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Am I the only one who actually loves lana?

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Lana's appearance is fine, though I wish we could put her (and all other human-type companions) in our own choice of outfit.


Lana's character I find bland and opaque, which is unfortunate considering what a central role she plays now. I don't mind when Theron gets the spotlight (I even like it) because I find him interesting. But Lana? We don't know about her family or any significant events from much before we initially meet her. We don't know why she uses her birthname instead of taking a sith title. We don't know what she'd like the Empire to be. All we really know is that she's very loyal to the main character and is a pragmatist willing to do unpleasant things if she thinks they might get a result helpful to her side. It's frustrating to have very little sense of the forces that shaped her to be this way. By comparison, we know tons about Theron.


I don't like how much the story focuses on Lana. But I could accept it focusing on her a bit more just to tell us more about her.

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I don't mind Lana. I was sorta intrigued by her at first in SoR - she looked like an albino feral animal or something. And her clothes were too big for her, like she didn't know how to dress herself. She was kind of a "strange" female character, the kind people don't usually write. But it turns out they really didn't "write" much. She's turned into a plot device - a quest giver, an exposition dump, a sort of proxy for your Outlander's decision making so that they don't have to involve you in unexciting story details.


All I know about Lana is that she is obsessed with the Outlander, from the time in SoR she says she has an "affinity" with you, she doesn't leave you alone and is literally always there when you wake up. The most emotional kind of resonance I have with her character is the fact that I totally forgot she existed when I met Theron, but she's always trying to get right in there when he's not around lol. I wouldn't be surprised if she just straight up murdered Theron ( or any other LI ) and locks you in a cage to keep you all to herself from now on. :eek:

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However, I do find it creepy whenever my character wakes up to see Lana there hovering six inches away. It pretty much sums up the process of the Vanilla Companions being taken away and Lana being shoved in my face. :D


What's especially annoying is that that would have been a nice little moment for the returning companions (especially if romanced) since they were the class healers before the role flexibility was added. Elara's conversation with a trooper even starts with her talking about how she's been monitoring and taking care of them!


Granted, it's a small moment but it bothered me at the time and bothered me more once the content was over and I was let wondering why the returning companions got so little content at all. And it's compounded by the fact that it's the exact same on every single one of my characters.

Edited by RarePorcupine
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I don't mind Lana as a character per se. Her personality is alright-ish and her character model and outfit is decent enough.


What bugs me is how prominently the game and it's story feature Lana in close to every capacity there is. Every other companion, be it LI or otherwise involved person, is kind of on the backburner when any kind of story development is happening. Take the recent War for Iokath chapter: The chapter is strangely devoid of any other Eternal Alliance member except Lana and Theron. The entire story revolves around their involvement. Whenever something is happening, Lana tells you exactly what to do and how to approach it.


I wouldn't mind Lana if she wasn't shoved down our throats this much. She is my guardian's LI, and I appreciate when he gets to spend some time with her on screen, but there are so many other great characters that should receive some spotlight once in a while.

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I have nothing against Lana herself. I think she's fine to have around, but I'm starting to get a little tired of how big of a part she almost always seems to play nowadays. Especially since she's basically taken over the role from the original companions that I enjoyed much more, such as Kira or Jaesa or Nadia and the Consular crew. Edited by OldVengeance
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I like Lana. One of my characters is even romancing her.

I'm just getting sick of her CONSTANTLY being there. I want to see other companions - Theron, Koth, Senya, T7 - and not Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana all the time. Give us more interaction with returning companions rather than LANA LANA LANA.


And for heaven's sakes, if my knight has his reunion with his beloved wife Kira cut short because Lana pops into the scene with a mission update, and Kira nonchalantly walks off (or Corso, or Vector, or my hunter's best friend Mako) and I'm stuck with Lana for the rest of the mission... yeah, that's it, I'm done.

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I love Lana, she's my consular's unconventional bestie, and I've romanced her on my sith warrior. Also love Theron, both of them have been around for a long time and they feel like an anchor to me, like if I see a chapter without them in the future it will be extremely weird.


