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100 new Galactic Command levels and exciting new gear rewards, on the way!


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That Kool-Aid sure tastes awesome, doesn't it.


Oh, and your opinion =/= objective fact, so get over yourself and stop haranguing us with this condescending, sanctimonious crap. We've heard it all before from defenders long before you.


I told you before, Ben:


A lot of us are sick of your un-ending lies, self-deluded arrogance, shameless money-grubbing, and patently transparent attempts at manipulation.


We don't want to hear it any ********ned more.


lol... youre the guy continually accusing people of being "Ben" arent you?! saw you doing the same to another guy the other day... gotta laugh at that mate.


Also... everything ive listed are FACTS. You CAN get BiS gear via PvP. You CAN get BiS gear from PvE (Ops)... you CAN craft 240s. these are FACTS. Simple truth is the likes of you want to get the best gear in ez mode... hopefully that will never again happen... but hey, you can always quit playing so i say vote with your wallet... go for it dude...

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I'd hate to be a new player playing catch up. These clowns didn't listen at all. This just makes me care about my GC rank even less. Complete backward thinking idiots. They're setting a new standard for taking the fun out of a game.

Remember when we first heard it would be 100 levels, and we all freaked out, so they made it 300...and a couple months later added another 100? It's kinda funny if you think about it...

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I'd hate to be a new player playing catch up. These clowns didn't listen at all. This just makes me care about my GC rank even less. Complete backward thinking idiots. They're setting a new standard for taking the fun out of a game.


Hate to be a new player with 5+ years of content ahead of them and all the best parts of tor to be experienced for the first time? I don't think they'll be too disappointed.


Gearing-up inefficiently with GC isn't something that's on too many new player's minds.

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Hate to be a new player with 5+ years of content ahead of them and all the best parts of tor to be experienced for the first time? I don't think they'll be too disappointed.


Gearing-up inefficiently with GC isn't something that's on too many new player's minds.


It will be soon. Very soon. In less than a week, probably. I took two characters 0-70 in the last week. One guy in General was L30 before leaving Hutta.


This game is all endgame now, even on the noobworlds.

Edited by stoopicus
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Hate to be a new player with 5+ years of content ahead of them and all the best parts of tor to be experienced for the first time? I don't think they'll be too disappointed.


Gearing-up inefficiently with GC isn't something that's on too many new player's minds.


Yeah, all that content is great until you hit 70 and then BAM grind wall BAM rng wall. It's so in-your-face and out of nowhere. The entire game leading up to 70 has no hint of grind or RNG then suddenly it requires it to the tune of 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS". Other games have grind and/or RNG built into the entire gaming experience. This one doesn't. It just doesn't belong.


And all that leading up to 70 means jack squat when you need to gear up for end game. And you can't do any of it until you hit that wall. What do you think new players will do when they hit this wall that the game didn't prepare them for? That's right. Same thing the vets have done. Screw this I'm out.


So yeah. I'd hate to be a new player playing catch up. Catching up is one thing but doing it through this abysmal iteration of RNG is another.

Edited by kodrac
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This is interesting.


I wonder how people who already reached rank 300 feel about going to level 301 after repeating level 300 many times already. I suspect none of those repeated ranks will be added retroactively to the count above 300.


I think it should NOT be retroactive. It helps allow the casuals to catch up to the no-lifers to help prevent PvP death.

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enter the "carebear" ... no willing to put the work in but wants BiS... lol. I hope we never go back to ALTS-R-US (4.0 - ez mode gearing) ... but whatever happens i will enjoy playing the game and deal with it. If you cant, unsub mate... simple as that...


Also reporting you for personal attacks. Bye, Felicia.

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Yeah, all that content is great until you hit 70 and then BAM grind wall BAM rng wall.


7 more class stories / expansions / story areas

GSF / Space Missions

GSH / collecting

Bolstered PVP / PVE


Also, we both know that they'll reach level 70 before they even finish their 1-50 story. A true new player (imho) will take their time and not get to that end stage for awhile. You keep calling it a wall but walls can be climbed. Lots of people have been able to adapt and acquire gear through more than just the GC alone.

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7 more class stories / expansions / story areas

GSF / Space Missions

GSH / collecting

Bolstered PVP / PVE


Also, we both know that they'll reach level 70 before they even finish their 1-50 story. A true new player (imho) will take their time and not get to that end stage for awhile. You keep calling it a wall but walls can be climbed. Lots of people have been able to adapt and acquire gear through more than just the GC alone.


I'm talking about gearing up for end game. Playing more stories and collecting stuff isn't end game gearing. I used 70 in the classical sense as an easier means of saying end game start point to start the GC grind. They'll hit level 70 before Corelia probably but isn't GC locked behind starting KOTFE? So they won't be able to start their grind to play with the big boys in end game until they've taken the KOTF plunge and then the uphill climb they face will smack them in the face.

Edited by kodrac
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It will be soon. Very soon. In less than a week, probably. I took two characters 0-70 in the last week. One guy in General was L30 before leaving Hutta.


