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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This is not WoW ... stop trying to make it WoW


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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.




I honestly think this happens in EVERY MMO since WOW.


I call it....TROLLING!


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I was glad to see this game had some depth and didn't seem to be catering to that WoW mentality, but now the influx of fast food gamers are flooding the community. Too bad.
They'll eventually disappear once they figure out TOR isn't a loot pinata. LOL ... fast food gamers. That's perfect. :D Edited by GalacticKegger
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You are correct it isn't WoW... However the key to success would be learning from another's example and building upon it. Take the good, ditch the bad, and make the good even better. Then add in some unique things and go from there.


With that being the truth I can absolutely see how people would ask to compare to something they are familiar with and want the features from said familiarity to move with them.


To me that isn't frustrating. To me the frustrating part is the "If you don't do this just like <Insert your favourite past MMO and believe me I've seen more I want SWG II then I want WoW in Space> then this game will fail and I'm outta here".


I'd agree if we hadn't already seen what happens to an MMO that "learns from WoW's example" and makes everything as simple and easy as it is in WoW and even improves on a few things.


Rift... opened with 25-30 servers. Now, not even a year later, all but 5-6 are ghost towns.


SWTOR needs to stay as far from WoW as possible.

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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.


It's inspired by WOW and similar in many ways.

Yes fanboys hate to admit it but SWTOR is closer to WOW than WOW was to EQ.

In fact Rift/EQ2/EQ1/Aion/Warhammer/ and LOTR have less in common with WOW than SWTOR.


The main difference is WOW quests are better designed but have a horrible story and are dull and SWTOR has cookie cutter quests but sublime voice acting and story.


The rest it's all the same, you call it barrier I call it power word shield.

You call it innervate I call it riptide.

A lot of talents are very similar just like a lot of bosses use similar mechanics.

Even two BG's are the same as WOW but just with a SW skin.


Bosses use a lot of the same mechanics as well.

Fanboy all you want it simply true.


That said SWTOR is a fun game with some short comings, but with some more effort it will be great.

If you truly dislike MMO's like this you would not be playing WOW/SWTOR/Rift or EQ2 but something completely different.


I think WOW is a great game and well I like SWTOR as well, I would be lying to myself if I would say the games are two complete different beasts.

If I would take an example I would say Ragnarok online VS WOW or FF 11 VS WOW than you talk about some big differences.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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WoW quests are 98% boring, 2% interesting. How anyone can say the same 'ol kill X of whatever quests, or collect X of whatever while killing Y of whatever is "better." This game at least disguises the grind in cinematics, and that makes them a lot more interesting imo. However, GW2 is taking that next step - we'll see if it actually works. If so, that will probably become the new standard in MMO questing.


LFD: good riddance. Was a cancer to WoW.


This game can certainly use some improvements, but so far, it's a lot of fun.


Solo game? Don't know how. I can JUST bring my friends or wife into my class quests, which is great. I can still do world heroic mobs with groups, can still do world bosses with groups, can still do flashpoints (dungeons) with groups. I don't see how this is a single player game.

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It's inspirited by WOW and similar in many ways... bosses use a lot of the same mechanics as well.
Actually the game was inspired by its predecessors KOTOR and Mass Effect; neither of which even remotely resemble WoW's predecessors Warcraft and Diablo. As for boss mechanics, here's what you saw in WoW and will never see in TOR:


Force leap to start the fight and begin the 1st boss enrage timer that DBM says will manifest itself as a pool of bubbling snot underneath all casters who aren't mucous buffed. Once the enrage timer expires then everyone do-si-do's two steps left then one step back in unison, bends over, grabs their ankles and concurrently lets out a Force Fart tuned to the key of C# to extinguish the walls of flame emitting from a 20 foot section of floor that just caved in behind the party for no reason whatsoever. The floor then rises back up to its original level allowing the party to move back into initial position while avoiding armor eating oil slicks dropped by leaky hovercraft that will randomly pick up a player and drop them off the map into outer space. If the hovercraft is shot down before the player dies then the boss' enrage timer begins again, but this time doubles in duration; and the floor - instead of caving in beneath the players - explodes into molten shards that must be interrupted simultaneously by two non-force users within the first 3 seconds of every add phase with ...


Thanks, but no thanks.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Im sorry if it offends anyone but I found World of Warcraft to be too easy, it had no depth and the rading wasnt very hard. I found the addons made the game too childish among other things and it was originally intended for 10 year olds to play and the fact that so many adults and older teenagers like to play it baffles the mind because there is no challenge in that game. I like having to figure things out and I think alot of todays MMO crowd likes it as well. Dumbing down a game to conform to peoples idea of a better game just because millions play it, there are alot more millions who hate WoW and anything to do with it because of these reasons, I think alot of you are finding that out in these forums. Im not trying to offend anyone but its true. Bioware would be smart to steer away from copying other MMO's and try thier own brand of doing things which they are the best at in my opinion, from KOTOR , Mass Effect, and Dragon age they get what sells. Edited by Fallensouls
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Ahem.... WoW was not the first MMO nore was it original all WoW did was take the MMO template and improve upon it by removing things that were annoying (e.g crafting had a chance to fail) it did this with games Such as Ever Quest and so on.


