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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Changes: Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage


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Hey folks,


Below you will find the upcoming changes for Madness and Balance coming in Game Update 5.3:


Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released.




  • Changed Deathmark's periodic damage boost from 10% to 15%
  • Devour now gives Force Leech a 30% damage bonus (up from 25%) when damaging enemies suffering from Affliction




  • Changed Force Suppression's periodic damage boost from 10% to 15%
  • Mind's Eye now gives Force Serenity a 30% damage bonus (up from 25%) when damaging targets suffering from Weaken Mind


DevNotes: The changes to Madness / Balance bring it up to its target DPS. We improved Deathmark / Force Suppression to boost the sustained damage that the Discipline can deal, and we improved Devour / Mind’s Eye to give Madness / Balance a survivability boost and damage increase in one fell swoop.



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Respectfully, without addressing the Force negative rotation that hinders the spec in sustained fights and cuts down the use of Lightning strike or all together (also forcing the use of consumption) this doesn't change much at all. Broken rotation is still broken and should have been addressed first. Edited by FerkWork
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I'm not theory crafter, so I don't know how much more damage this'll give us, but damn if this doesn't seem like way too little for a spec that really deserves a solid dps buff


To match the other ranged dps who are all losing damage?

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Respectfully, without addressing the Force negative rotation that hinders the spec in sustained fights and cuts down the use of Lightning strike or all together (also forcing the use of consumption) this doesn't change much at all. Broken rotation is still broken and should have been addressed first.


"Sorry we only balance by target dummies"

-Bioware 2017

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Best case scenario:

Madness got buffed from 9386 DPS to 9554 DPS. The target DPS of this discipline was roughly 10012 DPS.

Good job, you know your stuff. /irony off


I think you get the 10012 from the average dps of the optimal stats post. From reading all of the Dev posts and all of the previous buffs/nerfs I figured the target dps was somewhere around 9500-9600. Which is now all but guaranteed as to the target that they are using. Therefore, if you look at the 5% windows the top 12 specs from this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=918622 are overperofming (in their mind).


This will only bost the top parse by 170 dps if all dots are under deathmark and they aren't. I don't run the spec any longer so I don't know the percentage of each dot under deathmark.

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Instead of claiming things are at target dps, why don't you actually balance classes? The nerfs have been huge and the buffs have been terrible. This especially is just sad. Madness, a class long since broken by the devs, is getting a minuscule piece of duct tape fix. If basing this on pvp, the channel of leech is long enough that it hardly helps survivability. If on pve, it's laughable imo. God forbid you actually cater to the raiding community, and make it a class worthy of raiding.
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Sidious is Spinning in his Grave right now......


if lighting will be similar too im OUT....... balance my ***.... looks at assassins buff................

Edited by Zolxtren
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Ignoring the fact that this doesn't really much to help with DPS, the energy management is still going to be trouble, especially for long fights.


And I got so excited when I saw the changes proposed for Serenity Shadow, I was hoping for something similar (at least in terms of Force management.

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Well respectfully, it is a start, but it seems like a Band-Aid fix and disappointing for the time being and I am afraid after this "Band-Aid" fix which is just a Band-Aid and not a fix the class will be again forgotten and untouched for ages, it is a shame.


What this means


1.) I am ok with the target dps adjustment BUT as long as some melee specs are patched up/ brought in line in the next few patches to actually be +5% an not +10% or whatever for the sake of you know balance (no pun intended), it seems everything is getting gimped anyways, all healing specs included, but that is really not a pretty situation here as as long as rotation issues and force management are not retuned on madness/balance it will still underperform it's theoretical target dps.

2.) Force management is still pretty bad on this spec, but maybe that's the point now for rdps to run out of resources and not be able to do optimal dps because of it (also see io as an example)

3.) survivability in competitive PvP is still poor with the Force Leech change and will remain so until healing from dots is brought back over 20%+ or dcd utilities are adjusted to be better


side note: Lightning better pray it does not get a nerf in the future with the way things are going down...literally.

Edited by ottffsse
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As others have said force management on this spec on long fights in pure trash and the fact the class has to use an ability that uses a GCD to regain force is stupid. I wonder perhaps its time to give this spec either a practical filler (saber strike is not practical) or just bite the bullet and get a force regen ability (say 300 force over 3 secs) on a 2 minute CD. It's stupid that madness needs to continually hit consuming darkness and uses a GCD. Another suggestion give 4 stacks of consumption off the GCD and free (no force regen debuff) then put it on cd for 1 minute. Or just return 200 force every time you use recklessness or polarity shift. Edited by MuskyBoy
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so that's the reason why you post madness changes at last....

this is a joke ??? do you really mean it ?! 5% on two abilities ?! this is much too less.

sry this isn't fun. its terrible. awful !


@eith and eric - you have to talk to your combat team about this.

please explain why you hate so sorcs so much.

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From reading all of the Dev posts and all of the previous buffs/nerfs I figured the target dps was somewhere around 9500-9600.

Around the same thing I calculated, people got to understand that this patch is a overall DPS nerf.

This will only boost the top parse by 170 dps if all dots are under deathmark and they aren't. I don't run the spec any longer so I don't know the percentage of each dot under deathmark.

Did you forget to count the leech buff. I counted around 230 DPS buff (over top parses) if all dots were under deathmark (which isn't the case).

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5 % on two abilities only?

I am also supporting the post above - why do you hate sorceres so much and why the lowest class got the most absurd buffs? This can't be right. First the nerf on the buble and now this,what are we supposed to do now with the sorc?

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5 % on two abilities only?

I am also supporting the post above - why do you hate sorceres so much and why the lowest class got the most absurd buffs? This can't be right. First the nerf on the buble and now this,what are we supposed to do now with the sorc?


Because screw sorcs and screw you paying customers apparently. I find it funny when the devs act like they're looking out. Sorry devs, nerfing the class (into the grave) that a ton of people played the game for is a bad business model.

Edited by BobbyWiggles
calming the rage a bit
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Instead of claiming things are at target dps, why don't you actually balance classes? The nerfs have been huge and the buffs have been terrible. This especially is just sad. Madness, a class long since broken by the devs, is getting a minuscule piece of duct tape fix. If basing this on pvp, the channel of leech is long enough that it hardly helps survivability. If on pve, it's laughable imo. God forbid you actually cater to the raiding community, and make it a class worthy of raiding.


Looking at PvE, every MM ops should be doable with a good 242 group. 248 is bonus. Hence, all classes can tank a nerf (massive like -8% DPS), except the ones too low.

Basically, the up is short because 248 is already one.

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