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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can we go back to 3 pillars and make this game fun???


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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....
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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....
Yes Bioware, please remove the element of this game that you spent all that money and which serves to make this game a unique and enjoyable experience...:confused:
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Yes Bioware, please remove the element of this game that you spent all that money and which serves to make this game a unique and enjoyable experience...:confused:


that's also creating a single player experience, and keeping the million people who play this game from talking to each other and socializing.


i swear to god the ONLY time i hear people talk in general is when they are looking for a heroic or flashpoint group.



Bottom line, the heavy story focus is ruining this game(as an mmo)

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Level up and say that again. You won't be thinking the same thing in a month.


I will happily hit 50 on my main then play my alt. Besides other characters you can do many other things at level 50. The things that will most likely hold my interest: completing my Codex, maxing my Crew skills (sub-interest: learning all recipes), and doing pvp...


If you seriously have NOTHING you want to do at level 50 then this game isn't for you because you don't like MMOs. Club Penguin and Hello Kitty Online are that way ----->

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I will happily hit 50 on my main then play my alt. Besides other characters you can do many other things at level 50. The things that will most likely hold my interest: completing my Codex, maxing my Crew skills (sub-interest: learning all recipes), and doing pvp...


If you seriously have NOTHING you want to do at level 50 then this game isn't for you because you don't like MMOs. Club Penguin and Hello Kitty Online are that way ----->


And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?


Codex-10 hours of playtime

Crew Skills-Uhh those should be maxed when you hit 50.


So you are left with learning all recipes and PvbrokenP. Enjoy.


Also I would like to finish my class quest at 50. But that has been broken for 11 days now. Which unlocks all the quests on the level 50 planet. BUT they did put the baby names in the credits with the last patch thank god.

Edited by KetMalice
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And when you re-roll an alt are you going to listen to the same exact 140 hours of non-class dialogue that you already listened to?


I like the writing and story so yes... I will

Codex-10 hours of playtime

Took me two hours to find a few entries in Ord Mantel last night. I'm not using a guide. I'm actually finding them myself.

Crew Skills-Uhh those should be maxed when you hit 50.

Possibly. If they are I will go right to learning the recipes...


So you are left with learning all recipes and PvbrokenP. Enjoy.

Will do broseph :cool:


This your first MMO?

Edited by Thaltom
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i swear to god the ONLY time i hear people talk in general is when they are looking for a heroic or flashpoint group.


You must not be on Harbinger. The general chat on there is going 24/7 and the whining and ranting and nonsense on there is so bad that I end up turning off general chat most of the time if I'm not looking to group up.

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Yes Bioware, please remove the element of this game that you spent all that money and which serves to make this game a unique and enjoyable experience...:confused:
The stories and dialog really weren't that good. The V.O. was done well and the character animations were above par. But the stories.....


Absurd stories, absurd characters, absurd character motivations. Watched them all the way to my mid thirties and had to start skipping them just to enjoy any aspect of the game. Best Description I've heard...


It's like watching MST3k with out the robots to make fun of it.

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Agreed, this game was not made correctly. Such a disappointment. I will not be subbing next month, as wont many others. This game isnt going to grow that much, just another warhammer follower, soon to die




It realy is too bad, I keep going over in my head .."How I would fix this mess" and I keep coming back to ..start over from scratch.

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And you are more than welcome to learn all recipes. I am working on it too. But there isn't a point to it. All the stuff you can craft-RE'ed artifact quality and all, you can buy a better version of it from a vendor.


I can't sell Artifact quality level 49 items for more than it cost to run the missions. I know how to work AH's also heh...And that doesn't even take into account the cost of the 30 greens I had to RE for a blue, and the 70 Blues I had to RE for the Purple.

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


Dont listen to morons like this LOL, its called progress no game in 2011 should have to read little dialog text boxes..

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that's also creating a single player experience, and keeping the million people who play this game from talking to each other and socializing.


i swear to god the ONLY time i hear people talk in general is when they are looking for a heroic or flashpoint group.



Bottom line, the heavy story focus is ruining this game(as an mmo)


HUH the chat is so full I have to turn it off what are you on a solo server?

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


Sorry, but no voice acting and I'm outta here.


Reading quest text (read: skipping all text and looking at the objective) bores me and is the main reason I left Rift. DCUO kept me entertained cause Batman spoke to me to tell me where to go and what to do.

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Dont listen to morons like this LOL, its called progress no game in 2011 should have to read little dialog text boxes..


you want to pay to hear peoples voice? why not just go outside and conversate with someone. Me? I like to pay for a GOOD game to play, not more voice acting that is literally everywhere you go in life.


I hear people talking all day....and if i want a good story i'll read a book. When I want a good game, I want good gameplay, not simply voice acting.

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sorry bioware, the 4th pillar(or as i like to refer to it: the crutch that's barely keeping this game alive) is a complete bomb and has no place in mmos. Maybe for the main story, but to spend 100 million on overpaid actor/celebrities just to hear their voice read off a script.......yeah....not the wisest investment of money....


This is not the game you are looking for!


Move along.

Edited by ChuangTzu
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