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Bioware Please Merge Servers


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That is a very good point. They shouldn't do any server merges until they have a solid, complete transfer system for both characters and guilds. Even if a guild had to be disbanded for some reason, the CC, credits, and frameworks ought to be fully refunded so they can be used to rebuild on the destination server. I've never seen a server merge in any MMO that didn't include guilds and their assets, so I didn't realize that SWTOR doesn't transfer them.
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Free transfers for low pop servers.


Server merge sucks; people who had no choice in the matter get forced renames. Guilds get forced renames. :eek:




I could easily get behind this.


As for mergers...they have always moved the highest pop to the lowest pop...that way names that are taken on the higher pop servers are freed up on the lower pop ones. Guilds didn't just get forced renames, they got forced closures. Nothing from guilds transferred in the past...Bioware would need to address this which is why I think free moves from low pop servers is the best we could hope to see.

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I could easily get behind this.


As for mergers...they have always moved the highest pop to the lowest pop...that way names that are taken on the higher pop servers are freed up on the lower pop ones. Guilds didn't just get forced renames, they got forced closures. Nothing from guilds transferred in the past...Bioware would need to address this which is why I think free moves from low pop servers is the best we could hope to see.


I don't see why you think transfers should be free only from low pop to high pop?


To paraphrase you, why should the person who wants to escape a cesspool community hav to pay more than the person that wants to join that cesspool community?

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I don't see why you think transfers should be free only from low pop to high pop?


To paraphrase you, why should the person who wants to escape a cesspool community hav to pay more than the person that wants to join that cesspool community?


Because the entire basis for this discussion stems from low pop issues.


It's the topic, start a thread: "Free Transfers for Cesspool Servers"

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Because the entire basis for this discussion stems from low pop issues.


It's the topic, start a thread: "Free Transfers for Cesspool Servers"


No, the topic is "merge servers:" not "free transfers to cesspool servers".


That does not explain why the person who wants to move to a cesspool server should be able to do so for free, but the person who wants to escape that cesspool server should have to pay to do so.

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Forget server merges they are horrible.


Forced guild renames because of naming conflicts

Forced char renames because of naming conflicts


Give free transfers to low pop servers.


If any transfers were to be made free, why should the free transfers be only one way, even if as you just suggested those free transfers were TO low pop servers?

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This would certainly be a good solution at this time...but we honestly don't need 6 freaking servers...we don't need 3, but 3 make sense to me due to the regions.


Agreed. It's nice you want to accommodate the RP players with their own servers but at this juncture of evolution RP/PVP/PVE is a non sequitur. The final arrangement of North American servers would logically be just 3 - East Coast Midwest (former RP'ers) and West Coast.


side note: Currently I'm noticing lots of frequent red X's on Harbinger. If I put on my tech support cap on I would suspect the increase in folks logging in from Asia/Europe/Eastern USA is forcing it to work overtime. So, while the isolationists are keeping progress at bay and the EAware Staff confused the incremental migration of folks coming to the promise land of Harbinger is degrading the quality of life there in the way of lag and disconnects.

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No, the topic is "merge servers:" not "free transfers to cesspool servers".


That does not explain why the person who wants to move to a cesspool server should be able to do so for free, but the person who wants to escape that cesspool server should have to pay to do so.


OK free transfers for all!


/confetti /horns /balloons

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I thought I remembered seeing a website years ago that gave somewhat of an estimate on server populations and statistics. Does something like that still exist? All I see is the "server status" page the official website provides and that doesn't do much (because when I play I forget that it exists, and when I don't play it's always off-peak, i.e. Light Light Light Light Light)
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Agreed. It's nice you want to accommodate the RP players with their own servers but at this juncture of evolution RP/PVP/PVE is a non sequitur. The final arrangement of North American servers would logically be just 3 - East Coast Midwest (former RP'ers) and West Coast.


side note: Currently I'm noticing lots of frequent red X's on Harbinger. If I put on my tech support cap on I would suspect the increase in folks logging in from Asia/Europe/Eastern USA is forcing it to work overtime. So, while the isolationists are keeping progress at bay and the EAware Staff confused the incremental migration of folks coming to the promise land of Harbinger is degrading the quality of life there in the way of lag and disconnects.


