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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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1) The UI needs to be able to be moved and resized, ASAP. The bottom action bars are way too big, and I want to turn off the menu bar at the center top of the screen.


2) An LFG channel or even better way to find groups for Heroics/FPs/OPs. Gets old spamming general chat and seeing everyone else have to do it also.


That's about it really.

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My number 1 complaint is no anti aliasing.


For me to put it on I have to edit a file. But when I do that sometimes holograms don't show up. So for now at least I get to choose to either have the game look good 95% of the time or look pretty bad 95% of the time.


Aside from that I'd have to say the lack of graphic option tweeks. IE turning down particle effects or reduce the amount of dynamic lighting which would make a sizable improvement to how the game runs if you have an average computer.

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People looking for the bad, that's my biggest complalint.


Go have fun and play the game, jeeze.

So far the number one complaint is:

Too many people complaining about the game.


Which is interesting in it's hypocritical potential.


I really think if Blizzard is doing any sort of forum shenanigans they're paying people to defend the game.


Because if the game was to have any Issues, it's in their best interest for them not to be addressed.

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The fact that this is not an MMO. It's mainly a single player game.


For god's sake, you can't even TALK in the game world, there's no speech bubbles. Every connection with the avatar and the other players is lost.


There is no incentive to join in a group. Most people are doing their class quests and YOU CAN'T DO THEM WITH A FRIEND. Each one has to do it on his or her own, so why group, except when it's about flashpoints?


There's just no proper incentive to communicate with others (and the tools are not there as well).


No one is going to pay a fee for a single player game. BioWare and EA have dropped the ball and it will be evident down the line.

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It's not an auction house .. go back to WoW.


My biggest complaint? People trying to make this Space WoW. (See above)


No it's not an AH it's a Galactic Trade Network , Not very Galactic though is it in fat it should be aptly renamed the Localised Trade Network so your attempt at being a smart *** fails.

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The fact that this is not an MMO. It's mainly a single player game.


For god's sake, you can't even TALK in the game world, there's no speech bubbles. Every connection with the avatar and the other players is lost.


There is no incentive to join in a group. Most people are doing their class quests and YOU CAN'T DO THEM WITH A FRIEND. Each one has to do it on his or her own, so why group, except when it's about flashpoints?


There's just no proper incentive to communicate with others (and the tools are not there as well).


No one is going to pay a fee for a single player game. BioWare and EA have dropped the ball and it will be evident down the line.


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The closed world-ness. This *MMO* feels more like a singleplayer game, I cannot exlpore for crap, always feel closed in and forced to be in a specific area and that's about the only complaint I have. And it's too late to change that either. Really bad design decision by BioWare, I wonder why did they make a closed world with 150m budget, just amazes me.
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