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Iokath or Manaan Stronghold?


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Although I'm pretty much done with cosmetic costumed cartel items I would certainly purchase a new stronghold.


Balmorran underground bunker 7000 cartel coins

Hutta swamp shack 2000 cartel coins

Alderran mountain chalet 6000 cartel coins

Belsavis Rakata Tech Biome 5000 cartel coins

Kuat Drive Yard Starship Dock to park all your GSF ships 7000 cartel coins

Ilum Adegan crystal enclave 9000 cartel coins

Rishi Pirate Loft 3000 cartel coins

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Manaan! For the love of the Force! Manaan is beautiful and unique among the planets and could be decorated so many different ways. It just needs to be underwater, or half-and-half, NOT entirely above ground like all the other strongholds.
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Fleet apartment/cabin; awesome for the fleet chat and I would prefer something small, one or two rooms instead of these huge palaces that we have many already. Will be very happy with the same on Manaan though (even without fleet chat :( )
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There's appearantly a very large (and expensive) Zakuulan palace coming. Could just be rumors though. Hopefully not. It's perfect for my boyfriend and me, and it's what we've wanted, lol


Without access to fleet chat though no matter what they put out will always be just "meh" in my eyes. No matter the size or look or location.


Would love to see a maanan or Rishi. Zakuul I can't say was ever one I wanted as I can barely stand going there as it is.


All in all, Would love one on fleet that looks into space with some cool window shots and connected to fleet chat. IF what you say is true, I can't see myself getting it but grats to those that do.

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I'm disappointed that there appears to be a trend towards more and more grand strongholds, practically the size of small cities. I don't want something so ridiculously huge that I have to get on my speeder and travel for 5 minutes to get from one side to the other. On the other hand, I understand how people want more space to put lots of decos (and those big ones too that I keep running out of hooks for!) Maybe if the stronghold is built vertically, I wouldn't mind a bigger sized one so much?
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For my vote, split the difference between Manaan/Rakata Prime/Rishi and go with a beachfront Rishi resort with a significant amount of the structure built out onto a pier.


One of my favorite things about the Yavin stronghold is that's its diverse enough to sub in for a couple different regions on the same planet for RP purposes (the landing area, the 'castle', the bridge, the two outbuildings and large flat open plaza, the jungle and pond region, the caves) so having a stronghold with some different elements in different areas I think would be the way to go so that the people can focus on the portions that most appeal to them.


So for example, with the proposed resort you'd have a panoramic ocean view in one direction, a tropical jungle view in the other. Make it multilevel with a landing zone on top of a ridge with cleaner high-tech structures around it and a stream that flows over the edge. Then have an elevator that drops you down to the beach where the stream forms a waterfall and just off to the side is a more rustic pier with tropical open buildings on it. Finally, at the end of the pier put another elevator that drops you down into an underwater viewing area under the pier.


That gives you four main zones (sleeker ridge line area overlooking the ocean, beachfront waterfall section, rustic pier section and underwater viewing area) so there's something for everyone.


Personally, I'd set the sky at late afternoon with the sun maybe a handspan above the horizon with blue to yellow sky around it and the clouds in the opposite sky turning shades of red, purple and gold, but that's just me.


EDIT: Additional thought. Make it an entire island about the size of the Yavin stronghold with wide open sea in one direction and a distant jungle coast on the other. The beachfront then runs around the edge of the entire island with the clean buildings up top and the pier jutting off just one side. That would let you pop in convenient exhaustion zones to confine you logically to this section of the planet rather than the more arbitrary edges of a resort that along a larger coastline.

Edited by SiegePro
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For my vote, split the difference between Manaan/Rakata Prime/Rishi and go with a beachfront Rishi resort with a significant amount of the structure built out onto a pier.


One of my favorite things about the Yavin stronghold is that's its diverse enough to sub in for a couple different regions on the same planet for RP purposes (the landing area, the 'castle', the bridge, the two outbuildings and large flat open plaza, the jungle and pond region, the caves) so having a stronghold with some different elements in different areas I think would be the way to go so that the people can focus on the portions that most appeal to them.


