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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Merge Discussion Thread


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That's kind of your own self projection. You want to think of yourselves as second class citizens so you can rally people to your cause as some kind of underdog. In reality nobody really cares and have also been equally grieved in the game in different ways. Someone stood on the bar while you were rp'ing at the fleet bar? BFD Imagine doing a NIM operation on master looter that took 6 hours only to have the lead take all the best loot for their selves. That is just an example but I'll take someone standing on the bar any day over that.

Dude, it isn't "just about people standing on the bars" that's no big deal, and way to belittle the RPers problem. Good job, well done, no really!


Try adding harassment, I know I at least have received some crude whispers.


The two "scenarios" that you put forth, here, I'll bold them for you. I don't know how you could call those situations "equal grieving". If you have no idea what you're talking about, about one problem with mergers then don't comment, it's really that simple. This thread really didn't need that reply.

Edited by TyonYlle
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And I have one comment and I don't want this to get into which game is better. When SWG had server mergers, our guilds were moved intact (we might have had to change our name due to naming problems) but everyone that was in the guild was transfer intact along. Now why in the world can't this one do it if a game that was older actually could. Just something I thought of.


different engines and code like any other game SWG isn't SWTOR and the original team on SWTOR made major mistakes with the choice of the engine and over the last 5 1/2 years it's showing more and more.

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Hey, who knows, maybe Darth Mickey will eventually force choke EA into submission and take complete control over their newest IP. Maybe they might eventually realize the potential, and literal gold mine in SWTOR and it'll soon be able to revert back to separate class stories! :D

Edited by TyonYlle
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So, lets make a list of features they need to add to server merge:

1. Remove the name change code and rewrite to be based on first some first serve, not source and destination server as it is currently implemented

2. Fix the code that failed to merge guild banks last time

3. Add code to merge guild ships without un-decorating them

4. Add code to merge strongholds without un-decorating them

5. Code special RP instances

6. Hire a staff to do full time 24/7/365 policing of player behavior. Note that a 24/7 staff of full time employees is 5 plus a working manager to fill in for sick and vacation. That is per server.

7. Figure out a way to operate with increased permanent costs on less subs, because no matter how they do the names, some players will quit.


All these features cost time and money. Why would they do this?



Or they can just add XServer queues.



It's a no brainer.


8. Fix the code so players don't have to re-buy all their strongholds if they bought them with credits instead of real money.

9. Fix the code so that players don't lose their legacy bank tabs purchased with credits.

10. Change to code to allow quicker respawns of both NPCs and quest objectives, so that there aren't even worse bottlenecks completing various quests than there are now.

11. Increase the size of the ignore list, because we're going to need it.

12. Make the ignore list cover an account and not character by character, so all the RPers and other players who end up being harassed due to the forced mergers with the toxic cesspool of Harbinger can try to block out some of the nastiness while they wait days/weeks for EAWare to take action on their in-game reports.


And those are just off the top of my head...


I agree with you, cross-server is the real answer. Cross-server has a far better chance of 'saving' this game than forced mergers trashing toons, guilds, and accounts would. But that's been drowned out by all the pro-merger people who only care about themselves and so only look for the quick, easy solution that benefits themselves. I'm tired of arguing with people who refuse to listen, who only want more LFG fodder or harassment targets and therefore denigrate, insult, and flat out lie about anyone who speaks up with concerns about merging.

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I agree with you, cross-server is the real answer. Cross-server has a far better chance of 'saving' this game than forced mergers trashing toons, guilds, and accounts would. But that's been drowned out by all the pro-merger people who only care about themselves and so only look for the quick, easy solution that benefits themselves. I'm tired of arguing with people who refuse to listen, who only want more LFG fodder or harassment targets and therefore denigrate, insult, and flat out lie about anyone who speaks up with concerns about merging.


Cross-server is the way to go, in my opinion. :) I'd be so happy with that. I don't want server merges...


Server merges might increase population for a few servers, yes. But think about how much trouble Harbinger has. Harbinger's the most populated server, period. Insane lag, a lot of crashes, the server hamsters faceplanting off their wheels.... a'right, I kid with that last one, but you get the idea. More people = more stuff for computers to render = more lag. All to get a few seconds shaved off of queue times? Hardly worth it.

Not to mention, there are some people who *like* their quieter servers. I'm one of them. I don't want to see the population of Ebon Hawk - generally nice and friendly - get mixed in with the population of Harbinger (...no explanation needed :p). I like staying on Begeren Colony and Shadowlands where it doesn't feel like I'm choking when I visit the fleet.

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A little off topic, but it won't matter so much now with the new thread. but I've been wondering, could anyone paint me a picture about what that wasically wabbit Harby is like, specifically their version of DK? - Assuming if you also have experienced EH's version? :D
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I remember them saying cross server didn't work out in their internal testing which lead to the now famous "better than cross server" quote, but did they ever go into specifics?

Nope. But now we have 90cc transfers and PvP or PvE instances, so I think that's likely what they were working on.

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Merge JC Hamster with a better one above all else. Seriously Harb is way more stable these days lol.


Hey, wait a minute, Harbingerier:p needs a new Hampster to just like other servers. Sorry, no can do, and ploay on both :)


Sorry, did i mis-speel:eek:

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That tired old refrain again. I thought we left that thread behind.


