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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

State of the game: Maintenance-mode and milking whales?


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I remember a discussion a few years ago about how it would look like if this game dies.

Consens was it would be maintenance mode and milking the last users.

Neither of these is true. And consensus among whom? Perpetual malcontents who seem to WANT the game to die because it isn't catering to them specifically?


Now what we have is gamebreaking buggs that are left unfixed for months (10+ people per team in a warzone exploit),

Everyone agrees they need to fix bugs, but the presence of bugs != not caring.


we have incredible big disparity between endgame damage in pve (sniper - sorc).


class balance issues have existed since day one. in every game. ever made.


But what really convinced me that we are in maintenance mode is that leaderboards have not been updated for over a week, so they cant even manage a webpage. A webpage.

I doubt they cant, i think they dont give a ****.


you could have just spared us all this monthly, obligatory " this game is dying" thread and focused on what you really wanted to complain about. They need to get an intern in to fix that, I agree.


Another clue is 60+$ items for direct sale, whoch sounds a lot like "milking the last users" to me.




So what do you guys think, will swtor survive the summer?


**** ive been trolled.

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ahh... so its a case of the vocal minority fudging it up for everyone. Guess thats in line with everything else the millennial generation is attempting to "revolutionize" out in the world...


It's genuinely amusing that you think it's a vocal minority, but I guess that it's understandable why you think so


In a place that only subs can post, everyone whose fed up with the devs be has packed up and left so all that left are posters like you causing a little echo chamber that everything is fine


Maybe browse something some swtor fourms like r/swtor and then you will see what people really think of the game


But if the people like me don't make out dessent with the game heard in the days they had before their sub runs out then the devs will be more than happy to lull them selves into a sense that everything is fine.


I'm also amused that you think this game is fine and "going in the right direction" when the game has gone from 8 unique class stories to the one nonsensical one full of plot holes tha was KOTET/FE along with a massive number of bugs that persists and the glaring class balance problems to name a few issues the plaits the game


And these direct sales are proof of BWA's blatant desiperation, not altruism


Trying to pad their revenue after hemmoraging subs

Edited by Udoroththefinal
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Depends on from where one sources the definition:


"Maintenance mode, the point in an MMO’s life where the patches and new content slow to a trickle or stop completely."


"A great MMORPG in declared maintenance mode that utterly refuses to accept its fate and keeps right on patching and patching and patching, with events and new content and everything. What is dead can never die."


In addition to a new class, full-time weeks of lore story with an emphasis on cutscenes to mirror the movie's flavor, and an entire continent with 5 zones the size of Alderaan that takes weeks just to explore the surface ... here is a list of group content additions that WoW's expansion has given us since last fall:


New 5-man Legion Dungeons

  • Assault on Violet Hold (duplicated and updated, the original remains intact)
  • Black Rook Hold
  • Court of Stars
  • Darkheart Thicket
  • Eye of Azshara
  • Halls of Valor
  • Maw of Souls
  • Neltharion's Lair
  • Return to Karazhan (raid duplicated as a dungeon and updated, the original remains intact)
  • The Arcway
  • Vault of the Wardens


New World Boss raids and the tier pieces they drop

  • Ana-Mouz - Chest
  • Calamir - Feet
  • Drugon the Frostblood - Wrist
  • Flotsam - Hands
  • Humongris - Shoulder
  • Levantus - Hands
  • Na'zak the Fiend - Legs
  • Nithogg - Head
  • Shar'thos - Chest
  • The Soultakers - Waist
  • Withered J'im - Head


New Full Raids (3 tiers worth)

  • The Emerald Nightmare
  • The Nighthold
  • Trial of Valor


By comparison here is what we got since 5.0 dropped:


New 2+ Uprisings

  • Done and Dusted
  • Firefrost
  • Crimson Fang
  • Inferno
  • Fractured
  • Trench Runner
  • Destroyer of Worlds
  • Divided We Fall
  • Landing Party
  • Trial and Error


No new open worlds to explore. No new story. Just these and Galactic Command. As soon as we get something even remotely similar to what the "standard" is I will believe in BWA's commitment.


A movie that totally bombed but whatever.


