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Everything posted by Udoroththefinal

  1. wasted money should have never trusted the launcher advertising
  2. well i just wasted my money 60 day time card so that i would be subbed till the end of sept just to get the expac and now in oct.... Should have listened to everyone on reddit who said that BW delays their releases consistently but noooo i chose to trust their own launcher advertising
  3. rusk? im pretty sure he has one also i want a another dps/healer with similar abilities to shae vizla/Z0-0M these 2 are the best dps and healer comp respectively because of their unique abilities
  4. One of the things that bothers me is that the best companions for dps and heal are time limited access only Zo-0M and Shae vizla due to their unique abilities are the best options for heal at dps respectively
  5. im sorry but there is just soo much wrong that i cant help but point it out on odessan satele stated that firstly that she was not longer a jedi and secondly that the jedi code is wrong, there is nothing stopping her from atleast trying to get back into therons life now that she's no longer bound by the code this basically shows that she has no maternal love left for theron and probably never did considering how she just dumped him off after she found out he wasnt force sensitive. Now your points about senya, she ran from an emotionally abusive loveless marriage from valkorian the world devourer who was also emotionally abusing the children by not even acknowledging them and she tried to take her children with her but they were all tied around his fingers desperately seeking his approval and acknowledgement not for whatever reason you stated Secondly steal vaylin? Dont you mean try to rescue her from her prison on nathema where she was mentally, and physically tortured and was the reason that she grew up to be the way she is? Senya cared about vaylin as we say in betrayed Yes she undermined their efforts , because they were tyrants committing genocide's she knew they had to be stopped but several times when she had them in here hands defenseless she couldnt kill them because of the love she still had for them yeah the voss thing is bad but that ****** writing, that they couldnt think of any other way to change arcann from a mass murderer bent on killing the player in any way but to kind control him but in another way it showed how desperate senya was getting, her husband is gone, one of son's is dead, her relationship with her daughter is irreparable arcaans protecting her from vaylin showed that he still cared about her and so she was desperate to rebuild that relationship and have a family again One of the big things in KOTET was showing how differently the zakuulan's viewed vitiate as a benevolent emperor whom built their empire, like with koth and senya vs what you the player knew about him as the world devourer playing 2 empires at perpetual war all to fuel his dreams of godhood the zakuulan's didnt see that side of him like our characters could never imagine the thought of the emperor serenading to his lover but thats precisely why senya's character can make sense in that context despite her relationship with vitiate.
  6. what could possibly be a greater attachment than a child? SS is one of the worst mother ever, even after she "realized" that the jedi are wrong she does absolutely nothing to repair her broken relationship with theron or malcom Senya really tried and she cared about her children, and every time i forced myself through KOTET/FE my greatest regret is that i always have to kill senya because arcaan is a monster beyond redemption
  7. Slingers are the most powerful due to dps and defenses
  8. I have finished 1 playthrough of ME:A and I am extreamly dissapointed and I don't want that team anywhere near swtor An uninteresting story, a boring MC who serves no purpose bar to be a meat bag who carries the "real hero" from console to console, horribly written and clunky dialouge Boring companions whom are pale imitations of the originals, uninteresting characters, uninteresting villains, and a twist you see comming a mile away Swtor already has enough of these problems
  9. So it's been 5 years I'm curious to know, how would you react if you found out Quinn "cheated" on you
  10. Yeah dont forget about snipers and slingers Much like mando/mercs they also have overtuned dcds and the plasma probe The DCD power creep needs to be addressed thats all they ever push out these days im sure the devs on their private server with no cooldowns and all that will be just fine
  11. Guess that means every non force user that attacked you is ballsy and eared your respect? Him trying to kill you with 2 droids that were hilariously easy to destroy was taken as seriously and about as believable as a non force user beating arcann using a pistol.... Not in the slightest Just becuase you stopped a poisoned snake from biting you once and you choose to spare it's life dosnt mean it won't try to bite you again Who came up with the crazy notion that just because you spare someone's life they will be loyal? More so in this case for loreman than Quinn, I mean the guy was already was think up new titles for himself, his ego and hubris has already gotten too large and if he can get more power by trying to stab you in the back, then he will try to do so again Sparing him is a really stupid decision, he's not trust worthy nor does he have any redeeming qualities, he's not "tactically intelligent" and even then those are a dime a dozen and you already have the support of the empire
