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Spoilers.. WHO IS THE BETRAYER? want your opinions.


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Considering that Sanna-Rae warns you that she's uneasy about Guss' master, he doesn't seem to be Jedi or Sith and he doesn't have a backstory...well...that would work with a Calphayus hypothesis, wouldn't it? And they do have physical similarities. Holy ****.


I actually really like this hypothesis, especially if it remains a Not Lana/Not Theron one.





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Whoever it is, they are guided by Calphayus. Or maybe it IS Calphayus.

For the portion of the story which is considered cannon and upon which all other story decisions are based, Bioware uses the JK story. In the end of the Jedi Knight story on Oricon, Calphayus is the only surviving dread master,


Packs have always been based on the story content in some form or another since the launch of 4.0, and perhaps before. (I wasn't playing in 3.0). The Dread Masters are not only a recurring theme in almost every raid, but they are among BW's most finely crafted characters, from when you meet them on Belsavis to when you defeat them on Oricon.


Last we saw, Calphayus was under the care of the Republic and the Jedi Order. In the chaos of Zakuul's invasions, wouldn't it have been easy for him to escape? Without his mask he could have easily infiltrated the Alliance, and with his visions of the future could have manipulated both the Empire and the Republic to Iokath.


It was Calphayus's visions which lead the Dread Madters to attempt to spread terror and fear throughout the galaxy. But wouldn't Arcann's invasion qualify as spreading fear and terror to all the main worlds of the republic and Empire? Seeing this, Calphayus realizes his visions have come true and escapes to complete the work that the Dread Masters set out to complete.


And my last point is that Bioware loves re-using old villains.


These are my theories. I don't care if you agree or disagree with them. Just throwing them out there.


Never heard of this guy, but it sounds interesting! You meet him on Oricon?

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Never heard of this guy, but it sounds interesting! You meet him on Oricon?


Only republic players can choose to spare him or kill him. He does not appear to Imperial players at their strike camp.


The guy who posted the idea about Calphayus being the betrayer can't work because you have players who have killed him on Oricon. While, it is possible that would be weird to have him come back when some players have killed him right there on Oricon at the camp.


The betrayer is probably going to be Lana or Theron, then it depends on which side you picked duirng Iokath.

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Only republic players can choose to spare him or kill him. He does not appear to Imperial players at their strike camp.


The guy who posted the idea about Calphayus being the betrayer can't work because you have players who have killed him on Oricon. While, it is possible that would be weird to have him come back when some players have killed him right there on Oricon at the camp.


The betrayer is probably going to be Lana or Theron, then it depends on which side you picked duirng Iokath.


I see, thanks for the info!:D And I really hope it's going to be Theron or Lana, it would mean we can finally let go of these two that have been around for waaaaaaay too long.

Edited by Eshvara
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Whoever it is, they are guided by Calphayus. Or maybe it IS Calphayus.



The problem is Republic characters can execute him on sight when he arrives at the camp. And without other Dread Masters he's either insane (losing one member of the council made them crazy - think what would happen if only one remained) or restored him back to his old non-Dread-Master self. But what really kills this theory is that we've seen his face and he doesn't look like anybody in the Alliance.

The only masked character who was never unmasked in the story is Jadus (and all we know about him is that he's a tall human\near-human male). On the other hand Jadus infiltrating the Alliance wouldn't be a betrayal - it would be just infiltrating in order to destroy \ take over :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Late to the party, I know....but on my most recent run-through in Iokath, I encountered the robe glitch that revealed a really HUGE hint as to who it is/might be.



Looks like one of the Scions. Not surprising, considering they worship the Old Gods and Tyth said that you were being offered as a sacrifice. Considering that Heskal had no issue with betraying you to Arcaan, just for the sake of advancing prophecy, I wouldn't be surprised that they would have no compunctions over starting a galactic war either. Especially if it serves the purpose of their Old Gods to provide plenty of sacrifices to them. (Hmmm....sounds really familiar, doesn't it?)


EDITED to kill the spoiler tags and because I've gotten around to reading the previous posts...and I do agree that if it is the Scions (or a Scion), then it would be a bit of a stretch to feel really betrayed by them since they've been pretty damn hard to trust all along. It wouldn't be a huge surprise. Maybe it's a few layers of mystery....someone we *do* know and trust, posing as a Scion....or has joined them secretly.

