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Iokath or Manaan Stronghold?


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I think if we break this down logically, there's only one choice:




Think about it.... We already have tree planet SH: Yavin. So Alderaan is just a knock off. :eek:


We already have 3 cityscape SHs: Nar Shad, Cor, DK.


And we have a desert SH: Tat.


The spacestation has a bunch of stuff already like Odessen so we don't need one on either of those. So we also don't need a space SH 'cause of the spacestation. :p


Manaan doesn't have a fast travel or Heroics after SOR is over. A quick way to get there would be a SH. Imagine above water area looking out at a vast sea and skyline with the white city off to the side. As you go downstairs there's a 360 degree view out windows that look out into the ocean surrounded by wildlife swimming around that YOU PUT THERE! :D In other words you decorated the ocean outside your window. Living, moving critters and firaxan sharks (a GOLD deco item worth millions Devs, think CC!


Finally, with the HK chapter, many of the meshes and textures have already been created!!!!!! This would be so easy and quick for the Devs to put together....


Or snow planet Hoth because we haven't had that yet... Don't look here.

Edited by Zerileth
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Adding a new Strongholds is something we talk about often as something we would love to do (just a question of if and when). I laugh because our internal conversations sound just like this thread, we all argue about our favorite places where we would love to have a Stronghold.


Keep the ideas coming.



Serioulsy: we don't need new Strongholds.


What we need in very specific order:

  1. Being able to set more items per SH
  2. More hooks
  3. Increase off set positioning range
  4. 3rd axis tweaking



  • New rooms for existing SH



  • Tilt / Pan
  • Rotate
  • Scale up/down



  • Fix the bug where selecting an positioned item set the category to that one
  • A new UI with search and next/before mouse key button
  • Preview in game non owned decos
  • Filter to only browse non owned decos
  • Option to disable the banner display of the owner of the SH


Then and only then you can spend $$$ developing new strongholds.

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Serioulsy: we don't need new Strongholds.


What we need in very specific order:

  1. Being able to set more items per SH
  2. More hooks
  3. Increase off set positioning range
  4. 3rd axis tweaking



  • New rooms for existing SH



  • Tilt / Pan
  • Rotate
  • Scale up/down



  • Fix the bug where selecting an positioned item set the category to that one
  • A new UI with search and next/before mouse key button
  • Preview in game non owned decos
  • Filter to only browse non owned decos
  • Option to disable the banner display of the owner of the SH


Then and only then you can spend $$$ developing new strongholds.




I suppose it is a good thing you are not their boss.

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The thing is, a not-insignificant number of items in each cartel pack (which everyone likes to point out is one of their big cash cows) are decorations. So it makes sense to give us more strongholds, to help keep people buying packs to decorate these new strongholds.


This. It is a money maker. People will spend money buying packs + inflation of the market which will prompt some people to buy CC with their real monie dollars.


And I am so okay with it.


Plus...where do we get that they are struggling with money? Again, I hate this comparison, but it took WoW 3 years until they had their next expansion released. Or in some cases 2. This game has pretty much followed the same pattern. Plus, they are dealing with a lot more story wise - with the dialogue and all.


I am not running into the defense of anyone or anything, because there are plenty of things I am unhappy with that really should be fixed, and shouldn't be that hard to fix. (*cough*mercs*cough**cough*) But this perpetual idea of the game in a dying state, be it financially or player wise, is kind of silly. The doom and gloom is thick in these forums and spreads like a nasty virus.


Off topic, what is interesting is the evolving game industry that is heading towards mobile gaming. For all intents and purposes, this game is doing wonderfully.

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My #1 change would be, drop hook limit on Tatooine back down by 500. That hook limit increase turned my Tatooine stronghold from being both good looking and my favorite, to merely marginally better than the others.


I have a very spare aesthetic taste. I see a trophy case and sort of internally interpret it as basically a loaded dumpster. Of course, one can have a artistically loaded dumpster, and with clever marketing (or an established record of clever marketing), display it in a major modern art museum. However, a modern art museum is a perfectly good place to dispose of things you wouldn't want in your living room.


I'd like at least ONE stronghold that when "full" does not have to be as full of junk as the inside of a garbage truck near the end of its route.


Of course, as the relative value of rewards for conquest continue to decline, I'll eventually stop caring about conquest bonus enough so that I'll strip 550 to 600 decos out of Tatooine, and it will once again be nice to look at.


Hm, apparently I'm still rather peeved about that change, I thought I had more or less gotten used to it. I guess not.




Anyhow, my most wanted list would be a fairly natural setting, with a hook limit/volume ratio that would work out as 250 to 375 hooks for a space the size of the Tatooine stronghold.


So the Jedi Zen garden canidates would be:




Kashyyk tree house (cause seriously, who doesn't want a treehouse in an old growth redwood ;) ).

Rakata beach house.

Hoth snow fort (or ice castle might be allowable too).

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Manaan (and only if this one is half above water and half below where you can see the sea life)



Those are the ones I would like.


Oh Zakuul! That would actually be a pretty cool apartment/stronghold, especially if one went the LS route at the end. The DS route...eh...not so much (i could just see the people all pissy).


