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Game is good atm


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A bunch of stuff.


I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying there, but.. well, it's not like I have a lot of options. I can cancel my subscription, fill in the little feedback box and voice my opinion here.


There is a significant chance that I will not get what I want, but.. well.. I'm going to do what little I can do and hope that I will get it anyway. I'm bitter, sure, but I try to remain civil and to the point and bring my story across, as I think that's all that I can do.

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Checking 1st page on this board:

Lot's of complaints, people saying they are unsubbing or even uninstalling the game. As usual off course.

Checking page 2: More of the same. Not a single positive thread.

Anyways quiet a few negative threads about 5.1, some also about 5.0


So here I am bringing a positive thread.


On my main toon, for the 1st time since I play this game, I have a 6 piece set.

I did enough gsf matches yesterday to get 100 unassembled components, won most, lost some. Off course, this wasn't on (for me) overpopulated harbinger either. No it was on Jedi Covenant.


I like the game atm. I have things to do. Most of my "non gsf" alts are now in gsf as well. I am going to play this game for a while. And you know, I think the non-vocal majority agrees with me since I see a lot of new names on the server. Gsf popping a lot. Thanks bioware for doing this for us :)


Don't you know that you cannot have a positive thread on a game forum. You are supposed to come onto the forums, whine like a little b**ch, and then load the game up and play for hours anyway. Good grief. Some people.

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I'll make this simple for you, because...obviously it's needed:


Don't call her out for doing what your buddies do, unless you're going to call them out too.


Does that make it easier for you?


So we get back to its ok to make up facts....awesome.

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So.. what does that mean? It means that I find myself in the awkward situation of actually hoping swtor loses a lot of subs, as that's the only thing that will cause them to change direction, while also desperately hoping that it will not kill off the game, because I was not ready to give up on it. I just physically could not continue to have fun like I did before. I realize I might not be the majority, having over a hundred characters and having played (a varying degree of) challenging content on over 30 of those in the last year. I can't do it like this.


All the content I still want to enjoy is still there, the characters that I am absolutely in love with are all still there..


Am hoping against my better judgment that the next stream will actually convince me to come back. Feeling repetitive.. but.. I miss my favorite game and I'm tired of being trivialized for wanting it back.


You actually sound a great deal like me and how I feel about the game. (Although I only have 42 characters.) I'd love to see BW bring fun back to the game. I'm actually happy there are people still enjoying it. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. BW should be in no doubt as to why I am unhappy at this point. They should have no problem figuring out what it would take to get my money for a sub flowing again. But I am also realist enough to know that if they drag this put like they did in 1.x, many aren't coming back, they'll be too invested in other games. (Same thing happened at launch. Most of those people never came back.)


I've got 13 days left on my sub. If the stream this week doesn't announce a great deal that makes me happy (including dumping RNG as the primary means of end game gearing) I'm out when the sub runs out. Who knows, I might come back and level someone through Corellia or maybe even all the way through Yavin as F2P. That is the best part of the game, at this point. Then again, I might not. I can definitely say I won't pay for the mess this game has become.


To those who are enjoying the game, great. Please do. Pay for it as long as you are getting your money's worth out of it. If nothing else, it's worth playing all 8 class stories through Corellia, then your favorite 2 through Yavin.

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Don't you know that you cannot have a positive thread on a game forum. You are supposed to come onto the forums, whine like a little b**ch, and then load the game up and play for hours anyway. Good grief. Some people.


This wasn't actually a positive post. It was a passive-aggressive attack on the people who are unhappy. A positive post would have just cheerfully talked about why they are having fun and left it at that.

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Display Name: Groncho

Account Creation Date: 03.09.11


Subscription Plans

You have 5 days of subscription play time remaining.



unsub/ after 5 years, 14 Valor 100 toons, more than 1.500 Millions credits all arround. Subbed since day 1, Done it all, seen it all, proudly 1750 rating in 8v8's. Hated arenas but continued, Did all the Operations, Flashpoints etc...


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So I'm someone who is, on balance, happy with the game right now. There are certainly individual things I don't care for with the game as a whole and with 5.x in particular, but I find the good strongly outweighs the bad for me. I loved the 4.x model, and one of my biggest gripes about KotET is that it's pulled back a bit on some of what KotFE was doing.