However, I feel like all the original class romances are kind of out of the picture now (the ones that have come back) and I'm not sure if they plan on putting them into future chapters. It would be nice to have two more options added for both sides simply for something new, and for the hope they'll be in future chapters, but I think that's hoping for a lot.

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Sick to absolute death of her and Theron. Bound to happen when they're in every class story for the entire length past ROTHC :( Would be the same seeing too much of even my favourite companions. For the amount of companions returned at this point you'd think they could expand the cast in scenes a bit. Don't always have it be Theron/Lana talking to you and giving you information and missions. Lets hear from Kaliyo/Jorgan/Malavai/Dorne/Bowdaar (He is SORELY underused and he doesn't even need a damn VA) hell I'd even take hearing from Guss Tuno more than Lana and Theron at this point.
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I like Lana. One of my characters is even romancing her.

I'm just getting sick of her CONSTANTLY being there. I want to see other companions - Theron, Koth, Senya, T7 - and not Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana all the time. Give us more interaction with returning companions rather than LANA LANA LANA.


And for heaven's sakes, if my knight has his reunion with his beloved wife Kira cut short because Lana pops into the scene with a mission update, and Kira nonchalantly walks off (or Corso, or Vector, or my hunter's best friend Mako) and I'm stuck with Lana for the rest of the mission... yeah, that's it, I'm done.


If Lana ruins my long awaited Kira reunion when it FINALLY arrives I better be able to kill her very painfully in the same chapter xD

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I like the character as she seems to be your rock throughout all the challenges.


Yeah, I think that's intentional.


The issue I had with certain romances is that you got the companion later in your story: Ashara Act 2 and only works for LS, Akaavi Act 2, Raina Temple you don't get until freaking Hoth!


By giving you 2 primary options (Theron and Lana), they make the romance more natural. I don't know about you, but there's no way I wouldn't have found my love interest by Chapter X of KOTFE. The idea of just forgetting about looking for them makes me less interest in Kira and more interested in Theron or Lana.

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I'm going to echo what so many others have said. I don't hate Lana, but I don't particularly like her and I wish they'd make more use of other Alliance members.


She's bland. Not being able to choose a more appealing customization for her or change her out of that awful sack she is wearing really doesn't help. I really don't care for her generic suburban housewife look. It's just not very sithy. Her personality is the same. Not offensive, but not interesting either. After two and a half years with her in the spot light, being inoffensive just isn't enough.


They have replaced our 40 original companions with just two, so those two really should be stellar, not ho hum! (I'm not counting others like Koth & Senya because they too have been marginalized). Since we rarely can use the companion of our choice in the new stories, I wish they would switch up who we use a lot more to prevent burnout and spread the love a little. And then to top it off, it often feels like the story is driven more by Lana, and to a lesser extent Theron, than by our characters. I find that off-putting, not endearing. I tolerate this more from Theron than Lana because I find Theron to be more charismatic and interesting.

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I adore Lana. I think she is a well rounded character. I really don't understand all the hate for her.. If it wasn't for her everyone would be dead in the carbonite. She has saved our backsides more times then I can count.. She really is my favorite character . So much so, She is my 501st approval costume..
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I adore Lana. I think she is a well rounded character. I really don't understand all the hate for her.. If it wasn't for her everyone would be dead in the carbonite. She has saved our backsides more times then I can count.. She really is my favorite character . So much so, She is my 501st approval costume..


I mean yeah, she saved us, she did everything. Because they wrote her to do absolutely everything and ignored everyone else :o I'm sure it's not easy finding npcs that are still alive for everyone, though :| Which also irks the heck out of me.

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I adore Lana. I think she is a well rounded character. I really don't understand all the hate for her.. If it wasn't for her everyone would be dead in the carbonite. She has saved our backsides more times then I can count.. She really is my favorite character . So much so, She is my 501st approval costume..