"We don't need RP servers anymore so lets make 3 servers, 1 for East Coast, 1 for West Coast and 1 for RP." *inserts /speechless gif here*


The red Xs have been all West Coast servers. Someone's dropping the ball out there. And Harbinger's always been the least stable server going all the way back to the first server merges.

Edited by kodrac
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No, the topic is "merge servers:" not "free transfers to cesspool servers".


That does not explain why the person who wants to move to a cesspool server should be able to do so for free, but the person who wants to escape that cesspool server should have to pay to do so.


Because if all transfers were free and unlimited, you could easily abuse that system and transfer, for example, one toon around to game the economy. That's already happening, by the way. I'm playing on a low population server, and with the current crafting conquest our guild leader transferred a toon to Red Eclipse and back to buy mats, because they are way cheaper over there. And that's with the cost of 180 CC to do so. Imagine what free, unlimited transfers could do to ranked PVP, economy and so on.


Which could of course be avoided by giving a cooldown of, say, a week for transferring a specific toon. Than I had absolutely no objection to free transfers for all people. But that would lose BW money, so... ;)

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I thought I remembered seeing a website years ago that gave somewhat of an estimate on server populations and statistics. Does something like that still exist? All I see is the "server status" page the official website provides and that doesn't do much (because when I play I forget that it exists, and when I don't play it's always off-peak, i.e. Light Light Light Light Light)


I'm not sure what they site is, but I believe that such a site exists, although its accuracy has been questioned by some.


One thing to remember, though, is that at least some of the servers were upgraded and had their capacity increased, so what shows as "light" now may have been medium or possibly even standard before the upgrade.

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Because if all transfers were free and unlimited, you could easily abuse that system and transfer, for example, one toon around to game the economy. That's already happening, by the way. I'm playing on a low population server, and with the current crafting conquest our guild leader transferred a toon to Red Eclipse and back to buy mats, because they are way cheaper over there. And that's with the cost of 180 CC to do so. Imagine what free, unlimited transfers could do to ranked PVP, economy and so on.


Which could of course be avoided by giving a cooldown of, say, a week for transferring a specific toon. Than I had absolutely no objection to free transfers for all people. But that would lose BW money, so... ;)


I'm not necessarily advocating free transfers for all as I agree with you about the potential for abuse, but I am definitely against making transfers free for only one subset of players.


I believe the 90 CC is a fair compromise as it allows subscribers to use their stipends to move multiple characters each month, while not being as open to abuse as free transfers would be. That is just my opinion, though.

Edited by Ratajack
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Lol dude, all the other foreign language servers besides the 2 in the OP are DEAD. There is NO community on them. They have no reason to still be up and operational.


It's kinda funny how you basically say the same sentence over and over again without even trying to argue or answer my questions in a serious manner. But okay, I understand. Everything you say is absolutely right and every other opinion is wrong and laughable.


Lol, dude. ;)


It seems the French and German communities are just fine and dandy on TRE.


"It seems"... that's exactly what I ment. You make assumptions based on what you hear or read about the servers. But you barely present us solid arguments.


LOL RP getting its special flavor? RP isn't getting anything


Getting a dedicated RP server is way more than other MMOs are offering to their RP community.


And if you think they are getting its special flavor where were you when the studio decided to make PvP servers irrelevant by making PvP/PvE instances for all servers?


I was probably sitting here, asking why Bioware wasn't introducing RP instanced for all server as well.


All I said was that I do not understand why it is feasible to merge PVE and PVP, but not PVE and RP. Why should RP players keep their own servers when many PVP players already lost their's?


And no, I'm not a salty PVP player who lost her initial server. I'm actually playing on an RP server myself.


RP servers need to be on there own because they will certainly not mesh with servers like Harbinger. Our players will ruin their experience. RP'ers will be running around like headless chickens. It would do more harm than good trying to force RP'ers onto servers where PvE'ers and PvP'ers play on.


Ah, the one point I sorta agree. Yes, combined servers will make it easier for trolls to ruin the RP experience and, I'm honest, I have no clue how to fix that. But seriously, if someone wants to troll the RP community, he will do it, no matter if he has to change the server or not.


RP communities don't always mesh with those like Harbinger. People talk down to/about RPers, interrupt events (Entrance to the Sith Academy is a terrible place to RP given how many people PvP duel there and use /s to talk to each other.


And that's actually the reason why I would love to have instanced RP (including an additional RP chat that is only active within those instances) instead of a dedicated server. Instanced RP would decrease the number of people ruining events by accident and it would allow the players to hide the general chat if they don't want to read through all the ooc discussions.