I definitely want a Manaan one. I love the sea.

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HA! Good one!


Funny how many people have never seen that movie yet play a Star Wars game.


I saw all the movies, but 3000 years into the future isn't something I am going to worry about so I still would like a stronghold on Alderaan.


Just because people want a stronghold on Alderaan does not mean they haven't seen the movies. :rolleyes:

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I'd like one on Fleet because that's the chat channel I want to monitor. A Gravestone interior that I can decorate would be fine.


Indeed, a fleet chat in a stronghold would be nice, but strongholds in planets, like Manaan, will have that chat instead (a dead chat because no one visits Manaan). That's why I think a ship like guilds have would be awesome. We'd get the fleet chat ;)

Edited by Tadagyt
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My #1 change would be, drop hook limit on Tatooine back down by 500. That hook limit increase turned my Tatooine stronghold from being both good looking and my favorite, to merely marginally better than the others.


I like the additional hooks - I used them to add more NPC's. A stronghold with that much area needs NPC's.

Edited by Brayla_Sana
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iokath would be great, for a technics based stronghold. but what i'm looking for is a real torture chamber, with rivers of magma, skulls on the walls, a place to forge the strongest blades and testing them on repulics
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Hard to pick a number one favorite location for a new stronghold, so here's a few locations and design suggestions for stronghold locations that would work for both factions:


Alderaan - Noble estate set in/near the mountains. Garden and pool areas would be good features, as well as a tower or two. Great location for all kinds of characters.


Rishi - Secret island base with lots of rope bridges and catwalks between buildings. Great location for beach parties! Especially useful for underworld-themed characters, as well as for all those Rishi themed decorations which already exist!


Odessen - Somewhere overlooking the main hub base, because all of our characters in-story live on Odessen now. That tiny studio/office inside the base is laaaaame.


Hoth/Ilum - Partially underground, partially above ground complex of bunkers, with a pretty ice cave somewhere in the mix. If you go with Ilum over the other ice planet, you could even throw some Gree designed bits in there!


I didn't put Manaan on this list because while I like the planet from an aesthetic standpoint, it is just so tiny a part of TOR's story. All the existing strongholds are set on major storyline planets, whereas people only go to Manaan on one mission chain (which you can totally skip now and just go straight into KotFE) and then there's no reason to ever return. Not to mention I doubt the Selkath would want outsiders building and inhabiting structures on their planet... they're even more isolationist now than they were in KOTOR.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Adding a new Strongholds is something we talk about often as something we would love to do (just a question of if and when). I laugh because our internal conversations sound just like this thread, we all argue about our favorite places where we would love to have a Stronghold.


Keep the ideas coming.




Rishi please!

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See, I actually think that because they are struggling so much, we might actually get one. Not because it makes sense, but because it doesn't. With a new SH, they can pretend it took a lot of work.


To be fair, creating an enclosed, static map and sprinkling decoration hooks all over it would probably be easier to develop in terms of time and money spent than content with NPCs, dialogue, combat mechanics, puzzles, etc. It would also most likely incline some players to buy more Cartel Packs (since that's where the majority of decorations come from), which EAWare is always keen to encourage! So releasing a new stronghold might be a good way to try to pacify us 'haters' at least a bit without as much investment time as, say, the new op they're having to release in pieces months apart which maybe we will see finished by 2018.

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1. RISHI - my Smuggler would love a Pirate's Nest there

2. Odessen - it is just logical to have a SH there

3. Voss - I like the planet quite a bit and would love a SH there

4. Winter-theme SH on Hoth or Illum would be nice too

5. Mountain-SH on Alderan


Manaan doesn't make sense imho - although it would certainly look awesome (and we already got several Manaan-related decorations ...so who knows)

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Having a Fleet-Stronghold would be amazing, i just need that fleet chat for obvious reasons. Well, hanging out on the Guild Flagship is cool too, and i have fleet chat. So basically my strongholds are only there for pushing my conquest bonus nowadays.


Buuuut i read something on reddit that just blew my mind:


This, the main reason I don't hang out in strongholds is because I want/need to be connected to fleet chat... Why don't they add a galactic radio that lets me tune to fleet.


:eek: :eek: :eek: I. NEED. THAT. NOW! (me throwing CartelCoins at the face of Cartel Market)


Thanks to mabeira @ reddit

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  • 2 weeks later...
Having a Fleet-Stronghold would be amazing, i just need that fleet chat for obvious reasons. Well, hanging out on the Guild Flagship is cool too, and i have fleet chat. So basically my strongholds are only there for pushing my conquest bonus nowadays.


Buuuut i read something on reddit that just blew my mind:




:eek: :eek: :eek: I. NEED. THAT. NOW! (me throwing CartelCoins at the face of Cartel Market)


Thanks to mabeira @ reddit


That would be Helpful

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If they add a new stronghold I hope it:



  • Has a larger decoration item count not associated with conquest.
  • Has the ability to have fleet chat.
  • Has some cool hidden areas like Yavin 4.
  • Has quest/mission hubs like Odessan.
  • Has more super large hooks for the crazy number of oversized decorations.





Edited by Darkside
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