We have received new story since last fall. The xpac with 9 chapters dropped. We will be getting a new area and more story in 2 weeks. And they're working on an op. Apparently some staff have gone over to ME but they're still giving us content. You just failed to include it to make your comparison better.


I started on wow. Don't get me wrong I love Oktoberfest and drunkenly smashing dark dwarves as well as drunkenly wandering off large cliffs on my pally, surviving, and watching all other losers follow me and leave skeletons. Cool. I've left SWTOR for wow even then I remembered how horribly boring it was and I stopped playing.


But the truth is I don't care about group content. I'm here for the story.

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The core of the game is the Story, and they've put out 25 chapters of it over the last two years with the story continuing in the upcoming Daily Area on Iokath.

I would agree that story is the core of the game. But there's story, and then there's story. The Eternal Empire garbage completely disrespects and trivializes (or, attempts to) the original story vision of the game...not to mention all the other things they've done to tarnish and dis-integrate the story - climactic bosses syncing to paltry levels, bonus series quests being thown out of order, heroic turn-in conversations removed, the stupid DvL pop-ups...


So, since the devs hate the game so much, why are they still here?

Edited by Clarian
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I wonder how much it would cost someone to get the complete game including all items just from packs as obviously envisioned by EA. So let's have a look.


DISCLAIMER: These are guesstimates. Without proper numbers i can't do any accurate math so keep that in mind before you reply.


Since everyone is kept in the dark on actual chances and percentages, the majority of posts and websites talking about it say a platinum has a 0.1% chance so i'll take that as my example.


Giving that only 2/4th of your items are actual pack items, the chance per pack would be 0.2% (0.1% * 2)

Now to get 99.9% probability of getting a platinum from opening packs you'd have to open 3450 packs to get a 0.1% chance of still not getting that platinum item, or 99.8%^3450=~0.1%


This converts to roughly 133 hypercrates (@ 26 packs each).

The average hypercrate price is 5500 CC.

This makes for a grand total of 731.500 CC required to get a "guaranteed" (99.9% chance) platinum item from a specific pack.

This further equates to 50 * 14.500 CC coins @ 99.99 usd each, 1 * 5.500 CC @ 40 usd and 1 * 2.500 CC @ 20 usd (via Amazon.com)

Totaling the costs required to find a platinum item from a specific pack type to: 5060 USD.

Now imagine if every pack ever released contains a platinum item (or a gold quality item with the same 0.1% rarity because it's a pack before platinum was introduced).


53 packs have been released since the game launched.

53 x 5060 usd = 268.180 usd


Now let all that math sink in for a moment.

TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT THOUSAND US dollars to get your collection of items completed.

And this would only be for a single character. Unlocking all those items account-wide would easily bring your total over 350 thousand usd.

Now these are the far out numbers, so the average player would require half that amount, but since rng is rng, you can never be sure if you are the lucky one.


Call me crazy but that's the last thing we want, if anything we want more content for our subscription fee and less pay2own stuff on top of said subscription. People call Blizzard greedy but in reality they might have the most honest and player friendly system of current day mmo's to acquire your full game's content.


In short:

You could own a huge house or a very expensive car instead of owning every platinum and platinum-rarity item in the game if you only want to find them in packs and not buy them from the GTN.



So yes, they're milking whales as hard as Japan is hunting them.

Edited by DrDaMoZ
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A movie that totally bombed but whatever.


We have received new story since last fall. The xpac with 9 chapters dropped. We will be getting a new area and more story in 2 weeks. And they're working on an op. Apparently some staff have gone over to ME but they're still giving us content. You just failed to include it to make your comparison better.


I started on wow. Don't get me wrong I love Oktoberfest and drunkenly smashing dark dwarves as well as drunkenly wandering off large cliffs on my pally, surviving, and watching all other losers follow me and leave skeletons. Cool. I've left SWTOR for wow even then I remembered how horribly boring it was and I stopped playing.


But the truth is I don't care about group content. I'm here for the story.

Big Trouble in Little China bombed too ...


The truth is I do care about story, just not at the expense of MMO content. I'm not narcissistic. So I am here hoping they return this game to its MMORPG glory, which included equal amounts of MMO and RPG. Neither of us is right or wrong. But I dare say if this was a race to determine which of us would see the game go in the direction we wanted ... you would win hands down and Star Wars fans the world over looking for legit MMO love would be screwed until one came out. Not that they aren't now.