Lol you do realise she only saved us from carbonite because the writers made it be her to do it which is uh... kinda the issue we're discussing ie. Lana/Theron being waaaaaay too prominent.

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I mean yeah, she saved us, she did everything. Because they wrote her to do absolutely everything and ignored everyone else :o I'm sure it's not easy finding npcs that are still alive for everyone, though :| Which also irks the heck out of me.


Yeah it sucks that they always need to find someone who CANT be dead in any iteration of the story. As if it would be soooooooo difficult to just record multiple characters for the same speaking roles in case the original one they planned it for is dead

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Yeah it sucks that they always need to find someone who CANT be dead in any iteration of the story. As if it would be soooooooo difficult to just record multiple characters for the same speaking roles in case the original one they planned it for is dead


I think the reason she's so front and center is that they can have us interact with our class specific Love Interest for a minute a year, or interact with an inter-class Love Interest for eight minutes a year. So hello Lana Liara Beniko.

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Any time someone uses "love" and a companion name in the same sentence, it freaks me out.


It's the same as saying someone loves a song or loves some character in another game. What's to be freaked out about. It's not like they're saying "I wish Lana/Theron/Koth/Pick a Companion was real." :p


To the OP. She's one of my favorites! Loved her since her introduction. She's the type of Sith character people had been asking for a romance option or even just as a companion forever before her introduction. A Sith who isn't psycho evil but isn't some outright light sided Sith either.


She works great with Imperial or Republic characters and is one of the few companions that feels like it makes sense to work with the character no matter the choices they make as long as they're not to evil (sorry, she's against Valky, so if a PC wants to be just like Valky, then something is wrong with any companion staying with the PC).


Don't even think she's over used in the story. It's not like your running around with her most of the game. People are just upset it's not some other companion to be running around with more. I admit though, some of those times it would seem to make sense to pick who you run with rather than be chosen for you.


You're not running with Lana until Chapter 3. Chapter 4 has you mixing it up. Chapter 5 has you mixing it up. Chapter 6 T7/Senya. Chapter 7 Senya and the possibility of Koth. Chapter 8 mixing it up again. Chapter 9 no one really. Chapter 10 basically Kaliyo. Chapter 11 Jorgen. Chapter 12 no one. Chapter 13 Vette & Gault. Chapter 14 Torian. Chapter 15 mostly Scorpio. Chapter 16 Lana if not alone.


No idea where the Lana is used to much as a companion came from. No idea where the "used to much comes from"


Could be there's just a vocal group who hates her that much. Some of those yelling the hate for her also likely used their one preferred companion over all others once they obtained them anyways. So it's not like they didn't use one companion exclusively before.

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It's the same as saying someone loves a song or loves some character in another game. What's to be freaked out about. It's not like they're saying "I wish Lana/Theron/Koth/Pick a Companion was real." :p


To the OP. She's one of my favorites! Loved her since her introduction. She's the type of Sith character people had been asking for a romance option or even just as a companion forever before her introduction. A Sith who isn't psycho evil but isn't some outright light sided Sith either.


She works great with Imperial or Republic characters and is one of the few companions that feels like it makes sense to work with the character no matter the choices they make as long as they're not to evil (sorry, she's against Valky, so if a PC wants to be just like Valky, then something is wrong with any companion staying with the PC).


Don't even think she's over used in the story. It's not like your running around with her most of the game. People are just upset it's not some other companion to be running around with more. I admit though, some of those times it would seem to make sense to pick who you run with rather than be chosen for you.


You're not running with Lana until Chapter 3. Chapter 4 has you mixing it up. Chapter 5 has you mixing it up. Chapter 6 T7/Senya. Chapter 7 Senya and the possibility of Koth. Chapter 8 mixing it up again. Chapter 9 no one really. Chapter 10 basically Kaliyo. Chapter 11 Jorgen. Chapter 12 no one. Chapter 13 Vette & Gault. Chapter 14 Torian. Chapter 15 mostly Scorpio. Chapter 16 Lana if not alone.


