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Iokath or Manaan Stronghold?


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I would like strongholds on:


Rakata Prime and or Rishi. (I need a vacation spot)


Odessen (for work, obviously)


Manaan (because I want to watch the purple fish and the Firaxan shark through my underwater view ports)


Bigger, better stronghold, on Dromund Kaas...like...in the mountains, with lots of lightning going on. :D

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A battleship or spacestaion for me than on a planet I hardly ever go to.


This would have been better put in suggestions forum but dare say it be moved there anyway. It does seem a new stronghold is wanted by a few even if the location varies


yes! we're outlanders, our home seems to be Odessen now, so a ship or a spacestation would make perfect sense in the KOTFE/KOTET era --and it'd be different from the other strongholds.

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Manaan (and only if this one is half above water and half below where you can see the sea life)



Those are the ones I would like.


Oh, I would love some sea themed decorations too!

Would be a great summer patch. They should consider it.

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Hi Eric


I there be talk about a New Stronghold? Maybe?:D


Adding a new Strongholds is something we talk about often as something we would love to do (just a question of if and when). I laugh because our internal conversations sound just like this thread, we all argue about our favorite places where we would love to have a Stronghold.


Keep the ideas coming.



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Adding a new Strongholds is something we talk about often as something we would love to do (just a question of if and when). I laugh because our internal conversations sound just like this thread, we all argue about our favorite places where we would love to have a Stronghold.


Keep the ideas coming.




thank for responding, Well Looks Like the vote could be in for Manaan

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Adding a new Strongholds is something we talk about often as something we would love to do (just a question of if and when). I laugh because our internal conversations sound just like this thread, we all argue about our favorite places where we would love to have a Stronghold.


Keep the ideas coming.



I'd like one on Fleet because that's the chat channel I want to monitor. A Gravestone interior that I can decorate would be fine.

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I would love Manaan, but I want a reason to visit the planet besides a flashpoint. One of the perks of a stronghold is you can exit to the planet, which seems like a waste on Manaan. Add some dailies to the planet, and then I would love a stronghold there. Perhaps they could re-use part of the assets used from the coil (shroud's base)? I think it would be awesome if there was an expansion to an underwater section, similar to the HK chapter. We could enter it and be in a submarine, which they already have on Manaan, or we simply automatically put on one of those old diving suits where you stay on the bottom of the ocean floor and walk around, so you are not swimming.


They also need to address something else regarding sizes of strongholds, with whatever the next stronghold is. The last one was Yavin, which at first was great because it was so big, but it's now a pain because it takes forever to get around the thing. If the next stronghold is large, it suffer the same problem unless they give us ways to get around the strongholds faster, such as putting quick travel points down. If the next one is too small, that problem is avoided, but we will all probably complain that it's too small.

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Adding a new Strongholds is something we talk about often as something we would love to do (just a question of if and when). I laugh because our internal conversations sound just like this thread, we all argue about our favorite places where we would love to have a Stronghold.


Keep the ideas coming.




Just make sure if it is Manaan it is half above and half below and we can see sea life outside as that is the best way to do Manaan.


Though my first choice would be Alderaan.


Also add drapes to the decorations.

Edited by casirabit
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I actually don't care what planet they choose for a new stronghold.


But what I hope for is that we finally get some sort of luxurious, warm, noble and comfy stronghold.

A place that really looks like you wanna live there (not an ancient decayed ruin or a sterile all metallic canister).


Maybe something with a nice baroque garden outside or maybe some luxurious pool environments...maybe some classic greek look alike architecture with stone pillars like in Solida Hesk's Estate on Makeb. Just something that looks like wealth and first-class taste.

Edited by Avianatorsparkma
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Though my first choice would be Alderaan.



A high castle on Alderaan or the discussed Manaan thing would be nice. Also, Rishi were in discussions in earlier threads. However, my favorite is Ilum! Ice-crystal-Palace!


Zakuul is meh... just another apartment like Nar Shadaa, Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. A flying building on a gas planet (similar to bespin) would also be an exotic idea.

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