So for example, with the proposed resort you'd have a panoramic ocean view in one direction, a tropical jungle view in the other. Make it multilevel with a landing zone on top of a ridge with cleaner high-tech structures around it and a stream that flows over the edge. Then have an elevator that drops you down to the beach where the stream forms a waterfall and just off to the side is a more rustic pier with tropical open buildings on it. Finally, at the end of the pier put another elevator that drops you down into an underwater viewing area under the pier.


That gives you four main zones (sleeker ridge line area overlooking the ocean, beachfront waterfall section, rustic pier section and underwater viewing area) so there's something for everyone.


Personally, I'd set the sky at late afternoon with the sun maybe a handspan above the horizon with blue to yellow sky around it and the clouds in the opposite sky turning shades of red, purple and gold, but that's just me.


EDIT: Additional thought. Make it an entire island about the size of the Yavin stronghold with wide open sea in one direction and a distant jungle coast on the other. The beachfront then runs around the edge of the entire island with the clean buildings up top and the pier jutting off just one side. That would let you pop in convenient exhaustion zones to confine you logically to this section of the planet rather than the more arbitrary edges of a resort that along a larger coastline.



I think they knocked it out of the park with the Yavin Stronghold. My hope is that any new ones will follow in its foot steps. That being said, I would like a small 1-3 room apartment on the fleet, because I use the kaas like a small place already with all the vendors/storage/gtn etc. It's nice and cozy and personal, and I just wish there was a real dedicated living space offered in game.

Edited by Darkside
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Skimming this thread I only saw one other person suggest it but a customable interior Gravestone. With 'my' ship parked in the hangar bay. If that's off the table then I'd have to go with Manaan. Have wanted to see a Manaan stronghold since the underwater bit of the missions. This from someone who's never bought more than the home planet SH and never unlocked any rooms as that just isn't my thing. So take what I say with a box of salt.
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I'd rather see the time it takes to develop new Strongholds goes into making existing SH's better.

Getting a new stronghold that still has the current limitations and bugs would be a serious letdown for me.


- Increase the range you can move objects from +/- 20 to something like +/- 30 or even +/-40.

(Best example is a GTN wall deco. On the average wall you can't even see the display let alone reach the keys, even when moved all the way down. We need to be able to get it down to the floor so it makes sense to operate one).


- Standardize hook size options for items and be more flexible with the specific hook types you can place decos on.

(some reskins/recolors of mounts for example take up more space than the original and vice versa. One mount requires a large hook when the reskin only requires a medium of even medium narrow hook. I'd like to be able to place them on any hook that is at least medium narrow or larger, or basically the smallest size that makes sense)


- Add more hook options in general.

(The Tatooine SH for example has many empty spots on the outside in between current placeable areas which would be perfect spots for more hooks. More Centerpieces that can be converted into smaller designs if possible)


- Increase decoration cap.

(even with a 900 cap, 900 isn't enough to make a place like Tatooine feel alive. There are half-decorated rooms and wide open spaces in my SH and i would like to see that changed)


- Fix missing and broken decorations.

(The prefab merchants are missing decos, either remove them from the in game list or add them to the vendors like intended. Furthermore some mounts don't show up as decorations at all, like Womp Rats and Manta Speeders)

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If anything, there should be an Odessen stronghold. It makes sense for the story.


That only works if you actually did the Kotfe and Kotet. I did it with 3 characters. That was enough.


If you did them you still have the area with Oggurobb and the other alliance characters and you can access the Throne room from the cantina there.

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I'm not sure why, but I just love Manaan and the idea of being in an underwater room with windows to view sea life through. The planet's theme music from KoTOR is still one of my favorite tracks. So peaceful.
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Actually, the Manaan Stronghold is not such a bad idea. Heaps of people would love to live on an Ocean World.


Only if they can do it right by giving us half above sea levels and half below sea levels and having sea life outside the windows. If not, then it would just be a regular stronghold and for Manaan that would not be a good idea as most have stated they want to see the sea life.

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