I would pay the same $150 my original pre-order CE cost me right now for an announced pre-order reboot to pre-3.0 ... $250 if they rebooted to 2.0 but with a continuation of individual class stories and the QoL improvements that came with 2.x through 4.x. I would also pay $20 to $30 for each new expansion that was competitive MMO content-wise with what WoW puts out, plus an additional $5 per individual class story they continued. This would all be on top of a sub.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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They wouldn't spend millions on blur trailers and story if the game was on maintenance mode.


So, releasing 1 or 2 chapters a month was a wise investment then? The story in all honesty, was BW grasping for "something" to keep the game going. Now, lets not even talk about the last story line... "uprisings". With this alleged new OP coming... yea, so far, seems more like a joke. Just another repeat of KoTFE release.


As for the game dying, perhaps it will, perhaps it won't. THAT truly depends on player base, not enough players to "pay" the bill per say, yea, the game will die. For many players, it already has, for some, it continues. Either play it, or don't, no one is forcing anyone here. As for myself, I used to spend real money for the cartel coins for packs, I stay sub'd just for the "so-called free" Cartel Coins per month. In which, I no longer find anything in the CM worth spending them on, other than CXP boosts now. Even then, just not worth it anymore.

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I would agree that story is the core of the game. But there's story, and then there's story. The Eternal Empire garbage completely disrespects and trivializes (or, attempts to) the original story vision of the game...not to mention all the other things they've done to tarnish and dis-integrate the story - climactic bosses syncing to paltry levels, bonus series quests being thown out of order, heroic turn-in conversations removed, the stupid DvL pop-ups...


So, since the devs hate the game so much, why are they still here?


Not to mention they split up one 'expansion' story between two 'expansions' to try to fill more time. I mean, come on, every other expansion was a self-contained story that built on what came before, while KotFE and KotET are blatantly two different parts of one story, totally incomplete without eachother, and should have been issued as one whole back in 4.0, with a NEW STORY with ACTUAL FRIGGING MMO CONTENT ATTACHED released as 5.0 instead. And even taken as a whole, you can complete ALL the story chapters, AND run through each of the pathetic excuses for group content they call Uprisings, all within LESS THAN ONE DAY of play time without even rushing yourself. And that plus two PvP maps (only one of which with game mechanics) is all we've been given for content over a two year span!


I miss when this game had lots of good story content. When it launched, we had 8 different stories to play through and it was great! And choices in those stories actually made a difference, in character romances, in events later on in the story, in now NPCs reacted to you! Some of the class stories were better at that than others, but we still had options!


Now? We get a threadbare one-size-fits-all narrative that doesn't actually fit anyone outside of Jedi Knight players that well, that you could get done in about three to four hours if you pushed it, and that has ZERO replay value because none of your choices actually matter, you end up in the same scenarios with the same ending no matter what.

Edited by AscendingSky
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It's genuinely amusing that you think it's a vocal minority, but I guess that it's understandable why you think so


In a place that only subs can post, everyone whose fed up with the devs be has packed up and left so all that left are posters like you causing a little echo chamber that everything is fine


Maybe browse something some swtor fourms like r/swtor and then you will see what people really think of the game


But if the people like me don't make out dessent with the game heard in the days they had before their sub runs out then the devs will be more than happy to lull them selves into a sense that everything is fine.


I'm also amused that you think this game is fine and "going in the right direction" when the game has gone from 8 unique class stories to the one nonsensical one full of plot holes tha was KOTET/FE along with a massive number of bugs that persists and the glaring class balance problems to name a few issues the plaits the game


