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Choose your side. Feelings?


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I love it more than you could imagine. :D

But I wish they could let us choose the faction again after KOTET, not the class, but the faction. Because all my toons will choose the new Empire as an ally, ok? yet 4 of them (my pubs) will still be republic toons and will be locked from the imperial fleet and imperial outposts... so it doesn't make a lot of sense... think of it.


But I love where this is going. :D


I agree with you there. I would love nothing more than for my Jedi Knight to fully side with the Empire but in essence I suppose that would just make her yet another Sith Warrior on my list... but I can accept something like that may just not be feasible within the way the game's designed. So this... it's a nice medium right now and I'm eager to tell the Republic "cya!", if it won't cost me my man. ;)

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I wish there could be a third faction, because tbh neither side is very appealing to me.


Yeah, I kinda wish there was an option to just stay your own thing with the Alliance. Sure, the Republic is a big Charlie Foxtrot right now, but as much as I think Acina is an awesome Empress, I know she's going to betray me as soon as she thinks she holds the advantage. I mean, she's a Sith, that's how Sith work. I don't hold it against her!

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Do not read this post as being 100% serious, just an fyi. I kid around a bit, but my main general point is in the second paragraph.


So basically the republic and empire just invaded/sent scouts, ahead of deciding to get it for themselves or what-not I assume, a planet the alliance owns/claimed (Iokath) in KotET story-line... and then we're forced to team with one rather then announce they both invaded, and so both borderline started a war basically.

The planet, and the stuff that happened in the story is all that baffles me about this happening,

but I definitely did expect it to happen if that makes sense.


For me choosing a side depends on if my character allied with the Sith Empire, how they went about this betrayal by the Sith empress on that alliance and how my character feels like dealing with the betrayed alliance (if present prior) and the double invasion (yes overexaggeration, but it's MY PLANET) from both factions on a planet he/she claimed for the alliance. Yes, the Alliance Commander claimed it during KotET story line, even said in gialogue where LAna replied "they'll stay away, noone wants to pick a fight with you" .. bs, they just did, those scouts can get off my planet!


And that's all before I put the two companions out into the decisions mix lmao. Going to vary for characters for me.

Edited by Asmodesu
censored my swearing, sorry.
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I must say I like it. I was curious how they would get back to the old pub vs imp conflict and this is a good way of doing it. You pick a side and ally with them, which leaves all sorts of interesting scenarios. My light side sorc will probably make the plunge to republic. I'm hoping I will be able to take him to Tython or Coruscant.
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"So, during this we can choose to align our Alliance with either the Republic or the Sith Empire. This is exciting, because I will align with the Sith Empire immediately, but why would those who come from the Republic in the Alliance stick around, if we're taking the fight to the Republic? Will they leave the Alliance and return to the Republic or will they remain and fight against their former faction. Same applies if the coin is flipped.


Anyone want to share their thoughts on this?"[/i]


My thought on this is that most of the Alliance members are now loyal to the Alliance and maybe even more specifically to The Commander so not many would go back to fight for the Republic or Empire.


On a side note, I wish BW wouldn't actually name which companions are returning in their communications. I would prefer being surprised. They also did this in the Kotfe chapters, even depicting them in the launcher.


Where's the surprise? Where's the mystery? lol

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Well, since the Empire still condones slavery and is basically a military-backed oppressive theocracy, I think my jedi and my smuggler will back the Republic. Heck, even my BH would probably go Pub. My Sith Assassin, on the other hand...


So yeah, it will depend on each character is doing the storyline.

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Wow. I have to say. Seeing how many posters here seem to want to side with the Empire, you know, the Empire that's still kill happy for the slightest offense and still very much anti-alien, even if they "accept" them now, I am surprised. :p


What I think will be funny, is if siding with the Empire, means Quinn lives. Would those who want to kill Quinn, side with the Republic, just to kill Quinn?


Also, both sides ran things poorly against Zakuul, as they both gave up. The difference being, Empire kept to their "One Ruler" rule while the Republic kept to their "Democracy" even if Saresh managed to put puppets in there.

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My Agent has tried very hard to be neutral throughout EVERYTHING (too bad the stupid Dark Vs. Light battle messed THAT up-now she's Light 5 :/ ). She tried not showing any favors to EITHER side when building her Alliance. She let the Admiral die because she wanted to prove to the Alliance that she's not playing favorites. She killed Saresh (still cracks me up that Theron approved, lol) to show that she's not going to suffer fools of the Republic gladly. She didn't side with Acina because...well she just doesn't trust the Sith.


But now with this? There's not neutral option? Really? And now I'm worried because I'm probably going to HAVE to choose the Empire NOT because I feel it's right for my character (nor necessarily wrong), but because I'm afraid Vector will be gated behind that choice. He's not SUPER DUPER gung-ho about the Empire-his loyalty WAS to the Agent first and foremost at the end of the Agent's story-but he was a pretty big fan of the Empire.


