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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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PSSSST Skyrim isn't the first game to do that. In fact Open world games are pretty old hat.


It's so popular there is even an ENTIRE GENRE named after it. it's called SANDBOX GAMES



Lets also consider that you don't have the freedom to do what you want or play how you like. There are a ton of restrictions.


Ok, apart from any other Bethesda game can you name the game that compares with Skyrim please. Thanks in advance, I look forward to seeing what it is.

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When you buy new car and breaks does not work you will be okay with that cause its first car company made? No, i dont believe that. People bought product, and that product have issues, ofc some became angry. Some more, some less. Not everyone is so much forgiving, but telling ppl to "shut up and go away" when they payed money for something that is broken is ignorant. People have right to say whats broken. Im, on the other side, pretty tired of ppl who advocate this stuff. I like this game, but it have its issues. Take off that pink glasses


You buy a car and its done. MMOs are never "done." Throughout their life they continue to evolve and change. $15 a month is all it costs to continue playing and support the evolution of the game. Even though a new car costs over $10,000, it still breaks down. You still spend about $300 a month in gas. You still need your $20 license. You still need your insurance, which can cost up to $500 a month. So even though you continue to pay up to $800 a month to drive for an hour or two a day, your car still breaks down.


Comparing a video game to a car is really stupid. Put 1000 people in your car and have them all push different buttons at the same time and see how long your car lasts. Thats essentially whats happening in the game. Everyone is playing the same game..There are over a million people playing on like..50 servers? Do the math. Theres going to be bugs. They get fixed. You don't need to pay extra everytime they get fixed either, despite the company having to pay people money to fix them.


New content gets added into the game you don't have to pay extra for either. Do you get free tires on your car whenever new ones come out? Do you get free stereos? I don't think so.


Nothing is perfect. What you're comparing the game to is another game that has been out for over 7 years. A game that has billions of dollars to invest in bugs. A game that when released, had bugs that made characters fall through maps, and mechanics that made it possible to CC you for hours, and level 15 characters were able to kill max lvl characters because there was no balance. Thats just off the top of my head.


The devs are well aware of the bugs and they'll fix them. This game isn't done. It will never be done because thats how MMOs are. If you want a flawless game right at the start, then go buy an Xbox or other console game. Then your argument about being "broken" will be valid.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready




Actually I am more impressed with the game NOW than I was 3, 6, even 12 months ago when I was so adamantly AGAINST it.


I'm actually ENJOYING the game. (That would only be a shock to my friends that know me from SWG)

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Only 'ppl' I see are those playing the game. And the only ones of them with anything ground-breakingly negative to say are trolling. Also, while I do recognize there are things which can be added to/improved upon, I do think the game is awEsome.

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Why would I have a grudge against a game that was released before it should have been and asked for $60? That isn't a reason is it?


Why would you buy it then? Do you decide what to buy by looking at box pictures? Don't you review stuff before you purchase? If not, isn't that your problem? People call that ignorant and irresponsible. Unless, you have so much money that you just blindly buy products. If so, why complain about a measly $60?


There are plenty of videos and reviews on this game, why didn't you bother to check them out before you spent your money?


If you did check them out, why do you have a grudge? You knew what you buying before you bought it, so why are you angry you got what you paid for?

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Try reading my post again before calling anyone an 'idiot', I quoted someone that compared the two games and went on to say they are nothing alike. Show me where I said TOR should be anything like Skyrim?


I am more than happy seeing SWTOR flounder because that is what is deserves. I played it for 6 days before I unsubscribed, like it or not it is average at best.


Okay, how about this? Now, just read through before you criticize. In an effort to make this game more 'unlinear', as that appears to be your number one gripe with it, from what I have read, instead of scaling the mobs, let them scale players! Pretty ingenious, huh? You heard it folks! In order to be more 'unlinear' like Skyrim, Bioware is doing away with the whole leveling process.


Now, when Bioware first sat down and tried to come up with a feasible way to create a completely unlinear MMO, they were forced to deal with some obvious caveats. For example, scaleable mobs were out of the question, due to it being a persistent world and everyone experiencing what you were experiencing. You can see the problems with this.


They have now decided to do away with the leveling process entirely. In the next major patch, they will be scaling everyone's level and skills based on WHERE they are in the world at the time. Go to Coruscant? Bam, you are now a level 12 - 16 version of your class. Tattooine? You are now level 24 - 28!


This will allow them to give everyone that truly 'go everywhere, do anything' feel, yet still keep the consistency of a persistent world. See you all in the next patch, dubbed 'Skyrim revisited in a galaxy far, far away'

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


I wouldn't care too much about reviews, especially from PC Gamer.


I'll never forget when PC Gamer gave Hellgate London an 89/100...I liked the premise of Hellgate, but it was no where near being ready for launch when it did. It needed at the very least another 6 months in the oven.

Edited by dozerking
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Would just like everyone to consider this. Most threads are negative do to the fact that those who don't enjoy the game attempt to ruin it for others on the forums. Those who enjoy the game, are PLAYING the game.


Ok and what are YOU doing?

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Oddly enough a lot of people are playing. Are you?


I keep asking the mods why are they allowing threads like this? Nothing to say but a lot of BS and obvious troll threads yet anytime anyone calls these folks for what they are they give the whistle blowers infractions.


I'll grant you this Doomsaga. You guys are winning. Mods here are helping by leaving people who obviously have an agenda and do not play TOR to continue to post.


*waits for the next infraction*

Edited by Daeborn
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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


Complaints on official forums are worthless because such forums are full of nothing but poo-flinging, tantrum-throwing infants screaming and crying that they didn't get a purple pony that farts glitter despite asking for it to be added to the game a whole five minutes ago.


Glowing reviews from major game magazines or major game review sites are similarly worthless. The game reviewing industry is a LOT more corrupt than movie reviewers, and every game reviewer knows he or she can be fired if they give a negative review to a game that bought a lot of advertising with their magazine or web site.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


no not even a little bit. this is the best gaming experience I have had in 15 years.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


By, and don't forget to take the people who wants to turn this into starwow with you.

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


It is nowhere near > 90% atm in endgame. Many of the heroic flashpoints are bugged so bad you cannot complete them, and the raid content is also bugged and lacking.


PC gamer had to have reviewed SWTOR for its leveling content. I'm sure they didn't get past lvl 40 before throwing that review up.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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Those reviews were for the most part legitimately bad. "This MMO plays like an MMO and so we give it a C". Most were entirely devoid of the actual problems this game will be facing, namely endgame content, encouraging grouping, and leveling diversity. There were some good reviews that painted a negative picture, but they dwarfed by the number of reviews that were simply non MMO players ranting about MMOs by proxy though TOR.
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