That being said, self-professed "let's say something nice about the game" threads tend to strike me as... not quite disingenuous, but at least forced. While I may disagree with the substance of many of the complaints being pointed at the game, I can appreciate that most are honest, direct reactions to the game itself, and genuine expressions of the players' immediate responses to it (outside of a few trolls, that is).


I love seeing, for example, after someone plays a new Chapter and makes a "that was fantastic!" thread about it, because that's the same type of ernest response - but a "wow, there's a lot of negativity here, let's make a conscious effort to say something positive" seems one step removed from the game itself.


I dunno, just some idle thoughts on these types of threads since they do show up periodically.

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Yeah I like the increased Q pops all around.


Nothings perfect, but I'm not content starved, and 5.0 brought GSF back into the fold like you mentioned, so it's fun getting more into that again.


Unless you're trying to run an operation then the population is still dead and 5.1 isn't going to fix that. I haven't been able to get a hit on group finder as a healer since 5.0 hit on Harbinger and in 3.0 and 4.0 I'd get a hit within 5 minutes as heals.

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Unless you're trying to run an operation then the population is still dead and 5.1 isn't going to fix that. I haven't been able to get a hit on group finder as a healer since 5.0 hit on Harbinger and in 3.0 and 4.0 I'd get a hit within 5 minutes as heals.


Operations never pop on GF, even on bonus nights. Ops are less accessible than GSF, they should probably do something to make Operations more fun or engaging. They could add 5 new operations tomorrow, and it'll still be extremly frustrating for players to engage in them as a whole.


Hopefully they rework Uprisings to be more like Ops-lite rather than Flashpoint-lite, and make it 8 - 16 man instead of 4. Uprisings should be stepping stones to Ops, not flashpoints. That's what tacticals are.

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The Good:


If you are in a guild where folks who have more time to figure out all the changes can regurgitate it back to you and even offer to craft items and take you operations then yes, it is good.


If you are one of these 'Soloists' that repels any social kind of interaction then you will probably miss out on some of the tiny changes. Nothing wrong with going it alone and leveling up your 99th sage for story sake but if you want to determine if a lethal mod 46, 46a, or 46b is the right one for your character it might be easier to get with your guilds theory crafter.


For Example: Our guild ran operations when they were bonus and one guy reminded us to unlock at least 2 or 3 tiers of our NEW character CXP perk. People not on mumble missed out on it as well as the pugs in the operation. Dulfy is great but isn't on the ball like he/she used to be.

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I hate I can't find that good game.


  • The good game with new content thats worth repeating.
  • The good game with content that when completed time after time in it's grind is rewarding for your time and effort.
  • The good game that doesn't rely so much on 2+ year old content and a company that does little else but spend time figuring out how they can encourage you to play it again and again after all this time.
  • The good game that had some pretty awesome class stories.
  • The good game that had story but learned after launch (or should have) story was never going to carry the game like they hoped it would.


As a long time swtor gamer, I could go on but there really is no reason to. The game has fallen very far over time and 5.0/5.1 is killing the chance at a good game.


There is just to much mediocrity these days in swtor. To many bad designs and developments from bw for it to be considered a good game.


The Star Wars part is nice but it doesn't fix the screwed up game parts bw keeps pushing out.

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Of Course its GSF lel. Of course it's JC lol.



Tfw when JC had double the pop in 3.0 and 2.0. FeelsMemesMan.


I do run into a bunch of former JC players on Goblin so there's that :3


JC que last night died off at 10 pm with only 4v4 pop and only having 6 players with one team having only 2 player for round one. Yep this game is great shape think positive no problem here.... The server have been dying for month up to and past 5.1 give it a month from now and there will be server mergers. My guild had 6 people on JC un sub last night and will have more tonight reason gearing.

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Well at least a few people on the forums like 5.x then. :)


And judging by this thread it really is only a few.


It's worth noting we shouldn't confuse people who love the game, aren't happy about 5.x changes but play the game anyway as they can deal with it or it's no big deal ( story players for the most part ) as being people who are happy with 5.x - you can like the game and not like 5.x, you don't have to be one or the other.

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JC que last night died off at 10 pm with only 4v4 pop and only having 6 players with one team having only 2 player for round one. Yep this game is great shape think positive no problem here.... The server have been dying for month up to and past 5.1 give it a month from now and there will be server mergers. My guild had 6 people on JC un sub last night and will have more tonight reason gearing.



