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Bioware Please Merge Servers


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I dont see any way BW could merge the servers in a reasonable way.


Let's have a look at reality, the conditions of the contract you signed with BW. BW allows you 390 character slots (if you dont believe me, log in and check the little earth under your charlist). Currently the amount of chars per server is 52 maximal with unlocks.


So if they merge three servers into one per region and language, they effective need to tripple the size of the database minimum. Why they need to tripple it? Well there are a lot of people who solved the "not fast enough que time" on their own by spreading themselves over more then one server by making new legacies or moving just one char and expanding from that point again. For some of you this might sounds strange, but the question is not if it's done, the question is how many have done it. Such players of course do not add a lot to the que times because they split their time and mainly play story in the RPG part of this game, but that is their choice. Those players are mostly invinsible, they dont sit on fleet. The fact will stand: There are players with those 390 chars just because those players see managing such an army as their challenge. Same as some of you see a kill death ratio of 10 to 1 as theirs. Such is the nature of a MMO, a lot of different players with different motivations playing next to each other but not necessary with each other.


But those players define now a complete new problem, in the opposite of the first mergers. You cant go along and taking stuff from playing/paying customers if you merge. By a merge the responsibility lies within the frontiers of the studio. A free char transfer doesn't have that problem, because decision and responsibility lies within the individual player.


In the first two mergers there were neither such enourmous amounts of char slots, not there were guild ships nor strongholds. The only problem were the names and the disbanding and reforming of guilds on the target server. A lot of guilds broke because the merge was badly handled from studio and players both. Guilds had all of sudden new leaders due enforced name changes. Not all members noticed fast enough that their trusted officer now had a new name, or even worse both member and officer had new names :rolleyes: Some guilds got trolled by another guild from their original server took their name first. Vendettas always belong into MMORPGs too. It was a mess guys and gals. Just because you were lucky, you were not wading through renaming Ros. (Private Addon: All but two chars of my original 27 had to rename. Funny as I am I try till today to get one of those taken names back. :rolleyes: Small Tought: The spreading over servers started with the Cathar species for some players, close to 3 years before. Because if you went over char limit due the merge, you could unlock only till char number 22. For me that would have meant delete six chars down to 21 to get then a Cathar, the image designer wasn't in game then. Another problem: the ties on the newer legacies/new guilds to other players are also grown over a long time, so a deletion of chars might be too painfull.)


Back to topic, we now have those "landlord" players with 156 chars, 15 strongholds, tripple the item amount for stronghold items (999 items per stack like it is now trippled, that's 2997 per item), we need the tripple size of the CM item storage (stuff you buy into CM, included to game with DvL event). That is that only, databank storage.


If we go for one server per region, the european servers needs to swallow 9 servers, so do we need the ninth size of the current database? We all have not the tinest idea how the iternal structure of TOR looks like and can just guess if it's even possible to handle. But we all know how aggressive some players react when you type something not in english on fleet chats. I dont think that is a good solution to get the different language servers on top of the problems we have on TRE already. :rolleyes:



But that is not the end of the enourmous legacies and their problems. So what we do with the aquiered 15 strongholds in the extreme case? Do we just deleted those stuff or do we go with "Coruscant 1", "Coruscant 2" and "Coruscant 3"? As there are definitive cartel coins paid by some of those players (either unlocks or furniture) this is not a solution the devs would dare. So they would increase the amount of stronghold hooks so that all those cartel market stuff could fit in. Redesign the strongholds then so that they can carry more hooks? Let them rot with all their tons of items? Dont we all prefer new content or more players instead?


Also we have the problem with the guilds which are also spread over more then one server. You surely all know some of them yourself. Their membership is not often a 1 versus 1. On the lower pop servers there are those who want to do something more undisturbed at times like RP. Other players wanted RP in secure environment plus raids and went a PvE server additionally. New players joined there on the higher pop server. So to which size do we move the limit of guildmembership? Must we tripple that size too? What we do when such a guild has two or three complete outfitted guildships? Should they be allowed to keep all three? What do we do with the cartel market coins which flowed into those ships into the pockets of BW?


