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Confusion about Iokath dailies


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So, on some dailies it seems like we are paying a hefty amount of the new currency just to be able to do the mission, and then in return get a smaller amount of the currency back and some reputation (which is really easy to come by anyway with the crazy amount of token drops). It just doesn't really seem to be worth it to do any of those costly daily missions. Did I not get something right?
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So, on some dailies it seems like we are paying a hefty amount of the new currency just to be able to do the mission, and then in return get a smaller amount of the currency back and some reputation (which is really easy to come by anyway with the crazy amount of token drops). It just doesn't really seem to be worth it to do any of those costly daily missions. Did I not get something right?



to be honest this dailies is very stupid , i tried to do it today but when i saw the cost like 600 shards to do it , i just didnt do it until they make it more reasonable

what the point of doing dailes if you have to grind that much to get so little

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When I tried to do the dailies. Left 2 in almost complete state:

- scanning 5 strategic objects on Iokath. Did 3 got bored because there's no indication of where these things are, just huge circle in very big area.

- kill 10 droids as one of droid things, got 8 killed and found 2. Shot 1, got stun locked because of it while droid's friends that were hiding below the ground shot me to death. 9/10 done, need another 300 of that new currency just to complete it. Nope.

Edited by Halinalle
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This is absurd you pay a sub then you have to pay to do daily quests ? Sounds like a scam to me. Also where is the war with the republic the planet is empty and nobody is fighting. This major patch seems more like an weekend event. I was hoping for some open world pvp Edited by BIGGDOG
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Just seen the rep rewards and I must say, "Is this a flippin joke?!" The story was great, but doing a bunch of lame dailies and lowered Command points waiting till next patch, whats the point in subscribing? Has EA/Bioware completely lost touch with their own player base?
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I capped out on rep for the week before finishing the dailies. running through the story once with each character will max that out for me and get me enough comms for the armour set


then I'm done with iokath in a few weeks (and thats only because i need that time to max the rep)


pointless spending on dailies, and a very stupid idea... just another barrier to content

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Paying currency AND a new collectible just to be able to perform the quest is ridiculous, let alone the cost associated with some of them. A turn on the walker costs 20,000 credits AND 600 Shards. To put 600 shards into perspective, they give an NPC where you can buy them. My level 10 archeology stuffs are exchanged at 12:1. So 1200 Iridescent Blue thingies nets me a WHOPPING 100 shards. So i would need 7200 archeological crystals per day to sustain that daily quest. NO. I'm not a chinese gold farmer. I don't have tens of thousands of mats sitting around doing nothing.


On top of that, the dailies hardly return to you any shards. If it were a case of I paid 600 shards but got a rep token AND netted at least 600, them maybe i could believe it was worth it. But as of right now, i'm not doing any Iokath dailies so that their in-game statistics can't count me there.


It's quite a shame. I wanted Iokath to be nice. I liked the mystery surrounding its creation and hoped to find out more about the planet.

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What in the world were they thinking???


Our guild was asking that same thing last night.


You want people to grind out the rep but instead of just making dailies for them to do.


The made sure to make it a 2 sided set of rep grinds where you can even grind rep for a faction you are against. Thats one of the more screwed up ideas bw has ever had in their stories/game design.


However, if that isn't bad enough for you. You have to grind some iokath money, pay heavily just to grind the dailies in a one step forward, two step back kind of setup just to make it take longer. I guess bw designs on the premise now of, "what else you going to do? 2-5 year old content? Might as well grind this new convoluted garbage."


How was this supposed to bring gamers back and keep them interested?


It's very hard to believe this is what bw has been up to. :(

Edited by Quraswren
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Yeah I am not gonna spend **** on those dailies if they don't remove or drastically reduce the cost. Nice try Bioware, but if this isn't changed and the shards not made legacy wide I won't play this new area unless its for the first time for the new companion (that is if I can recieve Quinn or Elara at all!).
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I started some of the new content yesterday and got up to the part where you get into the walker for the first time. I haven't unlocked any of the dailies yet.


As such, I'm really confused by what you all mean when you say you have to "pay" to do the dailies. Can you explain in more detail?

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It has been a trend for Bioware development for a very long time but has become blatant in 5.0.


The trend is basically negative or "penalty" based design with a complete lack of decent rewards. This is a side effect of having very few resources to develop a game of this size and the fact that all of the reward designs of interest are boxed up and placed on the Cartel Market.


Trust me if a top tier outfit, saber and gun were on that Rep. vendor Iokath would be busting at the seems... But alas those new exciting items were released in the new Cartel Market crate instead...


Many won't admit it, some feel it's needed to keep the game healthy...but is it really healthy? We get sub-par rewards for everything in game because all that effort goes to the CM...straight up.


Development is poor because they clearly don't have enough resources to develop a diverse range of content or as it appears even a well designed small bit of content...


The writing is on the wall...Either they start reinvesting in this game or people are going to drop it on its face....

Edited by Soljin
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I started some of the new content yesterday and got up to the part where you get into the walker for the first time. I haven't unlocked any of the dailies yet.


As such, I'm really confused by what you all mean when you say you have to "pay" to do the dailies. Can you explain in more detail?


you have to spend both credits and and iokath comms to open up each daily. Every time you want to do it. Which is ludicrous.


the walker is something like 600 comms and 20k credits


all you get back is some rep tokens, which drop like a whore's knickers in the open world


a really stupid idea

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you have to spend both credits and and iokath comms to open up each daily. Every time you want to do it. Which is ludicrous.


the walker is something like 600 comms and 20k credits


all you get back is some rep tokens, which drop like a whore's knickers in the open world


a really stupid idea


There's no terminal where you just click and take the daily missions like in Black Hole or CZ198? You have to buy them with the new shards and credits?

And then pay extra to use a walker?

And the rewards are less than this cost?


Ok...guess what I won't be doing. At all.

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There's no terminal where you just click and take the daily missions like in Black Hole or CZ198? You have to buy them with the new shards and credits?

And then pay extra to use a walker?

And the rewards are less than this cost?


Ok...guess what I won't be doing. At all.


there is a terminal, but it send you to another terminal to unlock the walker or whatever


rep is so easy to get that there's no reason to do the dailies.


so naturally the fix here will be to nerf the rep rather than the cost....

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i did the story and the "free" dailies. was capped halfway through the free quests


But that would only work this one time.


I don't think the free dailies would ever cap you as far as I can tell and you're likely to only get the story rep tokens a few times at best.


After the first week. Maxing rep without paying to grind dailies is impossible as far as I can tell. I was hoping you had a different answer. Thanks though.

Edited by Quraswren
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But that would only work this one time.


I don't think the free dailies would ever cap you as far as I can tell and you're likely to only get the story rep tokens a few times at best.


After the first week. Maxing rep without paying to grind dailies is impossible as far as I can tell. I was hoping you had a different answer. Thanks though.


Multiple charachters


run 4 or 5 from each faction through once and you'll get all the rep you need

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Just seen the rep rewards and I must say, "Is this a flippin joke?!" The story was great, but doing a bunch of lame dailies and lowered Command points waiting till next patch, whats the point in subscribing? Has EA/Bioware completely lost touch with their own player base?


I agree. And while the story was okay -- I don't like that we have to choose sides. Additionally, I've worked four toons through the story -- there is no differences really. Even with my warrior who had a romance with quinn the conversation was lame. And we have this huge alliance -- so why are Theron and Lana the only alliance members on Iokath? Seriously Bioware. Get a clue. Relationships matter or they don't. And if you expect us to grind dailies while we wait for new content you should at least make it worthwhile. This is not. By far the worst expansion yet.

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