Edited by feylyndiira
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In thinking about it, if it's not some Scion, it could easily be someone at the Alliance base who was brainwashed into working with the Scions or believing in their cult. That would account for both the Scion robes and the 'betrayer.' I'm leaning more and more toward Sana-Rae, sadly. She has that whole thing about how she's now interpreting her visions herself and making her own choices...


That actually makes me feel somewhat better because I doubt (HOPEFULLY) that Lana or Theron could ever be hoodwinked into wanting to turn the Commander into a god.

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i watch the vid over ad over again and what i figure out that the camera is focus on his/her hands


2 things are those cloves ??

ore are those hands i see also a long nail with his left hand not sure

if there hands there pretty ugly and grey


so it can be he/her is ill ore is consume by the darkside

like that god droid says the traitor is in pain ??


so what you guys think ??

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In thinking about it, if it's not some Scion, it could easily be someone at the Alliance base who was brainwashed into working with the Scions or believing in their cult. That would account for both the Scion robes and the 'betrayer.' I'm leaning more and more toward Sana-Rae, sadly. She has that whole thing about how she's now interpreting her visions herself and making her own choices...


That actually makes me feel somewhat better because I doubt (HOPEFULLY) that Lana or Theron could ever be hoodwinked into wanting to turn the Commander into a god.


Yeah, I ignored the idea of the Scions because I figured that was a placeholder (and because you can't be betrayed by people who you consider enemies).


But if the Scions have teamed up with someone we trust, then that's a betrayal.


I'll admit, at first I thought it was just word play. Malgus "the Betrayer" as a technical truth, since that was his sobriquet for a while.

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Could it be Scorpio?


I can't think of any because the main core of people we know I can't really see doing it.


theron and Lana: have no reason

Koth/ senya/arcan: maybe but I can't see that happening because what can happen in earlier chapters


I would think it would be someone you interact with. Or they could do a 180 and it is a minor character and the majority of players will go "who"

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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Could it be Scorpio?


I can't think of any because the main core of people we know I can't really see doing it.


theron and Lana: have no reason

Koth/ senya/arcan: maybe but I can't see that happening because what can happen in earlier chapters


I would think it would be someone you interact with. Or they could do a 180 and it is a minor character and the majority of players will go "who"


Scorpio already betrayed you once, and she's "dead" for many.

As for Theron and Lana, just because you can't think of a reason doesn't mean they don't have any.

Arcann/Senya. To make a whole expansion about redemption and then making it irrelevant is stupid. And like you said, they're possibly dead.

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The entire "who betrayed the alliance?" suggestion is most likely intended to be a red herring. All of our evidence for a traitor comes from Tyth, whom we only interact with for like, 60 seconds, and who is extremely vague in his wording. Let's analyze specifically what he says concerning a potential traitor.


"You had no choice, you were LURED here."

"You did not see the blade to your neck."

"The rage in your shadow, the traitor."

"You are BETRAYED."

"One marked by anger. Pain. Hope, eroding."

"THE BETRAYER lured you to Iokath."


The only line here that specifically implies someone has betrayed us is the line "You are betrayed," however, Tyth's wording is very careful. Do we know anyone in this game who might also be known as "The Betrayer?"

Yes this is another "It's Malgus" post but let's present the evidence and look at how the writers were trying to be clever with the wording here. As I already said, Tyth's phrasing is meant to imply that there's a traitor in our midst, but what did we really get from him. "You were lured here." Literally anybody could have done that. "The rage in your shadow, the traitor." This line of dialogue is a bit more ambiguous but the wording does not MEAN this is someone we are close to within the alliance, this dialogue actually seems more suggestive of an assassin or individual who's carefully watching the alliance. "You are BETRAYED." This line is clearly there for us to begin theorizing who in the alliance may be responsible for what's all going on, but seeing as how Tyth later refers to this individual as "The Betrayer," this line has a bit more of a broad meaning. "One marked by anger. Pain. Hope eroding." All of these can apply to Malgus. We effectively shut him down years ago only to become an independent superpower in the galaxy ourselves. Malgus has plenty of reason to be bitter at us and considering how much he's been through, the part about "hope eroding" certainly does apply.


Finally, let's not forget that there is a deleted scene that Bioware released showing Malgus in carbonite. As I recall correctly, they chose to not "officially" release that scene because they felt it would detract from the fallen empire content, but that was some time ago, and they've had the Malgus card for some time now, perhaps they're ready to play it.