As much as I appreciate Iceykills try to get the RP crowd their needs, the proposed solution will sadly not work. The "Partycrashers" who find a kick in disturbing the RP community, will just enter the instance and do what they please. You can ignore their chat and emotions, but they stay visible on screen. Their behaviour stays visible and even if the RP players remain calm, a player who does push ups (harmless example) in the middle of their meeting or training event is interrupting. The RPers would need to leave that place and hope not to be found again. Try that when you made an event in the Korriban Sith Academy... :confused: You would need a strongly moderated instance just because some players can annoy and irritate others. On YouTube you see the videos they proudly present of their glorious deeds making life less enjoyable for RP players. Ratajack is here sadly right. I dont see a solution for the RP crowd should they be forced to move to Harbinger/Red Eclypse. I am afraid the most of them will leave, making the player count even lower. Here the snake bites its own tail then again. Less players, less money for development, less content, game over. :(


I have no answers and solutions for those "landlord" or "RP" problems because I know too few about the internal structure of this game. And even when I am far from 390 chars I dont want to see such players ignored just because the "merge now" players forget about them. The solution for the "We need faster ques" players is definitive not the best either. I can absolutly admit that. But let's face it, the studio was never prepared to merge, not in the first time nor now. The free char transfers might be the only way BW can go in the foreseeable future. But even when BW would say that, the players wouldn't stop coming here and demand a merge. So why should they even try to communicate if players use their fantasies instead of the word. BW never stated cross server would come nor that mergers are now imminent in 2017. This is either happening due very bad knowledge of the english language or too much beer.

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The problem is that you have no real opinions.

You only disagree with the opinions of other people.

Your whole attitude can be expressed by sentence:

"You are wrong, I am right, merging servers is bad."

Icykill_ was absolutely right about you.




Oh, so we finally know your goal.

You're trying to save all people on dead servers before the gruesome fate "merging servers".

It's so (stupid) noble of you...


For your information, my server had once been merged with another server.

I did not lose a single character, name or stronghold and there wasn't any payment.



From this point I beginning to ignore you like Icykill_.

That rubbish what you write is really unbearable.


Considering that, unless I am mistaken, the previous server merges took place before stongholds existed, there really was no stronghold tgo lose, was there? Kind of dishonest, to say the least, to imply that server merges would not affect strongholds.


Once again, tell me how server merges will protect your strongholds and preserver your names, two of the reasons why you REFUSE to avail yourself of the option available to you that would allow you to play on a sever with a higher population.

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I dont see any way BW could merge the servers in a reasonable way.


Let's have a look at reality, the conditions of the contract you signed with BW. BW allows you 390 character slots (if you dont believe me, log in and check the little earth under your charlist). Currently the amount of chars per server is 52 maximal with unlocks.


So if they merge three servers into one per region and language, they effective need to tripple the size of the database minimum. Why they need to tripple it? Well there are a lot of people who solved the "not fast enough que time" on their own by spreading themselves over more then one server by making new legacies or moving just one char and expanding from that point again. For some of you this might sounds strange, but the question is not if it's done, the question is how many have done it. Such players of course do not add a lot to the que times because they split their time and mainly play story in the RPG part of this game, but that is their choice. Those players are mostly invinsible, they dont sit on fleet. The fact will stand: There are players with those 390 chars just because those players see managing such an army as their challenge. Same as some of you see a kill death ratio of 10 to 1 as theirs. Such is the nature of a MMO, a lot of different players with different motivations playing next to each other but not necessary with each other.


But those players define now a complete new problem, in the opposite of the first mergers. You cant go along and taking stuff from playing/paying customers if you merge. By a merge the responsibility lies within the frontiers of the studio. A free char transfer doesn't have that problem, because decision and responsibility lies within the individual player.


