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Your reasons for joining swtor


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The reason why I joined SWTOR back in 2011? Because it had lightsabers and no other MMO has!


Kidding aside ... its Star Wars ... if you had a good youth with self respecting parents ... you've grown up with Star Wars. Always been a fan of the Old Republic, so SWTOR was a logical choice!


And I love Force Awakens and Rogue One!

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Joined back in late 08 or early 09 i think ( back when the forum had that blue background...whenever that was) and ive been here ever since. Kept up with anything that was released about this game, articles, vids, streams, you name it...i watched or read it. I did beta, 7 day early access, here on 1st official release day.


Ah the good times and that joy i had are all but forgotten now.


And yea, its star wars. Saw ep4 back in 77 when it was still a huge deal.....aahh that line we stood in....now that was very good times.

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Joined back in late 08 or early 09 i think ( back when the forum had that blue background...whenever that was) and ive been here ever since. Kept up with anything that was released about this game, articles, vids, streams, you name it...i watched or read it. I did beta, 7 day early access, here on 1st official release day.


Ah the good times and that joy i had are all but forgotten now.


Same here! Beta, Early Access and all... I watched A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in Theaters at release... Have to thank my parents for A New Hope as I was far too young to attend under my own power.


Read the Extended Universe books or at least the vast majority of them..Still have most of them in bookshelves upstairs.


This game was a given for me I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I signed up for the forums in March of 2009 and kept tabs on the game from then until now..


Sadly I don't really play much anymore and only Sub occasionally because I don't approve of the current state of the game...

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How many of you joined because of hype from force awakens and rogue one? I did


Kinda right. I started at launch,..no,.beta. But I left around level 30, forgot why.


But I am back now...partly because of the new SW movies,...but mostly because i am not satisfied with any other MMO out at the moment and there is alot of content here I never seen yet. So,..I am here for awhile, enjoying what I can.

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Nope, I been here since June or July of 2009 before the game even launch. I came here because I like Star Wars and some of my friends were going to play and am glad we came and made some new friends, some that I count myself blessed to have.
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i joined at the start i loved Kotor and this is what it ws based on..its also star wars

i love the class stories and the others up to kotfe but eternal throne not so, but still great story. i want this eternal empire to leave and get b k to the way it was

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The reason why I joined SWTOR back in 2011? Because it had lightsabers and no other MMO has!


Kidding aside ... its Star Wars ... if you had a good youth with self respecting parents ... you've grown up with Star Wars. Always been a fan of the Old Republic, so SWTOR was a logical choice!


And I love Force Awakens and Rogue One!


Yes. I remember back in the day (1977) my sister and I both had these yellow inflatable light sabers which were basically D-cell flashlights. You had to make the slashing buzz noise yourself and the stupid things ripped apart after about a week, but it was fun while it lasted.


So, slight improvement now playing SWTOR, I don't have to make the kzzzzzt sound myself any more, yes!

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This is somewhat of a refreshing thread considering all the incessant "forum bickering" that usually transpires on a daily basis. Anyhow, like most folks playing SWTOR, I've been a pretty fervent Star Wars aficionado my entire life (almost 39) and absolutely adored the KOTOR series (yes, even 'The Sith Lords') from the Original Xbox days (circa early 2000's).


Needless to say, I still recall pre-ordering the SWTOR Collector's Edition back in summer of 2011 and have been involved with this title (to some degree) since the game's launch. Anyhow, between random PC issues and other various gaming distractions, I did take a two year hiatus between 2012-14... before ultimately returning a few months prior to the Strongholds implementation.


Whatever the case may be, SWTOR has unquestionably been the "definitive" Star Wars experience in many ways, and I plan to stick around until the final "nail in the coffin' - which I'm hoping, is still quite a few years down the road. After all, this game just delivers on nearly every level and I'm "mostly" willing to overlook its shortcomings because of the interactive escape / brilliance it provides.

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I wanted KOTOR 3. This was a consolation prize. Also Star Wars is a pretty automatic "yes" from me, same as probably most of us here - which makes it quite amazing that this game doesn't have many more subscribers...amEAzing.
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Heard about this game before released, didnt really read much into it. Once I saw the trailers for the game though. Damn, I was hooked. I even heard a lot of what you saw in the trailers you could do (Ability wise). Watching Shae Vizla wreck **** in the jedi temple was just all I needed to make a merc as my first toon when the game released. Also, its Star Wars so thats a + right there.
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I joined at launch, but after reaching lvl 50, getting full rakata gear and owning everyone in PvP i quit for several years. The game was in a terrible shape back then and for several expansions to come, nothing was improved. It really wasn't till Knights of the fallen empire where the game began to shine. Still needs a lot of work....




