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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo Que needs to be seperate from Group Que


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They've said before that while they would like to have it, having short queue times is more important. So unfortunately, not gonna happen unless they get a much stronger population.


Yeah b/c shorter queue times with back to back ****** games with loss after loss to the same few premades in reg queue keeps the game fun and fresh.....


I'm patient, I don't mind waiting a few extra minutes if it clears up reg queue.

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Or just replace the Solo Queue option with a FFA Queue so that if you choose that option it forces you to have to que alone and groups cannot queue for FFA matches.


This is something that has been asked for since launch. As well as seperate queues for each map or type (arena). We also wanted a solo queue for 8 man ranked.

Bio has totally ignored all requests and took it one step further and removed 8 man ranked altogether.

Unfortunately we now have such a low pvp population that splitting the queues wouldn't work. It would make queue times excessive.

Edited by Icykill_
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splitting q's won't work but what we need is basic matchmaking where if a premade q's up the system tries for up to 3-5 minutes to get a premade on the other team. If there are no premades after 3-5 minutes it works as it does now but if there is one and there are 16 players total in q then it pops.
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This is something that has been asked for since launch. As well as seperate queues for each map or type (arena). We also wanted a solo queue for 8 man ranked.

Bio has totally ignored all requests and took it one step further and removed 8 man ranked altogether.

Unfortunately we now have such a low pvp population that splitting the queues wouldn't work. It would make queue times excessive.


FFA wouldnt work either becasuse it really only is good for dps players.

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splitting q's won't work but what we need is basic matchmaking where if a premade q's up the system tries for up to 3-5 minutes to get a premade on the other team. If there are no premades after 3-5 minutes it works as it does now but if there is one and there are 16 players total in q then it pops.


Idc about que times, waiting is something I've grown use to playing Bioware games. Premade groups need a separate queue. If you have a team of 4 its only fair you face another team of 4. It doesn't even have to be ranked queue. Just make a Group Reg Queue and then Solo Reg Queue.


Problem Solved, IF they'd just do it. Not like they're making an attempt story wise anymore. They have time to make it happen.

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If that was done, Group Regs would just turn into a watered down version of the old 8v8 ranked.

A handful of groups end up dominating that pool and the rest gets alienated, likely not bothering to queue anymore at all.


We just don't have a large enough pool of people playing PvP to do this sort of thing.

What would work is matching groups against groups with priority. And they could probably even add a healer/tank check to that. But that just requires far too many resources in Biowares eyes to be worth bothering.


I personally think it could very quickly prove worthwhile but I know better than to argue with what Bioware thinks is right. They will just do what they think is right and not listen to what anyone else has to say.

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They've said before that while they would like to have it, having short queue times is more important. So unfortunately, not gonna happen unless they get a much stronger population.


Ya like people quitting the game is not making the Q slower too.

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I could see people leaving matches constantly until they managed get on the same team, then more ppl would cry about penalty for leaving matches, then more and more people would afk during the match then people would cry to improve the vote kick option. LOL just a downward spiral, none of you will ever be happy.

premades are fine they dont bother me

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Bioware should have added almost every feature in this game at launch or soon right after. Picking maps, choosing teams to avoid class stacking and 4 heals in one match. Respecing in warzone should be a thing again. Along with saved specs so you dont have to move powers and stuff. The problem is bioware is reactive and slow at it. If these features that everyone wanted were around at launch and they actually tried to care about pvp the community would have stayed and been strong enough to support it.


It's the concept of being so controlling to prevent people from quitting that the control measures are the reason that people are leaving the game. It's a double edge sword that has done them no favors.


The fact that you cant click on pvp terminals in arena, the fact that roll bug still exists, leap fall thru map, getting stuck on every object in the game, mail box summoning only works half the time, clipping, glitches, all this stuff that has been around since launch or since it was made...is the reason why nothing will change.


Is the game engine really this bad or are the devs just this lazy? I just assume both.


Solo queing is pretty much out of the question at this point though.

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The reasons this is a good idea much to the dismay of chumps that love grouping and having no chance to lose...