In the first two mergers there were neither such enourmous amounts of char slots, not there were guild ships nor strongholds. The only problem were the names and the disbanding and reforming of guilds on the target server. A lot of guilds broke because the merge was badly handled from studio and players both. Guilds had all of sudden new leaders due enforced name changes. Not all members noticed fast enough that their trusted officer now had a new name, or even worse both member and officer had new names :rolleyes: Some guilds got trolled by another guild from their original server took their name first. Vendettas always belong into MMORPGs too. It was a mess guys and gals. Just because you were lucky, you were not wading through renaming Ros. (Private Addon: All but two chars of my original 27 had to rename. Funny as I am I try till today to get one of those taken names back. :rolleyes: Small Tought: The spreading over servers started with the Cathar species for some players, close to 3 years before. Because if you went over char limit due the merge, you could unlock only till char number 22. For me that would have meant delete six chars down to 21 to get then a Cathar, the image designer wasn't in game then. Another problem: the ties on the newer legacies/new guilds to other players are also grown over a long time, so a deletion of chars might be too painfull.)


Back to topic, we now have those "landlord" players with 156 chars, 15 strongholds, tripple the item amount for stronghold items (999 items per stack like it is now trippled, that's 2997 per item), we need the tripple size of the CM item storage (stuff you buy into CM, included to game with DvL event). That is that only, databank storage.


If we go for one server per region, the european servers needs to swallow 9 servers, so do we need the ninth size of the current database? We all have not the tinest idea how the iternal structure of TOR looks like and can just guess if it's even possible to handle. But we all know how aggressive some players react when you type something not in english on fleet chats. I dont think that is a good solution to get the different language servers on top of the problems we have on TRE already. :rolleyes:



But that is not the end of the enourmous legacies and their problems. So what we do with the aquiered 15 strongholds in the extreme case? Do we just deleted those stuff or do we go with "Coruscant 1", "Coruscant 2" and "Coruscant 3"? As there are definitive cartel coins paid by some of those players (either unlocks or furniture) this is not a solution the devs would dare. So they would increase the amount of stronghold hooks so that all those cartel market stuff could fit in. Redesign the strongholds then so that they can carry more hooks? Let them rot with all their tons of items? Dont we all prefer new content or more players instead?


Also we have the problem with the guilds which are also spread over more then one server. You surely all know some of them yourself. Their membership is not often a 1 versus 1. On the lower pop servers there are those who want to do something more undisturbed at times like RP. Other players wanted RP in secure environment plus raids and went a PvE server additionally. New players joined there on the higher pop server. So to which size do we move the limit of guildmembership? Must we tripple that size too? What we do when such a guild has two or three complete outfitted guildships? Should they be allowed to keep all three? What do we do with the cartel market coins which flowed into those ships into the pockets of BW?


As much as I appreciate Iceykills try to get the RP crowd their needs, the proposed solution will sadly not work. The "Partycrashers" who find a kick in disturbing the RP community, will just enter the instance and do what they please. You can ignore their chat and emotions, but they stay visible on screen. Their behaviour stays visible and even if the RP players remain calm, a player who does push ups (harmless example) in the middle of their meeting or training event is interrupting. The RPers would need to leave that place and hope not to be found again. Try that when you made an event in the Korriban Sith Academy... :confused: You would need a strongly moderated instance just because some players can annoy and irritate others. On YouTube you see the videos they proudly present of their glorious deeds making life less enjoyable for RP players. Ratajack is here sadly right. I dont see a solution for the RP crowd should they be forced to move to Harbinger/Red Eclypse. I am afraid the most of them will leave, making the player count even lower. Here the snake bites its own tail then again. Less players, less money for development, less content, game over. :(


I have no answers and solutions for those "landlord" or "RP" problems because I know too few about the internal structure of this game. And even when I am far from 390 chars I dont want to see such players ignored just because the "merge now" players forget about them. The solution for the "We need faster ques" players is definitive not the best either. I can absolutly admit that. But let's face it, the studio was never prepared to merge, not in the first time nor now. The free char transfers might be the only way BW can go in the foreseeable future. But even when BW would say that, the players wouldn't stop coming here and demand a merge. So why should they even try to communicate if players use their fantasies instead of the word. BW never stated cross server would come nor that mergers are now imminent in 2017. This is either happening due very bad knowledge of the english language or too much beer.


Be prepared to find yourself on people's ignore lists for speaking the truth and not blindly supporting server merges.

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The problem is that you have no real opinions.

You only disagree with the opinions of other people.

Your whole attitude can be expressed by sentence:

"You are wrong, I am right, merging servers is bad."