SWTOR has done the same it has take the MMO TEMPLATE not copyed wow but taken the M M O TEMPLATE Which all MMO's use and removed useless stuff, added its own stuff and improved upon existing stuff.


People need to remember WoW its self is a quoat un quoat "Clone" of the MMO's that came before it.


My final point. Who cares if it borrowed things from other games, it happens all the time in everything. just shut up, get on with the game and stop comparing it to WoW; an MMO thats long out lived its greatness WoW "died" along time ago and is just clinging onto life and dragging its self out to long. Its 7 god damn years old, its had its time at the top and has set a good standard for MMO's to go by and people should accept the fact its long out lived its awesomenes.

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Im sorry if it offends anyone but I found World of Warcraft to be too easy, it had no depth and the rading wasnt very hard. I found the addons made the game too childish among other things and it was originally intended for 10 year olds to play and the fact that so many adults and older teenagers like to play it baffles the mind because there is no challenge in that game. I like having to figure things out and I think alot of todays MMO crowd likes it as well. Dumbing down a game to conform to peoples idea of a better game just because millions play it, there are alot more millions who hate WoW and anything to do with it because of these reasons, I think alot of you are finding that out in these forums. Im not trying to offend anyone but its true. Bioware would be smart to steer away from copying other MMO's and try thier own brand of doing things which they are the best at in my opinion, from KOTOR , Mass Effect, and Dragon age they get what sells.


You must not have played in Vanila my friend.

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I played wow since release. Some people in this thread seem to forget how shaky the wow release was. Entire servers crashing without warning, losing levels and items. The first time we beat Ony, the server crashed, we all lost everything. Same happened with Swp years later, it happens, games are buggy sometimes. I loved wow for what it was.


I played swtor since early access. I'll never go back to wow. Why? Personal preference. I happen to enjoy the sci-fi atmosphere, and the people I've met so far more than I enjoy anything in wow. It's nobody's fault. Wow is still a good game. I just happen to prefer swtor now. Cool huh? Opinions are neat.

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You are correct it isn't WoW... However the key to success would be learning from another's example and building upon it. Take the good, ditch the bad, and make the good even better. Then add in some unique things and go from there.


With that being the truth I can absolutely see how people would ask to compare to something they are familiar with and want the features from said familiarity to move with them.


To me that isn't frustrating. To me the frustrating part is the "If you don't do this just like <Insert your favourite past MMO and believe me I've seen more I want SWG II then I want WoW in Space> then this game will fail and I'm outta here".


There is nothing good to take form wow though. It destroyed MMO's, hand feeding youngsters shinys so now they see MMos as nothing but shiny vendors. The greed an angst that wow turned these games into is mind boggling. Hell I had a guy tell me yesterday in game, that an I quote


"leveling is nothing, if you are not 50 you have no comments to make on tor now be quiet kid"...


Now the fact that I am twice his age, an level 1 in MMO's is every bit as important as level 50 just shows you how far wow dropped MMO's on its collective head.


Rift is an example of hwta happens when you allow wow players to have their way. We already have the same pvp system as rift :(


They don't want anyone pvping in the world so they removed any way to earn points in world povp (I cant help but laugh when I say world pvp), because thee is none. Everyone farms BG's because thats all they allow for.


73 People I have killed since game started, guess how many points I have ?.... ZERO!! lol.


Now they want even more wow/rift systems, I honestly never understand why it is they don't play wow if they want wow. Honestly if anyone wants to explain it to me I would love to know...

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The two main complains I see are this:


- WoW players upset that many of their beloved features from that game aren't in SWTOR such as LFD, Macros and what not.


- MMO Traditionalist upset that this game is very solo heavy

Now thats what I signed up for! :D

Edited by bilalkhan
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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.


As someone that played both WOW and SWG for years, I have to agree.


Of course there are some striking similarities w/ this game and WoW, but as successful as WoW has been...you'd be a fool not to base some of your mechanics on the template WoW refined and EQ defined.


People expecting TOR to be WoW in space or a Star Wars Simulator are in for disappointment.

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There is nothing good to take form wow though. It destroyed MMO's, hand feeding youngsters shinys so now they see MMos as nothing but shiny vendors. The greed an angst that wow turned these games into is mind boggling. Hell I had a guy tell me yesterday in game, that an I quote


"leveling is nothing, if you are not 50 you have no comments to make on tor now be quiet kid"...


Now the fact that I am twice his age, an level 1 in MMO's is every bit as important as level 50 just shows you how far wow dropped MMO's on its collective head.


Rift is an example of hwta happens when you allow wow players to have their way. We already have the same pvp system as rift :(


They don't want anyone pvping in the world so they removed any way to earn points in world povp (I cant help but laugh when I say world pvp), because thee is none. Everyone farms BG's because thats all they allow for.