1. There will many more ppl pvping, not fewer. Most players especially new ones are solo. Making PvP fairer to the majority increases player.

2. Queue times are not a problem with this soln. If solo players click so-and-so option they own how long their queue time is. In reality because massively more ppl will be pvping the solo queue will be faster than now. The groups will wait slightly longer.

3. Group queue time being slightly longer is totally worth it. Yes we know solo pvpers will have an enormously better experience, but groups also will have much higher quality games. Currently groups almost never get a fair fun battle, only worthless chumps like that, real pvpers want a challenge.

Really this suggestion will never be adopted though, sadly because people are not smart enough to realize it would be a huge improvement for all pvpers and game populations.

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The reasons this is a good idea much to the dismay of chumps that love grouping and having no chance to lose...

1. There will many more ppl pvping, not fewer. Most players especially new ones are solo. Making PvP fairer to the majority increases player.

2. Queue times are not a problem with this soln. If solo players click so-and-so option they own how long their queue time is. In reality because massively more ppl will be pvping the solo queue will be faster than now. The groups will wait slightly longer.

3. Group queue time being slightly longer is totally worth it. Yes we know solo pvpers will have an enormously better experience, but groups also will have much higher quality games. Currently groups almost never get a fair fun battle, only worthless chumps like that, real pvpers want a challenge.

Really this suggestion will never be adopted though, sadly because people are not smart enough to realize it would be a huge improvement for all pvpers and game populations.


Is this what communism sounds like? Spread the wealth, but instead it's spread the skilled players. >.>


The REASON people group is because they are tired of playing with absolute trash. I mean people who literally walk off the node when someone is capping. A person that spends the whole warzone doing less damage than one channel of force storm. No one wants to be with these people. I think out of the warzones I did today I saw one person autorunning into a wall as a sin, another person guarding nothing, and then I saw 4 sins get solo'd by a pt.


Uh...can I please get a team? That is what I keep asking myself when I see this happening. I find the one to three good players and form a party...I literally just ask people as I play to form up. People act like there are premades at the ready to be launched like F-22's intercepting Russian jets. Sorry I don't have a standby F-22 squadron at the ready, but I can ask people to team up...they are usually more than happy to as they've seen how I have played.


You think good players are going to spill their wealth/skill on people who don't try or even make an effort to win? Uh..NOPE! Not going to happen.


The best part is when you face other premades who did the same thing as you and for once a fight seems fair. It gets old when I get a solo kill using saber reflect, or when I knock the same sorc off the bridge in voidstar for the 10th round that match. They don't even bother staying away from the ledges.


The ONLY thing I hate is double premade que sync. I think that trash is retarded. They need to just bring back 8 v 8 ranked. I had a baddie guild on my old server that would just do that, it was 2 guardians and 6 sages, 2 heals, 2 tanks and dps that all cross healed. Sometimes they would go 4 heals because they were so bad they couldn't win with 2. They'd spend the whole match spamming the node with roaming mends flying everywhere...eventually they'd cap.


Point is, it's not the premades, it's the players premades are trying to avoid. When I get the same team of 7 bumbling idiots in 3 warzones I am pretty much fed up with solo queing.


I can leave anyone with three tips of advice that will make them better in a warzone without increasing actual player skill.

1. Learn the map objectives. If you don't know what you are doing in a warzone...it's probably the reason why you are losing. Along with that you can learn where not to stand (Not the edge of the bridge!).

2. Learn what each class is capable of. A lot of people will say things like "Jack of all trades, master of none." As if that matters when they brag about their "main" character. If you only play one character you will fall short of understand other classes you play against. You may be really good at your class but you will be wasting potential when you don't fully understand how another class plays. Watching them isn't enough, you need to play them or at the very least read up on abilities.

2a. This kind of goes with the second one. Learn the four damage types. Ranged/Melee (WHITE DMG) and Force/Tech (YELLOW DMG). Wasting your cooldowns is dumb. A merc who pops chaff flare against a MM sniper. Same goes for shroud though it at least might provide some cc immunity...but really what a waste. Each dcd in the game has it's strengths and weaknesses. If you can't counter, learn to kite, heal, cc. Especially in a 1 v 1 there is no reason a jugg or merc should be healing to full off their dcd...just cc or kite them.

