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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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what about those who claim the F2P GW2 will cure cancer crowd?


Those people are under the impression that GW2 will be the new coming of MMO development. Those people are making that judgment when they haven't even played the game.


That is not to say the GW2 will not be a bad game, but, there are no guarantees that it will change the MMO market...


Questing and PVP can potentially be the same as in every game that we have all played.

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*opens Metacritic*


*looks at Critic Reviews*


Hmm. 12 positive, 0 mixed, 0 negative...



ok... *looks at user reviews* ok more mixed, but still with twice the positives than negatives and about 40 mixed... but then you read the negative reviews.


"Each server is not one world but a bunch of copies of rooms and channels." what?


"requires $120 non-refundable before you even start playing." uh... no it doesn't?


so, yeah. Critic's give it good reviews. User's give it good reviews. And the users who don't? Well... apparently they're playing a different game?

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


This. Any game forum you go to is going to be overwhelmed with negativity, even if it is the 'great' (completely subjective, I might add) Modern Warfare games. A 'review' is what separates a professional from a chronic complainer.

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Most of people who says this game is bad are the ones who reached 50 already. I totaly loved this game while leveling, and was about to throw my pc out of window when i finished. Pvp is strange with lag, knockback and stun everywhere, pvp gear up system is based on luck (o hai 15 last bags i opened without gear token), pve... 5 out of 6 hard flashpoints was bugged and not possible to finish... And many small things, nothing major, but at every corner jumps something on you. Its pretty ridiculous...


So yeah, this game is really awesome while leveling, but when you want to try have fun after that, you might find out its not so awesome. (keep comments like "bla bla should not level so fast" for yourself. I loved my story line and I was way too much curious to level two months.)

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the game had a deadline it was 2 years overdue... if it didn't get released now.. we wouldn't even have it right now.


EDIT: and if you guys knew EA bought the rights to Bioware after the first Mass Effect I believe. so they are linked and EA are the co- Producer sof SWTOR along with LucasArts.. now if EA didnt help produce SWTOR it would be 4-5 years overdue... or the project would be cancelled


I love playing this game but I have to agree that it was released too early. This isn't really a bad thing IMO, it just means we get to be part of the evolution and experience all the trial and errors, buffs, nerfs, glitches, exploits, and OP bursts while the devs work it out. Thats the best part so far and I know good things will come in the future.


The company that made this game is- a company. They have employees with bills and families, but they also have a reputation of creating some really good games. I highly doubt they plan on throwing away all that, as well as the money they invested in this game, by just giving up on the game. Theres no secret plot to create a crappy game and take your money. What would that do to business?


From what I understand, this is their first MMO and they've primarily done single player games. Despite that, they've done a hell of a job innovating and incorporating new ideas rather than copy every other MMO. Yea, they've flexed their Single Player muscles and showed what they can do by creating a great story to the game, but its not a single player game. People are out questing and leveling, doing flashpoints and phased heroic quests..Everyone is so used to seeing 1000s of people in one city that if they dont see it in a new game, then its not an MMO. Thats far from the truth.


Look at other game's questing. 4 people doing the same quest-they just do the deed and turn it in. This game, each player gets a chance to speak and change the outcome of the mission. Thats more MMO than any other game out there. Yea, theres phasing but so what? I'd rather not wait 30 minutes to kill the same guy that the other 100 ppl are trying to kill. That doesn't make it an MMO. You do the quests with your friends/guildies or any pugs u find on the road-thats MMO.


All these QQ'ers need to be suspended from the game and forums. I'm so tired of ignorant people complaining about this game everywhere I go. Even though I disagree with them, I can't help but feel a bit blahh when I hear it because it does bring down my mood.


I plan to stick around til the servers are down completely. I look forward to the changes that come and I'll still continue to enjoy the game in the meantime. If you don't like it, or if you were expecting a WoW2 from it, then just SHUT UP AND LEAVE!