I am sure there were those who wanted to see 5.1 before they made their choice to unsubscribe or not. Time will tell what they decided. Personally I don't think 5.1 has been of any help, and the number of bugs it has introduced is impressive. Maybe if they fire some they could use the money saved to hire a testing department.

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It probably comes down to... what do you like to do.


I didn't play lately because of the very few GSF pops on my server which is the primary reason I play this game. I came back and found GSF popping during my play time.

I found out that I could gear up with set bonusses via other means then running OPS, which was an activity that I hated to do.


And the most fun thing about coming back... yeah:


Yesterday when someone was yelling in GSF chat, complaining about everything such as premades and how a lot of people sucked etc etc. hilarious.

Switching from a bomber to a scout to smack a gunship pilot who was ion spamming me, rawr. Good times.

In short, the gsf community on JC and the usual, fly whatever you want and make some fun.


Off course, I also enjoy doing some heroics, fp's and now again dailies as well. Thats still there and it's fun.

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It probably comes down to... what do you like to do.


I didn't play lately because of the very few GSF pops on my server which is the primary reason I play this game. I came back and found GSF popping during my play time.

I found out that I could gear up with set bonusses via other means then running OPS, which was an activity that I hated to do.


And the most fun thing about coming back... yeah:


Yesterday when someone was yelling in GSF chat, complaining about everything such as premades and how a lot of people sucked etc etc. hilarious.

Switching from a bomber to a scout to smack a gunship pilot who was ion spamming me, rawr. Good times.

In short, the gsf community on JC and the usual, fly whatever you want and make some fun.


Off course, I also enjoy doing some heroics, fp's and now again dailies as well. Thats still there and it's fun.


I would point out that the negativity isn't that you can now get your set bonus, that is indeed a boon. The negativity comes from that those who got their SB through OPs or PVP and thus arguably need it most now have to grind other content by a massively increased factor just to get the gear they need to do the content they want.


5.1 somewhat changed this in that we can get gear outside of GC again but it's still a massive grind compared to pre 5.x and some people just don't have that time to get the gear just to be able to do the harder content they want.


A great 5.0 would have been GC and the old system left in place - perhaps tweaked as required. Everyone wins.

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checking 1st page on this board:

Lot's of complaints, people saying they are unsubbing or even uninstalling the game. As usual off course.

Checking page 2: More of the same. Not a single positive thread.

Anyways quiet a few negative threads about 5.1, some also about 5.0


so here i am bringing a positive thread.


On my main toon, for the 1st time since i play this game, i have a 6 piece set.

I did enough gsf matches yesterday to get 100 unassembled components, won most, lost some. Off course, this wasn't on (for me) overpopulated harbinger either. No it was on jedi covenant.

I like the game atm. I have things to do. Most of my "non gsf" alts are now in gsf as well. I am going to play this game for a while. And you know, i think the non-vocal majority agrees with me since i see a lot of new names on the server. Gsf popping a lot. Thanks bioware for doing this for us :)

So do I. :D

Edited by StupidWiz
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Glad you are having fun, you must be new to the game then, since its not fun for people that did everything in the game 2 years ago already.


Enjoy the game before it shuts down! this guy made a great comparison:


-Remember when the servers look like this: Image1

-Months later look like this: Image2

-Then came Server Merge.

-And Now the servers look like this: Image3


So enjoy while it lasts!

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Checking 1st page on this board:

Lot's of complaints, people saying they are unsubbing or even uninstalling the game. As usual off course.

Checking page 2: More of the same. Not a single positive thread.

Anyways quiet a few negative threads about 5.1, some also about 5.0


So here I am bringing a positive thread.


On my main toon, for the 1st time since I play this game, I have a 6 piece set.

I did enough gsf matches yesterday to get 100 unassembled components, won most, lost some. Off course, this wasn't on (for me) overpopulated harbinger either. No it was on Jedi Covenant.


I like the game atm. I have things to do. Most of my "non gsf" alts are now in gsf as well. I am going to play this game for a while. And you know, I think the non-vocal majority agrees with me since I see a lot of new names on the server. Gsf popping a lot. Thanks bioware for doing this for us :)


im glad ur enjoying the game - i still do aswell - been a sub since 1.6. but this doesnt mean there isnt a drought on content and there is issues with the new cxp gearing system grind - the numbers are way to high for people to be able to work on alts in a productive way + the continuos investment mostly on cartel market..where they disreguard other areas..

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