tool, you can evaluate your DPS/TTK under various scenarios. It has a character builder to allow you to see how your stats change with gear. The simulator is based on a priority system. You make a list of abilities to use and the simulator will fire them in order as they come off cooldown. There are a few conditional abilities to tailor your rotation. For IO/AS, you can enter your rotation and put your filler abilities into the priority list for a more accurate simulation. You can use the simulator to: Compare Arsenal and Innovative Ordnance (Gunnery/Assault Specialist) Min/Max gear stats Determine how long to hold on to old set bonuses Determine how best to use Supercharge Fine tune your opening rotation Evaluate effectiveness of various stims, adrenals, and relics See what the class raid buffs do
  8. Anyone have the updated Level 65 Ops Dummy armor values? The level 60 was: (15200 * .367) / (1-.367) = 8813
  9. Can you guys validate the total stat pool against these values for max level 224 gear? Base Mastery: 700 Mastery from gear: 4020 Mastery from datacrons: 198 Mastery Total: 4918 Power from gear: 2850 Tech power: 3232 Crystals: 82 Tertiary (Crit, Accuracy, Alacrity): 1680 Augments (14*73): 1022 Edit: found my error and fixed it. I had two 116 power points in mastery.
  10. 1. On the Datacrons achievement, Corellia is missing the blue Datacron (old Aim). Voss is shown with a blue though it does not have that one. 2. I have gathered them all and they all show appropriately on my screen, however, I am only receiving 198 Mastery bonus. Unless I added wrong, the total should be 228. I suspect the fleet is now +10 Mastery and not +10 for each old stat.
  11. I have the same issue on my Merc. oddly, my powertech didn't.
  12. It has been consistent that the previous expansion set bonuses will outperform the current max level armorings without set bonuses. The extra mastery stat just does not make up for the bonus you get. I haven't run the numbers, but wouldn't expect it to be different. For example, old 162 sets would match 198 w/o a bonus. Of course this can vary per class as some bonuses are better than others.
  13. Found it: Base damage value for level 65 is 4465, base healing value for level 65 is 27510.
  14. I did a whole analysis on just this topic using the simulator. Keeping it short: Set bonus armoring should always be used instead of non-set bonus. A full set of 162 is better than 198 without the set. IO/AS has no use for the old 4-piece. Keep the old 2 piece until you have all 6 of the new. Arsenal/Gunnery old 4-piece is good. The 186 4-piece is equivalent to the new 198 6-piece in terms of DPS. There is no other combination of 186 old pieces or lower that will outperform the 198 new. The range of the study of worst to best was something like 200 DPS so there is not a lot of variation between each combination of gear. It is possible to do a parse and get opposite results due to the RNG.
  15. Hey Kaijin! First I would like to say I don't use that rotation on reddit anymore. It was simple to learn, but very tough on heat management and less mobile. 1. You should do heat ramping at about 15s unless you have 8+ stacks of supercharge. Then you can start at about 20s. It depends on what rotation you are using and where you are in it since some are spikey with heat. If you have 2 mag shots close and supercharge is almost ready, then 20s is fine. At about 65-70 heat, you vent, but continue heat ramping. Use TSO on the next unload, assuming it occurs at about 35 heat. You should get one more power shot in and then you are in low heat mode. 2. I really only focus on using supercharge for the heat dump. The 2 main dots will have 100% uptime; the ticks should be on a regular cadence between applications. You could time it to maybe get one more tick. Supercharge Burn should trigger within the 10s window in any rotation for its duration. 3. Interesting question. EN is our hardest hitting filler in terms of damage per heat and damage per CD. Any delay that causes you to miss one more use is a DPS loss. Your opener will likely use supercharge and EN together. You might be able to delay supercharge a bit to align with EN depending on the fight timing. I'll need to look into this some more.
  16. Pre-3.0 Gunnery had a more static rotation. There was a lot of discussion on this very subject. It was a minor DPS loss to postpone HIB to get one more stack. I wouldn't think that has changed but, I haven't really run the numbers. As others have stated, you should almost always have full stacks every time HIB is available now. But, if you don't due to other actions, I would fire it when available, regardless of stacks.
