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So do you prefer the prequels over the original trilogy?


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I like the prequels better because of *****y anakin and palpatines "do it" line.

I know a few people who have the same opinion as me, but I feel like everyone just hates the prequels because of 1 character and episode.


P.S Force awakens was worse than the prequels :p (If I am a troll for having an opinion that's funny.)

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My order of preference, from favorite to least favorite:

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • A New Hope
  • The Force Awakens / Rogue One (tie)
  • Revenge of the Sith / Return of the Jedi (tie)
  • Attack of the Clones
  • The Phantom Menace


I don't hate the prequels by any stretch, I just think there are a lot of problems with them - problems that extend well beyond a single comic relief character who didn't quite hit the mark.

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There are certainly some good points to the prequels, but a lot more that simply doesn't make sense. To me, it's all kind of like Greek mythology... the story could be told many ways, while maintaining just a few important details.


My head canon is far more reasonable and entertaining than the prequels.


Obviously, I like OT better. TFA and R1 were both really good, also. But all of the movies are entertaining.

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Curious, how old are you? I've seen opinions mostly differ with age. People who were huge SW fans before the prequals existed tend to not like the prequals.


I am 18 years old, I saw the original trilogy first but I am pretty sure it was one of the remastered ones.

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Jar Jar I can live with, but I can't get past midichlorians. (The wooden acting and completely unbelievable romance between Anakin & Pademe don't help)


The way he flirted with padme was kind of creepy he just talks about the planet being soft and then rubs her awkwardly.

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The way he flirted with padme was kind of creepy he just talks about the planet being soft and then rubs her awkwardly.

I honestly thought that was one of the least painful scenes between them - the scene in the field in Ep II or on the apartment balcony in Ep III were so much worse IMO. (At least the fireplace scene in Ep II was somewhat visually interesting, but even that had such poor line deliveries.)


I can't wrap my head around how utterly non-existent the directing must have been to get to the point where the takes we saw on the screen were the best ones they had to work with.

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The originals are always going to be the best in my heart. Nothing will change it. Carrie Fishers death hit me really hard and I was not expecting that.


Episodes I and II are almost painful to watch with Jar-Jar and the awkward lines about sand. I think Ani was a fellow Aspi. I remember being pretty young when Ep I came out and even I was completely annoyed with "Ani" and Jar jar. Although, I was old enough to crush on Ewan Mcgregor *heart eyes* . He is so good as Obi Wan and I want all the movies about him.


Revenge of the Sith was actually a good movie.


Force Awakens was meh. I look forward to a different style with episode VIII.


Rogue One was really depressing because I liked all the characters, especially Chirrut.

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I like all of them :p I'm not picky. I'm also 28.


Even with the wooden acting in the prequel trilogy and Anakin's red flag inducing courtship with Padme... I still enjoyed it. Mostly because my husband and I enjoy making fun of AoTC. Doesn't really take away my enjoyment of the film though.


I also LOVE TCW and Rebels. I've read a good chunk of the books, too. I also enjoy KOTOR I/II, and I like swtor.


I LOVE Star Wars. Somethings should just be that basic. I never understood all the arguing and stuff. If you don't like something, then don't watch it. If you do, just watch it and get on with your life.

Edited by GabbyMe
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I liked the prequels, although I could have done w/o jarjar. Although I think without Ewan Mcgregor they would have been much worse, he was fantastic. Much like Harrison Ford did for the originals.


As far as the Force Awakens, it was just ok. I am bitter though that they ignored the lore from the expanded universe. After reading so many of the books it was hard getting into this new story.

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I like Star Wars as I like chocolate, sometimes I just crave it, and if I just manage to reach the cheap stuff, my cravings will be satisfied, somewhat. Compared with other stuff I like, Star Wars is an own category, I never judge Star Wars as being bad, just more OR less fulfilling.

And for me a world with Star Wars is more fulfilling than a world without.;)


Empire Strikes Back is by far the most fulfilling.

Close second is A New Hope, but I'm too emotionally attached to that movie to fully rank it, Both picture and sound so Good that in those days we've never seen anything better

For me RotS and RotJ is on equal footing, were only the Music puts RotJ ahead by a thumbnail.

As stand alone movies I felt the most fulfilled with R1 over TFA.

I really like Episode II Obi-Wan is like Bond in Space and Yoda is "M"

and lastly I feel that Lucas vision of a bigger Universe and a world with Jedis comes thru in TPM, what he chooses to put in that universe feel a bit less fulfilling.


;)/ Cheers

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I mostly enjoy the whole set as it is. OT had better acting, but I won't discount the PT and will usually enjoy watching them. The anikan-padme romance is annoying and creepy at times. Somewhere I read that they're really only five years apart, which helps a bit with AotC and RotS. As far as Phantom Menace, I just think that he most likely hasn't seen anyone like her before, free and beautiful, and that drew his interest more than normal (not to mention, maybe they have different customs? I dunno).


I enjoy it as a whole. It helped build the story for the PT (and Rogue One *cue heart breaking), it gave insight into Jedi traditions and rules, and why Yoda is on such a dark planet like Dagobah and Obi-wan on Tatooine.


Same goes for TFA and Rogue One (so beautiful..)

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As someone that became a SW fan as a gamer (kotor 1,2) not as a movies fan, i never had the mindset of comparing the 2 trilogies with passion. To me they are both not that great.


The original trilogy as a whole has a certain charm though.

Edited by Kaedusz
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As someone that became a SW fan as a gamer (kotor 1,2) not as a movies fan, i never had the mindset of comparing the 2 trilogies with passion. To me they are both not that great.


The original trilogy as a whole has a certain charm though.


Would, from that perspective, be interesting to know your greatest, or best, movie moment !?

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