This game is all endgame now, even on the noobworlds.


Yeah during dvl I was hitting 50's right shortly after getting to dromund kaas.

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Yeah during dvl I was hitting 50's right shortly after getting to dromund kaas.


It's even crazier now. My two were 20 on Hutta and 40+ by Balmorra - ONLY doing the class missions and exploration missions, no planetary arcs. Well, and the one midbies pop per hour that happened on average.

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This game makes me miss Star Wars Galaxies more ever year... I feel like the innovation is gone. I want an in-depth, open sandbox please...


I want a rich, comprehensive, ultra-deep foundation for rich, complex role-play.


By "role-play" I don't necessarily mean, like, "gather with others at the cantina and speak in-character/-universe" but a way to build and be the character I see myself being if I lived in the SW universe, and how he would develop, what he would become, and how he would use these things in-universe.


The difference between being The Adventurer/Hero and being an adventurer, with the potential to be a hero being entirely up to you.


You know, depth and player-agency, in a virtual universe.


What SW: G supposedly gave (never got around to playing it when it was live...One of my great gamer-regrets), despite its flaws and problems, what EVE-Online definitely gives me still to this day, almost 10 years later.


In other words, everything this blatantly railroaded, generic, quest-hub-to-quest-hub corridor-adventure isn't.


The explicitly quest-driven theme-park model has had its time, I think --I hope, I pray-- that the rise of V/R will finally put paid to it.


As well, I think it's safe to assume that we cannot look to the Blizzards/BioWares/EAs/UbiSofts/NCSofts/[insert AAA parasite of your choice] for this...MMOs are going to have to go back underground again, become the realm of nerds like us again, who know how to appreciate them, and why we should.


What we've got left here, thanks to...you know, that guy...is now just a bloated, hilariously jumped-up mobile/tablet-game that serves as window-dressing for a cash-shop.


This is not even close to a proper MMORPG anymore.


The initial impetus may have been BW: A's fault, but:


It's also our fault for not holding them --harshly, and without sympathy; Why should we be sympathetic, we pay them for this!-- to account for their 100% self-inflicted failures due to almost comical levels of arrogance, hubris, and egregious incompetence.


Maybe more of us should have got ourselves forum-bans for violating the tenets of the Sacred and Holy Church of BioWare Positivity instead of buying those asinine gambling bags, back when it counted?

Edited by midianlord
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I want a rich, comprehensive, ultra-deep foundation for rich, complex role-play.


By "role-play" I don't necessarily mean, like, "gather with others at the cantina and speak in-character/-universe" but a way to build and be the character I see myself being if I lived in the SW universe, and how he would develop, what he would become, and how he would use these things in-universe.


The difference between being The Adventurer/Hero and being an adventurer, with the potential to be a hero being entirely up to you.


You know, depth and player-agency, in a virtual universe.


What SW: G supposedly gave (never got around to playing it when it was live...One of my great gamer-regrets), despite its flaws and problems, what EVE-Online definitely gives me still to this day, almost 10 years later.


In other words, everything this blatantly railroaded, generic, quest-hub-to-quest-hub corridor-adventure isn't.


The explicitly quest-driven theme-park model has had its time, I think --I hope, I pray-- that the rise of V/R will finally put paid to it.


As well, I think it's safe to assume that we cannot look to the Blizzards/BioWares/EAs/UbiSofts/NCSofts/[insert AAA parasite of your choice] for this...MMOs are going to have to go back underground again, become the realm of nerds like us again, who know how to appreciate them, and why we should.


What we've got left here, thanks to...you know, that guy...is now just a bloated, hilariously jumped-up mobile/tablet-game that serves as window-dressing for a cash-shop.


This is not even close to a proper MMORPG anymore.


The initial impetus may have been BW: A's fault, but:


It's also our fault for not holding them --harshly, and without sympathy; Why should we be sympathetic, we pay them for this!-- to account for their 100% self-inflicted failures due to almost comical levels of arrogance, hubris, and egregious incompetence.


Maybe more of us should have got ourselves forum-bans for violating the tenets of the Sacred and Holy Church of BioWare Positivity instead of buying those asinine gambling bags, back when it counted?


SWG made me feel like I was actually in a living, breathing, and vibrant Star Wars universe centered on community, and I don't know too many people at all who felt differently... Best gaming experience of my life, despite the bugs/flaws. This 100 extra "exciting" levels of GC just makes me wish this game would die already, so someone else can get a try at making a SW MMO (hopefully without EA screwing it up too) and hope that it doesn't end up like this. I was beyond hyped for this game... I was the 6389th registered user on the forums and have been here since the day they announced the game officially all the way to now, but I find myself wondering why I keep up my sub when I see announcements like this GC crap. It's like a slap in the face.

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I wonder if they hired this braind dead man just to kill the game.....:rak_02:


He's been around too long for that to have been the initial reason but it sure seems like it is the very reason he is around now.


Yea,. yea... I know it cant all fall on one person but someone is always the spearhead to terrible decisions getting pushed through like what 5.0 brought and Ole Ben seems to be that guy.

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