And these direct sales are proof of BWA's blatant desiperation, not altruism


Trying to pad their revenue after hemmoraging subs


it is a vocal minority beyond a doubt. Same names popping up with these threads over and over. And relative to the entire player base of the game its a negligible amount anyway. Also, i couldnt care less what those that dont play the game (anymore) have to say... The game is not for them. Fair enough. For my part i log in every day and enjoy my time playing and chatting away with the guildies none of which are on here posting as far as i know... but rather enjoying their game. That tells me that even though the game might not be perfect (and its not), the majority of the players are logged in and playing rather then sitting on the forums. Also for my part i enjoyed going through the KotFE story and i didnt find it particularly unfitting or hard to role-play for my agent (sniper)... not for anyone that has ever had any experience with actual role-playing games (more so table top then virtual ones). As for direct sales... that part is simple, ofc they will want to have as many income sources as possible... but thats fine for a lot of people that would much rather get the item(s) they want straight up then opening packs (and can afford to pay the asking price)... particularly those of us whos playing time is limited by real life work and family commitments and want to enjoy our time in the game to its fullest. For instance i bought the Stalwart Protector Set for 1200CC just a week ago cause 1) i liked the look of it and 2) it added to the roleplay value of my character. By the time i would have had the credits to buy it off of the GTN i would have been done with the story...

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So, releasing 1 or 2 chapters a month was a wise investment then? The story in all honesty, was BW grasping for "something" to keep the game going. Now, lets not even talk about the last story line... "uprisings". With this alleged new OP coming... yea, so far, seems more like a joke. Just another repeat of KoTFE release.

Regardless of whether or not it was a wise investment, it's still a big investment which disproves the "maintenance-mode" theory.

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I would agree that story is the core of the game. But there's story, and then there's story. The Eternal Empire garbage completely disrespects and trivializes (or, attempts to) the original story vision of the game...not to mention all the other things they've done to tarnish and dis-integrate the story - climactic bosses syncing to paltry levels, bonus series quests being thown out of order, heroic turn-in conversations removed, the stupid DvL pop-ups...


So, since the devs hate the game so much, why are they still here?


Cause they can still get paychecks for being absolutely incompetent, lazy, do very little real work, and it still have time to play other games while at work.

Edited by Darkside
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Cause they can still get paychecks for being absolutely incompetent, lazy, do very little real work, and it still have time to play other games while at work.


.....and they'll keep getting a paycheck if you keep paying them. :confused:

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.....and they'll keep getting a paycheck if you keep paying them. :confused:


You have a very valid point. However, I'm an addict like most of us here. The devs know this, and take full advantage of it. Which is why the game is the way it is. It's a horrible self fulfilling prophecy. IF some other decent sci-fi mmo comes along, I think it will be just enough for a lot of us addicts to leave swtor for good.

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As in the first months of release and, again, now, I am constantly inclined to the feeling that this is a very very very good game that someone, somehow manages to systematically spoil for us with ill design and marketing decisions here and there. You know, like someone lets their favorite chimpanzee to hang out in the control room of a strategic armaments base.

Hence the same 'SWTOR's dies tomorrow' threads I saw back in 2011.

But nothing's actually changed much, except the volume of these threads.

Edited by iFruit
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However, I'm an addict like most of us here.


^^ Not specifically commenting toward you... but THIS explains a lot of the behaviors in the forum to be honest. "Addictive response", regardless of what the specific addiction is, brings out the worst traits in some people.


This thread topic exemplifies the phenomenon fairly well. And Honestly, it's not healthy in my view.

Edited by Andryah
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^^ Not specifically commenting toward you... but THIS explains a lot of the behaviors in the forum to be honest. "Addictive response", regardless of what the specific addiction is, brings out the worst traits in some people.


This thread topic exemplifies the phenomenon fairly well. And Honestly, it's not healthy in my view.


Totally agree with your observations about the viscousness here. I would like to add that I was using "Addict" in the sense of we all like the SW ip, and currently don't have any other sci-fi mmo readily available. So it is a situation where we are all sort of stuck with either playing swtor, or not playing any mmo.

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the game is not quite in maintenance mode. SWG was maintenance mode from the start of the NGE. this game is certainly flirting with it though. they are obviously milking people out of their money in the CM with **** drop rates and absurd direct purchase prices. gc boosts you can purchase that will significantly impact the rate at which u get crates? lolz.
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I am an addict like most of you however it speaks volumes that we went from Dark versus Light: The Event to Dark versus Light: The Expansion.


Where Dark versus Light is a game mechanic which requires players to grind existing content to achieve game packs containing cosmetic rare gear which later became rare gear needed to play end game content of which has not even been released yet.