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I love playing this game but I have to agree that it was released too early. This isn't really a bad thing IMO, it just means we get to be part of the evolution and experience all the trial and errors, buffs, nerfs, glitches, exploits, and OP bursts while the devs work it out. Thats the best part so far and I know good things will come in the future.


The company that made this game is- a company. They have employees with bills and families, but they also have a reputation of creating some really good games. I highly doubt they plan on throwing away all that, as well as the money they invested in this game, by just giving up on the game. Theres no secret plot to create a crappy game and take your money. What would that do to business?


From what I understand, this is their first MMO and they've primarily done single player games. Despite that, they've done a hell of a job innovating and incorporating new ideas rather than copy every other MMO. Yea, they've flexed their Single Player muscles and showed what they can do by creating a great story to the game, but its not a single player game. People are out questing and leveling, doing flashpoints and phased heroic quests..Everyone is so used to seeing 1000s of people in one city that if they dont see it in a new game, then its not an MMO. Thats far from the truth.


Look at other game's questing. 4 people doing the same quest-they just do the deed and turn it in. This game, each player gets a chance to speak and change the outcome of the mission. Thats more MMO than any other game out there. Yea, theres phasing but so what? I'd rather not wait 30 minutes to kill the same guy that the other 100 ppl are trying to kill. That doesn't make it an MMO. You do the quests with your friends/guildies or any pugs u find on the road-thats MMO.


All these QQ'ers need to be suspended from the game and forums. I'm so tired of ignorant people complaining about this game everywhere I go. Even though I disagree with them, I can't help but feel a bit blahh when I hear it because it does bring down my mood.


I plan to stick around til the servers are down completely. I look forward to the changes that come and I'll still continue to enjoy the game in the meantime. If you don't like it, or if you were expecting a WoW2 from it, then just SHUT UP AND LEAVE!


+1 I don't understand why they don't just go away.

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+1 I don't understand why they don't just go away.


When you buy new car and breaks does not work you will be okay with that cause its first car company made? No, i dont believe that. People bought product, and that product have issues, ofc some became angry. Some more, some less. Not everyone is so much forgiving, but telling ppl to "shut up and go away" when they payed money for something that is broken is ignorant. People have right to say whats broken. Im, on the other side, pretty tired of ppl who advocate this stuff. I like this game, but it have its issues. Take off that pink glasses

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Lol I'm laughing my *** off at these threads. Basically the little nooblets who suck and hop from 1 MMO to the next are complaining that TOR sucks while 95% of the player base is too busy leveling to respond. And then every once in a while you have someone who logs on the forums and is like "lolwut?" because after all this is a pretty awesome game


So I say to you: lolwut?

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Those people are under the impression that GW2 will be the new coming of MMO development. Those people are making that judgment when they haven't even played the game.


That is not to say the GW2 will not be a bad game, but, there are no guarantees that it will change the MMO market...


Questing and PVP can potentially be the same as in every game that we have all played.


I have a strong feeling GW2 will not live up to it's hype, they are making just way too many bold claims and promises and I have yet to see a company deliver on that many.

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The bugs are not overwhelming. Skyrim has just as many and I don't see anyone saying that should have been delayed.


Skyrim pushes gaming boundaries by allowing you to go whever you like, do whatever you like and play it however you like. When you have a game as large in scope as Skyrim with the ability to play it how you like it is inevitable that you will get bugs in TES games because of the freedom they allow.


SWTOR is absolutely nothing like Skyrim in anyway shape or form. The game is linear, defend it all you like but it is.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


The bad reviews were few and far in between. I didn't believe it then, and I don't believe it now. Got a lvl 39 BH and 30 JK, having a blast both solo and in group.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


this game is awesome and I'm subbing for many months to come.


Please to troll elsewhere. k thanx

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Skyrim pushes gaming boundaries by allowing you to go whever you like, do whatever you like and play it however you like. When you have a game as large in scope as Skyrim with the ability to play it how you like it is inevitable that you will get bugs in TES games because of the freedom they allow.