Icykill_ was absolutely right about you.




Oh, so we finally know your goal.

You're trying to save all people on dead servers before the gruesome fate "merging servers".

It's so (stupid) noble of you...


For your information, my server had once been merged with another server.

I did not lose a single character, name or stronghold and there wasn't any payment.



From this point I beginning to ignore you like Icykill_.

That rubbish what you write is really unbearable.


Why should your desire to play on a higher population server be any more important than the desire of someone NOT to play on a higher population server with a cesspool community?

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Uhm, why exactly do you expect people to recommend a german or french server to people asking in an english speaking forum?

Lol dude, all the other foreign language servers besides the 2 in the OP are DEAD. There is NO community on them. They have no reason to still be up and operational.


Also there are plenty of people playing this game while not being familiar with the english language. It might be a surprise, but not everyone in the world speaks english, especially not in a sense that you can flawlessly write in character when playing on a RP server.

It seems the French and German communities are just fine and dandy on TRE. Besides, here in the US we've had to deal with horrible Brazilian players and it seems they get around perfectly ok in a server full of English native speakers. Occasionally I'll see one of them throw around "BR?" in Gen Chat hoping to get some tells from other BRs.


Uh, yes. Because forum activity equals server population, right?

In this special circumstance yes, yes it does. :)


Why are you keep saying this? No, there are no obvious reasons for keeping separated RP servers when at the same time merging PVE and PVP. Why should the RP community be the one getting it's special flavor?

LOL RP getting its special flavor? RP isn't getting anything. Dude, the RP servers have always been the ones with the lowest populations. And if you think they are getting its special flavor where were you when the studio decided to make PvP servers irrelevant by making PvP/PvE instances for all servers?


RP servers need to be on there own because they will certainly not mesh with servers like Harbinger. Our players will ruin their experience. RP'ers will be running around like headless chickens. It would do more harm than good trying to force RP'ers onto servers where PvE'ers and PvP'ers play on.


Why not just make like 4 Mega servers


US West, US East, Europe, Asia

APAC servers were consolidated into the West Coast servers 4 years ago. :p


BTW I think we need to stop using that term. Megaservers simply won't work unless this game has like probably 10k players left IMO. I think where the game's at now the amount of servers I've suggested is perfect. It'll keep the RP community happy, players who prefer quieter servers can transfer to 1 of the 3 RP servers in the OP, and PvP'ers and PvE'ers will almost always see activity on their server.


I agree that Jedi Cov and Shadowlands should merge.


As for the West, I would just say let it be Harb alone. If there's no RP server out there, no need to make one. Just not enough demand I'd guess.

The RP servers I've listed have always been here. They need to be left because RP'ers will get their heads ripped off by players in servers like Harb and TRE.

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West Coast:

Bastion merged into Harbinger (General Play)



East Coast:

Shadowlands and Prophecy of the Five merged into JC (General Play)

Jung Ma merged into Ebon Hawk (RP)


2 servers per coast, one for the general population that wants people to group with for ops, pvp, etc and one for people that want to RP or have a quieter server to single player on. The RP playerbase should not be commingled with the general playerbase. The harrassment and tomfoolery on Harbinger, the server I play on, towards BC people would be pretty shocking I imagine.


Of the solutions I've seen so far, Caprica's makes the most sense. You could debate whether Shadowlands should be merged into JC or the other way around, but overall this looks like the best solution to me.


Population is a problem. Doing nothing essentially means they have written off the game to die, because that is what is going to happen if they don't manage population.

Edited by kvandertulip
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I know you didn't. You mistakenly used the word choice. You said he has the choice...which he doesn't, he has to purchase it.


You're projecting. He is choosing. Choosing not to transfer. Whether it be because it's a hassle or because of principles it's still making a choice. You're just projecting your principles into his choice here.

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Ever since the PvP servers died in late 2014 I've been in full support for heavy consolidations. It's common knowledge that the playerbase is the smallest it's ever been and it will continue to go on this way with more dwindling players unless there's ONE major server for each location.


This is the ideal solution for this situation:


West Coast:

The Harbinger (main server)

Begeren Colony (RP server)


East Coast:

The Shadowlands (main server)

The Ebon Hawk (RP server)



The Red Eclipse (main server)

The Progenitor (RP server)


I could get on board with this IF it MUST be done.