No idea where the Lana is used to much as a companion came from. No idea where the "used to much comes from"


Could be there's just a vocal group who hates her that much. Some of those yelling the hate for her also likely used their one preferred companion over all others once they obtained them anyways. So it's not like they didn't use one companion exclusively before.


It's not just the fact that she's WITH you on the missions. She's in 99% of all the cutscenes all the time. She's the main mission giver the entire time along with Theron and she's basically the ONLY character who you speak to consistently throughout the story from ROTHC. Sure you have SINGLE chapters of running around with Kaliyo/Jorgan/Vette/Gault etc etc. but it's prefaced and concluded ALWAYS with Lana. She's a constant presence. You really don't hear much from other companions once their chapter has finished. The odd one liner in a cutscene and that's it.

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I Don't even think she's over used in the story. It's not like your running around with her most of the game. People are just upset it's not some other companion to be running around with more. I admit though, some of those times it would seem to make sense to pick who you run with rather than be chosen for you.


You're not running with Lana until Chapter 3. Chapter 4 has you mixing it up. Chapter 5 has you mixing it up. Chapter 6 T7/Senya. Chapter 7 Senya and the possibility of Koth. Chapter 8 mixing it up again. Chapter 9 no one really. Chapter 10 basically Kaliyo. Chapter 11 Jorgen. Chapter 12 no one. Chapter 13 Vette & Gault. Chapter 14 Torian. Chapter 15 mostly Scorpio. Chapter 16 Lana if not alone.


No idea where the Lana is used to much as a companion came from. No idea where the "used to much comes from"


I don't think it's so much actually having to have her out as your active companion that has led so many people to burn out on her, it's her over-use in cut-scenes. Pretty much every cut-scene of any import features Lana. If it's a group scene, she always gets a good chunk of the dialogue. She is around all of the time and when she isn't, she's holocalling your character. There are a lot of people in the alliance. Why not spread that screen time around a little? We got to see a little bit of Hylo in ch. 13 and it was great! I'd love to see more of the alliance contacts and less of Lana. Heck I'd even trade in some Theron screen time to get a little variety going!

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I don't think it's so much actually having to have her out as your active companion that has led so many people to burn out on her, it's her over-use in cut-scenes. Pretty much every cut-scene of any import features Lana. If it's a group scene, she always gets a good chunk of the dialogue. She is around all of the time and when she isn't, she's holocalling your character. There are a lot of people in the alliance. Why not spread that screen time around a little? We got to see a little bit of Hylo in ch. 13 and it was great! I'd love to see more of the alliance contacts and less of Lana. Heck I'd even trade in some Theron screen time to get a little variety going!


I so agree with you on Hylo. They need to let us get to know all the specialists a little more in the cutscenes. I played a little of the crappy KOTOR dialogue alliance missions (Don't often bother with them) and it was really so refreshing to hear from anybody new.

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I don't think it's so much actually having to have her out as your active companion that has led so many people to burn out on her, it's her over-use in cut-scenes. Pretty much every cut-scene of any import features Lana. If it's a group scene, she always gets a good chunk of the dialogue. She is around all of the time and when she isn't, she's holocalling your character. There are a lot of people in the alliance. Why not spread that screen time around a little? We got to see a little bit of Hylo in ch. 13 and it was great! I'd love to see more of the alliance contacts and less of Lana. Heck I'd even trade in some Theron screen time to get a little variety going!


I'd love to see the others some more too. However, Lana is pretty much the given #2.


However, I will chalk it up to poor writing on BW's part. Which we knew was the case when they had Lana say "Can't find your crew" and then did alerts where the crew was right there, out in the open!


Pierce, 4X, and Telos are just three off the top of my head that should have been easy to find, not to mention Quinn and Elara, who aren't part of any thing secret to have been hard to find.


BW writers can't even keep their own story straight :p

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I'd love to see the others some more too. However, Lana is pretty much the given #2.



If Lana is #2 who is #1? Because it certainly isn't the Outlander. Lana talks more and has more screen time than our own characters (I don't count clearing trash mobs as screen time).

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