3. Communication. I know *gasp* we have to speak with other people. Yet this is common expectation in any sort of team play. I mean there have been warzones where there is no way I should have lost but people at node didn't bother to call for help. Also when help is called...don't follow a zerg trying to chase down a conceal operative who is pulling everyone across the map. Drop target, go help team, leave one or two to defend the node in case derpy mc oppy comes back to roll around some more.


Honestly...if people can communicate....you will feel like you are in a premade because that's all they are doing. There is no need for seperate ques. Just yell out, 2 inc snow....Target = Heals, focus. "The team has 4 stealth, keep two min guarding." whatever it is, tips, information that allows your team to react sooner not later. That's all I do on a premade. We talk and we have each others back. I did an oddesson where people just tossed me the objective on my team which I came to help them...then ran away so I would get focused and not them. WoW thanks for helping..I almost 1 v 2 them but I was already out of half my cooldowns...if I had my teammate help instead of being thrown in with the wolves..we may have won...and even if I lost the battle...I would have been grateful they stayed to fight with me.

Edited by VixenRawR
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The REASON people group is because they are tired of playing with absolute trash. I mean people who literally walk off the node when someone is capping. A person that spends the whole warzone doing less damage than one channel of force storm. No one wants to be with these people. I think out of the warzones I did today I saw one person autorunning into a wall as a sin, another person guarding nothing, and then I saw 4 sins get solo'd by a pt.


Uh...can I please get a team?


I wonder where and when do you guys play.


I keep reading on these forums that people group to avoid trash, because the game is full of it. Well yeah, there are bad players (myself) and new players, a lot of them, but it’s not like some of you are stating here- like you can’t throw a lightsaber without hitting an afker or troll or somebody playing without a keyboard.


I solo queue 90% of the times and the quality of my teammates is the least thing I would complain about. Darn, my last wz on pubside about two weeks ago was Queshball where Imps were literally scared to leave respawn area- our team was waiting for them with the ball on the ground floor for some time when it was 4:1 but they did not come, so stealthers had to go up to knock them off the platform. Actually the second half of the match was children-beating, and one of the shadows on our team wrote in gen chat that this is a punishment to “merc cancer and probe trolls”. Yeah, it was kind of embarrassing I guess, but ranged won’t lose from a bit of spanking from melee.


I played on TRE and I’d say there are plenty of good solo players aside from good premades. Pug matches can be fun, and their ratio is higher than some state here. Trash games do exist, hell a lot of them, but they are not overwhelming in a way when you are forced to queue in a group to win. Maybe I was lucky to get carried most of the time, I don’t know.


What I did encounter were players blaming somebody else for losing and rage quitting because players on other team were better. The latter is a more often case than trash.:)

Edited by zhezvya
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Is this what communism sounds like? Spread the wealth, but instead it's spread the skilled players. >.>


The REASON people group is because they are tired of playing with absolute trash. I mean people who literally walk off the node when someone is capping. A person that spends the whole warzone doing less damage than one channel of force storm. No one wants to be with these people. I think out of the warzones I did today I saw one person autorunning into a wall as a sin, another person guarding nothing, and then I saw 4 sins get solo'd by a pt.


Uh...can I please get a team? That is what I keep asking myself when I see this happening. I find the one to three good players and form a party...I literally just ask people as I play to form up. People act like there are premades at the ready to be launched like F-22's intercepting Russian jets. Sorry I don't have a standby F-22 squadron at the ready, but I can ask people to team up...they are usually more than happy to as they've seen how I have played.


You think good players are going to spill their wealth/skill on people who don't try or even make an effort to win? Uh..NOPE! Not going to happen.


The best part is when you face other premades who did the same thing as you and for once a fight seems fair. It gets old when I get a solo kill using saber reflect, or when I knock the same sorc off the bridge in voidstar for the 10th round that match. They don't even bother staying away from the ledges.


