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And this is your excuse?


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"One of the class designers just had a kid but once he is back they will dive into that." - Is it an excuse that there is no balance for more than 4 months? Next time u will say "one of the our operation designers have a kid and we will not do operations 2 years" oh, shi...


Try to play Sage/Sorc DD in PvE, or try to play WZs on that class against Maras/Sentinels, i don't say about Commando/Merc. Good Job, BW. Nice excuse.

Edited by Moralist
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It was funny in a not-so-funny way. It made them sound like they have a random generator of excuses:


1. Dog ate our homework

2. We were out of coffee

3. We still work on Windows 95

4. Our employee had a kid

5. Our employee is a kid


Honestly, it would have been better if they made no excuse at all.

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It was funny in a not-so-funny way. It made them sound like they have a random generator of excuses:


1. Dog ate our homework

2. We were out of coffee

3. We still work on Windows 95

4. Our employee had a kid

5. Our employee is a kid


Honestly, it would have been better if they made no excuse at all.


What's extra terrible is that later they made the claim that "No, we have other people working on class balance too, totally!" and yet they were still using the excuse that this one person was out on maternity/paternity leave to justify why they aren't doing anything with class balance now and won't be for months! Such a pitiful lie. They don't want to admit what kind of skeleton crew they're on at this point--which is terrible to begin with, the situation where a Star Wars game published by EA doesn't have sufficient staff should just not exist.

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What's extra terrible is that later they made the claim that "No, we have other people working on class balance too, totally!" and yet they were still using the excuse that this one person was out on maternity/paternity leave to justify why they aren't doing anything with class balance now and won't be for months! Such a pitiful lie. They don't want to admit what kind of skeleton crew they're on at this point--which is terrible to begin with, the situation where a Star Wars game published by EA doesn't have sufficient staff should just not exist.


Honestly? You know why this game even exists at this point?


...I'll let you answer that. I'm sure you know why.

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I'll take a crack at it. Class changes always piss off players. Did you see how many were ready to quit over the Dvl gear bug being fixed? If they nerf mercs, will mercs storm the forum in protest?


They probably didn't want to make any changes that could potentially upset the playerbase at the moment.

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It's not as bad as people are making it. yes, sages need a DPS buff, not a survivability one. For, Juggs, enraged defense needs to be scaled up to current HP pools. Dunno anything and Vanguards/PTs but the other classes seem fine
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It's not as bad as people are making it. yes, sages need a DPS buff, not a survivability one. For, Juggs, enraged defense needs to be scaled up to current HP pools. Dunno anything and Vanguards/PTs but the other classes seem fine

Yep, 3 classes from 8 are broken(Sage/Sorc, Guardian/Juggernaut and Vanguard/Powertech have no surviviability and Sage/Sorc have no DMG), 1 is OP(Commando, Mercenery), 1 need MOAR mobility(poor opers/scoundrels).

And in the dry residue we have the following: almost classses are disbalanced.

Edited by Moralist
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It was funny in a not-so-funny way. It made them sound like they have a random generator of excuses. . . .


I'll tell you what's funny; Someone actually having a IRL problem with this kinda stuff . . . Or lemme correct myself; it's just Sad

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"One of the class designers just had a kid but once he is back they will dive into that." - Is it an excuse that there is no balance for more than 4 months? Next time u will say "one of the our operation designers have a kid and we will not do operations 2 years" oh, shi...


Try to play Sage/Sorc DD in PvE, or try to play WZs on that class against Maras/Sentinels, i don't say about Commando/Merc. Good Job, BW. Nice excuse.


Indeed it is stupid. Comparing to wow, swtor can not afford to have weak classes due to much lower number of classes in swtor. Seriously, swtor has only 4 classes (every class has 3 specs), and currently both dps sorcs specs and dps powertech specs are almost unplayable in pvp. Dps sorcs lacks dps, whilst advanced prototype pt has good dps yet lacks defensive couldowns. Juggernaut dps spec has become quite squishy even though it still has many defenses. Mercs defensive couldowns MUST BE NERFED ASAP. They are almost immortal if played skilled.

THERE ARE NO EXCUSES for lacking class balance.

operatives have low dps but too much survivability...

Edited by omaan
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I'll take a crack at it. Class changes always piss off players. Did you see how many were ready to quit over the Dvl gear bug being fixed? If they nerf mercs, will mercs storm the forum in protest?


They probably didn't want to make any changes that could potentially upset the playerbase at the moment.


Yup.... I'd be one of em. My PT couldn't fight his way out of a cage made of wet toilet tissue at the moment. Died almost instantly trying to make it through chapt 12 of KotFE..... IN STORY MODE! :eek: But I gotta keep him because he's my only lvl 70 cybertech, and he's in full 230's.


So I've spent the last 1 1/2 months leveling a Merc. I'm 2 mods away from full 230's on him, and I've even got a "set piece" or whatever it's called piece of gear.