  12. I run heroics, and i sell all then outlander blue/green drops between that the money from the set of heroics on DK/coruscant on my 8 toons i can make a mil a day...if i feel like it. Tbt they get boring running them day in and day out and ive gotten pretty much all the items i want from the alliance supply crates and have a cool look for pretty much all my toons so im not pressed to "farm hard" any more
  13. I don't think it's ever reasonable to have assumed that pierce and Quinn would ever respect each other Quinn for him represents everything he hates with authority figures in human form and people don't just go through this "perfect character" arc always of "I hate you and everything you represent but I respect you" becuase that not how it works, humans are flawed and stubborn As for the whole SIN is more powerful than SW, that's pretty reasonable, the sw is a pretty strong in the force yes, but their not running on the power of multi force ghosts and other arcane rituals, and a dark council member with a large power base So yes it's no stretch of the imagination to assume the SIN is more powerful than the SW just like the JC is probably more powerful than the JK
  14. Are you serious? It dosnt matter if it "feels better than it has been before" there is still huge balance issues and they need to do some kind of balance pass considering how prevelent of a feature oPvP will be in 5.2 The massive power creep issue with dcd's, the most prevelent of which being snipers/slingers and merc/mandos How easily sorc/sage healers over perform over all healers as well as other underwhelming classes and specs like PTs
  15. they were rather one dimensional and didnt do all than amazing for all their potential vortex pull into AoE missiles overcharge weapons vs other walkers stomp occasionally
  16. I don't think so But if you had a security key you can still get 100cc a month
  17. Since snipers/slinger have the highest range at 45ft Shouldn't they do the lest dmg?
  18. Really? So ordering half his knights to be killed for "punishment" was not for the lulz? What about glassing 5 planets with the hope to try and draw out the outlander? The killings during the dictatorial subjugation of his people? My statement was that Vaylin has more justification for redemption on the grounds of being mentally and physically scared and broken as a child, on top of being neglected by her father and abandoned by her mother over Arcann deals only with the latter at most
  19. Explosive fuel needs higher uptime PTs and VGs who are appareanlty supposed to be burst classes have worst burst uptimes than maras, mercs and snipers
  20. insane? more like poorly written and developed character and again why? shes now already moved on to another guy why bother with a faithless relationship
  21. Uninteresting because I have no intrest In meeting someone who has no interest or love in me and the meeting will go "oh your alive? dont need you any more to be my "master" as im too strong now" etc etc
  22. Why even bother getting DS jaessa back? Irregardless of if you romanced her? Did you not read her letter at the start of KOTET? She dosnt care that your dead, she feels no remorse or sadness either and she has already moved on to be in a relationship with someone else unlike other "true" love I treats like elara who never gave up on you, additionally master ranos when questioned about her states that she only cares about power now The SW means nothing to her. We should have gotten a redeemed valyin as our new DS companion , the nathema arc showed how tragic of a character she was and deserved more of a chance at redemption than arcann the mass murderer
  23. It's genuinely amusing that you think it's a vocal minority, but I guess that it's understandable why you think so In a place that only subs can post, everyone whose fed up with the devs be has packed up and left so all that left are posters like you causing a little echo chamber that everything is fine Maybe browse something some swtor fourms like r/swtor and then you will see what people really think of the game But if the people like me don't make out dessent with the game heard in the days they had before their sub runs out then the devs will be more than happy to lull them selves into a sense that everything is fine. I'm also amused that you think this game is fine and "going in the right direction" when the game has gone from 8 unique class stories to the one nonsensical one full of plot holes tha was KOTET/FE along with a massive number of bugs that persists and the glaring class balance problems to name a few issues the plaits the game And these direct sales are proof of BWA's blatant desiperation, not altruism Trying to pad their revenue after hemmoraging subs
  24. If you want to be a detriment and a waste of a group slot to do it on your own solo where you can be as non competitive as you want Don't do it in group oriented actives and place greater burden on the rest of your team to carry
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