Like I said I know Malgus has been suggested a lot but many people just reason "because it's unoriginal" or "just because they can," not really an argument based off of the evidence as seen in game. I hope I managed to convince at least a handful of people here that we will soon see the return of the TRUE hero of the Empire. :rak_03:

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Tyth also says we were "Blinded by duty" and "Distracted by trust." I'm not sure how "You are betrayed" could mean anything other than the someone specifically betraying the Outlander.


Also why would Tyth use an Imperial moniker for Darth Malgus?

Edited by OldVengeance
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The Scions are the betrayers. Several people during that Tyth scene where he tells us we are betrayed got clipping issues with the robe of the cloaked figure that approached. Beneath the black robes the lower robe was the one of the Scions of Zakuul outfit. I got this issue myself, which kinda immediately ruined the suspense for me, so I know it's the Scions who betrayed us. If that was a placeholder just for the scene the Devs could have simply used the lower robe of the upper body armor of the black cloak but instead they specifically used the Scions of Zakuul lower robe so I don't believe the placeholder thing to be true.


Secondly, look at the plotline of Iokath. The superweapons are the gods from the Zakuulan pantheon. Who are loyal and devout fanatics of the Zakuulan pantheon and certainly would adore to unleash their gods upon the galaxy? The Scions of Zakuul. Who miraculously and suddenly appear at the end of the Iokath narrative? The Scions of Zakuul. What robes could we see due to clipping issues underneath the black cloaked figures robes? That of the Scions of Zakuul.


So, case closed. The betrayers are the Scions of Zakuul.

Edited by Ylliarus
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The Scions are the betrayers. Several people during that Tyth scene where he tells us we are betrayed got clipping issues with the robe of the cloaked figure that approached. Beneath the black robes the lower robe was the one of the Scions of Zakuul outfit. I got this issue myself, which kinda immediately ruined the suspense for me, so I know it's the Scions who betrayed us. If that was a placeholder just for the scene the Devs could have simply used the lower robe of the upper body armor of the black cloak but instead they specifically used the Scions of Zakuul lower robe so I don't believe the placeholder thing to be true.


Secondly, look at the plotline of Iokath. The superweapons are the gods from the Zakuulan pantheon. Who are loyal and devout fanatics of the Zakuulan pantheon and certainly would adore to unleash their gods upon the galaxy? The Scions of Zakuul. Who miraculously and suddenly appear at the end of the Iokath narrative? The Scions of Zakuul. What robes could we see due to clipping issues underneath the black cloaked figures robes? That of the Scions of Zakuul.


So, case closed. The betrayers are the Scions of Zakuul.


Seems to obvious to be a Scion, I don't consider them an ally, they've already stabbed us in the back once. Up until now they've ben completely useless, besides one of them sent us a mail saying they would 'stand with us at the malestrom' when I'm assuming all **** hits the fan.


Or it could be someone wearing a Scion outfit.



Tyth could have just been screwing with us, maybe it was a ploy to create division within the Eternal Alliance and or the Republic / Sith Empire.

Edited by Paulsutherland
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Lana could very well be Scion...

Remember? They believe in faith - she looked for the Outlander for 5 years. Why him? There were several iconic powerful figures in past - all main characters.

If main char, say, Sith warrior:

There was Jedi Knight, who stroke down Sith Emperor

There was Republic smuggler, sith agent, sith sorcerer. You can play for any of them but their stories are parallel ...

I rule out republic trooper, cause he is probably part of Havoc squad and they all (except for Aric) die in KOTFE


Same goes for any class you pick, so...why this exactly person-the "outlander"?

Lana could have joined Scions during or after war with Arcann. After all Scions opposed Arcann and she also got acquainted with Senia, who was friends with Scions. After EE defeated Siths and jedis she went underground and noone knows what she was up to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It must be Tora.


She wants our stuff.


I thought thats clear for everyone.


i know it's been brought up before, but we really need a "Like" button. I'd have pressed it for that post. Best response yet.

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^Pretty interesting, though you're prolly gonna get modsmacked for posting datamined stuff here.

I'd comment my opinion, but, well, I'd get modsmacked too.


Oh dear:( I didn't know about that. I'll delete the post, and just post the link instead

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