Buff PT's if you want.... they need it. Buff sorc as well. But LEAVE MERCS ALONE!! :mad:



Honestly.... they won't screw up MERCS because Musco plays a Merc lol ;)

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I understood it more as they have people working on it, but I believe they said the guy that just had a kid is one of the main ones, probably want to wait on him to sign off on any potential changes, rather than push out more poor balance changes.
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I laughed when I read that...as if it were a slip of the tongue "the class balance guy had a kid and so there won't be any class balance changes.....no wait scrap that! He's not the only one working on class balance. Trust us!" Edited by DarthWoad
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The streams are a great idea and a huge benefit to communication...problem is this does put them in a the position to make mistakes rather easily and then the frustrated players are given fuel for their discontent.


If the game was in a great or even just good place similar slip type comments would not likely be picked out and criticized.


I have been under the impression that BW's claims of having separate development teams for each content type are smoke for quite some time.


Think about it...If you were the PvP lead on a game or any lead for any team for that matter and were going on Holiday for a while... what would you do?


Personally and I think this is standard... I would lay out a game plan for the team with reasonably achievable goals and then name the person "In charge" while I was away from within the existing team ( I would that specific person approval to contact me once a week for guidance while I was away).


Now this may not see the launch of a balance pass while I was still out but it would however have the pass ready for my review upon return and likely ready for announcement at the very least shortly after my return....


So this complete blackout of info on PvP balance this far into an "Expansion" is just poor planning...Unless of course there is no team :)

Edited by Soljin
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, 1 is OP(Commando, Mercenery),


Yeah dont forget about snipers and slingers


Much like mando/mercs they also have overtuned dcds and the plasma probe


The DCD power creep needs to be addressed


rather than push out more poor balance changes.


thats all they ever push out these days




Honestly.... they won't screw up MERCS because Musco plays a Merc lol ;)


im sure the devs on their private server with no cooldowns and all that will be just fine

Edited by Udoroththefinal
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Yeah dont forget about snipers and slingers


Much like mando/mercs they also have overtuned dcds and the plasma probe


Off topic but I agree... Sniper/Slinger AoE/Slow spam just straight crushes fun too.

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"One of the class designers just had a kid but once he is back they will dive into that." - Is it an excuse that there is no balance for more than 4 months? Next time u will say "one of the our operation designers have a kid and we will not do operations 2 years" oh, shi...


Try to play Sage/Sorc DD in PvE, or try to play WZs on that class against Maras/Sentinels, i don't say about Commando/Merc. Good Job, BW. Nice excuse.


Once he gets back.



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Yup.... I'd be one of em. My PT couldn't fight his way out of a cage made of wet toilet tissue at the moment. Died almost instantly trying to make it through chapt 12 of KotFE..... IN STORY MODE! :eek: But I gotta keep him because he's my only lvl 70 cybertech, and he's in full 230's.


So I've spent the last 1 1/2 months leveling a Merc. I'm 2 mods away from full 230's on him, and I've even got a "set piece" or whatever it's called piece of gear.


Buff PT's if you want.... they need it. Buff sorc as well. But LEAVE MERCS ALONE!! :mad:



Honestly.... they won't screw up MERCS because Musco plays a Merc lol ;)


Don't usually reply to things like this but ... stop it, just stop it. PowerTechs and Vanguards are not THAT weak. I've taken a PowerTech (dps spec) through KotFE and KotET (story mode), in less than 230's (mix of purple 186s, some green 210s, some blue 220s). I had zero problems with any of the fights and didn't even come close to dying. Even Vaylin's spirit wasn't difficult. And no, I didn't have anyone to help me.


Personally I don't much like the PT/Vanguard playstyle and I feel as though they do sub par damage for dps specs so I don't particularly enjoy playing them. They need a buff of some sort but they're not nearly as terrible as you're trying to make them out to be.

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Don't usually reply to things like this but ... stop it, just stop it. PowerTechs and Vanguards are not THAT weak. I've taken a PowerTech (dps spec) through KotFE and KotET (story mode), in less than 230's (mix of purple 186s, some green 210s, some blue 220s). I had zero problems with any of the fights and didn't even come close to dying. Even Vaylin's spirit wasn't difficult. And no, I didn't have anyone to help me.


Personally I don't much like the PT/Vanguard playstyle and I feel as though they do sub par damage for dps specs so I don't particularly enjoy playing them. They need a buff of some sort but they're not nearly as terrible as you're trying to make them out to be.


They're not as inefficient as they are UNFUN. And this didn't use to be true. You know...?


5,0 made a bunch of totally, for the lack of a better word, nerd redesigns. You know, the ones that are technically correct, but feel like **** to use. You yourself said that you didn't find it any fun. Now, did you prior to 5,0? Or, hell, prior to 4,0?


edit: And Sages / Sorcs ARE underpowered. Not as unfun as some of live specs, but underpowered. Not to mention that even IF Balance / Madness could put out nice numbers...it'd still be essentially broken. Almost the whole rotation is energy negative lol!

Edited by Cuiwe
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