I hate having my hand forced. I want to play my Agent in a way that felt organic to her and I make decisions based on what feels right for any given situation. With this, I now HAVE to know ahead of time what my choice will be for fear of losing the ONE companion I actually really, really want back.


And what happens to our current companions? I have it in my head that she and Theron are friends. She and Aric Jorgan admire each other's sniper rifles and talk shop. Does she lose them? (In game, this head-canoned friendship is symbolized by pushing their companion ranks towards 50-they're in their upper 30's now.)


And now say in this instance my Agent chooses to side with the Republic and now she loses Vector 2 real life years from now (because that's probably how long it'll take for him to come back). Now she can't start up a romance with, say, Theron because she DIDN'T start one with him back in Chapter 9 of KotFE. What happens then?


I really hope they can clarify this because unlike a single player RPG where we can go back to a previous save, some BS choice will last forever and the only way to get a different outcome is to play a whole new character.


(As a side note, and I mentioned this on Reddit, this "choose a side" might be a good answer to the "Which Jaesa will a non-Wrath get?" If we choose Empire, we get DS Jaesa and choosing Pub will give us LS Jaesa. Variables and considerations for an actual Wrath character, of course-a Imp choosing Wrath who had LS Jaesa as a companion will probably still get LS Jaesa-that's how *I* would handle it at least.)

Edited by AngFour
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Being a force user if they are really that concerned with what Jaesa couldn't they have her turned by someone in the lsst 5 / 6 yrs and then let you choose again to help her back light, or leave her dark. Cant imagine it would be that difficult.
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For the Republic!


Can't wait to get back to killing Imp/Sith scum. :cool:


Actually since my canon Outlander is a light side Jedi knight, I suppose he would be a lot less eager and would rather the conflict was settled peacefully. But I'm pleased to hear the game is returning to it's Star Wars roots. Zakuul and the Jedi/Sith alliance against them never felt like it was part of the same universe as the films.

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Excited, and not worried. My imps will choose empire and my pub will choose republic. I'm simple that way. I don't need Elara on my sith and Quinn on my trooper and other such things.




I wonder how the neutral characters will end up, assuming all companions return at some point. There are some companion characters who don't seem to have any particular loyalty to either side, and only up as Rep or Imp because they're attached to a player character that has chosen a side. Will they always default back to their old allegiance, or will some faction swap if the Outlander isn't their original squad leader?


Risha and Gault for example are two characters who never indicate any loyalty to one side or the other (ASFAIK), and only end up involved in the war because they signed up with the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter respectively. Both seem motivated entirely by credits and personal gain.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Really simple choice for me.

All my characters will side with the Empire, even my sage and my commando because it's the lovely, adorable and irresistible Malavai Quinn we are talking about.


I'm just super happy that he finally gets his big return and that even my republic charcters can have him as a companion.

I just hope my husbando Theron won't get too mad me.:D


And I'm actually not afraid that our decision will gate us out of possible future companions. I assume that future companion decisions will come with their very own "choose this or that scenario".

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How it should be:


It will be the beginning of the end for the Eternal Alliance since it was created by rogue members of both Empire and Republic to fight Zakuul and that goal has been achieved. There is no reason why members from the Republic should be on board for supporting Empire and vica versa, so the Alliance is gonna crumble and fall, with everyone returning to their home faction.


How it will actually be:


You gonna get "Lana/Theron approves/dissaproves" message depending who you decide to back up. And you gonna end up fighting the same mobs and doing the same quests regardless of who is your ally. You may consider yourself lucky if quests will at least have different names for each sides.

Edited by Gelious
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I can't wait for my Warrior to get Quinn back, his my first officer.


On the down side Elara is one of my favorite Republic Companions, because she is an Imperial at heart and always hoped she would return to the empire. So a little sad that she can't be recruited and brought back to the fold, but two companions both love interests both that speak basic, its pretty bloody good. Even if I want Both of them!

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I love how they punish you for siding with the empire by giving you Quinn back instead of Mako, Jaesa, Khem, etc... (j/k)


I actually like Elara, but siding with the post-KotFE Pub fustercluck... no. Darth Acina vs. the Pub gaggle of Saresh-manipulated idiots is not a hard choice.


Well it would depend on your character. My agent doesn't trust the Empire, with very good reasons. I could see my agent supporting the Republic in her situation.



After the brain washing, how could she?



My inquisitor is not a fan of the empire either, due to the fact of her being a slave. She doesn't believe in slavery so for her to support an empire that does, doesn't fit with her. That's not to say she is 100% republic either. I can see her having a problem deciding which side to support (lol)

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Nope. They said on Stream faction change is impossible to do.


If further down the road they put in a choice which polarizes your alliance based on faction they might be able to pull it off.


If we ever go back to PUBs vs IMPs, based on your choices during KotFE and beyond they could potentially bring back faction stories, and you'd only have access to the side you pick, which for all intensive purposes would be like switching factions.


I guess the issue with faction switching is it could potentially screw up faction balance... if like everyone turns empire on your server or something.

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