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You're projecting. He is choosing. Choosing not to transfer. Whether it be because it's a hassle or because of principles it's still making a choice. You're just projecting your principles into his choice here.

That's fine. I'm just happy he's chosen not to quit yet...and I think it's up to Bioware to encourage him to stay.

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I could get on board with this IF it MUST be done.


BC has to go it's not really a populated server at all if anything it should be merged into TEH and that goes for Jung Ma as well so TEH becomes the only US RP server and then the issue of the PvE servers lets just make a new one called " Headache " because players will lose names ohh well things happen in games and it's only a game.


EU servers nobody on the US servers should be even calling the shots about EU because 1. your not German or French so you won't be effected by what can happen to a server that has a different native language than the server type now yes lots of people speak English and write it but what about the players that don't.


We all want solutions and trust me I do to but some people have to bite the bullet and just lose the player name or a possible stronghold reset I have so many toons my self and will get effected by this issue in some way because I'm a multi server player and if by losing a player name or a stronghold reset gives me a better game play then that's fine.


Also some steps to take is take screenshots of the stronghold setup this will make it easy to replicate it as I have done this so it's the same on other servers and you will find it's very fast to redo the stronghold.

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BC has to go it's not really a populated server at all if anything it should be merged into TEH and that goes for Jung Ma as well so TEH becomes the only US RP server and then the issue of the PvE servers lets just make a new one called " Headache " because players will lose names ohh well things happen in games and it's only a game.


EU servers nobody on the US servers should be even calling the shots about EU because 1. your not German or French so you won't be effected by what can happen to a server that has a different native language than the server type now yes lots of people speak English and write it but what about the players that don't.


We all want solutions and trust me I do to but some people have to bite the bullet and just lose the player name or a possible stronghold reset I have so many toons my self and will get effected by this issue in some way because I'm a multi server player and if by losing a player name or a stronghold reset gives me a better game play then that's fine.


Also some steps to take is take screenshots of the stronghold setup this will make it easy to replicate it as I have done this so it's the same on other servers and you will find it's very fast to redo the stronghold.


It is NOT necessary to force those headaches on everyone when the individual player has the CHOICE of the type of server on which they choose to play.


Server merges are not going to magically fix the excuses that those who CHOOSE to remain on their current server use to try to justify their refusal to take some accountability to solve their perceived problem using the means available to do so. Server merges will only force everyone to suffer those headaches and nightmares.


Server merges will not magically give those in New Zealand who play during non prime hours instant pops. Server merges will not give the person who's toxic behavior has landed him on too many ignore lists instant pops. Server merges will not magically make people start to queue for PVP if they do not like PVP. Server merges will not make people who choose to do their group activity with friends and guildmates start using the LFG tool to find themselves grouped with random members of a toxic, cesspool community.

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BC has to go it's not really a populated server at all if anything it should be merged into TEH and that goes for Jung Ma as well so TEH becomes the only US RP server and then the issue of the PvE servers lets just make a new one called " Headache " because players will lose names ohh well things happen in games and it's only a game.


EU servers nobody on the US servers should be even calling the shots about EU because 1. your not German or French so you won't be effected by what can happen to a server that has a different native language than the server type now yes lots of people speak English and write it but what about the players that don't.


We all want solutions and trust me I do to but some people have to bite the bullet and just lose the player name or a possible stronghold reset I have so many toons my self and will get effected by this issue in some way because I'm a multi server player and if by losing a player name or a stronghold reset gives me a better game play then that's fine.


Also some steps to take is take screenshots of the stronghold setup this will make it easy to replicate it as I have done this so it's the same on other servers and you will find it's very fast to redo the stronghold.


BC is an RP server so it's always had a lower pop and the people their chose that knowingly. The people on BC would not fit in the cesspool of other servers. That's why Talon split up the servers for RP. Also server location, east coast and west coast. I don't think you Euros understand that concept. The US can't have just one server.

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The population of a server is, surprisingly enough, often a subjective judgement.

If you love PVP but most of your server is into RP, it's going to feel like an empty wasteland.