About as tiring as the server crashes. I mean who doesn't love the now weekly server crashes and rollbacks. Call it the Sunday/Monday JC special now. You seem you want to deny it for some strange reason. Maybe you like having crashes and rollbacks all the time? :)

Edited by FerkWork
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A little off topic, but it won't matter so much now with the new thread. but I've been wondering, could anyone paint me a picture about what that wasically wabbit Harby is like, specifically their version of DK? - Assuming if you also have experienced EH's version? :D


DK on Harby is the worst of the worst. Think of it as a cesspool in the middle of a garbage dump. The chat there makes what goes on at the Fleet look tame.

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About as tiring as the server crashes. I mean who doesn't love the now weekly server crashes and rollbacks. Call it the Sunday/Monday JC special now. You seem you want to deny it for some strange reason. Maybe you like having crashes and rollbacks all the time . :)


JC was fine until the servers were "consolidated". Should have left it where it was. Now its like Harbinger as far as stability.

Edited by DWho
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JC was fine until the servers were "consolidated". Should have left it where it was. Now its like Harbinger as far as stability.


You mean moved to cheaper space XD. If it was consolidated under a modern server then less issues. But this is 2012 tech here at Swtor lol. And Harb is having better stability than this lol. Heck Pot5 crashing more than Harb and it's been dead since 2015 XD.

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Harbinger's not THAT bad ;)


Its funny when the less populated server crashes so everyone comes chills on Harb till they fix it lol. XD



I kind of want them to merge the servers just so I can see the reaction of all the people XD.

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Cross-server is the way to go, in my opinion. :) I'd be so happy with that. I don't want server merges...


Server merges might increase population for a few servers, yes. But think about how much trouble Harbinger has. Harbinger's the most populated server, period. Insane lag, a lot of crashes, the server hamsters faceplanting off their wheels.... a'right, I kid with that last one, but you get the idea. More people = more stuff for computers to render = more lag. All to get a few seconds shaved off of queue times? Hardly worth it.

Not to mention, there are some people who *like* their quieter servers. I'm one of them. I don't want to see the population of Ebon Hawk - generally nice and friendly - get mixed in with the population of Harbinger (...no explanation needed :p). I like staying on Begeren Colony and Shadowlands where it doesn't feel like I'm choking when I visit the fleet.


Sounds like you haven't been to Harbinger in awhile. In the last several months it has fallen prey to 'Light' mode. It seems a lot of the people bashing Harbinger haven't actually been there in over a year which is fine but don't depict it as if it's 2015 and in 'Standard' full time with upsurges to 'Heavy'.

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What difference does that really make? Ebon Hawk has a nice population and nice community. I do not understand the need for it to be compared to Harbinger.


It makes a difference because this entire game is in decline &/or dieing. I've been trapped on a dead server that I didn't pick for 2.5 years now, because that's about how long ago things started to go sour on POT5. They've ignored us ever since & not provided the server maintenance we pay them to. If the ship is sinking, I want to be on the TIP of the boat so I can PvP till the lights go out.


If it was that simple, then why didn't BW do that the first two times?


How long have you been playing pal? Most of those things didn't even exist during the ONLY round of server mergers in North America. The only things they had to worry about back then was guild banks & guilds, & even then they refunded us GMs with the necessary credits to rebuild. They could do the same thing with decos & matts.

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It makes a difference because this entire game is in decline &/or dieing. I've been trapped on a dead server that I didn't pick for 2.5 years now, because that's about how long ago things started to go sour on POT5. They've ignored us ever since & not provided the server maintenance we pay them to. If the ship is sinking, I want to be on the TIP of the boat so I can PvP till the lights go out.




How long have you been playing pal? Most of those things didn't even exist during the ONLY round of server mergers in North America. The only things they had to worry about back then was guild banks & guilds, & even then they refunded us GMs with the necessary credits to rebuild. They could do the same thing with decos & matts.


What's stopping you from fixing your own problem and transferring to another server if you're unhappy. Transfers are virtually free.

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It makes a difference because this entire game is in decline &/or dieing. I've been trapped on a dead server that I didn't pick for 2.5 years now, because that's about how long ago things started to go sour on POT5. They've ignored us ever since & not provided the server maintenance we pay them to. If the ship is sinking, I want to be on the TIP of the boat so I can PvP till the lights go out.


You should do what others on PoT5 did... move to Harbinger on the 90cc transfers. You know... the only good server according to many who PvP. ;)


I guess you could just double down and demand servers be merged, but there is no assurance that will solve your problem as they may merge you where you don't really want to be. Why play victim when you have the tools to control your own destiny in terms of play experience?


How long have you been playing pal? Most of those things didn't even exist during the ONLY round of server mergers in North America. The only things they had to worry about back then was guild banks & guilds, & even then they refunded us GMs with the necessary credits to rebuild. They could do the same thing with decos & matts.


Prior merges were really hard on guilds. Many guilds waited months to get things fixed after a merge. And this was before guild ships and strongholds. Unless/until the studio puts in the work to move guilds and their assets intact.... merges would be a horrible thing to do and would actually probably hasten decline in active players ... particularly when people like you on a truly dead server can easily move to where you want to play.

Edited by Andryah
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What's stopping you from fixing your own problem and transferring to another server if you're unhappy. Transfers are virtually free.


I'm not reposting my original statement. If you're truly interested, back-track & read the rest of the thread. It's not my problem I can't fix, it's my guilds problem.


Prior merges were really hard on guilds. Many guilds waited months to get things fixed after a merge. And this was before guild ships and strongholds. Unless/until the studio puts in the work to move guilds and their assets intact.... merges would be a horrible thing to do and would actually probably hasten decline in active players ... particularly when people like you on a truly dead server can easily move to where you want to play.


I don't know who those guilds were. I've been a GM since beta & we were made whole again the day after mergers. Customer Service got back to me very rapidly.

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