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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Command Crates (lol)


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Let's have a quick discussion about how garbage command crates are for people who strictly just PvP. For me I don't craft, make 1000 different unique outfits a day while also gives two-***** about pets/mounts/companions. What does this mean for me as a PvPer? 99.9% of everything I get my crate is garbage.


I trash all crafting crap, all mounts, all pets, all companion items (lol) and I just want gear.


I trash all green gear, all blue gear and majority of purple gear (you can literally get 240s on the GTN you don't need to even wear any of this). When I finally, after AT LEAST 50+ crates get a yellow gear and IT'S THE SAME ONE I ALREADY HAVE. I think the developers have little to no understanding how terrible the crates are because, I repeat, 99.9% of anything you open is garbage to anyone who PvP.


That is all. /RantOver

Edited by kissingaiur
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i just farm unnassembled components for gear I have a cargo tab full of tier 2 crates I haven't even bothered to open. Get the granked weekly and daily done when u can and u can get gear pretty quick. I'm surprised more people haven't been doing this.

I agree though crates should drop more useful gear, even a single legendary mod or enh would be nice. Especially for those of us that like to play multiple toons. I'm now broke from constantly having to rip out mods etc.

Edited by LeglessChair
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Let's have a quick discussion about how garbage command crates are for people who strictly just PvP. For me I don't craft, make 1000 different unique outfits a day while also gives two-***** about pets/mounts/companions. What does this mean for me as a PvPer? 99.9% of everything I get my crate is garbage.


I trash all crafting crap, all mounts, all pets, all companion items (lol) and I just want gear.


I trash all green gear, all blue gear and majority of purple gear (you can literally get 240s on the GTN you don't need to even wear any of this). When I finally, after AT LEAST 50+ crates get a yellow gear and IT'S THE SAME ONE I ALREADY HAVE. I think the developers have little to no understanding how terrible the crates are because, I repeat, 99.9% of anything you open is garbage to anyone who PvP.


That is all. /RantOver


They're garbage for PVEers too. Actually, as far as gearing is concerned, it's better for PVPers as opposed to PVEers. PVPers earn UCs with which they can buy specific gear they need. Someone who doesn't PVP and is just PVE has to rely entirely on what gear they may get from command crates, which as you know, is totally garbage and the good drops are rediculously rare and just get harder the more gear u do get. This will change with 5.2 because gear will be obtainable where it should always be attainable, Operations. Taking gear out of Operations absoluely desimated the raiding community. Both the progression raid groups I was in disbanded, most of the really good raiders [who weren't into pvp at all] left the game, and led to a vast reduction of groups capable of sucessfully doing HM/NiM [Obviously we take KP and EV out of that consideration] raids.


While thats great that the BIS gear will be in raids again, problem tier 4 gear will only drop in NiM Operations, and isn't a great deal of people who can farm NiM. Pugging NiM is in most cases unrealistic given the reduction of skilled raiders that have left the game since 5.0. So, it's great if you wanna raid for Tier1-3 gear, but if you are already full 242, Tier 4 gear will be hard to get without a hand-picked group of skilled raiders. This will lead to people who really aren't interested or care about PVP to continue to do PVP for UCs to buy tier 4 gear. -


While the drop rates of set bonus gear will improve in 5.2, Tier 4 gear [the new BIS gear] from command crates will be as rare as ever. People who think it's gonna be like 4.0 again with BIS gear dropping in highlighted HMs are going to be disappointed. As a progression raider [least before 5.0!] I'm happy that they will make Tier 4 gear hard to obtain, it should be. Even still, that you can buy it with UCs is more liberal than it ever was before 4.0 when the ONLY way to get BIS gear was in NiM Operations [not counting battlebag horror show]. Nonetheless this is a vast improvement to how it's been throughout 5.0 this far and puts raiding back into play as a method of gearing which will remove alot of pvers who were only doing pvp for UCs from the mix in WZs.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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i just farm unnassembled components for gear I have a cargo tab full of tier 2 crates I haven't even bothered to open. Get the granked weekly and daily done when u can and u can get gear pretty quick. I'm surprised more people haven't been doing this.