64bit engine to begin with, but not like that's ever going to happen.

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I first started 2 years ago because the story. No I did have a long vacation because I moved and had a kid(middle name Jacen after the first solo boy.) Started back up for story and got some friends joining me.
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Joined for early access because I really liked KOTOR and this sounded like KOTOR online (played KOTOR because of StarWars episodes IV-VI). Came back because I have more time now, and this seemed to be the best MMO to reactivate.


The Force Awakens movie was a disappointment. Rogue one was pretty good, but it seemed more like a typical suicide mission movie in the vein of Guns of Navarone or Dirty Dozen than a Star Wars movie.


If City of Heroes were still around I would probably be playing that instead...

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I started playing in 2014 because at that time I was,


12 years into EQ2 and it was and still is booring me to death. (still playing 16 years)


10 years into EvE online but the PvP had gotten out of control and the PvP jerks where destroying the games enjoyment for many. (still playing 14 years)


11 years into LOTRO which is stagnent and going nowhere. (still have a lifetime account but do not play)


2 years in Lineage II I could not wait to leave that POS. (don't miss this one in the slightest)


6 days of WoW is all I could stomach before deleting the game. (only did the trial cause a friend sent it to me but could not make the full 10 days)


I needed to find a new game and SWTOR caught my eye. I did F2P for a couple of days then subbed when I found I liked the game. Been here 4 years now and see no reason to leave.... yet.

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In no particular order:

- WoW was stale af in 2011 (Dragon Soul was current content, quite literally the worst raid ever in that game.) and I am an avid MMO player, so it was exciting and new.

- Mass Effect was my go to series at the time... ME2 was probably one of, if not my favorite games at the time. So any new Bioware game was already gold in my eyes, especially a Star Wars MMO.

- KotOR

- All of their press events and trailers made me hyped as fudge.


Really wish the game was more successful back then so it didn't turn into the empty husk based on selling cartel coins to whales that it is now, but alas.

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All my IRL friends got early access. They pleaded with me to join.

I'm the only one left with a sub. I still see them IRL, but they all left for other games. (GE, Wildstar, FF etc.)

At least I have online friends. They're the only ones keeping me here. When they go, I go.


Funny how a half-dozen random strangers whom I've never met are more compelling than anything BioWare have done in the last year or two....


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My sister started playing it, and she absolutely loved it. (She'd still be playing it if her computer didn't decide to croak. Darn computer! She's hoping to get that taken care of reeeeeeeeeally soon...) She told me all about her various characters and adventures, but it wasn't until a year or so later that I got the game as a birthday present. I already loved Star Wars, but I was antsy about a multiplayer game - I'm an incredibly shy person, both in real life and online (...not so much on forums, it would seem :p). But I decided, what the heck, and got it anyway.

I started playing a few weeks before 3.0 went live. My first character was a smuggler gal, based on a roleplay character I already had. The first cutscene played, I heard my character's voice for the first time (character creation was bugged but I didn't notice at the time), I stepped out onto Ord Mantell... and my jaw hit the floor. I promptly fell in love with this game.


Why am I still here? Because I love the stories and the characters that shape those stories. I love the storytelling, and the freedom to shape further stories beyond what happens in the cutscenes, through imagination, through exploring, through writing and roleplaying.


Long live SWTOR. :)

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I didn't "Join" anything. That term makes me really uncomfortable and I want to cancel now. Where's Vector when you need him?



I love Wow, Star Wars, and storytelling. So it's (was... maybe) a no brainer.

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i joined back in 2011 originally as a part of a fleet on STO that wanted to move over, however the original leader of that fleet decided to go off with his son and start playing LOTRO, never heard from him again, that left his friend in charge of this new guild for SWTOR i was in. things fell apart shortly before release, but i got my early access to the game before launch.


what i remember most was playing on korriban for the first time with a female sith inquisitor called Zigh. when the game was released she only got to level 37 and it was stopped there until earlier in year because of the transfers allowed over into europe from the states. thats almost 6 years of no activity, i had another one called Sunan who made it to level 50, a female bounty hunter. since the transfers their names needed changing.


in any event, after leaving that new guild before launch i found the game quite interesting, so i continued playing it.

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