Ex from Pubside fleet: http://imgur.com/a/A1Kyo


And that's on The Ebon Hawk..an RP server.


Thanks for the screenshot as it perfectly proves my point. :)

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I don't see why you think transfers should be free only from low pop to high pop?
I don't see why you think I feel that way when I said nothing of the sort. Do you just like picking fights or is comprehension the issue?
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And that's actually the reason why I would love to have instanced RP (including an additional RP chat that is only active within those instances) instead of a dedicated server. Instanced RP would decrease the number of people ruining events by accident and it would allow the players to hide the general chat if they don't want to read through all the ooc discussions.


I like the idea but you know trolls would turn on the RP instance just to go trolling. If we were starting up a new game and deciding server types it might be part of the discussion but not when it already exists.

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I don't see why you think I feel that way when I said nothing of the sort. Do you just like picking fights or is comprehension the issue?


It might ahve something to do with the post to which I responded.


Allow me to quote you:


I could easily get behind this.


As for mergers...they have always moved the highest pop to the lowest pop...that way names that are taken on the higher pop servers are freed up on the lower pop ones. Guilds didn't just get forced renames, they got forced closures. Nothing from guilds transferred in the past...Bioware would need to address this which is why I think free moves from low pop servers is the best we could hope to see.


You did not simply say "free server transfers", but specifically said "free moves from low pop servers".

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It might ahve something to do with the post to which I responded.


Allow me to quote you:


You did not simply say "free server transfers", but specifically said "free moves from low pop servers".

I'm glad you can read it...but you seem to be seeing words that were never said. I never said I was against free moves from higher to lower, I very specifically said "free moves from low pop servers is the best we could hope to see".

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I'm glad you can read it...but you seem to be seeing words that were never said. I never said I was against free moves from higher to lower, I very specifically said "free moves from low pop servers is the best we could hope to see".


So, do you favor free transfers for all, with the increased potential for abuse that free server transfers would provide?


Do you favor the minimal cost of the 90 CC transfers which at least provide some deterrent to abusing the transfer system while not being, in the words of some, "exorbitantly priced"?


Do you favor only free transfers from low pop to high pop servers, and if so, where do you draw the line as to what qualifies as low pop for free transfers?

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So, do you favor free transfers for all, with the increased potential for abuse that free server transfers would provide?


Do you favor the minimal cost of the 90 CC transfers which at least provide some deterrent to abusing the transfer system while not being, in the words of some, "exorbitantly priced"?


Do you favor only free transfers from low pop to high pop servers, and if so, where do you draw the line as to what qualifies as low pop for free transfers?

I'm glad you asked...I favor free transfers for all. I don't care where you play or if you want to be alone or with others, all I care about is that you're happy while playing, no matter where that is.

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Getting a dedicated RP server is way more than other MMOs are offering to their RP community


And that's actually the reason why I would love to have instanced RP (including an additional RP chat that is only active within those instances) instead of a dedicated server. Instanced RP would decrease the number of people ruining events by accident and it would allow the players to hide the general chat if they don't want to read through all the ooc discussions.


Thanks for the screenshot as it perfectly proves my point. :)


While I can't speak in terms of population, but some MMORPGs are understanding RP needs more. LotRO has 2-3 RP specific servers with certain strict rules (like if certain chat channels are IC or OOC, naming rules, etc. shame those are all EU), and a couple RP encouraged (i believe 1 EU and one US), with those rules not enforced nearly as strictly but the idea is still there.


And yeah, general chat can be a problem. I think if they did the instance bit, they'd need moderators around more, since that problem could still easily happen using the /say channel as well.


I'll admit I'm not too keen on merges, after hearing about the nightmare last time, and from reading posts from two certain people who claimed all servers needed merged into one, despite certain communities still surviving quite well. If it comes to merges, though, I'd accept and carry on...mainly because I love Star Wars, I'm still enjoying the game, and, while it needs back on the MMO track (slowly getting there), I want it to build back up into an awesome game. Just want to make sure the RP community doesn't die in the process.

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I'm glad you asked...I favor free transfers for all. I don't care where you play or if you want to be alone or with others, all I care about is that you're happy while playing, no matter where that is.


So, you favor making it far easier for players to abuse the system.


For some reason, I am not surprised.

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