73 People I have killed since game started, guess how many points I have ?.... ZERO!! lol.


Now they want even more wow/rift systems, I honestly never understand why it is they don't play wow if they want wow. Honestly if anyone wants to explain it to me I would love to know...


Because it is just like you said... SWTOR is new and shiny!

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You are correct it isn't WoW... However the key to success would be learning from another's example and building upon it. Take the good, ditch the bad, and make the good even better. Then add in some unique things and go from there.


With that being the truth I can absolutely see how people would ask to compare to something they are familiar with and want the features from said familiarity to move with them.


To me that isn't frustrating. To me the frustrating part is the "If you don't do this just like <Insert your favourite past MMO and believe me I've seen more I want SWG II then I want WoW in Space> then this game will fail and I'm outta here".


WoW has had some huge drops in player numbers lately, even though they have just released a bag of new content and have announced the next add-on.

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WoW has had some huge drops in player numbers lately, even though they have just released a bag of new content and have announced the next add-on.


And who cares? Noone. Because its not important. People tire of doing the same thing over and over, people grow up and more constructive things, people are tired of the same mmo-bash-buttons-model. Its not like WoW have any issues with lack of players even if a couple of millions leave anyway...

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The amusing thing is, although certain rabid fans keep telling people NOT to make comparisons with WoW, even one of Bioware's co-founders admits that WoW is a standard to measure by:




Blizzard's World of Warcraft is the touchstone on which BioWare measures its forthcoming Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic.


Speaking on the keynote panel today at the DICE Summit in Vegas, BioWare's Greg Zeschuk said that the company is following the rules established by Blizzard's subscription fantasy MMO.


"It is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb," Zeschuk told the audience.


It's just a shame that right now, parts of the game don't actually adhere to the standards found in certain parts of WoW (e.g. a user friend GTN UI and customisable UI). But, given Dr Z's comments, hopefully they'll nail those issues soon.


So please, stop with the WoW bashing and the "we don't need anything from WoW" groans because whether you like it or not, WoW is a standard that people compare to. That product includes features that are user friendly and therefore desired. Does that mean people want SWTOR to turn into WoW? No.


Whilst someone might hate WoW for their own personal reasons, that person would be naive to say that the product doesn't include certain features that are desirable. After all, the product can't be entirely bad if it has 10 million customers.

Edited by Tarka
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WoW has had some huge drops in player numbers lately, even though they have just released a bag of new content and have announced the next add-on.


The funny thing is, WoW has lost almost as many customers as TOR has at the moment, and is still 3 times bigger than TOR--unless you include China, in which case it's about 7 or 8 times bigger than TOR.

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The amusing thing is, although certain rabid fans keep telling people NOT to make comparisons with WoW, even one of Bioware's co-founders admits that WoW is a standard to measure by:




Oh Tarka....You remind me of The Legend of Sisyphus. You're pushing a boulder up a hill. I agree with most of what you've written time and time again, but you will never convince the diehard fans that there are serious issues with this game. They are like little children that just stick their fingers in their ears and sing lalalalala...


Sadly, the ones with constructive complaints and issues get drowned out with the crys of "Go back to WoW you heathens!"


I guess we need to take the wait and see approach with Bioware and trust they will address these issues before people start leaving. This is exactly what happened with Warhammer and Age of Conan. I don't want to see that happen with this game.

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Given up playing WoW to play this game as it is, if this turns to go in the same direction WoW and Blizzard is going then i will stop playing this too. Simple as that, don't ruin the game listening and given in to that wow generation of "want now".

The game is fine, needs a few tweaks and more content on the long run but they did a good job and is great fun, anyone saying the opposite need their head checked.


Put me down as a resounding "ditto" to this post

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Oh Tarka....You remind me of The Legend of Sisyphus. You're pushing a boulder up a hill. I agree with most of what you've written time and time again, but you will never convince the diehard fans that there are serious issues with this game. They are like little children that just stick their fingers in their ears and sing lalalalala...


I know, but I just thought it would be amusing to show them that, regardless of what THEY personally think, even their beloved co-founders think WoW has certain desirable qualities.


Sadly, the ones with constructive complaints and issues get drowned out with the crys of "Go back to WoW you heathens!"


I guess we need to take the wait and see approach with Bioware and trust they will address these issues before people start leaving. This is exactly what happened with Warhammer and Age of Conan. I don't want to see that happen with this game.


I agree. I have concerns about this game, BUT, like others I still want this game to succeed. The irony is that in a lot of cases those with concerns are expressing them because they KNOW Bioware can do better. Thus they perhaps have MORE faith in Bioware's capabilities than those who may just accept anything that Bioware make as being perfect.


One thing is for certain refusing to give negative feedback and just kissing Bioware's *** whilst flaming anyone who has the remotest problem with it, isn't going to help this product get any better. Bioware already have faith in their product, they don't need groupies. They are big boys and girls who can fight their own battles if needs be.

Edited by Tarka
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