If each of the servers had a listed specialty and everyone was given a week of free transfers to move to a server that matches their playstyle, I think everyone would find their server sufficiently populated.

Those who like the feel of a low-pop server could move to one that doesn't cater to their style of play.

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BC is an RP server so it's always had a lower pop and the people their chose that knowingly. The people on BC would not fit in the cesspool of other servers. That's why Talon split up the servers for RP. Also server location, east coast and west coast. I don't think you Euros understand that concept. The US can't have just one server.


LOL I'm not a euro I'm further away from all servers than most people even though I can handle pings of 300+ ms and still do what I need to do.

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Why are you keep saying this? No, there are no obvious reasons for keeping separated RP servers when at the same time merging PVE and PVP. Why should the RP community be the one getting it's special flavor?


RP communities don't always mesh with those like Harbinger. People talk down to/about RPers, interrupt events (Entrance to the Sith Academy is a terrible place to RP given how many people PvP duel there and use /s to talk to each other. Ex from Pubside fleet: http://imgur.com/a/A1Kyo


And that's on The Ebon Hawk..an RP server.

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Merging server threads/posts are on the General section first page nearly every day and yet there is never a reply from the staff...........................


The only "reply" was to extend the 90 CC transfer sale indefinitely, thereby leaving the choice of server and server population up to the individual player.


Of course, leaving the choice of server and server population up to the individual player is not enough for some. Some will not be happy until and unless everyone is forced to suffer the headaches and nightmares that a server merge would cause.

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The population of a server is, surprisingly enough, often a subjective judgement.

If you love PVP but most of your server is into RP, it's going to feel like an empty wasteland.

If each of the servers had a listed specialty and everyone was given a week of free transfers to move to a server that matches their playstyle, I think everyone would find their server sufficiently populated.

Those who like the feel of a low-pop server could move to one that doesn't cater to their style of play.


One of the key differences is this.

With server transfers you move your toon and find a guild (or not) if that is your choosing. If your entire guild moves you form a new guild on the new server and you have to redo everything.


With server mergers your current guild bank ship and the condition of all the above get moved to the new server as well.


People who are in guilds that they are dedicated to and happy with want the server mergers to happen so they don't have to repurchase a guild ship and 6 Guild Bank tabs then do all the work it takes to max out and redecorate their guild ship.


Are server transfers nice? Yes, for individuals.

A merger is better for whole guilds looking to move.

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One of the key differences is this.

With server transfers you move your toon and find a guild (or not) if that is your choosing. If your entire guild moves you form a new guild on the new server and you have to redo everything.


With server mergers your current guild bank ship and the condition of all the above get moved to the new server as well.


People who are in guilds that they are dedicated to and happy with want the server mergers to happen so they don't have to repurchase a guild ship and 6 Guild Bank tabs then do all the work it takes to max out and redecorate their guild ship.


Are server transfers nice? Yes, for individuals.

A merger is better for whole guilds looking to move.


Well we don't know if guildships get it because no merges have been done since they were introduced into the game and this could be 1 of the reasons why they are not making comments.

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One of the key differences is this.

With server transfers you move your toon and find a guild (or not) if that is your choosing. If your entire guild moves you form a new guild on the new server and you have to redo everything.


With server mergers your current guild bank ship and the condition of all the above get moved to the new server as well.


People who are in guilds that they are dedicated to and happy with want the server mergers to happen so they don't have to repurchase a guild ship and 6 Guild Bank tabs then do all the work it takes to max out and redecorate their guild ship.


Are server transfers nice? Yes, for individuals.

A merger is better for whole guilds looking to move.


According to the previous two server merges, server merges would NOT transfer guilds or guild assets.


When the previous two server merges took place, guilds did NOT transfer, Guilds had to be reformed on the new server and hope that no one took your guild name first, then the new guilds had to go through customer support to have the guild bank re-authorized ( a process which took many guilds weeks or months, BTW) and anything that had been in the guild banks was lost.


Those server merges took place well before the advent of guild strongholds or guild ships, BTW. Now, in addition to the guild banks you can add guild strongholds and guild ships to the mix, as well as any guild decorations, which would also likely be lost.

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