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You have a very valid point. However, I'm an addict like most of us here. The devs know this, and take full advantage of it. Which is why the game is the way it is. It's a horrible self fulfilling prophecy. IF some other decent sci-fi mmo comes along, I think it will be just enough for a lot of us addicts to leave swtor for good.


I know, unless some things change A LOT around here, I will be leaving as soon as the Morrowind XPACK for ESO comes out.

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So what do you guys think, will swtor survive the summer?


Summer definetly but EA fiscal year ends in march, so we will know more soon enough what will happen with this game. Bioware wont tell us bad news if EA makes decision that this game is not worth running next year if it comes to that. Instead will make tons of direct CM sales before the end.

A lot fans are underestimating EA greed and this company policy - MAKE good profit or abandon the game.


So Bioware will just limp and squeeze as much they can with current content and doing as minimal as possible new content. From business point of view it makes sense. Why produce a lot new content if profit and subs going down. I'm not gonig into that why its happening - its already debated for years.

Edited by Divona
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Summer definetly but EA fiscal year ends in march, so we will know more soon enough what will happen with this game. Bioware wont tell us bad news if EA makes decision that this game is not worth running next year if it comes to that. Instead will make tons of direct CM sales before the end.

A lot fans are underestimating EA greed and this company policy - MAKE good profit or abandon the game.


So Bioware will just limp and squeeze as much they can with current content and doing as minimal as possible new content. From business point of view it makes sense. Why produce a lot new content if profit and subs going down. I'm not gonig into that why its happening - its already debated for years.


It is happening because of lack of content and bad game design. Simple. It actually makes no sense from a business perspective because it puts even more of a bad taste in peoples mouth when it comes to BW and EA, so they will avoid their products like the plague in the future.

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It is happening because of lack of content and bad game design. Simple. It actually makes no sense from a business perspective because it puts even more of a bad taste in peoples mouth when it comes to BW and EA, so they will avoid their products like the plague in the future.
I agree with the lack of content, but I would substitute bad changes of direction for bad game design. Because at one time this game was a true MMORPG and had really good game design. It was just released 4 months too early imho.


This game itself was well on its way to recovering nicely from the launch debacle until the Cartel Market took center stage. The moment BWA changed course from continuing development on a 4-pillar MMORPG to focusing on the Cartel Market and starting the game down the solo story road is when the avalanche started. It chased away the leaders and minds (Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk ... then Dallas Dickinson, Daniel Erickson, Jesse Sky ... and later George Smith) that gave this game its identity. James Ohlen remains (kind of) but was locked away after calling SWTOR a RPG in a live stage roundtable, then smirking into the camera after being corrected on it. Which clearly indicated that (a) he is not on board with where his bosses are taking SWTOR, and (b) where his bosses are taking SWTOR compared to where they want us to believe they are taking SWTOR is irreconcilable.


What Ben and his team have done to our game since taking over has definitely soured many people on anything with Bioware's name on it. The new ME:A's animations and overall environment models being wonky, coupled with Bioware all but admitting that they wont be fixing it, is helping cement that reputation. It's not just BWA, or BWC ... it's Bioware period. The culture that has permeated their entire company mimics EA's to a tee. People have figured that out and are no longer shy about putting the gaming world on alert.


I'm not sure SWTOR is fixable without an overhaul of the same magnitude as the one that sent it into its current nosedive.

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I agree with the lack of content, but I would substitute bad changes of direction for bad game design. Because at one time this game was a true MMORPG and had really good game design. It was just released 4 months too early imho.


This game itself was well on its way to recovering nicely from the launch debacle until the Cartel Market took center stage. The moment BWA changed course from continuing development on a 4-pillar MMORPG to focusing on the Cartel Market and starting the game down the solo story road is when the avalanche started. It chased away the leaders and minds (Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk ... then Dallas Dickinson, Daniel Erickson, Jesse Sky ... and later George Smith) that gave this game its identity. James Ohlen remains (kind of) but was locked away after calling SWTOR a RPG in a live stage roundtable, then smirking into the camera after being corrected on it. Which clearly indicated that (a) he is not on board with where his bosses are taking SWTOR, and (b) where his bosses are taking SWTOR compared to where they want us to believe they are taking SWTOR is irreconcilable.