The ONLY thing I hate is double premade que sync. I think that trash is retarded. They need to just bring back 8 v 8 ranked. I had a baddie guild on my old server that would just do that, it was 2 guardians and 6 sages, 2 heals, 2 tanks and dps that all cross healed. Sometimes they would go 4 heals because they were so bad they couldn't win with 2. They'd spend the whole match spamming the node with roaming mends flying everywhere...eventually they'd cap.


Point is, it's not the premades, it's the players premades are trying to avoid. When I get the same team of 7 bumbling idiots in 3 warzones I am pretty much fed up with solo queing.


I can leave anyone with three tips of advice that will make them better in a warzone without increasing actual player skill.

1. Learn the map objectives. If you don't know what you are doing in a warzone...it's probably the reason why you are losing. Along with that you can learn where not to stand (Not the edge of the bridge!).

2. Learn what each class is capable of. A lot of people will say things like "Jack of all trades, master of none." As if that matters when they brag about their "main" character. If you only play one character you will fall short of understand other classes you play against. You may be really good at your class but you will be wasting potential when you don't fully understand how another class plays. Watching them isn't enough, you need to play them or at the very least read up on abilities.

2a. This kind of goes with the second one. Learn the four damage types. Ranged/Melee (WHITE DMG) and Force/Tech (YELLOW DMG). Wasting your cooldowns is dumb. A merc who pops chaff flare against a MM sniper. Same goes for shroud though it at least might provide some cc immunity...but really what a waste. Each dcd in the game has it's strengths and weaknesses. If you can't counter, learn to kite, heal, cc. Especially in a 1 v 1 there is no reason a jugg or merc should be healing to full off their dcd...just cc or kite them.

3. Communication. I know *gasp* we have to speak with other people. Yet this is common expectation in any sort of team play. I mean there have been warzones where there is no way I should have lost but people at node didn't bother to call for help. Also when help is called...don't follow a zerg trying to chase down a conceal operative who is pulling everyone across the map. Drop target, go help team, leave one or two to defend the node in case derpy mc oppy comes back to roll around some more.


Honestly...if people can communicate....you will feel like you are in a premade because that's all they are doing. There is no need for seperate ques. Just yell out, 2 inc snow....Target = Heals, focus. "The team has 4 stealth, keep two min guarding." whatever it is, tips, information that allows your team to react sooner not later. That's all I do on a premade. We talk and we have each others back. I did an oddesson where people just tossed me the objective on my team which I came to help them...then ran away so I would get focused and not them. WoW thanks for helping..I almost 1 v 2 them but I was already out of half my cooldowns...if I had my teammate help instead of being thrown in with the wolves..we may have won...and even if I lost the battle...I would have been grateful they stayed to fight with me.


I agree that there are a lot of bad players and it can get rather annoying pugging with them but instead of your tirade why don't you look at posts like mine and Evolixe's and support basic matchmaking that tries for 3-5 minutes to put a premade on the other team as well (not split q's but just tries for 1 premade on each side if a premade is in q). This would be extremely easy to implement, would not noticeably increase q times, and would bring about more even matches. The only downside to this is that bad premades would have a slightly harder time pugstomping.

Edited by DarthRaika
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The reasons this is a good idea much to the dismay of chumps that love grouping and having no chance to lose...

1. There will many more ppl pvping, not fewer. Most players especially new ones are solo. Making PvP fairer to the majority increases player.

2. Queue times are not a problem with this soln. If solo players click so-and-so option they own how long their queue time is. In reality because massively more ppl will be pvping the solo queue will be faster than now. The groups will wait slightly longer.

3. Group queue time being slightly longer is totally worth it. Yes we know solo pvpers will have an enormously better experience, but groups also will have much higher quality games. Currently groups almost never get a fair fun battle, only worthless chumps like that, real pvpers want a challenge.

Really this suggestion will never be adopted though, sadly because people are not smart enough to realize it would be a huge improvement for all pvpers and game populations.


LOL wut?? You have got to be trolling. There's more ignorance than letters in that post.

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I solo queue 90% of the times and the quality of my teammates is the least thing I would complain about. Darn, my last wz on pubside about two weeks ago was Queshball where Imps were literally scared to leave respawn area


You had me up until this part.


Imps scared of Pubs? lol Right...

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