SWTOR is absolutely nothing like Skyrim in anyway shape or form. The game is linear, defend it all you like but it is.


PSSSST Skyrim isn't the first game to do that. In fact Open world games are pretty old hat.


It's so popular there is even an ENTIRE GENRE named after it. it's called SANDBOX GAMES



Lets also consider that you don't have the freedom to do what you want or play how you like. There are a ton of restrictions.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Skyrim pushes gaming boundaries by allowing you to go whever you like, do whatever you like and play it however you like. When you have a game as large in scope as Skyrim with the ability to play it how you like it is inevitable that you will get bugs in TES games because of the freedom they allow.


SWTOR is absolutely nothing like Skyrim in anyway shape or form. The game is linear, defend it all you like but it is.


So you are saying SWTOR should be more like Skyrim? Scaleable mobs? Yeah, I could see no problems with that in an MMO. Absolutely no instances? Yeah, another thing that would lead to no problems. I could go on and on, but there is no need to as you have sold me. Upon reading your logic, I quietly wonder why Skyrim wasn't an MMO. Huge lack of foresight on the part of the developers. Idiots. (Was that directed at you or them? Hmm. Decide!)

Edited by DragonSyn
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Don't worry dude the fanbois would eat this game up even if it was literally poo wrapped up in a tortilla called an "awesome Star Wars mmo!"

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I have a strong feeling GW2 will not live up to it's hype, they are making just way too many bold claims and promises and I have yet to see a company deliver on that many.


I was a non believer also, but watch some video and read the comments from people who have played the game at events and so forth. Made a believer out of me.....and I HATED Guild Wars 1

Edited by MargulisAZ
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Because we all know those numbers are based on true opinions, not which publisher sends in the most free stuff.


So that means all positive reviews are irrelevant -- while the negative reviews are the most credible sources on the internet.


Please people.

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I was a non believer also, but watch some video and read the comments from people who have played the game at events and so forth. Made a believer out of me.....and I HATED Guild Wars 1


Young Padawan. Never expect too much from a game. You will be disappointed. I expected nothing when I fired up SWtoR the first time and I am having tonnes of fun.


The way you talk about GW2 will only result in either blindness or disappointment.


You should only ask yourself one question when you play: Am I having fun? If yes continue. If no discontinue. That is it.


This forum is so filled with people that either dream about something that is not or have an agenda that this game should fail (there is so much money in the MMO business that I am absolutely positive that e.g. Blizzard has PR people working around the clock right now at 'user' forums). Just relax instead.

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So you are saying SWTOR should be more like Skyrim? Scaleable mobs? Yeah, I could see no problems with that in an MMO. Absolutely no instances? Yeah, another thing that would lead to no problems. I could go on and on, but there is no need to as you have sold me. Upon reading your logic, I quietly wonder why Skyrim wasn't an MMO. Huge lack of foresight on the part of the developers. Idiots. (Was that directed at you or them? Hmm. Decide!)


Try reading my post again before calling anyone an 'idiot', I quoted someone that compared the two games and went on to say they are nothing alike. Show me where I said TOR should be anything like Skyrim?


I am more than happy seeing SWTOR flounder because that is what is deserves. I played it for 6 days before I unsubscribed, like it or not it is average at best.

Edited by SaltAU
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Yeah. Everyone is busy playing this game to care what you think. The sad thing is there will always be people like you who are unsatisfied with anything unless they directly reflect your personal views, interests or wants. As far as MMORPG's go, this one beats them all, HANDS DOWN. Its got bugs, and functions that were not implemented for ship, but still leaves the rest in the rear view mirror. If you and the rest can't see that, then you are lost.

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Try reading my post again before calling anyone an 'idiot', I quoted someone that compared the two games and went on to say they are nothing alike. Show me where I said TOR should be anything like Skyrim?


I am more than happy seeing SWTOR flounder because that is what is deserves. I played it for 6 days before I unsubscribed, like it or not it is average at best.


Seriously? You have a grudge against a video game because you didn't like it?

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