What Ben and his team have done to our game since taking over has definitely soured many people on anything with Bioware's name on it. The new ME:A's animations and overall environment models being wonky, coupled with Bioware all but admitting that they wont be fixing it, is helping cement that reputation. It's not just BWA, or BWC ... it's Bioware period. The culture that has permeated their entire company mimics EA's to a tee. People have figured that out and are no longer shy about putting the gaming world on alert.


I'm not sure SWTOR is fixable without an overhaul of the same magnitude as the one that sent it into its current nosedive.


I think SWTOR could pull out of the nosedive, absolutely. Other MMOs who have stumbled have managed it. The problem is, in order to do so, EAWare would have to spend a bunch of money on it. They'd have to pull something like FFXIV's reboot or ESO's constant output of new content and the One Tamriel change that made the whole game world open (as opposed to at release where you were locked into an area based on faction). Both of those games are doing much better now than they were originally as a direct result of the time, effort, and cash flow they invested to make the game better.


If that was done with SWTOR, and if they started marketing the game in tandem with all the other Star Wars games/movies/shows/etc. out there to draw more attention to the game, I think this place would be busting at the seams with new subscribers. If they wanted to lure old players back they could start offering things like the veteran awards other games do, where you get stuff just for having created your account X amount of months or years ago. This game has a vast universe of story and content ideas from previously published materials that they could harness to expand and develop.


However, EA in the past has shown itself a lot more likely to just axe a failing studio and shut down a game that isn't making tons of profit rather than going through what it takes to save a product they've mismanaged. That's historically how they've operated, so I'm anticipating that's what they'll do to this game--cut and run. And that makes me sad, because I do love this game--I wouldn't have played it for so many years if I didn't. There's still good things in this game, that some more effort and polish and love could really make shine.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I think SWTOR could pull out of the nosedive, absolutely. Other MMOs who have stumbled have managed it. The problem is, in order to do so, EAWare would have to spend a bunch of money on it. They'd have to pull something like FFXIV's reboot or ESO's constant output of new content and the One Tamriel change that made the whole game world open (as opposed to at release where you were locked into an area based on faction). Both of those games are doing much better now than they were originally as a direct result of the time, effort, and cash flow they invested to make the game better.


If that was done with SWTOR, and if they started marketing the game in tandem with all the other Star Wars games/movies/shows/etc. out there to draw more attention to the game, I think this place would be busting at the seams with new subscribers. If they wanted to lure old players back they could start offering things like the veteran awards other games do, where you get stuff just for having created your account X amount of months or years ago. This game has a vast universe of story and content ideas from previously published materials that they could harness to expand and develop.


However, EA in the past has shown itself a lot more likely to just axe a failing studio and shut down a game that isn't making tons of profit rather than going through what it takes to save a product they've mismanaged. That's historically how they've operated, so I'm anticipating that's what they'll do to this game--cut and run. And that makes me sad, because I do love this game--I wouldn't have played it for so many years if I didn't. There's still good things in this game, that some more effort and polish and love could really make shine.

If the game rebooted to 2.10x but kept the QoL improvements 3.x+ brought ... and then kept up a content release cadence comparable to other MMORPGs out there ... do you think that would be enough to bring this game back? I ask this because veteran awards won't help. It's fluff. We're sick of fluff. Besides, our luck we'd get more droid parts.


Rather, veterans simply want their MMORPG back. We haven't had a real expansion in over 3 years. Reboot to at least pre-KotFE and give us a full expansion like this ... or this ... or this and I guarantee veterans would be returning in droves. I'd even trade back 2 of those huge & explorable Legion zones (each is the size of Belsavis) for main story that my wife and I could level through together. I would pay $60 for a SWTOR expansion of Legion's scope, scale and magnitude ... $100.00 if they brought back all 8 individual class stories for it.


This is supposed to be a Imps vs. rebels epic-galactic-warfare save-the-galaxy-with-your-hero-friends (think Luke, Leia, Han & Chewy) Star Wars MMORPG (like what we had prior to Shadow of Revan) ... not a low-budget single-player monologue with some copy & paste co-op thrown in. This whole thing sucks.


Divest KotFE's and KotET's stories into a single player KOTOR III using KotFE's Eternal Championship for end game ... and give us our damn MMO back!

Edited by GalacticKegger
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