  17. Gyro gave you great advice. But, since you asked: Ranged Bonus Damage stat is improved with Aim and Power. Tech Bonus Damage stat is improved with Aim, Power, Cunning, and Tech Power. Aim and Power are buffed with Mark of Power (Inquisitor/Consular). Both Bonus Damage stats are buffed with Unnatural Might (Warrior/Knight). Only stack Cunning from Datacrons, but get them all. Tech Power comes from your weapon barrels.
  18. The guides are mostly focused on gear balance with maximum gear. There can be different balances of stats that achieve nearly the same result. You just need to keep upgrading your gear. As you select upgrades, just choose accuracy over alacrity or surge, and power over crit. If you want, you can use the simulator linked below. It will help you choose which stat to focus on as you acquire better gear.
  19. There are 2 levels of accuracy, basic and special. Basic applies to your free attack, Hammer Shots. Special is every other attack. You need to try to get your basic to 100% and special to 110%. This is because most, if not all, bosses and the practice dummy have 10% defense. Your special attacks are hitting for 110% with 10% defended, so they don't miss. Your Hammer Shots hit with 100%, but they are defended 10% of the time, so you'll see some misses.
  20. I reviewed your stats and everything still looks good. It is definitely your APM that are low causing a low parse. Many times you have at or over 2.0sec for each ability which should be at about 1.5 sec. Your rotation and cooldown usage looks good. You just need to fire things faster. If you’re interested, here are your stats in the simulator with the results. You could be doing over 4900 DPS if you can get your APM up. http://imgur.com/a/8YhXm
  21. Your stat distribution looks good. You'll read a lot about optimized versions, but they wont bump you 300-400 DPS that you're off with that gear. The spec is quite forgiving and as long as you have 110% accuracy, you can play around with the other stats without too much impact on DPS. As others said, your APM is low for the amount of alacrity you have. You should be 39.5-40.5 APM. Make sure your ability queue is set to 1.0 sec. and you're hitting the next ability before the current one finishes (except don't clip Unload). Make sure you use vent heat, thermal sensor override, supercharge gas as much as possible. Also be sure you're applying the Armor Debuf Module to the dummy, you've got all buffs and a stim active. Posting a parse and a screenshot of your gear stats will make it easier for others to tell you exactly what to work on.
  22. I wanted to let our IO/AS community know the simulator has been updated to include the ability to input a rotation. The original input was priority based which works nice for Arsenal/Gunnery. Now with the rotation feature, you can fine tune your IO/AS gear more accurately using your preferred rotation. The link in the first post (and in my signature below) will go to the new simulator.
  23. I agree, your APM is low. Set your Ability Action Queue to 1.0sec and make sure you "fire" your next ability before the current one finishes (except don't clip Boltstorm). A lesser issue is you have too much Accuracy. Anything over 100% (758points) is wasted. Swap this excess for anything else, even some Alacrity
  24. Until you're in full 198 and working on optimization to squeeze out that last few bits of DPS, Crit and Power are essentially equal, point for point, at increasing damage. I ran a quick analysis on the DPS simulator and showed that 600 Crit produces the same damage as if you had put all 600 of those points into Power. Now, if you're over 1000 Crit, you'll want to start bringing that down as you continue to upgrade your gear.
  25. Honestly, I haven't got a lot of feedback from other users. It's not really tailored to boss fights since there can be a lot more going on. I can say that it matches parses very well. I've been using it a lot while getting new and better gear and it has correlated well with actual parses. This is the rotation I used for the simulation and what I use for parses. For those interested, the simulator's main interface uses a priority based rotation, which works well for Arsenal. It's OK for simulating IO, but when I do more detailed analysis I use a hidden ability. On the hidden tab "Ref", you can enter the full parse, step-by-step. With this I've been able to compare other people's parses and calculations more accurately. It does take more time to get this level of accuracy. I just use the main interface most of the time to compare gear and upgrades.
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