I agree though crates should drop more useful gear, even a single legendary mod or enh would be nice. Especially for those of us that like to play multiple toons. I'm now broke from constantly having to rip out mods etc.

50k per mod feelsgoodman

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Let's have a quick discussion about how garbage command crates are for people who strictly just PvP. For me I don't craft, make 1000 different unique outfits a day while also gives two-***** about pets/mounts/companions. What does this mean for me as a PvPer? 99.9% of everything I get my crate is garbage.


I trash all crafting crap, all mounts, all pets, all companion items (lol) and I just want gear.


I trash all green gear, all blue gear and majority of purple gear (you can literally get 240s on the GTN you don't need to even wear any of this). When I finally, after AT LEAST 50+ crates get a yellow gear and IT'S THE SAME ONE I ALREADY HAVE. I think the developers have little to no understanding how terrible the crates are because, I repeat, 99.9% of anything you open is garbage to anyone who PvP.


That is all. /RantOver


Pretty much sums it up.

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I very much miss the days where I could provide fully optimized ranked sets to my alts relatively easily. I miss the days of ops passes and warzone passes where when I was at max gear, I didn't have to pay a sub to enjoy old content.


Neither of these two things are conducive to a business model built around a grind to keep people subbed rather than providing content to your players.

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They truly are garbage. I've been keeping some of the blue and purple components in T3 to hand off to alts but 40 crates in I have yet to get anything of interest in T3 for my main. I'm starting to save them up for 5.2 disintegrations now myself.


All my T3 gear (very little - one bracer and one offhand) is stuff I upgraded via UC because I keep nearing the (ridiculously low) UC cap. Yeah I could juggle them with the refund trick but I can't be bothered really.


The only thing that I have benefitted from the crates on my main is that my main happens to be my armormech, and I REd one of her purple crate armorings - and have made ~75mil or so GTNing those. 240 gear is still selling like hotcakes for some reason.

Edited by stoopicus
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The only thing that I have benefitted from the crates on my main is that my main happens to be my armormech, and I REd one of her purple crate armorings - and have made ~75mil or so GTNing those. 240 gear is still selling like hotcakes for some reason.



The reason they still sell is alts. Because no way will ppl use the cxp to gear alts... People do not want to do stupid cxp for two thousand years

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i just farm unnassembled components for gear I have a cargo tab full of tier 2 crates I haven't even bothered to open. Get the granked weekly and daily done when u can and u can get gear pretty quick. I'm surprised more people haven't been doing this.

I agree though crates should drop more useful gear, even a single legendary mod or enh would be nice. Especially for those of us that like to play multiple toons. I'm now broke from constantly having to rip out mods etc.


Because the 4v4 platform is an outdated garbage platform. If I wanted that platform I would go play the original quake.

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To be fair, no pvp-er would have gotten top-tier from PVP, and it did involve grinding albeit it wasn't as difficult to gear-up (alts) as it is now. So, it's unreasonable for PvP-ers to complain about not getting 242 gear because, if the old gearing system had persisted throughout 5.0 and beyond, you would never have gotten that gear.


The main problem with the command crate system is that it takes a longer time to get entry-level artifact gear (230 rating in this case) and even longer to gear up all your alts.


But with BW making 230 gear purchasable with command tokens (which we get in abundance), then the system will become better than what we had before. Fair is fair.

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230 gear (even with set bonus) bolstering to 232 is at a big disadvantage in WZs compared to 240 gear without set bonus, much less 242 with, or the upcoming 246 and 248. I fought it for a long time but I finally swapped out my 230 set bonus gear with 240 T3 crate trash and it is noticeably better for both offensive effectiveness and survivability.


The set bonuses are great, but they don't make up for an 8-10 point gear gap. Not even close.

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